Everyone on the Side of Truth Listens to Me (Jn. 18:28-40)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Everyone on the Side of Truth Listens to Me (Jn. 18:28-40)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Jesus Christ said that the reason why He came as the King is to testify about the truth, that everyone who is on the side of Truth listens to Jesus.

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.  I hope that the great grace of God will be upon all the families worshiping in their homes, with their families, and also out of state.  The title of today’s message is, “Everyone on the Side of Truth Listens to Me.”  Where do I belong? What do I listen to? It’s not about what I say; it’s about what I listen to, and before I listen, where do I belong?  Now that the pandemic is slowing down, the world is opening up a little, and there are shooting incidences like the one in Atlanta.  They say that this was Asian discrimination, and the shooter was the son of a pastor.  I’m sure he was told to love; however, his life was in the path of hatred and killing.

Why is it that believers believe in Jesus and God, but they don’t receive answers?  The world is difficult, but if you had answers, it wouldn’t matter.  Why are churches continuously closing their doors?  The many problems happening in the world are answered in today’s scripture. 

1. The Jews

The passage we read today was about the high priest of the Jews over to Pilate to execute Him. Why did they have to execute Jesus?

  1) Handed Jesus over

The teachings of Jesus Christ were at odds with the teachings and logic of the high priests and Pharisees.  That means it would be difficult for them to continue to make a living and to live in the future.  Jesus Christ claimed He is the Truth, the Christ, the Messiah, the King of the Jews, and now, the Pharisees and high priests’ power, honor, money, and future success were being challenged.  These people do not believe in God, but they used the name of God to gain their own power, honor, money, and success.

    (1) Charges against (Jn. 18:29)

Now, Jesus Christ was coming and made a big ruckus, so the high priest concluded that one person’s death will lead to the peace of all the Israelites. 

    (2) Criminal (John 18:30)

Because the Israelites were a Roman colony at that time, they gave Jesus Christ to the government of Rome to carry out the execution. What’s important here is that the Bible records why the Jews have been cursed for thousands of years.  If someone fails, it means they have all the conditions for failure; if someone success, it means they have all the conditions for success.  If you are constantly in poverty, it means that your family line is stuck in the conditions that result in poverty. For the young adult who committed the shooting, it means that his walk of faith was stuck in the condition that left him no choice but to do this.

    (3) To kill Jesus (John 18:31)

Why is it that even though he went to church that he did this?  Why is it that even though the Jews who believed in God and went to church have been cursed for thousands of years?  God gives us His Word regarding this today.

Around the time Jesus Christ was being crucified on the cross was the Passover Feast, and the background of the Passover Feast was the day when the Israelites were liberated from 430 years of slavery by the blood of the Passover Lamb.  The blood of that lamb represents Jesus Christ who would die for all the curses and sins of humans in the future.  God, in the Old Testament, told the Israelites to observe the Passover Feast for the rest of eternity.  When God told them to keep the Passover, He meant that they must remember the content and meaning of the Passover as they kept it.  Why were they saved from the 10 plagues of Egypt by the blood of the lamb?  You have to understand this, but today, we see that the Jewish people did not understand this.

2) Legalists did not enter the palace of the Roman governor to be able to eat the Passover (Jn. 18:28)

To avoid ceremonial uncleanness, they did not enter the palace because they wanted to eat the Passover Feast. In order for them to participate, they could not communicate or interact with Gentiles at all, and Pilate was a Gentile, so these people did not enter the palace to keep the Word of God.  Why is it that the people who keep the Word of God so diligently and obediently are cursed for thousands of years?  Why is it that people go to church without receiving answers?  Why is it that we go to church but the curses and disasters continue to pour into our families?  Why is it that we believe in Jesus Christ but we fall into a state where we must kill people?  It means we are stuck within these conditions.

3) Religious people

    (1) Salvation through keeping the law

The conditions for failure are set in the fact that they were willing to sacrifice Jesus Christ, which was the main content of the Passover, to keep the Passover feast themselves.  It’s good that they kept the Word of God, but they lost hold of the essence of the Word.  These people tried to absolve themselves of sin by obeying the Word of God, in other words, they thought they could receive salvation by keeping the law of God’s Word, so they kept the Law so diligently.  But why did they fall into disasters?  They didn’t know one thing.

