Following the Word to Save Myself, the Church, and the Field (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Following the Word to Save Myself, the Church, and the Field (Matthew 28:18-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The Lord Jesus declared these words to his disciples in the Mount of Olives. This is the Word He gave after he resurrected. Before he resurrected he never said these words to them. This means these words are only applicable to people who have experienced the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words, these words can only be heard by people who believe and agree in the words that Jesus Christ died and resurrected and now lives within me. 

So the Lord called these people separately and gave them these words so they can hear. And for us, we must absolutely have the time schedule of the Mount of Olives. In order for that to take place, we have to have the experience of the Mount of Olives, where we die on the cross and resurrect. The word of God will only go into people who have Mount Calvary and received the mission of Mount Olives. Where does this word begin?

God told Abraham that all people on earth will be blessed through you. Through your seed, all people on earth will be blessed. Those were the words that were fulfilled 2,000 years later. The seed God was speaking about here  was speaking about Christ. Christ came to this earth, and now we are in a time schedule where this gospel is being proclaimed to the rest of the earth. That doesn’t mean we are mustering up our strength to do this, God is turning the time schedule to do this. 

If the churches do not go into God’s time schedule, they are bound to close their doors. And if individuals do not go into God:s time schedule, they are bound to collapse because it means they haven’t experienced the gospel yet. So they are always afflicted by demons. Even after receiving salvation, they are always dragged around by the spiritual problems of their family line. We have to know and experience John 19:30, that Christ has finished everything on the cross. 

The devil knows this, so he follows us around making us think that everything is not finished. How does he drag us around? He drags us in a direction opposite of God’s word, in the direction of Genesis 3,6,11. Always my thoughts and experiences. Always worrying and concerned with things we see with our eyes and looking for my own advantage. 

It turns out these things happen because we are oppressed and dragged around my satan. But we personally are not aware of this. So we are dragged around our whole lives and then we’re destroyed. These are the words of the Bible. 

And they’ve experienced the Mount of Calvary that liberated them from this, then absolutely, all problems are finished. There’s no longer any reason for me to live for myself, and now, Christ lives within me. I’m a new creation.  These are the things we have to go beyond knowing, things we must experience in order for us to receive this mission. If we’re working without receiving this mission, you’re going towards destruction through Genesis 3, 6, and 11.

“Pastor, do you think we’ll really be destroyed?”  Instead of living a life full of regrets later on, receive God’s grace and word right now. The reason I say this is because I used to be like this too, “Pastor, why do you speak with such extremes?  I’m not being destroyed right now. Even if I live moderately, I’m not going to be destroyed. Why do you speak with such extremes?” Satan will drag you into a corner such that you cannot escape no matter what you do unless it’s the gospel.

Remnants, you must understand. It seems like you’re going somewhere to play piano, but you are going there according to God’s Word. God has many different methods. Understand God’s Word. If God gives you His grace, then you’ll understand. If you do not understand, you’ll have to wadner and struggle for 40 years in the wilderness, but if you do understand, life becomes so easy.

The One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with you forever, so there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.  What is there to be afraid of? But if kids do not believe in that, they will always be afraid of their future. “Pastor, I see demons, I see things,” so what if you do?  Even on Wednesday, we saw Sylvia and her boyfriend and she asked, “Don’t you think my boyfriend looks so cool?” She’s completely swept up by him and it’s a blessing that she brought him to church.

I was just praying for them to receive the gospel and the assistant pastor kept pushing me to give the gospel, and I wondered, “Is the pastor the only one who can do that?” They said they were going to leave, so I let them, but they stayed. And Sylvia said her boyfriend hears demons and sees things.  “When did this start?” “Six or seven years ago.”  Then I said, “When did this first begin?” “When my grandfather passed away.”  I told him, “Your grandfather had the same experience, too.”

How did I know this to say it like a fortune-teller? There’s no need to even ask that.  Even now, he said his father and grandfather are both shamans, because even now, Mongolians practice shamanism in America.  I said, “How are things for you now?” He said, “It’s a little bit better now that I have this charm necklace.” I said, “That’s not going to do anything for you. I will give you the Word about why this problem is happening and what the solution is.

