For Christ to Hit Your Heart (Isaiah 60:18-22)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

For Christ to Hit Your Heart (Isaiah 60:18-22)

We have listened to the first, second, and third lectures of the World Remnant Conference.  I remember that Isaiah 60 was in the first, second, and third lectures.  Everything in Isaiah 60 was a prophecy about the future.  It is God’s promise that you may be taken as captives to Babylon now, but He will restore you in the future.  God does not entrust this Word to anybody, but Isaiah 1 says these are the ones who remain, and the ones who remain are the core.  God says, “He will restore His work through those who are left behind,” and what kind of state do we refer to those who will remain?

The holy seed is the one who remains.  The holy seed is referring to the few minority with the covenant. This is the message God is giving to those who will save the future. It is not skms kind of organization that uses the ones who remain but God is saying in the Bible that he will do his work through those who will remain. And if you look in Isaiah 6, it says if you aren’t the ones who remain then God will make it so that even if you hear you can’t understand and even if you see you can’t really see. However God promises to do his work through the Holy seed.

When we go beyond Isaiah we see the remaining ones are scattered. You can see this in the book of Acts, when Paul is redirected to Macedonia, God tells him to look for the scattered ones that are hidden. As we proclaim Christ there’s people where Christ really hits their heart, those are the ones who remain. The ones who know alot of the Bible or believed for a long time are not the ones who remain, but the one where Christ hits their hearts, those are the ones who remain. And Region by region when we raise up the ones who remain, God works. That was Lydia in the region of Philippi. It’s the same thing today, region by region, nation by nation there are people God left behind, they are remaining and God promised to work through those people and we are looking for them. 

Our remnants have received this message and are already at the state of those who remain. That’s why God gives you this message but the Bible also says for those who Christ hadn’t hit their hearts, they fall this way and that way. Christ is the solution to all problems, the one who knows this reason. Why is Christ the solution to all of our life and mankind’s problems? The one who is able to explain this and know this logically and scientifically, that’s important.

The fundamental problem of mankind, even before they sinned, was that Satan existed. This Satan was an angel, sinned against God and then became Satan, and this order is very important.  That’s why whenever I write about fundamental problems, I always put Satan first, but from the point of view of humans, they write “sin” first because they were the ones who sinned against God. However, in the background of the sin, Satan was in existence and he is working even now, that is why Satan’s lies went into humans through temptation.  All we have to do is hold onto our faith, but humans cannot do that for 24 hours, so in that moment, Satan’s sin went in.

Why is this important?  It is very important to believe in this after you’ve received faith.  If you don’t know this, people think, “I believe in God,” so they wander.  They think, “I’m a child of God,” so they’re not sensitive to whether they’re dragged into physical things or dragged by Satan.  Satan’s authority has without a doubt been destroyed by Christ, and now, he no longer has the authority to drag us into being children of the devil, because we are now children of God. However, Satan is continuously active until Jesus’ second coming.  That is why the Bible says Jesus Christ overcame the devil, not that Jesus Christ made the devil disappear, and He has overcome the authority of sin. 

Does it mean the authority of sin doesn’t exist? It does. He did not completely get rid of sin, but He completely overcame the authority of Satan, sin, and death, and in the very end, when Jesus Christ comes again, death will kneel before Him, and because Jesus Christ overcame death, whenever we believe in Jesus Christ, we overcome death.  Otherwise, we will always be seized by the fear of death.  

Until you believe that Jesus Christ overcame the authority of death, you will always be seized by the fear of death.  After I believed in Jesus Christ, my fear of death disappeared.  When I was an unbeliever, the more time passed, the more I was afraid of death.  The older I got in my 20s, I should’ve been stronger but I was actually more afraid than when I was younger.  So I’m just living out of my own will but the fear in my heart did not disappear.  But when I truly believed in Jesus Christ, I was able to overcome the fear of death. It’s not that the fear disappeared, I overcame it. Satan doesn’t disappear, you are bound to overcome the authority of Satan. Sin does not disappear but you overcome the forces of sin.  When you go to heaven, it will completely be gone.  That is why, without Jesus Christ, we can never overcome these three forces and we will be their slave.

Even right now, these three forces are actually existing, invisible to our eyes.  The one who remains is the one who knows this and this meaning hitting their heart, then God lotus all of His focus on this person. And through this one who remains, God will do a new work through the one who remains.  It’s important for the power of the throne of heaven to be upon us.  I believe in Jesus Christ and I’m the one who remains, but you must not just remain in that state; the power of the throne must remain within me. How? You enjoy it through faith.  Then, invisibly to your eyes but in actuality, God is with you in power.  

