Follow the Word in Faith to See God’s Work (Deut. 6:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Follow the Word in Faith to See God’s Work (Deut. 6:1-9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

I hope to receive grace and glory to God through today’s passage. You could say that Deut. 6 is the most important part of Deuteronomy. Why? Because it was the answer given to them right before they entered Canaan. God is giving us the word as to how we are to live in the region we are in right now. In this world, they talk not of God’s Word but mankind’s words and skills. But God works, the Creator God who created the universe and us, according to His Word. In our lives, if we are holding onto something other than God’s word, I pray that you receive the grace to let it go. 

Because if you are holding onto another method beside worship, I hope you can let that go, because God’s method is the word and worship. He has never given us a different method. And so, through Deut. 6, we will receive the word to save the 237 nations and America. So how are we going to overcome the forces of darkness in America? It’s first and foremost talking about this. They’re not given the mission to go to Canaan and conquer, but the mission of establishing God’s kingdom. The land of Canaan is overcome with Satan’s forces, so will you overcome and conquer? 

In the region we are living in right now, will we overcome the forces of darkness or will we be enslaved? It’s only one of two choices. Anything else is a lie. A lot of words talk about utopia but that’s a lie. There are a lot of words but those are lies. Only God’s word is the truth. But Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the law of the Old Testament. We just have to believe in Jesus Christ. All we have to do is hold onto Him and go. It’s not about you upholding the Ten Commandments but Jesus Christ has already kept it. We just follow in faith, believing he has already fulfilled it. Before our actions, we have to have faith first.  We believe that Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and we follow after Him.  Only that is going to accomplish world evangelization, regional evangelism, and family evangelism.  

But the devil is going to plow into the church using other methods and he keeps plowing into the church with the methods of the world. He keeps attaching mankind’s hard work, diligence, and actions, and when people see that, that seems more correct, but when Satan looks at it, he’s laughing because the devil doesn’t budge unless it is only Jesus Christ. The forces of darkness holding onto America and your family won’t bat an eye unless it is Jesus Christ.

It is the most important for us to know Who Jesus Christ is, to believe this, that He fulfilled the law.  In the Old Testament, they were given the Word before Jesus Christ came about how to live in Canaan.  Jesus fulfilled those things, so all we have to do is believe in Jesus and to go with Him because Jesus fulfilled all Ten Commandments, so we believe in Jesus Christ and go forward.  The fulfillment of the Word is found within this faith.

Deut. 6:1 says, “These are the commands, decrees, and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess,” so He is saying you need to follow according to what God has said when you get into Canaan. It’s not enough to just live diligently; isn’t it enough to just study well? No, there’s no such thing that says that. That’s what unbelievers say.  Whether you study well or not, you follow after God’s Word. We’re not talking about physical things; we’re talking about spiritual things because the physical things will come out from within the spiritual things.  Therefore, study within the words of Christ.

Deut. 6:2, “so that you, your children, and their children after them may fear the LORD your God,” it says to fear the LORD.  In English, it says “fear,” meaning you have to be afraid.  Because people are living without God, they live according to however they want. Why does God say we must fear the LORD? He is telling us to stand before Him because He sees and moves everything.  If you do that, then spiritually you will always be before God.  

But if you do not fear the LORD, you will end up fearing something else, and you will begin fearing people, and you’ll start fearing money. You’re going to fear the coronavirus, why? Because people like this do not fear the LORD, so they have no choice but to fear creation.  That’s why God is giving this Word about what they must do when they go into Canaan.

That’s why we stand before God and give worship, why? Because we’re standing before the LORD.  I am standing before the One Who holds onto my life and lets my life go.  Deut. 6:2 continues, “As long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, so that you may enjoy long life.” He is saying, “Stand before God’s Word.”  Why aren’t we afraid? Because we’re standing before the Word.  Otherwise you may think it’s laughable, that the Word is less than people’s words, and that’s why the LORD tells us to fear Him.

I want you to let go of your life before God’s Word.  Don’t try to look at yourself from the perspective of your problems, but really let go of yourself before God, because if you do not let yourself down before God’s Word, you’ll have no choice but to let yourself down before all your problems, and that’s why all the problems will creep up in you as fear.  It’s not just fear, but mental problems will start as well.  

