From the Lowest Place to the Highest Field – NABEC Recap

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

From the Lowest Place to the Highest Field – NABEC Recap

20201016 Friday Night Worship

Most people aren’t interested in making sure to do their job well but it doesn’t work out.  Just as I said earlier, if you don’t know what God does, I have to pray on my own standard. We heard of a 10 contents. he first. The first word is believe in this, they mean nobody’s helping you. I like this is how God works.

Independence (Isolated Independence) -> Word

People are into humanism because people think it helps, if I keep on working on their social skills and things like that. That means your thoughts, must align with the gospel of God. I will begin where nobody helped me, why? Because we have the word of God. That’s what it means, nobody else wants to help me, which only go to God. Humanism is standing on people.

I stayed in Korea for 10 years. I need to buy an outfit but I don’t have enough money to think I really had no money to buy clothes. You have to understand my style a little bit. The messenger is the message.  God led me or called me into this situation.  After nine years and three months, I left Korea like this, and a missionary from Mexico, they came to our church.


Just one month earlier, I was in the military, and then I went to the very lowest area.  They did not tell me this on a normal everyday reason, but on the on the drinking day. You need to see things factually, no matter how weak. In the company or the culture that person above me is stronger than me. And you shouldn’t stay at the lowest level, we need to have a goal to reach to the highest place.



You must be able to go together with other people like yourself in the direction of saving others. And not just our church with others with other churches.


All of these things are naturally going to prayer. But if that doesn’t take place the person will naturally go into the direction of the convenience of them. You cannot go into the crisis, unless you’re within the covenant of prayer. Who cares if I become the president, what matters who becomes president. It’s hard enough to become president but it’s important who’s becoming a president. There’s one person who’s become president who can kill, then you can kill everybody who becomes deadly.  These are just words, we’re using to summarize correctly to remain at the covenant prayer.

No Competition

Nobody wants to go into the high schools and colleges. The churches don’t go in. People always say come to church, but they don’t go. So when they go into the places, because no one’s going there, because no one’s doing that. So it’s not just the church but other business people who are working with the jobs. The entire life did not need to compete.


Where we change everything; We create a uniqueness. And then you aim for the greatest thing of summit. You have to become the summit. Get to influence others. Then word evangelism takes place at the highest place.  There was a person who was a person who came to our church earlier, few months ago. He is a Chinese person, he’s actually Japanese just something that I felt when I was talking to him.  But that person is very Chinese he went into schooling for aerospace. There’s so many different studies to go into. Working on airplanes might be a lower level than being a doctor for example but there’s so many different factors.


And as I met with people that are not just a lawyer, but there’s so much opportunities to be the summit.



I was always asking God. Why do I have to go to America. Even America people are telling me it’s not God’s will. So when I ask God, why? My personal message is the answer that came to me. There’s hundreds of churches. And there’s mega churches. Why do I have to stay in America, here in LA.? To raise the remnants and the multiethnics.  Then you can see these answers. They need to go to the next generation remnants.

Introduction – Present Reality – Different Present Reality

There’s different reality that God gives.  If you think that present reality is a problem then God will show you a different reality of the answer.  I told another pastor, “Stop calling me. Go into the field, man.  Listen, if you’re a pastor and God has sent you to that field with a purpose.” But he is always caught up how to eat and survive. He received the Word of God, There’s a lot of people everywhere,

7 Remnants and Businesspeople

Moses. Obadiah. But Daniel is present reality was something different. They do all they do all that training to survive. You have to actually hold on to the covenant of the Word of God in order for you to see the present reality.


The main point is the actual evidence of this concept

  1. What Nobody Likes

So do the thing that nobody does.  Almost everybody almost everywhere just live with the flow. But they don’t want to go. what is the key?

  1. Acts 1:1, 3, 8.  They hate the Samaritans. They just have to see to see it. He can only go towards this the Word of God literally just listen to the gospel. But there are a lot of people who will walk the faith but connected into the conclusion of the cross. Otherwise that’s when you have no choice but to continue to be enslaved by your present reality.
  2. Gospel
  3. God’s Kingdom
  4. Nature.  And you like the physical works towards prosperity and blessings.
  • Deserted Places
  • [Prayer] – Holy Spirit

They talked about my prayer content. You need to have a content of prayer. Earlier we talked about five orders of prayer, that’s how you have a proper prayer. It is not about what kind of content; you have to go into a prayer

  • Holy Meditation.  If you’re just aiming for progress. You’re not gonna do world evangelisation at the same with a job you’re doing. If you’re just working to resolve your money problems, then your work is like a dog.
  • Six tools.
  • Stream.  The method is devotion. Stop forcing them to do things; you have to teach the kids. These people are doing their own thing. Being able to change yourself. He’s always talking about himself personally, about being lacking and weak. You need to submit yourself to be very good. You need to confirm really other people’s perspectives. When I trained the kids at church, it’s not going to elevate yourself. living in a non believer perspective, so who failed and succeeded? Even my daughter at 8am, she wakes up and joins Sharon’s Bible study. You’re a remnant leader, that’s what you do, so change them when they’re young.

To raise them up with the content of prayer.

And the third Holy Mason construction


And let’s hold on to the word God gave us today and let’s pray about it.

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