“This is not a problem that exists only in your family, it’s a problem that exists everywhere in the world, it’s simply that your family is a house that is possessed by demons so Satan uses your family. If you reject that spirit, your child will be like this.”  In Korea, it seemed like the shamanism line went through the women in the family, but in Mongolia, they have many male shamans.  I asked, “Why did this happen? One of the angels of God rebelled against God and did this to humans. This is not because you did something wrong, but everyone on earth is trapped by Satan because of their original sin.  Some people are seized like you and your family, but most people are not.

“Most people are seized by Satan, living trapped in their own thoughts by themselves, but you have to know the source of this problem and the solution. That’s why Jesus came as the Christ. When Christ died on the cross, He overcame all our curses, and when He resurrected, He overcame all our darkness. He finished all problems in one go.  Once you believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord, Savior, and God of your life, you become a child of God.  Do you want to be a child of this God?”

She was translating this, so there was a little bit of lag time.  He said, “I will if that will make this go away.” I said, “That’s not the point; you have to know what’s important. If someone accepts only to heal their disease, then the gospel is going into them improperly. The complete gospel must go into them, but that’s a half-gospel because this person is only interested in the problem they’re in. That’s not the issue; regardless of this, you’ll become a child of God.”

Most people are tied up here because that’s just the gospel they know of.  There are some people who will spin the gospel by saying, “If you believe in Jesus Christ, your business will succeed.” That’s just being a salesman, that’s not giving the gospel. You have to give them the complete gospel. It doesn’t matter if someone is diseased or afflicted by demons. 

First and foremost, they are now children of God, and if they hold onto and enjoy Christ, the darkness flees.  Whether that darkness flees quickly or slowly, that’s in God’s time schedule so that’s why it’s important to have Word nourishment afterward, otherwise, they’ll say, “But the darkness didn’t flee.”  But that’s why people will incorrectly sell the gospel. That’s the level at which the person giving the gospel understands the gospel.

The problem is irrelevant because the fundamental problem has been finished, that’s the reason why you have to come to worship and continuously receive God’s Word.  Then I don’t know what happened after that, because they’re online, I told them to meet online and to do Bible study over zoom. I gave them the  back of teh church bulletin with the way of salvation, so I said, “You have to know more about these blessings, so let’s meet online. There are many people like you, similar, but different, in America.  People are suffering in this way because they need Christ.  There are some people seized by Satan with mental problems.

“Elites are afflicted with no outward signs and some people have outward signs of affliction. Only time will tell. This is the field of America.  Because everyone in America is educated with individualism, it seems like these words are so good, but that’s how Satan controls them.” But churches don’t talk about this, they say America was always individualistic, but they never talk about this in the church.  But because the churches are not saying how Americans are colonized by Satan, they only talk about Jesus Christ, the congregation members cannot know.

That’s why Americans love transcendental meditation so much because you can do that alone. It’s perfectly fitting within individualism.  But if you tell them to go to church, they don’t like it because they’ll have to co mingle with so many people.  Because this is scientifically and medically supported, people accept it as they’re rationally trained.  America is different from Korea. The knowledge here has to be very practical and applicable in order for people to accept it.  When they put transcendental meditation into practice, they receive a level of healing. 

Even if we have a small time of concentration in a quiet time, our brains receive healing, but even as people go to church, they don’t receive healing because there’s never a time they can have a quiet time in church. When they come on Sunday, they have to do something, they have to talk to people, so they don’t have a time of quietness. The only time is worship, where we concentrate in God, but we cannot even focus then.  

When I look out during praise, there aren’t a lot of people who are properly praising. What’s taking place spiritually is that Satan is oppressing people so they cannot praise God.  Then you are able to see that the person’s spiritual state is at that level, so especially during the Lord’s day, the devil doesn’t stay still.  Praise is the way we lift our glory to God, so of course Satan would block that. When we praise, demons flee, because when we glorify God, darkness flees.  

