Freedom in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:1-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Freedom in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:1-10)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  The choir sang a song today, and the lyrics were about all the people who are dying in the field, trapped in religion, without knowing why they are dying. Who shall go out to save them?  God does not just send us without preparation, but He makes sure everything has no choice but to be fulfilled, and He has sent us out into the world with His grace and blessings. 

We will share the grace of God today with the Word titled, “Freedom in Christ Jesus.”  When we talk about freedom, a lot of people talk about the freedom and liberty that democratic nations like America talk about.  The history of all mankind is a repetition of wars that were fought to gain freedom. In the Middle Ages, there was a feudal time period where the lords would rule over all their slaves, and there was a time when superpower nations would take people from other nations as their slaves. 

Until about 100 years ago, this age of unfairness continued.  The same thing happened in America.  This society has been established based on human inequality, discrimination, and racism. Whenever humans or animals exist, there is the repetition of competition, of who is the strongest.  They say democracy is a free nation, we have the freedom of expression, we have the freedom of assembly where we can gather.  

We have the freedom to write and publish whatever our thoughts are.  We have the freedom to broadcast our own thoughts through media.  There are some nations that don’t have this freedom. Nations that block gathering, and if somebody criticizes the government, they will be imprisoned, and the people who have a lot of money will keep oppressing the poor so they cannot gain more money. There is an age or nation where the females are completely oppressed by the males.  

These are things that happened not even 100 years ago, but the word “freedom” has come into human society through the Bible. It’s explaining the relationship between the master and slave, 2000 years ago, and it’s a relationship where, regardless of your gender, you are regarded as one before the Lord. 

What is the freedom mentioned in Galatians 2:4? It is freedom in Christ Jesus; this is a freedom that is invisible to our eyes. People are living lives that are so bound because they’re bound in an invisible way first.  

1. Church of Jerusalem

  1) Paul, Barnabas, and Titus (Gal. 2:1)

Paul was proclaiming the gospel in the region of Galatia, and some Jews were saying, “Not only do you need the gospel, but you also need to be circumcised and follow the law of Moses,” this was a false gospel they were spreading.  Two years after that, Paul sent a letter back saying, “the gospel is not one of slavery; we will not obey.”

In order to resolve this issue, Paul, Barnabas, and Titus were sent to Jerusalem, and there they had a meeting in the Temple of Jerusalem with the 12 apostles.  They reported all the works they saw among the Gentiles as Paul, Barnabas, and Titus were proclaiming the gospel.  The ones who claimed the gospel should be spread only to the Jews were listening.  Among them, there were people in the Jerusalem Temple who continued to insist that you need not only the gospel, but also circumcision and the law to receive salvation.  

    (1) In response to a revelation (Gal. 2:2)

That’s why he began to explain personally and privately to those who seemed to be the leaders, who had authority, the truth about the gospel.  

    (2) The gospel that I preach among the Gentiles (Gal. 2:2)

In response to that, the Apostle Peter agreed that our ancestors could not even follow the law given to them, and they could not receive salvation through the law or circumcision. Therefore, it is only by faith in the gospel.  Another Apostle said that the Lord had testified that all the Gentiles will bear the name of Jesus, and finished the debate with the Word.

The Gentiles do not get circumcised or follow Moses’s law. They did not receive the law, so they don’t know it.  Apostle Paul testifies of only the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the works of salvation took place.  

    (3) Presented to those esteemed as leaders (Gal. 2:2)

Acts 15:17 said, the Lord had already prophesied that the Gentiles would receive the gospel in this way, so all of this was prepared in advance, and all of this was resolved.   So then the people of Jerusalem sent two others to the land of Galatia so they began to threaten using fear tactics that this gospel was wrong.  

  2) Antioch church

    (1) False believers (Gal. 2:4)

    (2) Law, Circumcision × – Salvation × (Ac. 15:1,5)

    (3) Slave to the law – Did not obey (Gal. 2:4-5)

We are living 2000 years in the future, so we already know that salvation is not found in the law and circumcision, then what exactly is the message God is giving to us through Galatians? This is in Gal. 2:4.  