Because mankind was born as spiritual beings, our punishment is different.  What is that punishment? It is fear.  It’s not that we’re fearful because we have something to fear, but as punishment, when we are born, we are born with fear. So, just staying as you are will make you ashamed, why? Because we have been born separated from God since birth, and that’s not something that can be resolved unless you meet God.

Are you afraid of your business? It’s not that you’re afraid of your business, but you don’t fear the Lord.  Are you afraid of people?  Do you have to avoid people?  Are you that afraid to speak with people?  Why is that?  It’s because you do not fear the Lord.  If you fear God, you just have to stand before God, you just have to stand before the gospel.  But because you do not stand before the gospel, you’re afraid.  

Panic disorders come, and the fear comes to you even though nothing happens. Even if you succeed, even if you’re poor, the fear comes in. even if you stay still, the fear comes in. You can’t solve this with drugs, you can’t solve it by traveling. You can’t solve it by moving to a quiet house.  You can’t solve it even if you emigrate to a quiet country. You have to stand before God through Christ, so that you may enjoy a long life. 

It’s that you can enjoy your long life.  When we were first created, this is how God created us to be.  He didn’t create us to live all anxious and worried.  He created us to be with Him, with Christ, and to enjoy life.  He created us to enjoy Temple Construction.  It’s not that you’re in fear and shaking because of it, but you enjoy it, why? Because God has already prepared it and will guide you towards it.

If you stand before this Word, you will begin to enjoy it. America, your regional evangelism, I want you to enjoy it. If it’s a heavy burden for you and you can’t enjoy it, it means you’re not standing before God’s Word.  If I stand before the gospel, I will realize it’s not me doing it, but God is doing it. 

For students, it may be difficult for you to study because you learn something you don’t know. Let’s say that’s true, but there’s a way you can enjoy it.  I want you to enjoy the studies, the talent, and the specialty God gave you to do the work of evangelism.  If you do not stand before this Word, then your studies become fearful for you.  All works are like this.  In this state, if you find a job, then you’ll be afraid of your interpersonal relationships. 

Deut. 6:3, “Hear O Israel and be careful to obey,” Jesus Christ has already obeyed everything, so all you have to do is believe in it.  “So that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey.”  Everyone follows money and success, and because we’re physical people, even when you go to church, that’s where we tend to go towards.  However, that’s not what the Bible tells us. 

If you hear and obey, if you follow the Word in faith, then you’re going to receive the blessings, because God has already given you the blessings within the covenant. Just as God allowed this to your fathers, you will increase greatly.  “Increasing greatly” is something God promised to us from the moment of creation.  Even if we don’t thrash around to increase greatly, that’s the direction towards which God will take us.

For remnants who are studying, I want you to never be afraid, why? Because children of God all have talents, there is a talent that only you can do, and the parents just need to not disturb that.  Because parents keep intercepting them, that’s why the kids grow up weird.  The kids can’t discover their real talents because the parents keep meddling.  Because the parents make kids do everything, they can’t focus on their real talent, then when they grow up, the kids are at a loss as to what they should do. Why? Because the parents meddled. 

God gave the children to the parents and God will raise them.  Parents don’t meddle because they want to meddle; they have good intentions, but because the parents drag the children in a direction they want, they end up meddling.  Because the parents are trying to raise their kids to their level and skills, the kids can’t find their talents.  It’s the same thing at school, because the school says, “Study well and go to a good college,” but they have no interest in nurturing talents, but we have to discover these talents and nurture them.

God gave us all these things.  God gave everyone their talents so they can be different from other people.  This is what the church and parents must help with, but you can’t force the kids.  Even though you’re asserting yourself with good intentions, it’s actually disturbing the kids. If anything, you should just leave them alone.  You should help them stand in the Word and leave them be, and that’s the way for them to discover their talents.  Absolutely, the talent will lead to the specialty as this is the direction God leads you.

Because America is a superpower nation, the system where you can raise the specialties is set up very well.  The less powerful nations are clumped up into one, so they can’t really discover their specialty.  It’s a little less right now, but that’s how it was a long time ago.  For example, here there’s a system where you can do well with just one thing, but in Korea, you have to be able to do everything well, so there’s no specialty there.  Because they only pick the people who can do everything, the nation is becoming very weird.  But as the nation develops more, they have to create systems to foster this specialty.