Forget about prayer. We just think about it as going back and forth religiously. There’s not a single time for us to concentrate.  So, if you look at the way these kids are working, there’s nothing that makes us feel adeez. It seems so haphazard.  The work is just something we do, but these individuals are not receiving healing.  The reason I’m saying this is because people are receiving healing in the field through transcendental meditation, but kids are not able to receive that healing in the church. 

This unique time of worship is a time of concentration.  Before that point, I just hear, “Pastor, all I did was worship and I received healing,” and that’s normal. The characteristic of such people is that they’re so immersed in worship. I’m sorry for people who sit in the back, but these people are never in the back.  I sat in the back while in school because I’m tall but that’s not what this means. I’m saying this posture is so they can concentrate and immerse themselves in worship, so even though all they’re doing is worship, they receive healing.

People who cannot worship, cannot receive healing. If healing doesn’t take place for you, then that influence will go all the way to your business.  Because Satan is working, that will keep being revealed in your business, too.  But people are so lost in their religiosity, they think God just has to work once, but you’re constantly being worked on by the devil.  The field of America accepts transcendental meditation so much, then what about for us?  People like this come to us and do not receive the answer? Do not have a temple like that. Make it so that people can rest when they come to church, so that those who receive God’s grace can devote.  

There’s work that has to get done, so it’s not that everyone can just kick back and relax, but those who receive God’s grace more should do that work, and you help so that the people who haven’t received that grace can concentrate on God’s Word.  Especially people who lack time, you don’t work on Sunday, so come a little earlier and have a time of concentration on God’s Word. Even as you do this, you receive healing.  If you continuously keep doing this, then even without you realizing it, you’re constantly changing and you’ll be lifted to the seat of the summit, in other words, the seat where you can save others.  Before this point, you’re in a situation where you have to be saved, but one day, you’re healed to the point where you are in the seat of the summit to save others. 

We have to proclaim this gospel to save other people, which means I must have this mystery, and America is the field where almost all nations are gathered.  Even though we’re Koreans, our spiritual state must be aligned to reach people of all nations.  The work I’m doing must be the work connected to all nations.  Otherwise it’s not aligned with God’s Word, so even if you work diligently, you just do it by yourself, it’s not aligned with God’s Word.

“All I know is Korean, how can I be connected to people of all nations?”  If that person has the heart to reach disciples of all nations, then even if they’re connected to another Korean person, that other person will open the doors to all nations.  Those thoughts are so limited but God works according to his covenant. “I’m a taxi driver, how can I proclaim the gospel? If I talk about that, I’ll get a poor Uber rating and I’m going to get fired.” If you’re just praying, there will be a way.  

Everybody has their own personality, if someone has a different look or personality, one that is full of fear or joy, will make the customer react differently .  Everybody has their different mannerisms and etiquette, so if you just pray, then God will guide you.  The only issue is that you’re not praying and you’re only focused on making money, but if God is going to fulfill his covenant it means he has prepared people to be disciples, and if you hold to the covenant, God will attach those people to you. 

That’s my job and all you have to do is through this job, you will give this glory to God, then God will give you His answer through His word, that’s the “only” that only I can do.  But if you don’t think about that at all, then every day seems like the same routine. If we’re not able to pray, then the blessings of the throne of heaven are realistically with us now, but we’re losing hold of so many blessings.  

I said this earlier but if you’re praying for evangelism, God will absolutely give you His word. If I pray for evangelism in my business, then without a doubt, God will give me His Word. That’s the blessing of the throne of heaven that God has given to us. The blessing God gave to Abraham and the blessing God gave at the Mount of Olives is being fulfilled in the time schedule 2,000 years later, today. We are receiving this answer, these words, 2000 years later, today.  

The blessing given to Abraham has been given directly to us through Jesus Christ, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” God has already prepared and hidden those disciples and or worked them, and tells us to go find them, if we had to make them ourselves, then that wouldn’t be God. Why do we come to America? To find the disciples of the 237 nations. That word must be aligned with me. What happens if that Word and I are not aligned?  We may still be children of God, but we’re still far away.  That’s someone who is still in the world.