  3) Meeting in Jerusalem 

    (1) The Gentiles – Believe by the message of the gospel (Ac. 15:7)

    (2) Saved through the grace of Jesus (Ac. 15:11)

    (3) That the Gentiles may seek the Lord – Fulfilled (Ac. 15:17)

2. Freedom in Jesus Christ

  1) Slave

They’re trying to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and make us slaves. Freedom is only found within Christ, the more you attach to Christ, the more you’re enslaved by that. Then, we’re going to look at these two words, “freedom,” and “slavery,” and we are going to enjoy true freedom. 

    (1) Yoke of the Law (Acts 15:5,10) 

In Acts 15:5, it says the Jewish people have the yoke of the law.  We are enslaving people by giving people the yoke of the law that even we could not obey.  

    (2) Slave to sin (John 8:34) 

John 8:34 says that we are slaves to sin.  

    (3) Slave to lies, slave to death (John 8:44, Heb 2:15) 

John 8:44 says, “your father the devil is a liar,” so we are enslaved to lies. Hebrews 2:15 says we are also held in slavery by our fear of death, dragged around our entire lives because of it.  This is talking about a slavery that is spiritual and invisible.  When we talk about being in a free, democratic nation, it’s talking about the physical freedom you can see, but the freedom the Bible talks about is the true freedom where we’re freed from spiritual bondage through Christ Jesus.  

If I am bound spiritually and invisibly, it will be revealed in a physical form of being seized. Once you’re bound by something you see, your thoughts will be bound as well.  That’s why our thoughts and bodies aren’t able to escape from our obsessions; no matter how much you try to not be obsessed or hyper-fixated, your spirit is already seized, so it’s bound to happen. This is starting to come into our emotions as well, it will start to be revealed through depression and panic disorders, or you’ll be seized by your emotions and depression.  

If you’re depressed because something sad happened, that makes sense but we have depression no matter what’s going on. There are some people who have bipolar disorder, and they are all of a sudden happy. There’s nothing for them to be excited about, but they’re manic; or there’s nothing to be afraid of, but they’re filled with terror.  

People try to solve this with medicine and doctors, but it’s impossible.  Yes, you can control your hormones to a certain extent with medication, but even if the symptoms get better, the problem will be revealed in another way.  That’s going to find you later on through a disease or cancer.  People do not die just because they get cancer. The problem is, they’re seized by their cancer, enslaved. Where does this slavery begin? The law, the law that people have made, the order or structure that people have made.  It seems like we need it, but if we’re seized by it, we’ll die. 

  2) Freedom 

What is the gospel we’ve been given?  We have been given freedom in Jesus Christ.  What exactly is freedom?

    (1) Truth will set you free (John 8:32) 

    (2) Law of the Holy Spirit of truth – Law of sin, death (Rom 8:2) 

    (3) Jesus Christ – Way, Truth, Life (John 14:6)

John 8:32 says the Truth will set you free.  What is the Truth?  John 14:6 says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  Jesus Christ Himself is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and you have to remain within Christ to receive true freedom.  Ever since we’re born, we’re born under the law of sin and death, and the law of sin and death means we cannot escape.  As soon as we’re born, we’re born as sinners, separated from God. Because we’re sinners, the result of sin, which is curses and disasters, follows us.  The result doesn’t follow because I sin, but because I am a sinner.  It doesn’t matter how well you live ethically and morally, the disasters will follow you.

    (4) Forces of death – Freedom (Heb 2:14,15) 

We were born under that law of sin, what is the law of death? It is a spiritual death.  We cannot overcome physical death.  Everybody has a fear of death, but there are some people who are not afraid.  Only the one who has the life that overcomes death is not afraid of death. If people get cancer, they don’t die because of the cancer itself but because of their fear of something else.  This person is not actually seized by their cancer, but even before their cancer, they were already seized.  

