Household Healing (Acts 16:31)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Household Healing (Acts 16:31)

Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

1. Household – Environment

(1) Happy – Environment (Phil 4:6-7)

(2) Environment – Family

(1) Background

(2) Anger

(3) Thoughts

(4) Scars – Anger – Sin, Me, Satan

(5) Emptiness

(6) Failure – Finances, Past

2. Spiritual Problem – Work of Healing

(1) Gen. 3:1-20

Satan will not leave, but people don’t acknowledge that.  Eventually, what destroys mankind is Satan, because Satan is mankind’s enemy. You don’t fail because you receive a scar; it is through the scar that Satan works to make someone commit suicide.  A mystical female pastor is married, but she has a previous marriage and kids in Texas, but one day, the husband was so depressed and committed suicide.  She would support him by praying and singing praise, but do you know why he committed suicide? It’s a spiritual problem. Suicide is a spiritual problem, so the person is oppressed.

(2) John 8:44 Satan

We don’t know the background he was raised in, but he has this background. He didn’t have the gospel. It wasn’t that he was not diligent, he went to church and prayed and everything, but he didn’t know the gospel.  You don’t just commit suicide, you could drink alcohol, but Satan drags you to suicide.  I also received news from Sedona, in a household 30 minutes away, there was a street pastor who was divorced from his wife and kids.  Another man appeared, he lusted after the wife’s daughter, but the daughter is just a teenager.  The man invited the child, Moses, to go shoot guns with him.  The two older brothers went to California, so he had to protect his family and ended up killing the man.  The rumors in the city was that they were a nice family and the father was an evangelist who used to go evangelize in the streets, and I heard the children were all well-behaved, but the situation is that this child had to protect his family, no matter how old or young he may be.  But was it an incident where he had to go and shoot the man?  He had hidden that incident from his mother for a month, and because this was a person of faith, he reported it to the police.  Now he’s in jail for first degree manslaughter.  This is a family of believers.

You can be angry but if you are angry to the point of wanting to kill someone with a gun, that means Satan has seized you. If you don’t know this, your spiritual problems cannot be solved. You can’t solve it by holding onto something. If your eyes are not opened to this, how can you give counseling?  You can encourage and support physically, but Satan will grab hold of you, so you have to know this.

(3) 1 Peter 5:7-8

If we have fear, Satan will seize us.  If we’re trembling because of a disease, Satan will grab hold of you and you may die mentally and physically. People who don’t die from cancer will be seized by Satan. If a problem arises, you can be seized by Satan, but in that time, if you want to overcome Satan, seek God’s plan.  If not, even if you try to find any other method, Satan will grab hold of you. If you don’t know spiritual things, no matter how much you may attend church, you can’t relay these words to your children. 

These are not two separate incidents, these are incidents that happened yesterday and last month.  Unless people are seized by Satan, they wouldn’t be able to do such things to others, but Christians are not saying these words, so disasters continue to arise.  The churches do not proclaim only the gospel, so they’re just about this or that about Jesus, so the problems of the future and family and future generation will not be solved, then they cannot solve the problems of nonbelievers.  God will leave them alone.  No matter how much you try, it’s no use.   

You do other things so diligently but you do not do it for the gospel, then who’s at fault? You and your children.  Then you’ll question, “I know the gospel but why is this happening to me?” The gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ.  Christ is the position of the three roles.  Sin, Separation, Satan, but they keep taking out Satan, then what happens? We’re in big trouble.  Christ has forgiven all our sins on the cross, but Satan causes us to sin and they take out the content about Satan.  Satan is the issue, so because of that, it’s about the gospel, but if we take out Satan, it becomes an incomplete gospel.  We talk about the gospel and receiving grace, but we’re not able to overcome.  You have to know this and restore yourself or disasters will arise. Satan will make these disasters arise. 

The child from the Christian family background shot a gun to kill someone, then what will happen to him?  The person in El Salvador committed suicide, then what will the church members and community think? Satan uses these incidences to sow complete unbelief. 

(4) 2 Thess. 2:10-11

(5) 2 Cor. 4:4-5

(6) Matt. 12:25-45

Meditate, pray without the gospel, and seven times more evil spirits will enter into you. Satan doesn’t leave you alone, but he looks for empty places. Therefore, look to Jesus Christ.  Without knowing that, you have this hole in your heart. All churches say only Jesus Christ, but it’s not only.  It’s only Jesus Christ, but it’s not only.  Because it’s not “only,” Satan is able to seize them. It’s to the point of you knowing this.  But if you’re realizing this problem through the household, that becomes a blessing.  Without knowing this, you say you were raised well? Then you’re seized, Satan will delude you, he will seize you by coming in the form of an angel.