Instead of asking for blessings, I hope you will first enjoy the blessing of changing oneself.  Before asking God for anything, why would He have to give you anything more than Jsus Christ?  God has given you everything, but you don’t know that blessing, so God will open your eyes first.  God did not even reserve His only Son from us, so He has already given everything to us.  Everything has already been finished. All blessings are hidden within the blessing of world evangelization.

The field has been prepared to the point where you don’t have to take anything of your own, but there’s no advice about how to run your business in the Bible; if it’s not there, you shouldn’t keep trying to find it. The person doing business with you must be aligned with you and Word. It doesn’t matter how successful you are, you have to be aligned with God’s word, if a person is not aligned with God’s word, it means they are far from God.  In other words, that’s someone who is seized and dragged around by Satan.

If someone believes in Jesus Christ, how can they be seized and dragged around by Satan? Our spirit cannot be touched by Satan because we’re saved children of God.  However, our minds and body can be seized by Satan. Satan can seize our thoughts and emotions and take us into mental illnesses, and he can even seize our physical bodies with diseases, so even after receiving salvation, we’re constantly failing.

But if I’m aligned with this Word of God, from that point on, the blessings of Acts 1:8, the power of the Holy Spirit, fills me.  Finding disciples is impossible with our own mental strength. It must be the work of the filling of the Holy Spirit of God.  That’s why the method Jesus gave us is, “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you’ll receive power to become witnesses to the ends of the earth.” The gathering of people who knew this, was the beginning of the Early Church. 

There are people gathered at the church. You teach them and help them to obey the Word so they can know this. If you’re not able to understand these words, may this take place through training.  For those who understand these words, they can save the other believers and save their fields, that’s the church. But if the church goes outside of this, they are outside of God.  If they emphasize anything other than this, that person will be oppressed before God because of that, because God is fulfilling this Word.

So of course it’s normal for the church to proclaim the Word from the pulpit in alignment with God’s Word, and is fitting with your field, that’s where your job is.  The New Year’s message was My 24, Church 24, and Field 24, meaning God is working 24 hours, and you align yourself to that, but for the people who initially learned religiously, it will take more time.  

A religious person is someone who believed in Jesus Christ and followed without understanding this gospel. It’s religious people and people centered on unhealthy mysticism and prosperity who followed Jesus around following his miracles, and not his resurrection. And yes, they confess, “Lord, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” but if you don’t experience this gospel, you’re bound to fall into prosperity-based faith. 

In Matthew 17, it must be only Jesus Christ, but they mixed legalism, mysticism, and the gospel.  God fulfills His time schedule exactly according to the Bible.  So if your eyes aren’t opened to see this yet, all you have to do is remain within worship and receive training. If you don’t have this down yet, I hope you will stop trying to do things. That’s what we call a waste of time, a futile effort. You have to wait to become the spiritual summit so that the skill summit comes to you as an answer.

“Oh, but I’m”m already so old,how long am I going to wait until I make it into the summit?” Even when you’re charging a battery, there’s expedited charging. If you’re taking a COVID test, there’s rapid testing. Simply put, God has to work upon you every morning, all day long. There’s no other way, otherwise you’re going to be revealed. All your diligence is going to be useless effort.  These people really put the meaning of their lives in their diligence, and all of the things I’ve experienced, it’s futile effort, even from the biblical perspective.  That person is living their lives with their own meaning and purpose as they live their own lives, it’s irrelevant to the Bible.  

God has truly given us this amazing Word and has hidden everything in it, then things will naturally take place for you. Students that are studying will continuously discover their talents.  God will continuously give this person the answer of specialization so they can lead the industrial revolutions. That’s what it means for it to naturally take place, God makes it take place because I’m within His covenant.  

But if the covenant and I are not aligned, I have to make my own life happen, so it becomes  a heavy  burden and it turns out the devil is oppressing us, pressing us down as the ruler of the kingdom of the air, and making us live our lives like that. But if you go into God’s covenant, God works according to His time schedule, then people will be attached to you.

For the next generation, God will attach professors and people that can train your specialization for the future, why? Because the gospel must be testified and God finds such people to be precious. Do you know why God attached Potiphar, the cupbearer, and the Pharaoh to Joseph? God gave all these specialists to Joseph because this gospel had to be proclaimed to Egypt, and God used his older brothers to send Joseph into Egypt.  The only difference is, in that moment, are you going to fall into sadness or are you going to come to your senses that things are taking place?