As the coronavirus comes to an end, we have another wave coming, and we have to be considerate of others. But the Devil will use this as fear of death. A virus is a virus, but people often die even before the virus.  Why?  They cannot overcome their fear of death. Why do people hate it when their business fails? If you fail, you should just fail. If you’re not good at studying, you can just be bad, but that’s not all there is.  People are afraid that if they fail, they will die. Satan has seized this person’s spiritual state.  

If you fail, you can just get back up. If you’re not good at studying, you can just do what you can, but the parents keep threatening their children, saying they’ll die if they don’t study well. And because the children are in this oppressive environment, they’re forced to study.  People keep putting fear in others, “Hey, you go to church and if you don’t do this, God is going to strike you.  The law is good for controlling people, but it doesn’t change their fundamental things. 

If you’re changing someone through the law, it means you’re dragging them through their bondage. It seems they’re being dragged initially, but they face a limitation; they face a personal limitation. You educate your children and you keep threatening them, saying, “If you’re not good at studying, you’re going to end up like your mom or dad,” but this isn’t going to work.  All of this just puts fear in each other.

The discipline of the law is a discipline of fear.  They make each other tremble in fear so you have no choice but to follow.  This is called a dictatorship.  This is why people cannot budge within dictatorships, and dictatorships are bound to fail, they have a limitation.  All the things we need are necessary, but once you are emphasizing them, they will seize somebody.  The organizations that humans have created are necessary, but if you emphasize that too much, you will bind people so they’re tied up in the organization. 

We have been set free from the law of sin and death, but how?  I believe we can only be liberated by the law of the Spirit of Life within Jesus Christ.  Ever since we’re born, we cannot escape from the law of sin and death.  Even if you’re religious, even if you’re ethically and morally clean, even if you’re successful, you’re seized by Satan’s fear of death.

There are some people who are okay even if they get cancer, cancer is just their present reality, but their spiritual state enjoys true peace.  Let’s say I have a mental problem.  If you obsess over that mental problem, you’ll always be seized by it, but because you have spiritual freedom already, you must remain within this spiritual freedom, then one day this problem will disappear, but if you obsess over the fact that this problem should be resolved and you try to solve it by medication or other methods, your spirit will not change.

I’m not telling you to stop taking medication, but I’m telling you that’s not fundamental healing.  Are there any of you who are stuck within your problems or difficulties? There’s a difference between having problems and difficulties, and falling into them. If you’ve fallen into it, it means your spiritual state is seized.  You are not seized by the problem itself, but your spiritual state was already seized before the problem came.  David said he was fine, even though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death.  The valley of the shadow of death means he is facing death, but it’s not that we will not face those situations, but it doesn’t matter to us anymore, “for the LORD is with me.”  

People were constantly attacking him and trying to kill him, it’s not that this didn’t happen, it does happen. If you believe in Jesus Christ, it’s not as if problems go away; these things happen more. A lot of people go to church to avoid problems, but that’s not how it works.  The true faith in church is that problems come, but it’s irrelevant to you, why is it irrelevant? Because I’ve been freed from it.  How have I been freed from it?  Because the LORD is my shield, no matter how many enemies attack me, it doesn’t matter.  Because the LORD is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.

Of course I am lacking, but why do I not lack anything? Because the LORD is my Shepherd, that’s how I gain freedom.  If you put even a little bit of something else on top of the gospel, you are yoking these people into slavery.  If you go to a church that emphasizes the law a lot, “Do this but don’t do that,” at first it feels good because it matches our nature, but it doesn’t give us freedom.  Those are the same things that happened in the Jewish church 2000 years ago as well as the churches in Galatia.  

The gospel given to us is a gospel of true freedom, it is the gospel of life that overcomes death. We know this, but we cannot apply this when we face our actual problems.  When we face our actual circumstance of death, we tremble in fear. It’s because we know it but we don’t believe it.  There’s a difference between knowing and believing. If you believe, then you overcome. That’s the freedom we’ve been given.