    (2) Don’t know original sin

They didn’t know Original Sin.  Original sin means we are born originally with sin.  It is not a sin you commit; from the moment you’re born, you’re separated from God. That is Original Sin.  From the moment you were conceived from your mother’s womb, you were born into a life that does not seek God.  Because of that Original Sin, you commit consequential sins.  These Jewish people kept the Word of God so diligently to prevent committing consequential sins, and because they kept the Word of God, they didn’t need Jesus Christ, why?

They didn’t know who they were.  You need to know who you are. We were born with original sin, what does that mean?  It means if you live diligently, it’s disaster; even if you play, it’s disaster why? Because our conditions are within Original Sin, and because of that Original Sin, you commit consequential sins, and Satan drags around these sinners.  They didn’t know this, and for thousands of years, they only kept the Law.  Original sin means we are human beings with no hope, and Paul succeeded above everything without knowing this.  Before knowing Jesus Christ, Paul says he kept the law of God without fault, but once he realized through Jesus Christ that he was a sinner, he confessed he was the sinner of sinners.

    (3) Don’t need the Gospel

Why did he not know the gospel?  Because there was something blocking the gospel for him.  Why were there continuous disasters and a lack of answers even though he went to church every day, studying the Bible and praying so diligently?  The longer we believe, we should have more freedom and peace, but instead, the more time that passes, we become more enslaved. It’s because of the fact that we do not know the gospel.  Why do we not know this?  It means we do not know who we are.

    (4) Colonized by Rome (idolatrous country)

We’re under the misconception that we can accomplish something, and we can live our lives with a little faith, but we are hopeless.  I’m not saying you can’t study; I’m saying your life itself will not work out until you solve your Original Sin.  Simply put, the fact that you’re born into a family of sinners means your life will not work out.  That’s why the people who rejected the gospel ultimately became colonized by the idol-worshiping nation of Rome.

If God is so tremendous, why are we colonized by a demon-worshiping nation?  If God is so amazing, then why are we enslaved by money?  If God is so almighty, why am I a slave to my depression, why am I enslaved to my anxiety attacks?  It’s because we don’t need the gospel. If you think you don’t need the gospel, it’s because you don’t know who you are.

Before getting money, we must solve our problems of sin; before humans are freed, we must be freed from Satan. In other words, we must establish the conditions under which we are with God. That is the only way to escape from colonization and slavery.

    (5) Wanted Barabbas, not Jesus (Jn. 18:39-40)

Every year during the Passover, the Roman government releases a prisoner, and instead of picking Jesus, they asked for Barabbas.  They don’t need Jesus, why? Because they’re in a state where they don’t need Jesus.  Who was Barabbas?  The Israelites were colonized under Rome at this time, and Barabbas led an uprising to liberate the Israelites from the Roman colony, and Acts 5:16 says there were many rebellious groups like this. Barabbas led a group like this and was imprisoned.

Why do you think the Jews wanted to free Barabbas?  Why is it that when we make a decision, we choose something other than the gospel? Why is it that when we run a business, it is not for the gospel?  Why is it that when you study, you are not studying with the gospel for the gospel? It is because you  do not know who you are. You think what defines you is your university and your skill, how you’ve lived your past.  You don’t know who you are, fundamentally.

The Bible says that by nature, we are people lost in Original Sin, and we need God.  We have been liberated from Original Sin, but our nature is that we continue to live in Original Sin by ourselves.  So, for the Jewish people, they did not need Jesus Christ and the gospel; they needed the human leader.  Simply put, we do not need Jesus; we need money.  So, these people are stuck in conditions that have no choice but to fail.

2. God’s kingdom

Pilate was the governor of Rome, in charge of the Israelite colony.

  1) Interrogation by Pilate (John 18:33)

These Jewish leaders handed over Jesus Christ to be arrested, and now Pilate has to interrogate him. He asks, “Are you the king?” Then Jesus said, “Is this your idea, or did others talk to you about Me?” So Jesus is curious, because if you go in front of a judge, he has a report about the defendant.  The content of the report will say that this is a man who claims strange things and is throwing Israel into an uproar, so Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you a king?” 

2) Response of Jesus

But what is Jesus’ response?  While Jesus is making His response, He uses the words, “Truth” and “My Kingdom.” I hope you will focus on this point today.  You’re going into the conditions that have no choice but to have a successful faith. 