But if you come to America and keep trying to educate the kids with the Korean method, it’s not going to fit.  Why? Because the systems are different and you’re trying to clothe the kids with something that doesn’t fit with them, this nation is developed to specialize the kids into whatever they must do, why is that?  Because God gave us a weapon so that we can use this to save the world.  

“What should I study? What job should I take?” It’s because the parents kept meddling. If they are within the church and holding onto the gospel accurately, then they’re going to automatically find it.  That’s kind of how it worked with the kids in our church, nobody told them to go anywhere, but they eventually found their places. If anything, they get confused because they do not stand before the Word.

Deut. 6:4, “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One.”  How is it right now? This is what the Jewish people are saying even now, so does that mean we’re the same as Jewish people?  If this Word is going to be fulfilled, it’s fulfilled through Christ.  So, God Who is without Christ does not exist.  Even though we say the LORD is unique and One, that’s what the Jewish people say.  But, we can only meet the One God through Jesus Christ.

So, the word “god” that exists without Christ is not needed.  This is just a word that Muslims or Jews say from the Old Testament, so that’s why everything was fulfilled through Christ.  That Christ is God, and He’s also the Word.  This means that only the words of Jesus Christ are within that. Why is that? Because God the Father gave the Word to Christ, so if you take Christ out of this, the Word cannot be fulfilled, because Jesus said this, “My Words are my Father’s Words.”  God the Father gave Jesus all the authority and all the Word, so if there’s no Christ, then that’s not God.  That’s just a god they imagined; it’s not the real God, but Satan knows this and seizes them.

That’s why it’s only Christ, only through Christ can we be with God.  We’re reading Deut. 6, the Old Testament, but right now, we’re living in the days of the New Testament.  We’re saying, “After Jesus Christ has come, how must we look at God’s Word?  What must we listen to? We must listen to the words of Christ because He is the One unique God, He is our Savior. Only He can block all the disasters; only He can overcome Satan’s authority. Only through Him can God be with us. 

God is telling us to listen to the words of the gospel, not the words of the law.  The Old Testament is all talking about Jesus.  Jesus fulfilled all the laws and commandments of the Old Testament, and that’s why we are called righteous by believing in Him. If we believe in Jesus right now and go towards Him, then God is going to work upon us through the Word, and that’s the unique method by which we can do Canaan conquest and world evangelization.  

But without this, if mankind keeps trying to keep the commandments through their own diligence and hard work, one day they’re just going to fall over.  Someone like this can never do world evangelization because they themselves cannot do it, and they just live a physical life just like an unbeliever.  Just like other religions, they keep trying to follow the decrees and commandments of that religion, but that’s what we call a religious lifestyle.  

People will follow all the rules, but they are just missing the life and faith in Jesus Christ Who ended it all on the cross.  If I just received the strength that comes from my faith, then those works will just arise.  It’s the same for our businesses and our church work.  God is going to do it, through whom? Through the one who holds onto the covenant.  He doesn’t do it through the ones who are playing, but He does it through the ones who are holding to the covenant.

You sitting here and playing around is evidence that you don’t have the covenant. We’re not talking about whether we should play or not, but if you are praying with the covenant. Then God is going to work, and that’s how we come to know what we must do when we come to church, because the unprecedented and never-repated answers I will receive are within the church.  The one who is holding onto the covenant will naturally be like this.  This will then naturally flow into your business field.

Do you think that church is different from work? No, God is everywhere. It’s not that the work you do at church and the work you do at work are different; before God’s eyes, everything is the same.  For those who are following after the words of Jesus Christ, whether they’re at work or at church, they’re the same, why? Because ultimately the church is going to save the world.  The economy of light is going to save the church.  

Deut. 6:5, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” It says to love the LORD, what does this mean? People may interpret this differently. I love, you love, but what’s the meaning of love?  We call it faith, because if you believe, then you love, and if you love, then you believe, because the opposite of loving one another is to distrust one another, and even between a man and woman, when they love each other, they can trust each other.  But if their love grows distant, so does their belief in each other.  To love the LORD means to have faith in God.  How must we believe in Him?  With all our heart and all our soul, He’s not saying to believe 99%, but to believe 100%. That’s what love is. 

Deut. 6:6, “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts,” meaning you have to imprint it. You have to imprint this in your heart, why? Because we do according to how we want. In Eph. 2:3 it says we followed after the greed of our heart, meaning we move according to whatever is in our hearts. It’s not that we move according to our thoughts, we move according to our hearts.  If Jesus Christ’s words aren’t imprinted into our hearts, then ultimately the things of the world will enter into our hearts  and we’re going to act accordingly.  So, what’s the most important blessing? It’s that the Word of God is really imprinted into our hearts.  