The devil holds authority over death, the devil is the father of lies.  No matter what he does, he drags our thoughts and emotions into the incorrect death, and then goes into the churches just like he did in Galatia, it’s the same thing today.  For people who live their walk of faith for a long time have gone to church a lot, but what did they grow up listening to? If they went to church, it means they’ve heard sermons and read the Bible, it means they’ve learned the ways and doctrines of Christianity itself. They’ve learned the form, about what to do during communion. Those things are necessary but they’re not the essence.  However, if you take the nonessential things and push them into the mainframe, the essential things will disappear. 

The true gospel of life that allows us to enjoy the peace of Christ.  Being a slave means we’re enslaved spiritually to an invisible force, we’re not aware of it ourselves because it’s invisible. A slave to sin and the devil, a slave to the suffering of hell.  These are invisible, however, my spiritual state is seized in that direction, but we’re not aware of it because it’s spiritual.  

One day, these snares are revealed physically, like when you face a problem that you cannot overcome. When there’s a problem in the church, you cannot leave it alone, you need to enjoy the freedom of Jesus Christ so that He can work; however, people will try to solve it with their humanism and traditions.  It’s the same with their children. They cannot leave their children alone, they have to shove their kids into the shape they want them to be, and the kids have no choice but to follow; otherwise, they’ll be kicked out. And they know if they’re kicked out of the house, they’ll die, so when they have enough strength, they leave on their own, and they say, “I no longer want to live in this frame,” why?  It’s because you’re taking a frame of your own that’s irrelevant to the gospel and trying to cram it into your kids.

Every family line has a frame they want that is not the gospel.  Every nation has a frame as well.  These are the things that bind people.  The gospel that has been given 2000 years ago frees us from this, and it’s a gospel that enjoys true freedom. Simply put, is the master of your spiritual state the Lord or you? If you’re the master of your spiritual state, you will be seized; you will only live by your level, and with your level, you cannot overcome sin, Satan, or hell. We have been saved; those things are irrelevant to us, right? You have received salvation but the devil is still alive. He has no authority but he is still deceiving us, the devil makes us into our own master and tricks us into slavery.  

What happens if you enjoy freedom instead?  What happens if you make Christ your Master? The power of Christ becomes my power. If we’re traveling with someone who has power, even if I don’t have power, I will receive the benefits of that person’s power, and from that point on, I can enjoy freedom even though I don’t have that strength. 

Let’s say I travel with the president; I have no strength at all, but I can enjoy freedom to the extent that the president has his power.  No one can give us freedom other than Jesus Christ. The more we attach to that Christ, the more we lose our freedom.  If your freedom is taken away, you cannot live without doing something. Do you feel like you’ll die if you don’t study, or that you have to work to live?  That’s what it means to be seized.  

You don’t have to do it, but you have a reason to do it, and it could be like this or like that, because Paul said, “I have learned to be content in poverty and in abundance.”  If God is my Master and He feeds even the birds of the air and the grass of the field, why would He not feed me? We can go through this or that; however, if I know the reason why I should do it, that’s freedom.

  3) The Spirit of Truth (John 14:17) 

John 14:17 says the Spirit of Truth is now within us. We said earlier that the Truth sets you free.  The Spirit of Truth is now within me.  

    (1) Holy Spirit (John 16:13) 

    (2) Leads everything (John 14:26, John 16:13) 

What is this Spirit doing now?  In John 14:26, he is teaching us and reminding us of all things, guiding us step-by-step through life, in all things.  God guides us in the things happening in the church. God guides you in your personal life.  God guides you into the future you’ve yet to live through. God is the One guiding Temple Construction. Once “I” go into the picture, it becomes a headache. If I plan for my future, I’m seized for myself, I’m seized by the devil.  

I said this earlier, but when people get cancer, they’re seized by their cancer, they’re seized by their problem, but it’s actually Satan, seizing their spirit through that problem.  Some people are completely okay even if they have cancer, because they have freedom in the gospel, and the cancer is something that God will take care of. I am someone who enjoys true freedom in Christ.  