    (1) My kingdom is not of this world (Jn. 18:36)

We live our walk of faith for the things of this world, but Jesus Christ says that if His kingdom was of this world, his servants would protect him from arrest.

    (2) I am a king (Jn. 18:37)

But He says His kingdom is not of this world, it is from another place, and He has come as a king from that kingdom. 

    (3) Testify to the truth (Jn. 18:37)

What does He do here?  He says He has come into the world to testify to the Truth. Because Jesus Christ does say He is a king, referring to the spiritual world, Pilate is not able to understand him because he doesn’t know the spiritual world, so in John 18:38, Pilate asks, “What is truth?”  It says he retorted, “What is the truth?” meaning he wasn’t asking out of genuine curiosity; he was mocking and deriding Jesus, “What do you know of the truth? You stand before me as a prisoner, arrested, prepped for execution.”  If you believe in Christ, unbelievers will mock you, “Is that going to feed you? Do you think this is the Truth?”  Even now, nonbelievers respond like this because they think the kingdom of the world is everything. 

Unbelievers say that once you die, everything is over; “There is no such thing as the truth; I am the truth and that’s it.  I live my life the way I want and then I die; there is nothing after that; there is no end.” This is how they educate the children as well, “Truth? You must be joking,” so they continue to face disasters without knowing why. 

We did the Apostles Creed at the beginning, and it contains the words, “Suffered under Pontius Pilate,” so we will continue to repeat this until Jesus’ return, but in John 18:38, Pilate found no wrongdoing in Jesus during the interrogation.  He kept saying that He was a King, but the Jewish people considered this to be a blasphemy.  “There is a God; how can you claim to be God?”  Therefore if you don’t understand the gospel, strangely enough, you will attack the gospel, and the only thing you are firm in is legalism. 

The Law is God’s Word, “Do this, don’t do that.” That’s the law, but there’s a goal that God gave us in this way.  Through the law, you must see that you are a sinner so that you can go towards the gospel.  Therefore, the law is a guidance, a teacher.  However, the Jewish people became legalistic.  They judged everything, whether it was right or wrong, based on the law.  The characteristic of that is that they continued to criticize and judge people, and this is how people will change if people go to church for a long time without the gospel, and you will continue to have no answers because God came to the earth to give us the gospel.

What is the gospel? It is the forgiveness of sins and the saving of souls, but people say they don’t need Jesus or the gospel; they still haven’t realized.  Why is it that even though he went to church as the son of a pastor, he hated people and killed people? He did not realize he needed the gospel. It doesn’t matter if you’re the son of a pastor or the pastor’s father; if you don’t need the gospel, you have no choice. That’s why you must always discover the reason why you need the gospel. 

If it is not the gospel, you cannot overcome the darkness. Without the gospel, you cannot escape from the curses from the law.  Before you succeed in the world, you must be successful in the gospel. Because you don’t have success in the gospel, even before you reach success, you fall. You can’t control your depression and bipolar disorder.  You can’t control your addiction, just like this young adult couldn’t control his sex addition. You want to think straight, but you can’t control it. “I don’t want to kill people but I can’t help myself.” You’re always being dragged around, that’s a spiritual problem.

There’s something else seizing me, something is controlling my thoughts and my heart.  I want to think correct thoughts, but there is something else controlling me, and if you follow those thoughts, you do what your thoughts command.  How can we overcome this?  This is why the Lord came, and that’s why the Lord is with us through the Holy Spirit, meaning He will put His Word into our thoughts and heart.  That’s why we have to listen, but even before we listen, where are we?

3) God’s kingdom

Then, Jesus talks about God’s Kingdom. In John 3, an elite named Nicodemus comes to Jesus and asks, “How can I be reborn?” What does this mean? He is saying he doesn’t want to live this life, “I’ve succeeded but I don’t think this is what life’s about. I want to change my life, but I don’t know how to do that,” and that’s what it means to be reborn.

    (1) Can see after being born again (Jn. 3:3)

How can my life be liberated from curses and disasters? I want to be happy but I’m dragged into unhappiness. How can I go in the path of happiness?  The Lord said, “You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God.” There is another world that is not visible, but the Kingdom of God is invisible to our eyes.  If you lose hold of this, you will live your walk of faith for the physical things of this world, just like the Jewish people.  It turns out that the kingdom of this world is being controlled by Satan, who controls it by lies.