It wasn’t enough for the Ten Commandments to be engraved on stone tablets; it has to be imprinted in our hearts. THe Holy Spirit has to come inside of us and be imprinted into our hearts.  The Holy Spirit will come and imprint the word God gives to us every week into our hearts.  In John 1:1, God is the Word. And because the Word is imprinted into my heart, I move according to the Word, because the Word is light and life.  

You have to go with the Word you’ve been given to shine that light into the darkness, and that’s how you change death to life.  So, it’s not your thoughts, but it’s the Words of God. It’s not the words of people, but it is the Word of God.  Then that means everyone is going to come to life.  

Deut. 6:7, “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”  What does this mean?  God is saying, “It’s not just about you, but your children also have to do Canaan Conquest.”  Otherwise, there’s going to be a curse that falls upon the third and fourth generations, because if you worship idols, 

God will curse you to the third and fourth generations.  Because you’re a child of God, I’m sure He is going to bring you out of that, but you will suffer that much. In the age of Solomon, the nation split North and South, and they suffered by becoming captives to Babylon and Assyria.  They ultimately returned back, but they suffered that much. So you and I have to have this answer; you have to be able to teach this in your kids. You can’t keep planting something else into them. There are generic words, but those are all taught in schools.  You don’t have to teach them this; they can figure this out on their own. You don’t have to teach them curse words, they learn them all at school.  

My kid turns on YouTube at home and she learns how to dance even though I didn’t teach her how to do that. You can let that be, but if you don’t teach them the real thing they need to learn, that is a sin.  That’s how you become completely enslaved in Canaan. If you come to the supwerpower nation and you don’t teach the kids, they will become slaves.  That’s why we have evangelism school and teach them about worship at a young age.

Then, how much will God bless them?  The teachers will be blessed and the students are blessed because the gospel is correct and as you follow God’s Word, God will bless you. This isn’t some kind of advantage; it’s a blessing.  The one who knows this as a blessing is the truly blessed person.  It’s not work, it’s a blessing. If you think of it as work, no one will stay; everyone will run away, but that means their eyes are closed and they don’t see the important things.

Only those whose eyes are opened will do this.  The more they do it, their eyes will be opened and God will pour out His grace.  Up until this point, I had never really made anyone do anything, and it seems like people are misunderstanding me.  

Esther and Tiffany were the only ones who came out during the coronavirus. Tiffany had to come out because she was interpreting, and Esther followed because she was bored.  What is she going to do at home by herself? But nobody else came out because they were afraid of dying, so they had no choice but to do a lot of the church work.

I do not adore them.  People think I gave them so many tasks and things to do because I adored them, but they did it of their own accord, because there was no one here and they had no choice but to do it. Because nobody else was coming out, they came out to do this and that; they ended up doing everything. I don’t want you to misunderstand, because as an unbeliever, I was led by humanism, I don’t try to manipulate people.  I try so hard not to be humanistic, people may end up getting scarred because of that. 

“It’s because of this person or that person,” I don’t want you to ever misunderstand. I’m not going to be humanistic because that’s how I was as an unbeliever.  A long time ago, because I strayed away from humanism so much, people questioned whether I had leadership skills or not. Because I thought I had to use them, I didn’t use my thoughts to send this person there or that person there.  People said I didn’t have leadership skills.

Why wouldn’t I have leadership skills?  I lived in the past as someone who had leadership, but I stray away from that right now because I think, “Isn’t that humanism?” It’s the same in the future. The ones who want to do it will do it because that’s God’s heart, and now, a lot of people have to do this work for the church to be strengthened.  Now, I tell the remnants to do a lot of things.  It’s like that.  But when you’re interpreting God’s Word or holding onto God’s Word, that’s when you’re blessed.

It’s not just the word that’s a blessing, but our work is blessed, too. The work happens upon the person, it’s not based upon the location, isn’t that so?  You do the work at church, you do the work at your workplace, and because the person is being blessed, everything is blessed, so teach this to your children, because they will act according to what has entered into them.