Do you have a problem?  Some people are so afflicted and seized by their problems, and they think so deeply. They’ll have something from their thoughts, that’s a thought without God.  Then, you make your decisions based on your level, but if you’re praying, God will guide you, then you’re free from your problems.  It doesn’t matter if the problem is large or small.  Even if COVID 19 gets worse, we have to be careful, but we’re free.  If COVID continues around the world, then many people will be seized by mental problems.  They’re not actually seized by corona itself, but it’s the fear of the virus, and that’s why people try to come up with strategies.  People are so trapped in their fear that they begin to think. This is not the gospel God has given us. 

True Freedom, Freedom that is Life of the Holy Spirit and the Truth in Jesus Christ.  Whether we do this or that, we must receive God’s guidance. Why do you have to emphasize your own plan until the end? That’s how you’re seized by it. God will guide you according to God’s time schedule.  It’s not what I want; it’s about what God wants.  I believe that is where true Freedom comes from.

    (3) Peace, Freedom (John 14:27) 

When this Holy Spirit guides us, John 14:27 says He gives us true peace. When do we have true peace? When we’re aligned with God and are peaceful.  When I look at a problem and see God’ answers for it, then I have peace.  If you’re always afraid and seized, that’s not God’s plan.  That’s not God’s will.  If you keep experiencing this over and over, you will get cancer. That’s how you’re seized.

    (4) Christ who overcame the world – Peace (John 16:33) 

John 16:33 says Jesus Christ has overcome the world.  For us, people in the world will learn this and that and try to maneuver around the laws this and that way to overcome the world. There are ways you can change the way you speak in order to control or influence people.  People research how to motivate and move people based on how they structure an organization. These are ways in which more people are seized by God’s work. We are simply running the errands of God’s work. That is how we receive freedom.  Jesus Christ has overcome the world, therefore, so have I. 

The Christ has overcome the devil, therefore so have I. The powerlessness of your family line cannot save you.  Why? Because Christ Who is with you has all the power.  All your mental problems cannot overcome Christ.  Stop being seized by that. I hope you will remain within Christ.  Then you will receive more spiritual strength and then you will overcome.  But if you remain seized by the problem, researching how to solve it, you’ll fall deeper in.  

“I hate that person so much, what should I do?” If you research those thoughts, you’ll end up killing them.  Our nature is seized by the devil, who is a murderer and liar, so we will go into that direction, but if you pray to God, God will give you the answer to save.  Therefore, we should not operate at our level, but when we pray, the Lord will guide us to save ourselves and others, because the Spirit of God saves.  

The spirit of the devil drags us towards death by making us fight, causing division, and making us blame one another, about who’s right and who’s wrong. Joseph was taken as a slave, but there was evidence he was not seized by slavery. In Genesis 41:38, it says, “Who can we find who is filled with the Spirit of God like this man?” If he was in his normal state of mind, he would be seized by his slavery, thinking, “How can I survive?”  However, because the Holy Spirit was guiding him within his slavery, he knew the reason why he was a slave. That is the way to overcome the situation of slavery.  

Paul had a disease, it was a kind of seizure, he would foam at the mouth and fall. It would be like me falling while giving the message. He prayed three times to solve this problem, but God did not give him that.  God was saying, “It is for your benefit that you have this disease,” because through this disease, God made Paul look only at God. 

What is the standard of God’s answers? It’s not solving the problem. The standard through which God guides you is to look to Christ.  As you look to Christ, you receive true freedom; it doesn’t matter if the problem is there or not.  However, if you try to shove legalism and religion into the gospel, the people will be heavy-laden and burdened, then you have a gospel that is unable to give freedom to the people who are bound in the world.

3. One who proclaims freedom

  1) Sent into the world – Mission (Jn. 17:18)

In John 17:18, Jesus Christ says He is sending us out into the world just as the Father sent him.  

    (1) Peter – Apostle to the circumcised (Gal. 2:8)

In Gal. 2:8, Peter says “I have been called as an Apostle for those who are circumcised.”

    (2) Paul – Apostle to the Gentiles (Gal. 2:8)

Paul is the one who is for the Gentiles.  Why did the Apostles get sent out into the world?