How can you discern lies from truth?  You have to know the truth to see the lies.  John 8:44, Jesus Christ says to the Pharisees that they belong to their father, the devil, a liar.  They do not seek after the Truth, but they seek after the lies of their father, the devil.  There are some people who lose their minds and are completely controlled by Satan, but Satan controls the people of the church differently.

In Matthew 4, Satan comes to Jesus after he fasts for 40 days in a quiet way, tempting Jesus with lies. These lies aren’t the lies you talk about, “I have never once lied in my life!” That’s not the lie we’re talking about.  Yes, that’s a lie, but there’s a lie even before that.  Your life has become a life of lies because you are not in the truth.  The devil comes, but Jesus drives him out with the Word of Truth.

    (2) Can enter the kingdom of God when they are born of water and the Spirit (Jn. 3:5)

You have to be born of the water and the Spirit to see the Kingdom of God, in other words, the Kingdom of God is established when we are baptized and the Holy Spirit comes upon me.  In order for the Holy Spirit to come upon me, I must believe that Jesus is the Christ. You cannot receive salvation by going to church or by your diligence, you must believe that Jesus is the Christ.  Jesus Christ has forgiven all my sins on the cross, defeated Satan, and liberated  me from hell on the cross.  He now lives within me as the Holy Spirit. You must go into that Kingdom of God.

    (3) Drive out demons with the strength of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 12:28)

If it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you. What does this mean? It means that if the Holy Spirit doesn’t come upon you, you will be seized by demons. Before succeeding, you must have this first. You must first remain within the truth of the Kingdom of God, therefore, where are you?  That’s the first thing. You must begin with the Holy Spirit being within you, otherwise, you’ll keep trying to start your life with your own thoughts.

Where do your thoughts come from? It’s not from the Truth.  They are coming from your experiences and things you have learned from evil and sins.  There is no truth in your thoughts, because even before you think about whether your thoughts are correct or not, they cannot save yourself or anyone else.  People who keep having the standard of their own thoughts will crumble because of their own thoughts.  The reason your life is the way that it is right now is because all the things of your past have led you this way.  What will happen in the future? If you stand in the Word of Christ right now, then your future will be in the Truth as well.  But if right now, you are not in the Word of Truth and you are stuck in your own thoughts, your life will stay this way.

When you face a problem, you keep using your brain because you live your entire life by spinning your brain.  “Pastor, of course we have to think, how could a person live without thinking?” You should think about God’s Word.  The evidence that God’s Holy Spirit is within us is that He will keep the Word of God in our thoughts and our hearts. That is how the darkness will flee. 

    (4) Righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17)

The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. It is not about eating and drinking.  I must go into the Holy Spirit, but what does that mean?  It means to give your entire life to Him. Then, you will have righteousness, peace, and joy.  People look for peace; the reason why people meditate in America is to find peace.  People live their lives trying to look for joy, but there is none to be found.  It only exists in the Holy Spirit.  Once the Holy Spirit controls their heart and mind with the Word of God, then the righteousness, peace, and joy of the Kingdom of God come upon me.

That is why when Jesus Christ sent out His disciples, He told them to ask, “Do you have peace?”  If you ask, “Do you believe in God?” there will be many who lie, but you ask, “Do you have true peace?”  That true peace can only come from the Holy Spirit, and that’s how our lives become happy.  If you don’t have this, then you have to try to gain happiness through the physical things you see in the world.  That’s the field of America today, they don’t need the gospel.  They are educating people to use religion to gain the physical things they see with their eyes. They have no interest in the Kingdom of God; they just try to accomplish things within the kingdom of this world, so they are not aligned with God.

    (5) Not a matter of talk but of power (1 Cor. 4:20)

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power, so your walk of faith is not about words.  When the Holy Spirit comes upon me in power, I will have the evidence. It’s not about being eloquent. Your walk of faith doesn’t take place because of the pastor’s sermons, but you have to remain within the Holy Spirit.  We must give our entire lives over to Jesus Christ, then the Kingdom of God will come upon me when Jesus Christ controls my life. 

Have you given your future to God? If you don’t, you have to live your life with your own thoughts, and the more thoughts you have will cause headaches and your thoughts will be diseased. Is your true heart towards God?  If it is not towards God, then it is towards the world so your heart will be diseased; that’s why you have diseases of the heart, and that’s the problem of America today. It’s not because of a lack of churches. The Jewish people who were so blessed to begin with were cursed because they lost hold of the gospel and held onto the Law.