This must take place for you to overcome all forces as you live on earth.  Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how much you grow, how much you try, and how long you live on this earth; the forces controlling this earth will remain, but because you have that heavenly blessing, you should not trap yourself.  

Do you know why you keep making yourself smaller when you go out into the field? It’s because everything you see with your eyes and you hear with your ears are things you can see, and the reason you can see it is because you’re in that location. If you’re not in that location, you can no longer see it.  As long as you remain locked within this physical location, even though the power of heaven is with you, you’ll be trapped in a physical place.

When you meet with someone and communicate with them, you’ll be locked in that communication. If you study and do your business with the physical things, you’ll be trapped by those things, and you’re bound to be trapped in time. You cannot overcome that.  The only way to overcome these three limitations is when the power of the throne transcending time and space is within me.  

I must enjoy and have this blessing first, myself.  That is what it means to establish yourself within the throne of heaven.  When the One Who is seated at the throne of heaven is established within me in power, I am able to overcome. When will you do that? During worship, when you’re doing scheduled prayer on your own, when you worship on your own.  What is the standard? You need to have the time where you believe in and enjoy the power of the throne of heaven within you.

How do people who do transcendental meditation pray now?  Rev. Ryu told us a little bit about the prayer for those who practice transcendental meditation, they take all of the good energy land they put it within themselves, and they use the word “God” as well.  They put all the good energy in the universe into themselves.  They use these words like “hope, love, and freedom,” they’re not Christians, they are people who believe in the New Age, and there was a time we went fishing and we met an American person, and they weren’t Christian, but they used these words of faith and god. 

That’s the field of the world now. Even these people do not just live with the physical things. THey say “everything that is in the universe is me,” and that means they think, “I am God.”  They have this invisible and unlimited power that does not belong to God. they transcend themselves with this power. That’s the strength that is currently conquering this field.

Do you know to what extent Satan gives this to us?  He even says, “I will give you all the glory of the world.” God has given that to the devil.  Satan says, “I will give you all the authority in the world,” and God allowed the devil to do that.  Then, it’s possible for these people to receive power through the devil.  

But you and I have the power of God, but we’re not able to enjoy it because we’re trapped in time and space, and that’s what he kept on talking about in the first message. Because we have this infinite thing, but we’re always trapped by my own thoughts, my mistakes, and my weaknesses, then how can I have the time to enjoy what I have?

For a few years, I’ve been doing the Prayer Summit School.  It would work if just one person were to properly get caught by that.  It would be great if everybody could do it, but even if just one person came out like that, because without a doubt, the Lord gave me a covenant to do this. Without that strength, you cannot live.  It doesn’t matter how smart you are.  No matter how smart you are, you cannot overcome time and space, no matter how many gold medals you get, you cannot overcome time and space.  But the one who is controlling the world right now is using the infinite power of evil spirits to control time and space

The fight of the world isn’t with normal people, it is the fight against the people who are filled  with the power of the nephilim who are controlling the world.  But if you’re not able to see this age and this world, you will always be trapped in your religiousness. The ones who remain will understand these words.

The second message is to establish the throne in the field.  But when you go out into the field, you’re trapped there. What is the way to not be trapped? He talked about the seven journeys.  When we talk about the seven journeys, a lot of people get frustrated saying it’s a heresy because we use numbers like seven but don’t make judgements too quickly, there’s a stream of the messages until now.  If I have the time to enjoy the power and blessing of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then when I go into the field, the King and the Throne are established there.  These words sound very simple but it is not simple.  

Whenever you go into the field, even though you study to become a doctor, the first thing they make a doctor do is open the shutters.  I had a dream to go into a white-collar company, and the first time I went to their corporation, for the first few times they only made me make copies, and I got so frustrated because they should be doing that themselves.  Going into this huge conglomerate was way different than what I had in mind, and no matter where you go, the beginner level is always the same. When you get in there, you’ll always get shocked.  

“When I go to church, they tell me about the power of the throne of heaven, but when I go to the field, it’s so different,” so when you face something so different don’t get shocked, do not let go of it or shake.When I say, “Establish the kingdom of God in the field” I mean when you go out into the fields, accurately see God’s plan, God’s will and God’s kingdom. Root down in this so you can see it.  We’ve all heard the message, but the kids fall into a misconception, “now that I know it, that’s the end,” and that’s how you become a pharisee. This is not the end; you need to take this into your life through prayer.  It doesn’t matter how much you know; if this is not actually connected to your fields, then you cannot overcome.  