    (3) Apostle – Ambassador that proclaims the Gospel (1 Pt. 2:9)

1 Pet. 2:9 says we’ve been sent out into the world as the royal priesthood to testify of Jesus’ light.  Let’s say our week goes from today to Saturday, and we work and study throughout the week. We must have freedom there.  If you think starting from Monday, “I have to work, “ then you’re seized. If you think, “I have to study,” then you’re already seized.  You’re not actually seized by your studies; you’re seized by something spiritual.  Because you have no freedom, you’re bound by something, so that’s why working and studying are so hard. Meeting people is so hard. And lately, the price of everything is rising, so finances are hard.  This is all physically correct, but this person is spiritually seized somewhere, and we can only be freed through the gospel. If you’re within the gospel, it doesn’t matter, meaning you have another reason.  

Why did God send us into the world?  Why did God send us into the world with our job and studies? He made us study since we were young, and later on, after we get our degree, we get our master’s, we get our doctorate, and then we go out into the world with our specialization. Do you think you’re living just to eat and survive?  Then you’re seized by eating and surviving, but it’s actually not that; you’re seized by something else. 

If you’re seized by the gospel instead, you have true freedom. Why is it that God gives every single person a talent, develops it into a specialization, and sends them out to work?  If you have a special talent of baking bread, you would become a baker. You have to have the talent of working on cars to work in a car factory. If you don’t have that talent, nobody would hire you.  

Why did God send us out into the world?  When God sends you out into the world, He sends you with the talent and specialization that only you can do. Even if you know that this is it, you will have freedom.  Then, kids would not be bound by their studies.  If you know the reason for the True Gospel, then even as you work, it will not be a burden, but you will have freedom, why?  The Lord has sent us out into the world so we can save the people who are enslaved to sin, Satan, and death within the company.  You have to hold onto this fact to be freed from your work.

Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how much you succeed, you will be seized. In fact, the more you succeed, the more you will be burdened by heavier things, so you cannot do anything big. God could not entrust me with anything then because I was seized. But the vessel God has given us is the vessel to do world evangelization.  God has commissioned us out into the world with the mission to save the entire world that is enslaved to sin, death, and Satan.

If you think your job is to just make a living, you’re seized. If you think you’ll succeed with this, you are seized.  That’s why you’re not being freed. Once you know the reason for the gospel, you will receive freedom.  “God gave me this job and sent me out into this world so I could testify of the gospel and free the people who are seized by the world,” that is how you will be free from your job.  

  2) Power of the throne

    (1) Filling of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

Then, God promised to give you the power, the Filling of the Holy Spirit, so you can do that in the field.  What exactly does the Filling of the Holy Spirit mean?  The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth is within us.  What does it mean to be filled with this?  It’s talking about a state where the spirit of Jesus Christ is completely controlling my thoughts, emotions, heart, spirit, and physical body.  The standard of my thoughts is that I’ll always be seized by something; however, if my thoughts are controlled by the Spirit of God, then I have freedom. This is the power with which God sent us out into the world.

Do you have weaknesses?  I hope you will ask the Holy Spirit to fill and control you.  If you’re seized by demons, there is no freedom; the devil destroys that, divides us, and makes us enemies.  However, if we’re seized by the Spirit of Christ, that’s the spirit that saves.  I hope you will enjoy this every day, including right now. Especially for business people, I pray you will especially pray to bless your business now. God has given us this gift, but we don’t enjoy it. You have to live at your own level. 

If you’re living at your own level, it means you’re already spiritually seized by your level.  If you’re seized at your level, it means you’re always seized by a spiritual force.  “God has given me this job so I can testify of the gospel of Christ,” then of course God has to work and to guide me. Only that will free me from my job; you’ll have freedom in your human relationships. There’s no way you can try to mend your relationships with all your persuasiveness and coercion.  Satan works at a much higher level than you; that is why you must live by the level of God and let go of the frame of humans.  If there’s a frame that was built by the Holy Spirit, that’s great, but if it’s man made, it may block the gospel.  