If I receive an invitation to someone’s home for food, the people who cook well have parents who cooked well, absolutely.  It’s not something they learned, but because they ate good food, they are able to make and taste good food.  What did your children grow up listening to?  Is it the words of the absolute covenant and the gospel? Is it completely spiritual words? You cannot mix things because if you mix things, the result will be different.  It has to be 100% the gospel.

It is the complete gospel that people shouldn’t even touch, why? Because the spiritual problems mankind suffers from are not things that we can solve.  The problems of Satan, sin, and hell are not things we can solve with our own strength or diligence.  So, it’s only possible with the gospel.  The gospel is the gospel, but you have to have the complete assurance that everything is finished with this gospel.  

But if this assurance isn’t planted inside of them, because they don’t have assurance, they are going to shake.  All people’s problems start from the fundamental problem, so if the fundamental problem is solved, everything is over. If you’re within the assurance of spiritual strength, then everything will resolve itself, even your mental afflictions.  But, the important thing is, did you relay the complete gospel to the kids?  

Of course, because the Holy Spirit moves and of course God moves according to His time schedule and plan, they will come back, but the important thing is, are you continuously giving them the words of the covenant?  If you leave your children be, then other things are going to go into their hearts, and that’s why it’s important for God’s Word to go into them. 

Before you give them the Word, you have to really pray, pray the prayer transcending time and space so that the working of the Holy Spirit comes upon them.  If you pray for the working of the Holy Spirit, then ultimately, the time schedule will come. Why? Because God is working with all authority in heaven and on earth, so what creation can fight against that? The problem is whether you are praying with assurance. Because you don’t have assurance, youp pray and then you stop.  Because you don’t have the assurance that this gospel is the only thing you have to relay, you stop midway.

Deut. 6:8, “Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads,” what does that mean?  We’re talking about prayer right now, but we’re talking about putting a reminder everywhere we can see.  So ultimately in today’s terms, it’s the answer of 24h because everything you’re hearing, seeing, and experiencing is being connected to prayer, because when you tie these symbols to your hands, you’ll see it whenever you move your hands. You bind them to your forehead, so if someone looks at it, they’ll say something about it.  

Ultimately, make it so that God’s Word is the center of your life. Jesus is the Christ, the answer to all problems. He is saying, “Do the work of 24 so that God will work upon you and world evangelization takes place.”  If the Word keeps getting rooted inside of you, your prayers become simple, but if the Word doesn’t get rooted inside of you, it gets complicated. All the words become complicated, but according to God’s time schedule, this will take place.

But as time passes, it will become more simple, why? Because it has to be simple so someone like me, who isn’t very smart, can do it.  So, it becomes simple, only Jesus Christ is God.  Only proclaim God’s Kingdom in the land of Canaan because this is something God is going to do.  That’s what He is saying right now, but the Word becomes complicated because we look at it and think, “What can I do?” Because I think, “How can I run my business?” it becomes complicated.  If you say you’re there to break down the forces of darkness and establish God’s Kingdom, it becomes simple, but because you can’t do that, it’s not simple. But if the Word is simple for you, then, it becomes simple.  

With the gospel and worship inside the church, you save people, then you go out into the world and save people. That’s what the Word is telling us. What does it mean to have canaan conquest? You are breaking down the forces of darkness and establishing God’s kingdom.  What’s the reason for living in America? it’s the same thing, He’s telling you to break down the kingdom of Satan; He’s not saying you should live well. He’s sent you to America so you can break the forces of darkness here and establish God’s Kingdom, and that’s God’s word, to go to all nations and to raise disciples, to go to all places and nations, because that’s how Satan’s kingdom will crumble. First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, meaning He wants you to change the fundamentals; unless you do that, it seems like success but later on you will crumble.

He is telling you that when you go to Canaan, do this and this and that. When you come to America, this is what He wants you to do, but if you cast aside God’s Word and ask, “How am I going to succeed?” You’ve already fallen into Satan’s traps, and because you’re not aligned with God, you’re ultimately going to go into Canaan and lose. That’s why they were dragged into capvity and slavery, and that’s why they suffered because of money, and that’s why we suffer because of poeple; that’s why wer’e so afraid of our circusmtances, why is that? Because God is saying, “Go according to God’s Word.” Break down the kingdom of Satan and go all into establishing God’s Kingdom.