3. Everyone on the side of truth

Jesus Christ said that the reason why He came as the King is to testify about the truth, that everyone who is on the side of Truth listens to Jesus.

  1) One who listens to the voice of Jesus

You don’t have to listen to the words of people.  A lot of kids don’t listen to the words of their parents.  Those who are on the side of Truth have to listen to the Word of Christ, and Christianity is a religion that listens to the Word of God.  If you communicate with someone, you must listen to them to respond. 

    (1) I am the way, the truth, and the life (Jn. 14:6)

    (2) Word is God (Jn. 1:1)

God is alive and is working upon us, giving us His Word, that’s why we follow God’s Word, and that’s why the Word is fulfilled.  The Word of God is eternal.  Your thoughts will always change, and with your thoughts, you cannot overcome disasters or Satan.  Only the Word of God defeats the darkness.  Isaiah 40:8 says that the Word of God is eternal.  All the renowned thoughts of world leaders will die away. 

    (3) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

In John 19:30, Jesus Christ said, “It is finished.”  The Lord said it is finished, but I say it is not.  What did He finish?  The Lord finished the fundamental cause of all problems of our life, the authority of all sin, Satan, and hell.  Now your life becomes a life of Galatians 2:20 where you die and Christ lives in you, so whatever problem you face, it’s not a problem. It’s not that you don’t have problems; it’s okay to have problems, but it’s no longer your problem; God must take care of that problem. That’s what we call the life of the gospel, the life of Galatians 2:20, where it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives within me.

When you look at a churchgoer, you see, “That person has so many problems,” but that is why the Lord lives within that person, guiding that person forward.  It doesn’t matter if you say this or that.  “That kid has a severe problem.”  You don’t see the Lord; you only see the problem. What do you think will happen to your life? What happens when you face a problem? If you only see problems, you see problems centered on yourself, it means you kick aside the gospel.  The Lord lives inside you, giving you the answer within the problem, but you kick all that aside and only see the problem.

Nothing is a problem because the Lord is the master of your life. The master of your family is the Lord, you have to believe in this gospel.  If you don’t believe in this and go to church, you’re so used to legalism and fight.  That’s why you can’t overcome spiritual problems.  There is no person who can overcome in front of the gospel.  No matter how big your problem may be, there is no problem that can overcome Jesus Christ.  It doesn’t matter how difficult your life is; your problem can never overcome Jesus Christ, and this is who we are.

  2) God’s mission

The words of Jesus Christ don’t end with John 19, but after Jesus resurrects, He says in Matthew 28:19-20 to go and make disciples of all nations. That is the voice you listen to and follow. Your business and studies must follow this. You listen to this voice and follow it.  Those who are of the truth will listen to that voice and follow.  If you’re not on the side of truth and you only belong to your thoughts, you only believe what you want.

Ultimately, you’re seized by Satan; your life isn’t in your control. Even if it seems to be a little bit under your control, it won’t. It’s evidence that God is alive.  We do not live according to our own will.  God created all things in the Universe and is moving everything even now. Our life and death are in God’s hands.  It doesn’t matter how long you want to live your life; when God calls you, you must go.  Some people die as children; others die over 100 years old. Some people can’t even take a breath before they die.

If we can control our own lives, there would be no reason to have the coronavirus, but the entire world must keep their mouths closed in front of the pandemic.  Those who are bragging so much about their knowledge and scientific advances have nothing to say in front of the pandemic.  This is a message of God. Use your skills and science, can you solve this problem?  We’re going to get vaccines and after that, there will be another virus. This is recorded in the Bible, and in the end times, there will be more wars, pestilence, and diseases.

    (1) Disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19-20)

Is this a threat from God?  He is telling us to not worry; He will be with you. You put your one heart, whole heart, and continue to make disciples of all nations, and God is with you until the end of the age.  God is with your business; your entire life must be with God, to go and make disciples of all nations, to make the business to save the people of all nations.  How do you do that? God is with you; God will do it.  Students who are studying, how should you study? You should prepare the study to save and make disciples of all nations.  Without this, even if you study well, you’ll crumble because of spiritual problems. You can’t solve the problems of your own life because you haven’t prepared this as a student.