Establish the throne in the field.  In other words, what does it mean to take everything we see and hear and to change it into God in prayer?  I know the literal word “to change it,” but I don’t know how to do that. How can we change everything we see and hear into prayer? Let’s talk about it the opposite way, what happens if you leave everything here as it is?  You’re going to get trapped by the ways of what you see and what you hear in that time and space.  In fact, you’ll especially get caught in the logically correct words.  Then, what happens? You’re supposed to enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven in your field, but you’ll never be able to do that.

Yes, anybody can work, anybody can meet people, but that’s not the important issue.  Anybody can do that, even dogs can go somewhere, eat, and follow their owner.  When you go out into the field, how will you establish God’s kingdom and God’s blessings there?  We call that “prayer,” and to change everything into prayer means, “Do not lose hold of the spiritual flow in everything,” then even when we face a problem, you won’t be so taken aback because the Lord is your Shepherd.  But if you lose hold of this, then you’ll be your own shepherd and you’ll get lost and wander in the problem. 

It doesn’t mean you only need the Lord in the midst of problems, you need Him all the time but when you face a problem that’s a time to pray. We don’t only need the Lord when we’re in a problem, but we enjoy Him all throughout our life, and when we face a crisis, that is an opportunity, that’s how you establish the throne in the field, and this is no joke.  I’m sure when you listen to the message, you organize it very well.  I’m sure you write down, 1, 2, 3, and you underline it with a red pen, but the problems of the world are not because we lack organization.  We face problems in the field because we lose hold of the blessing of actually enjoying our life through prayer.

You will never be able to save or change the field if you do not have your personal time to change  everything into this covenant and the blessing of the throne.  That’s why the word I always tell the remnants is, “Wake up early in the morning,” why do I keep saying that?  Because I lived in the world and I saw people that lived as elites, they didn’t have any time. If someone is just lazing around, then it doesn’t matter, but if someone makes a little bit of money and they have a little bit of control, they get very busy.  

Then how must you prepare the habits of your life?  You must wake up early. You can’t wake up early just because you say you want to, it must be your habit and it’s not enough to just say you will wake up early.  Even if you wake up early, if you don’t have the time to enjoy and make the blessings of the power of the throne of God into your own, 100% of the time you will be seized by the field. That’s why I keep talking about the early morning time because nobody can touch your early morning time. 

If you don’t have that, then the field is bound to be difficult for you.  You cannot overcome time, and with your work, you cannot go beyond time.  We are living within time, but God overcomes time.  Life is going to be hard without that power because when God created us, He created us with that power to overcome time, isn’t that right? We were not created to live constrained by time and space and the things we see, we were created to be connected to the throne of God.

Remnants, keep doing this. I’m going to repeat it over and over again, so keep trying. The adults have to do this for their kids to follow. If you don’t do this but you tell the kids to do it, they’ll never do it.  So when you live as a church officer or as a remnant, it is not with your words. In your actual life, you must have and enjoy the blessings of the power of the throne and relay it.  

Why does everyone say it’s a problem? It’s a problem for them because they cannot overcome the problem.  They’re not able to overcome because they’re trapped by physical things, the things they see and hear, by time and space. They’re further unable to overcome the ruler of the kingdom of the air, and you’re only able to overcome the ruler of the kingdom of the air when the power of the throne is with you.  The spiritual world is invisible to our eyes, so you’re only barely able to overcome it when you have that time to enjoy this.

Moreso than saying you will do this all at once, remnants, do this little by little because you have a lot of life left. If you’re not able to do it today, then do it tomorrow. You won’t be able to do it tomorrow, either, so don’t get discouraged; you have next week. Next week, it will not work either, so you can do it in a month.  Without realizing this, as this message keeps coming into me, one day there will be a time schedule where this will happen.  That’s why we invest in the remnants.  

We invest in the adults as well, but there’s a higher chance it won’t work out for them because they don’t have tomorrow, and when I say “they don’t have tomorrow,” but still when the church officers put this in practice, the future generations are influenced by that.  But if we don’t even have this, the kids grow up without knowing the world at all.

In the world, you cannot take everything you see and feel and make it into your own, you have to turn it over to God, meaning you entrust it to God, that’s what it means for you to turn it all into prayer. I listened to the words people say, and all of it is very oppressive, but I do not receive that; I change it all towards God in prayer.  If someone makes me feel bad, and I just hold onto their words, then of course you’ll feel bad, and unless you turn into somebody, it’s bound to come out of you to someone else.  But what happens if you turn it all into God? It comes back to you as blessing.  That is the mystery to establish the throne of God in the field.