Duet. 6:9, “Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates,” so He is saying, when you go into your house, make the Word visible. Make the standard of your house His Word, He is saying to do Mission Home, make it so that the family is centered on God’s Word. We’re not just talking about a family that hangs up a wooden sign that says, “Jesus Christ,” but we’re saying have the center focus of the family be Jesus Christ.

Deut. 6 is the most important chapter in Deuteronomy because in the time of the New Testament, when we hold onto and pray for only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy SPirit, this is the most important. Jesus Christ fulfilled all the Old Testament and He is with me through the Holy Spirit, and now what is it? I’m going out into the world to conquer the world, and God gives His talents and specialties for that work. 

If the church isn’t like this yet, raise the church to be like this. This is the role we play in the church. If this doesn’t happen for me, then let it happen for me first, then my kids, and the word God gave which is, “Me 24, Church 24, and Field 24,” that’s what God is telling us to do.  He’s made it so that we have no choice but to do this, and He moves us according to His time schedule.  Even when I talk about Canaan Conquest, I talk about Temple Construction because the most important thing is worship. Because even when you receive the Word, it’s done through worship, so build the temple. 

This is the work God is going to do through the people who are holding onto the covenant.  Right now is the age of the Church, so we raise the Church, so that the Word is proclaimed to the world through the Church.  So, God is giving us the Word so as 70 workers, we can really proclaim the Word into our fields. He promises that, for this purpose, He will give us the filling of the holy spirit and the five powers.  It is “only,” and within that is everything, because if you go into regional evangelism and world evangelization, then God will pour out everything, and everything will follow.

God says He will give you the wisdom. If you don’t have the knowledge, if you don’t have the money, if you don’t have the people, God will attach all of this to you.  Why? Because it’s not us doing it, God is doing it and God says He will give us the strength to do it.  So He is saying to pray for the 70 regions. Just decide upon it and pray.  Because you’re only going to live one life and then leave, so why are you only praying for one thing? Pray for everything. Nobody else will do it, so that’s why God says He will give you all the land you step on, and the one who actually takes a step is a disciple because if you really hold the 70 regions in your heart and pray, that’s how it’s transcending time and space and God works. 

Give me only the filling of the Holy Spirit, and may the Holy Spirit work upon all my regions, then within the work I do at church, I will receive the unprecedented, never-reatepd answers.” do everything within this “only,” don’t do the useless things that are in vain, that’s why it’s only, then uniqueness and the answer of re-creation.  


May this Word of blessing come upon you.  Let’s pray holding onto the Word we have received.  Let’s hold onto the region and only the gospel, may this time be the filling of the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit may come upon all the regions I’m in.  Then the incidences that shine the light of the 237 nations will come.  Let us pray.

We’re going to pray for Temple Construction.  I looked on the internet and there’s a plan to make a parking lot into a building, this means God permitted this.  God didn’t just plan for this without a plan for us.  God has allowed this for the church that has the plan for world evangelization, so you get to enjoy what God is doing and how God is doing it.  With that pleased and happy heart, you’re able to devote and receive that blessing.

It’s the same for evangelism.  If you’re stressed and burdened by that, then such a person is far from the gospel. If the church is stressful to you, you’re apart from the gospel.  If you’re someone like that, I want you to rest because otherwise, you’ll say something strange later on, “I was the one who endured, I was the one who did this!” Jesus Christ finished everything so why do you keep coming out? Our church doesn’t work out like this or that, but God is the standard, so why do you keep saying those things?  

“Our church doesn’t have any rich people,” but God has all the money, so stop trying to limit the level of the church to your level, because God made big preparations but you keep limiting that, so you live so limited.  That’s not the God I know; God definitely allows us to do world evangelization.  I believe everything is within God.  Let us pray about Temple Construction. 

The missionary’s conference is in May, and the theme is, “70 regions, 70 nations, 70 disciples and workers.”  If I know this, then I don’t have to go there, but there’s a difference between knowing it and having the Word come into your heart. We all know the Word we talked about right now, but there’s a difference between knowing the Word and having the Word realistically coming into your heart. It has to realistically come into your heart for the actions to realistically follow, and it’s’ the same for pastors, “until the Word is completely upon me,” and that’s’ what we’re doing through conferences, through worship, and through training.

Let us pray for the children’s spirituality training camp, and the Saturday children’s evangelism school opened at church. Let’s pray for that, let’s pray for these three things.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnics, and the remnants who desire to hold onto only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen


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