If I have my own plan for life, and one day my brothers sold me as a slave to Egypt, then I’ll think, “Oh, my life really isn’t working out,” and I’ll think that success in life is escaping from Egypt, so I’ll try everything to do that.  And let’s say maybe he finally made it to the head of the house as a slave, and then he was thrown into prison by false accusation by Potiphar’s wife, “Life is terrible.”  Even though it’s the same exact people, it’s the difference whether you are within the spiritual covenant or not. That’s the first thing that must be healed. You must receive healing within God’s word of the covenant.

What do you do after healing?  We’re not just going to talk about darkness and light, that’s endless.  People don’t even have a goal for that, they just talk about darkness and light, but that has no end. It’s not about philosophy, God is going to fulfill His goal according to His covenant, so the Bible and I must be well aligned, if not change myself because our life has been prepared according to the gospel.  Thne, what’s going to happen to our church? Exactly as it was in the Bible.

Later, the Antioch Church did world missions. You may ask, “Did they do Temple Construction for that?” That naturally follows, God makes everything follow, that’s money, God knows and gives it if you are within the promise God desires, the 5 powers should follow you, but if you try so hard to make it yourself, how hard is life? God has already shown us in the Bible in advance about how to live a life of victory in the life God has given us, but we live our lives so distant from this. We’ve gone to the point where even when we listen to God:s word, we don’t receive God’s Word. 

If you have just a little bit of time to concentrate on God’s Word, then God is the one who heals, God is the one who blesses.  You don’t receive your blessings by doing anything, people succeed and fall, and there are so many examples in the Bible. Success is not the issue, you have to not fall. It must be the success that overcomes the devil. It must be the success that conquers the devil, that’s true success, the success God does in order to save the world.

Then, there’s no easier or greater blessing than evangelism. Honestly, the harder thing to do is to distance myself from the covenant because that’s the path towards destruction, but Satan has deceived our thoughts so much that we think that’s better.  Satan has seized us so we think that if we evangelize, life is such a burden and we have to do something else.  But the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with me, and the throne of heaven coming upon me is evangelism.

If the remnants rise up this way, what do you think will happen in the future?  But if this dosen’t take place and all you’ve done is going to church, that’s not a bad thing, but you’re going to be enslaved by the darkness in the field no matter what, so then you lose your reason to go to church. The further we go into America’s future, the more the churches will disappear because people don’t have a reason to go to church; it means they’re seized, they’re seized by the logic of the world. God doesn’t want that. 

So, may you save “myself” within God’s covenant.  Where must you pour your most important and precious time?  You need to concentrate on spending your time on saving yourself.  The way you save yourself is with the Word God gave you; it’s not with your mental strength. “I have to act better from now on,” that’s not the way to save yourself. That will later on be seized by the devil’s legalism.

You cannot overcome the devil by acting better, you cannot win by doing better.  You have to come to life within the words of God’s gospel. If you come to life within the gospel, you can see God’s mission and you can see prayer, then God’s answers will appear according to the Bible, according to God’s time schedule.  Our walk of faith should be really good and we should like it a lot, but we like drinking and going out, and we don’t enjoy our walk of faith? That’s a curse.  

HOlding onto God’s word and praying should be enjoyable to us, that’s evidence I’m coming to life. It’s evidence because my spirit is receiving rest.  But if I like watching my phone so much better, then I’m seized and oppressed. My emotions are seized.  Satan seizes my emotions so I don’t see what’s really good, so we keep following in some other way.  So we have no choice but to be spiritually further from God’s word.

I talked about this during the healing evangelism School, but people that are depressed will always go towards the things that make them depressed. The depression doesn’t come from out of nowhere, this person is focused on things that will always bring them depression.  For people who do drugs, all of their essential focus are focused on drugs, even if they do not realize it themselves. That’s why they’re seized by that. From the outside, they appear perfectly fine, but from the inside, the person is constantly enticed.