    (2) Healing (Those who hear demons, those who are sick) (Mk. 16:17-18)

Declare this gospel to all nations, and for those who listen to and believe this gospel, they will have the signs of casting out demons and healing the sick.  You can never solve spiritual problems on your own.  Only when the Word of the gospel is proclaimed, then the roots of the spiritual problems causing diseases will be healed and uprooted.  Nothing else can change this, so that is why we proclaim the gospel.  The most important thing to human things is that this fundamental problem is solved. If you know this, then you will hold onto the gospel of the cross and you will speak only of the gospel, but because you don’t speak of only the gospel, you speak of laws, people are falling into curses and disasters.

    (3) Only the Holy Spirit – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

Jesus Christ says that you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be witnesses until the ends of the earth. You don’t need your own power, but the Holy Spirit must come into your lives.  We study and run our businesses with our abilities, don’t we? We’re not talking about your studies or business right now; you’re not understanding the Word. The thing you continuously remain stuck in are the physical things of the world, so you can’t hear the Word.  We’re talking about the fundamental thing. 

Even before you do your business, the power of the Holy Spirit must come fundamentally to you, and that is how your work comes as an answer; your business must follow within God.  But if your thoughts take precedence, your thoughts follow around money and your life is being dragged around by your circumstances and environment.  But only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, your thoughts and heart and spirit, then the Holy Spirit controls you. Then you will have power, what kind of power? Material possessions will have no choice but to follow you.  Problems and circumstances kneel before the Holy Spirit.  It doesn’t matter what problems you face; God shows you the answer. 

  3) Pray with the Word

This is what all members of the church gathered to pray for. What is the condition of prayer? You must let go of all the things of yourself; all you need is God to come upon you. Stop trying to solve your own problems; you must pray for God to come upon your problems, then you will see the answer. Otherwise, you will have to squeeze your brain.  Our next generation is worried about how to live in the future, but you don’t have to worry.  Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon your thoughts and heart, then you can go as it leads you. This is what we call the Kingdom of God.

    (1) Pray with one heart (Ac. 1:14)

    (2) Exodus occurred after all the people spread the blood of the lamb

The Israelites were only liberated from Egypt the moment they applied the blood of the lamb, but you can only apply the blood of the Passover lamb if you believe it in your heart. When all the members of the Israelite community, with one heart, applied the blood of the lamb, they were liberated.  When can you escape from the disasters of the world? When your heart believes in only Christ, you will escape.

    (3) At Mizpah, the Israelites got rid of idols and committed their hearts to the Lord (1 Sam. 7:3)

Samuel tells all the Israelites to get rid of all the idols in their hearts and commit themselves to the Lord.  Discard your idols.  Throw away anything that isn’t the gospel; begin with the gospel, go into the life where you enjoy and proclaim the gospel, then nothing can overcome the gospel. Philistia was broken down. Israel did not break down Philistia; God did, and the condition is that when our heart moves only towards the Lord God.  Before doing this, we must discard our idols. 

    (4) Answers according to the Word

Get rid of all your worries, throw away anything you hold onto that blocks the gospel and is not of God. It is because of those things that Paul lost the gospel.  Paul kept the law so well, but it was because of that that he did not see the gospel, and later on, he repented, beating the ground.  One day, he was able to hear, “I am a sinner. I thought I wasn’t a sinner because I kept all the laws, but fundamentally, I was a sinner, and I was dragged around by Satan, so even though I lived so religiously, I had no happiness.  But now, anything that isn’t Christ, I consider rubbish.”  If you follow words like this, then without a doubt, your life will have answers.  May you have these blessings throughout this week.


The one who listens and follows the Word of the Gospel, the one who lives for the Gospel mission, will get to enjoy the blessings of the Kingdom of God


Let us pray holding onto the Word we received today, and I believe when you pray, God is preparing the answers and working.

Offering Prayer

God, we thank You.  You have told us that those on the side of Truth will listen to the Word of Christ.  We desire for our lives to follow the Word of God in our heart and our thoughts.  Make our lives into those who will make disciples of all nations; use our lives to heal all people.  Allow our lives to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses until the ends of the earth. May our lives be used to relay this exact thing to the next generations. 

We return your material blessings as offering. We pray that wherever this offering is used, the kingdom of God may be established.  May this be the offering to raise up the disciples of the 237 nations. May the blessings of temple construction be upon this offering.  We pray that You will answer us with the economy of light so that all our businesses will be used to save the 237 nations, the healing and summit movements.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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