The third message is how do you establish the throne in the world?  The remnants play the role of the antenna that connects the 237 nations. What is the antenna? You are the antenna that connects the world to God. But we’re not able to connect to all the multiethnic people, so the future generations must be the antenna.  You must use your business to connect all the future generations of these different nations. And inside of God’s covenant to raise up the 237 nations, all nations of the world, that contains your job, your talent, and everything, because, doesn’t God work according to His Word?  

After Jesus resurrected, He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” There is never a point in the Bible where God promised, “do not go to all nations and live on your own.” He always says, “Go and proclaim the gospel to heal all people,” He never said, “Eat well and survive on your own.”  In John 21, Jesus Christ said, “Feed my lambs,” He never said, “Go and make a living and succeed on your own.” He said, “Go to the ends of the earth.” I align myself to that word. My job, my studies, everything I’m doing is connected to the words of His promise.

That is what the remnants must be the main figure of, and be the antenna.  Because of your language, it’s good to be an antenna, it’s good for connecting. All the people in Korea make their kids learn English, but there’s no need to do that because you learn it naturally here in America.  I was thinking about this, and it doesn’t matter how hard a student in Korea studies English, they will never be good as a native speaker.  If you try to learn English from another nation, it takes so much time, but in America you learn it naturally and you’re able to learn other languages like Spanish and French as well.

In Amca, over 200 nationalities are gathered here already.  In Korea, they have to force themselves to make it, but here you can just stay still.  So if you’re living in America and you lose hold of the 237 nations, you’re really blocked from God’s Word.  there was a pastor in Korea who asked me, “Pastor Park, aren’t there so many Koreans in LA that’s scarred of Korean?” I told him, “I’m more focused on the 237 nations, I don’t have interest in that.” That doesn’t mean I don’t care about the Koreans, but I’m interested in what God considers to be the most important.

Most people, if they’re not in America, they might not really know.  Even though we look at the same Koreans, we look at the same Asians, we might think differently because of the way of our life.  The reason I say this is not to compliment you or brag, but why is God allowing us to live here? God is allowing us to live here to be the antenna for the  237 nations.  God has already prepared everything for us, and that role of the antenna but if you keep holding onto something else, you’re not connected to God at all.  

In the future, for the remnant leaders, that give the messages before remnant day, they need to connect the spiritual flow of the month with the nation they’ve been entrusted to, we need to know what God is doing in Navajo, and that’s why God entrusted it to you.  If we go there once a year, we’re not going there for a vacation; you need to continue to be in communication with the remnants and give the message every month.  Same thing for Karen.  You need to know how the entirety of Karen are moving, and you have to have the communication to know that.  Same thing for Africa.  Same thing for El Salvador as well as Mongolia.  

You need to be the antenna by giving the word of how God is moving in each of these fields to the members of our church so they know what’s going on in its entirety and so they can pray.  For the people who have not been entrusted with a field like this, do this with your field as the antenna.  What is the role of the antenna? It is connected. If we don’t have the antenna, then we’re not able to receive cellular signals.  You must be the antenna that makes the correct connections, and that is how the throne will be established throughout the entire world.

When we talk about the entire world, there are areas of the world with which we have been entrusted. God has prepared that blessing, that is what we call the blessings God has prepared and the economy of light, but if you don’t know this, you’re going to be trapped and a slave to unbelievers.  You have to be a slave to unbelievers, the ones who have a different power of the Nephilim.  If the church officers understand this, then their eyes are open to see how they raise their children.

When we keep emphasizing the remnants, the church officers must go into them with the setting.  And so when we talk about the remnants, the church officers shouldn’t say, “why aren’t you talking about the church officers?” it means you have to go into this with that setting as well so we can all receive the blessings together.  

So I think it is very important and I’ve said this for a long time that it’s important to gather the remnants together on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.  These aren’t just words that I’m saying, but in the future, people will not work on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.  It’s even like that now, a lot of people do not work on Friday nights, they play all the way to Sunday and sometimes even on Monday on holidays, then where do you think everything is going to flow, including their time and their money?  All of that flow not into the direction of the evangelism camp, but in the direction of the darkness camp.  They were so trapped in time and space that they want to go somewhere the rest but even as they are resting they are even more seized.  