For example, there are people who always go somewhere on a trip, on many vacations, because they’re oppressed by that. Or people who drink every day, that person is moved internally by drinking every day.  On the outside, they may seem perfectly fine, but on the inside, they’re excused so that they are only moved by this direction, but they’re not moved by God’s Word, but the moment you are changed so that this takes place is when healing is taking place.

The church is the place that heals, we have to not only heal people of allantions, but we have to take them to the seat of the summit where they can save others. This is the church that God does.  So first and foremost, you have to eat well, because everybody loves to eat, and the Lord knew that so He also ate well.  

So, when you guys do programs for kids,you have to have food prepared so they like it in their brains.  Physically they think, “If I go there, I eat. When I go out in the world, it’s hard for me to eat and buy things, but I like going to church.” Then when they receive spiritual grace, they say, “It’s even better,” but if the kids think, “There’s nothing at church church, they’re just telling me to sit here and listen,” then they don’t like it. So at first, we have to make it so that the kids like coming to church.

What am I saying? A lot of people have to receive healing, and come to life.  For that work, I’m doing whatever I can to help through food or a restaurant, and sometimes I serve other people with the word ministry. Even so, there are some people who don’t do that and they’re similar to me, they have very strong, unnecessary pride. Let me tell you about their future.  It feels like they are constantly running into walls, and is continuously bruised and beaten up, because things irrelevant to me are taking place, but because I’m living so strongly based on my pride and thoughts, there were many times I was beaten up. There should have been someone to teach me.

I grew up in an unbeliever background, and I didn’t receive church training first, I received evangelism training first.  So I didn’t know that and I experienced so many things because I didn’t know about church training.  So, whenever I ran into an obstacle, I realized, “This is not the way,” and I would change my way, no one was there to teach me, why? Because my ego was too strong. God began to break that down with my life.  So for me, incidence kept taking place and from God’s perspective, He was giving me grace.

It was like this until I became an assistant pastor, and it was the same as I was appointed as a pastor. Our self-assertion is so sure and we never listen to other people’s words because we’ve been seized for so long, and I even thought it was a good thing, but we have to be aligned with God’s Word. All of that is unnecessary but Satan seizes us, making us think we’re so great. That’s actually not strength; that’s weakness. The one who holds onto God’s Word is the strong one. 

Satan has seized our hearts and thoughts so cunningly.  When God’s covenant and I are perfectly aligned, things will automatically go forward like a self-driving car, or like when I’m flying in a plane, you go naturally. But if you want to not go by plane, imagine how hard that will be. If you just fly a plane, you’re naturally flying.  But even inside the plane, you’re trying to do something.  The plane is already flying, but you’re running around diligently. That’s what happens when you receive this blessing without knowing about it.

I have to align myself with God’s covenant, that’s what I call healing, and that’s how we heal all mental problems.  Heal spiritual problems with God’s Word.  By prayer and the working of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace, they will be able to hear God’s Word and change.  I hope your life will have more life and joy the more you live your walk of faith.


Let us pray together holding onto the Word God gave us.  God, allow the Word You gave in Matthew 28 to become my words, may this become the path I walk, may this become my prayer topic. May this be the content with which I speak to others.  Let us pray.

Second prayer topic, let us pray for the children’s evangelism school and young adult evangelism school, and also Sunday worship.

We’re going to have the business missions training at 5pm on Saturdays. Only the people who want to and have receive God’s grace should come people who want to take their business to the healing and to the spiritual summit, and that’s how God will give the Word. No need to feel pressured. Everybody in America already listens to the business missions message, so only those who want to come should come. They want to come because God has a message He wants to give to them. That’s how the plan is. 

Let us pray for business missions because the businesses must be revived. Your business isn’t saved because you pray a lot like a Buddhist; it has to naturally take place.  Your business must be one that is used for Temple Construction, the next generation, missions, and world evangelism. Let us pray for our missions fields.

If you don’t concentrate on your everyday life, I hope your Friday Night may be a time you concentrate on God’s Word.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to enjoy prayer and evangelism,  holding onto the promise of the covenant that you have prepared for them be upon all their businesses, studies, and their families, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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