(7) Eph. 6:10-20

Put on the full armor of God.  You have to put the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, you have to arm yourself to fight against Satan.  My child is here with me right now but it seems like she goes out with her friends after school. I didn’t know that, but on Fridays, she comes to church very tired and sleepy.  It’s understandable because we’ve all been students, we’ve all studied, so her mom said, “Come back home at 4pm, rest at home then come to worship,” and today she rebelled, “I can’t come back home at 4,” and her mom said, “If you don’t come back home at 4pm, you’ll be grounded from your phone until you graduate from high school.” So she came home at 4pm, rested, and went to church.

Is it because she’s a pastor’s kid that she did this?  It’s the proper thing to do before God.  Later on, if this becomes imprinted in your heart, what difficult thing or important thing must you do other than study?  Is there something more important to adults than making money?  If your priority is not changed at a young age, you will continue to be a slave.  Studying should be used as a tool to glorify and evangelize Jesus Christ but if that becomes your priority, that’s not good.  So, while you’re doing this, that has to come as your answer.  It is while you’re doing this that you receive answers regarding your business, but we’ve learned and been taught to do something to receive something.

But we learn there’s nothing more important than making money, then that’s our lifestyle, and what happens?  Satan won’t leave you alone. You’re already in a state of having lost hold of so many things.  If it is not only Jesus Christ, then Satan will hold onto you. You have to teach that.  Not just because she’s a PK, every parent should do this for their child, but I tell you before God, and it is up to you whether you do this or not. Faith is its own thing; I relay the words of a pastor.  I teach you how to properly study for God. 

But for the person who follows this, it becomes a blessing, but do you know why it doesn’t change?  It’s because the things that have been imprinted from the middle and high school years, it’s important for you to know and understand this, but this important thing doesn’t change, but there are moments when the problems in the household aren’t healed even though time has passed. There are incidences of lifelong problems.  Then what must they do? “Must I be in constant suffering?” For example, they’re paralyzed from a young age, and the parents have to take care of them for the rest of their lives.  The parents are in such turmoil, and they wish to die after the child so they can take care of the child until the child dies.

3. Lifelong – Plan

I had met with someone, and it was a meeting between deaconesses and deacons. They talked about their children with autism and they were glad that they were getting better or sad because they were getting worse.  I think there’s a social welfare program that gives money to autistic children to invest in the arts, so I told them, “Evangelize to the son.” The son has been healed a lot but it’s difficult for the gospel to enter.  So, these parents gather, the parents of the autistic children gather every day and cry with worry.

Someone was crying to herself and she was strange in the eyes of the other parents, but this was a plan for evangelism. “Go to the Taekwondo center, because the dojo is a social hub.”  She said, “I went to do the arts,” so the parents followed her, and I instructed her to go to the Taekwondo dojo. Children don’t exercise so I said it would be a good idea. 

1) Hosea

He prayed for his prostitute wife to change but God showed him the problems of idolatry.  See the problems of the world through the problems of your household. It’s up to the point where you have the mission and the problems of the household become a platform to save other people.  Then the problems of the household become a blessing or platform; if it is not a mission, healing will not take place.  What is a mission?  A mission is when you hold onto something that changes everything, and you hold onto the blessings.  But if this doesn’t take place, you will continuously have scars.

You are trying to be healed but the healing doesn’t take place.  Look at Hosea, the reason the problem persisted was so he could see the problems of the world through the household.  Look at Hannah’s family. Hannah asked, “Why do I not have children?” God used that as a blessing.

2) Joseph

The problem completely turned into a blessing.  “God sent me ahead of you,” Joseph changed that completely into a mission. The mission is not a burdensome thing, it’s a blessing, but the problem of the household and the individual becomes a blessing and opportunity to save other people.  Satan works by making you think you’re not a person to do that, that’s a person with a mission.  But all people have missions.  God didn’t just call them.  If you know that, you won’t be caught off guard by your past, but it will become a mission.  If you don’t teach this to your children, the problems of your family background will continue, and you won’t be able to receive God’s Word.  That’s why it’s a blessing even though the problem is not solved.   

I hope this blessing is upon you and your family.

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