The families go together on a vacation to get good air and it’s a really nice place, but as they keep on going, they’re even trapped in that.  We went to the Karen missions, and a remnant asked, “Where will we go next?” They didn’t say this to me, but the reason they asked is, “Pastor, it’s a vacation and we received grace, it’s so good.” Even when you go on vacation, it’s exhausting and tiring, but how great is it that even as we take a vacation, we’re able to receive God’s grace and see God’s work?

For Esther, she even had a family gathering there, her father drove down.  But it takes so much money if you want to go somewhere else and make a hotel reservation and do this by yourself. That’s why if you set your priorities correctly, God moves everything.  

So, what must we do on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays?  We must create a culture that is able to receive and enjoy the blessings of the power of the throne of God. You guys need to lead this as the main characters and advertise it in order for the next generation to follow. You guys know this, but I told the young adults to create something like this for the kids to follow for so long.  But for the young adults, Saturday is their day of rest, then they have to do their laundry and they have to get their groceries and they have to meet their friends on that day.  But if you have those thoughts, you cannot do world evangelization.  

So I told them this, take your laundry in the trunk of your car and bring it to church.  Bring whomever you’re dating to the evangelism school.  I told them, “Don’t go to that wedding on Sunday,” because everyone is moving in a place that does not have God, so if you keep following them, you will be destroyed.  Even if you can go, you can act as if you can’t go.  Everybody is moving with this spiritual flow, so if our kids match pace with them, they cannot survive. 

Because the young adults are following in this way, even the children’s evangelism school is taking place, but if you just say, “I’m sure they’ll do fine on their own,” that’s nonsense.  There is a cultural battle going on. There’s already a culture in America that whenever it’s a holiday, they take their bags and go somewhere, and that’s why the churches are closing their doors.  That’s why even though there are churches built in the 1800s, people are dying inside.  People are dying because they think, “I go to church in the mornings but the afternoons are for my family.” the Bible never said anything like that.

The Bible says the Day of the Lord, from the morning all throughout the day you receive spiritual strength.  But the churches of America have a culture where they go to church for a bit in the morning and have a little bit of fellowship and the rest of it is their leisure time, so that’s why they’re spiritually dying. The American churches are not our standard; the Bible is our standard. The churches of America are corrupted, and the Bible is what God had intended.  The more we lose our spiritual strength in that way, the more spiritual problems arise.

Have you ever seen a dog murder somebody? It’s people who murder other people, and I see there are shootings every single week. What are we supposed to do about that? It’s even in the churches, then does that mean the churches should just stay inside their churches and they should just sing by themselves? You need to establish the throne in the field.  If you don’t train the kids to establish God’s throne and power in their schools, then their field will be a disaster.  If somebody says, “I don’t want to do that, I’m sure someone else will do that” then even spiritually you will fall behind.

The second was about the watchtower and the watchman, which means you’re watching 24 hours.  Everyone else is falling asleep but the watchtower keeps watch of the field, 24 hours, waiting. If there’s a problem there, you shine the light and guide them so they can come. That is the watchman.  But this church is not being the watchman.  The light and salt of the world are disappearing.  It’s a problem because the churchgoers are making it a religion, “oh on Sunday’s morning I go with a Bible and then I come back on my own.”  

For us, we grew up in a religious background, so it’s all about the environment and atmosphere, but we’re getting emptier and emptier. Even the Early Church was doing well in the beginning.  But after the Middle Ages, they all died away. The Middle Ages was completely dark, and the reason why God called those who remain is because the ones who really resonate with Christ in their hearts are those who remain. If Christ has not really hit your heart, you’re bound to move with whatever does hit your heart.  

I’m telling you this of out of long time experience, you might not know now  but as you continue to experience it, you’ll realize that Jesus Christ is not resonating with them, and that person will only be moved in their hearts when they go to places that talk about the law. The person must really be with social movements, justice, and whatever they chase after because it strikes their heart.  Even if we do those things, Christ must strike our hearts in order for God to work through it.

There are many people who may come and go in the church; however, the one that God has been most interested in, in the Old Testament and New Testament is the one who really hits in their heart that “Jesus Christ is the One we need,” just like the disciples, all the people followed Jesus Christ and went to church, but when they face a little problem, they all run away. You need to experience overcoming death, you need to experience that Christ has overcome death and is with us as a resurrection light. 