    (2) Transcend time and space (Ps. 103:20-22, Mt. 12:28)

Now we must enjoy the work of God, transcending time and space.  We are seized by the Three Organizations. We’re seized by the Third Dimension. In order to meet someone, we have to meet them in person, which requires time and space, but there’s a way that God works, transcending time and space.  You pray here and God works somewhere else. The work of God transcends time and space. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God gave us the Word, “Go make disciples of all nations,” and God works in advance.  When you hold onto this Word and pray for someone else, God will work upon that person or place, transcending time and space.  

Matthew 12:28 says, “But if it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” Is it the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan? If you think there’s any kind of middle ground, you’re already in the kingdom of Satan. If you go to the ocean, you either sink or swim; there is no in-between. If you’re flying in an airplane, you’re either in the air or crashing to the ground.

Will you establish the work of God seized by the Holy Spirit, or will you die seized by the kingdom of Satan? There are only two choices. Even in the world, there’s only two choices, either you’re a citizen of America or you’re not. There is no in-between. If you have a green card, you’re not a US citizen, you’re a citizen of another nation. Are you a citizen of the kingdom of God, or a citizen of the kingdom of Satan? There’s only two choices.

Therefore, first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. First, before you go out into the world, pray for God to work.  Then God will move, transcending time and space.  To what extent? To move the entire world.  As much as you pray for the entire world, that is how much your spiritual state will work.  And that’s connected to your business.  For students who are studying, this is connected to your studies as well. These are the blessings God gave us.  

To what extent do we participate in God’s works? To the point where we can travel across the entire world.  I hope starting now if there’s anyone who only prays for themselves and their family, they will widen their vessel. God made all the oceans, then the fish can traverse through the oceans.  But if there’s a fish that says, “I only want to play around the shores of California,” sure, this fish can go all the way to Mexico or Thailand, but it doesn’t because this is the extent to its faith.

    (3) Witness – Light (Ac. 1:8)

I hope you will do this through prayer, then without a doubt, because of the invisible spiritual things, you will have the physical things appear. That’s why when the Holy Spirit works upon them, the elderly will dream dreams and the young men will see visions. But the demon makes you seized by what you can see and what you have now. But I hope you will pray for the filling of the holy spirit that will allow you to save the region, America, and the 237 nations of the world. It doesn’t even cost any money and God’s light will shine. This is the revelation for missions and evangelism.

  3) Answer that is never repeated and unprecedented

    (1) Me

    (2) Church – Work

    (3) World – Work

When this happens, even if I don’t ask for answers, God gives this to me, the answer that only I can do, the answer the only the church can do, the unique way by which only I can save the church, the business only I can do.  That’s not my level; it is the level of God being revealed through me, so it is an unprecedented, never repeated answer. 

Conclusion – Save the age

1. Church

2. Field

3. Future – Future generation

That’s why you save the church and you save the field and the world, and we must save the future generations.  I hope you will believe this only begins in the true freedom in Christ Jesus.


Let us bless and pray with the Word we have received. God, you have given us true freedom through Christ Jesus. May my thoughts, heart, mind, and body be filled with the Holy Spirit. Allow us to have true freedom so we can testify of this in our fields and our jobs. Let us pray. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We thank You for freeing us from the authority of sin, death, and hell through the authority of Jesus Christ. Thank You for allowing us to enjoy the blessings of being a child instead of a slave.  We are returning our material blessings as offering.  We pray that everywhere it is used, the work of God that frees people from sin into life will take place, and those who are seized by the devil will receive liberation.  May the works that free everybody from their own slavery and their own standards take place.  

Bless the offering we are giving. We pray that You will allow the blessings of the economy to come upon the four offerings of temple construction, missions, evangelism, and future generations to save the church.  We return Your blessings and we pray for the works of God in Your absolute sovereignty to testify of this to the church.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all of the people of God, all the multi-ethnic peoples, and the remnants who desire to fully enjoy the perfect gospel and testify of this with evidence as a witness, be upon their businesses, studies, and fields, be with us now and forevermore always, amen.


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