When this really hits your life, you become the rock. I’m sorry to tell you this, but this person cannot overcome with anything else, and that’s why they’re bound to move in a direction that moves somewhere else. People who like criticizing others need to listen to a message criticizing others to make it feel like they can breathe. Even if it is something critical, you need to be hit with Christ, that is how God will use that person to restore, and that is why we talk about Christ.  Today, Christ, tomorrow, Christ, because Christ is eternal. Through the 66 books, Christ.  Through your problems, Christ.

The reason it’s the year 2022 right now is because the standard is Christ.  When did this person die? They died on this day, relative to the day of Christ’s birth. When were they born? It is based on the year Christ was born, and this is the year they were born. When was this church built? From the day Christ was born, the church was built in this year.  When did you buy these clothes? In 2012, so 2012 after Jesus Christ was born. When did you get pimples? We say everything according to the standard of Christ. Everything is the standard of Christ.

When does Christ come again? Everything is centered on Christ. Always Christ, every day Christ, when you face a problem, Christ, Even when you lie down, Christ, because Christ is the standard.  Only inside of Christ will we receive all the  answers and blessings.  Why are we poor? Because of Christ, we are blessed. Why are we persecuted? Because of Christ, it is a blessing. Why are we persecuted? If it’s for yourself it’s why you are persecuted, because of yourself because you do it for yourself. That is not a blessing; that is something you need to change. You need to fix that because of Christ.

Whether you’re in abundance of poverty, that is a blessing. May you and I be the church that lives for Christ.


God we thank you. We thank You for calling us as remnants, the ones who remain. Allow us to enjoy the blessing through faith, the blessings and power of the throne of heaven. Allow us to establish the throne in the field, and may we stand as the antenna that establishes the throne in the whole world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

I gave a short summary of the WRC messages, but I hope you will all go to ICSC tomorrow and listen to it again because the Holy Spirit strikes differently every time depending on the time and the location.  So you have to think, wondering, “What kind of new grace and blessing will God give me today“ but if you think, “Do I really have to go to that again?” That’s not right.  

Tomorrow we have the WRC broadcast day at ICSC, and in the morning, we have our prayer summit school which I’m wondering if I should do it at church, so I’m wondering if we should do it like we did in the beginning, where we actually practiced deep breathing together, because if I’m not able to do this, then my pastoral ministry has failed, and if we look at the stream of the word, that would be a failure.  It doesn’t matter what the kids do in the church; these are things they did in the past.  

If we’re not able to give the mystery on how to overcome themselves and the world, they are going to be falling as slaves just like they did in history.  The spiritual culture today is no longer like it was in the past, so I hope you all challenge yourself to take your kids to the spiritual training with the church on Friday evenings, Saturday, and Sunday.  “When am I going to date?” Just as I foretold, they got married in the church.  But because we keep doing everything with the opposite priorities, we’re focused on humans instead of God, we’re focused on meeting boys and girls and doing laundry, so we keep getting busier, but if you correct your priorities, that’s how you prepare for marriage, why? Because everything is within the Christ.

Putting that into practice is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  So, we need to make this into a kingdom of remnants where they can do everything, and the church members help them to do this.  Let us make it so that Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are completely centered on the remnants. That is how you will completely change the future.  Let us pray for the things happening tomorrow. Let us pray together.

This doesn’t seem much to you but if you keep remaining in the word God delights in most, God opens all the doors to your studies, missions, within this work.  The kids must not only hear this with words but have to experience it themselves to follow that way.  So let us have the time to pray, especially for the Sunday message, for Karen, the Utah region and all of our missions fields.  

In order for the remnants to continue to gather on Saturdays, wemust be here to lead them in praise and teach them instruments in order for them to gather. We have to really create this church where we can sing praises together, play instruments, and learn instruments together, the remnants and the adults.

What do we do when we gather? We receive God’s power, faith, and grace.  As we do this, they are receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit, we’re not doing this just so we can create work, we can hire people for that.  I tell my daughter, “Just continue to do this, and as you do this, God will guide you, there’s nothing else to it.”  I pray for her and encourage her to keep doing the transcription, because you don’t have to create anything on your own; as you do it, God guides you. Your talent is rightfully discovered inside of this, and as you do this, God will guide you to the meetings. 

However, if you begin with an incorrect fundamental thing, it will be difficult for you to change that in the future. The church becomes the most fundamental base for war and we must establish things like the culture for the kids.  God raises you up as a witness, that even through this, God raises the remnants to save the world and conquer. I believe that will take place.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants, who believe in and want to believe in the covenant you have given us that the few will become many and the least will become a mighty nation, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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