Evangelism is about Finding, Building, and Sending People (Mark 3:13-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Evangelism is about Finding, Building, and Sending People (Mark 3:13-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

The title of today’s word is, “Evangelism is about Finding, Building, and Sending People.”  Jesus’ method for evangelism was finding, building, and sending disciples.  The answer is within all people. There’s no other problem in this world except people.  Animals and other things aren’t a problem, but we can’t find the reason why people are a problem.  Even though there is a problem, we say there is no problem and that’s when we get confused.

Religion, Idolatry, New Age, transcendental meditation – worldly, Holy Meditation – (Meditation with God’s Word)

The way to solve these problems is through religion and idolatry.  In America, they look towards New Age, and even in America, another solution to these problems is transcendental meditation. But we’re talking about the Meditation with God’s Word.  Transcendental meditation is what they do in the world, which is without the world of God, but for us, we do this holy meditation where we meditate on God’s Word.  Because we don’t know what the problem is, we look towards these things. 

That’s why, in this world, we’re looking for people who have this answer, and with the biblical Word of God, they must be built up, and we send them out.  The entire thing is what we call evangelism.  Evangelism is not something simple we think about.  This is the work the church does.  

World – Solves Problem 

The church solves the problems of the world. Jesus Christ came to this earth to solve the problem of the world, but what is the problem of the world?  Those who know and enjoy this are the ones to relay it.  There are a lot of problems in the world, but there is this original, fundamental problem.  All of these methods are not the way to solve these problems.  These actually make me-centeredness more amplified.

Self-Centered – Sin, Satan, Suffering

The problem of this world is that we are in sin, and this is a problem where Satan is seizing us, and as time goes on, we suffer even more. That’s why there’s no solution in this world.  In other words, I have to change myself, but I cannot do it on my own. Without changing myself, I cannot solve the problems of this world.  It’s not about changing my own thoughts. The things where I am centered on myself must be changed, and this is the problem of sin, Satan, and suffering. How must we solve this problem?  This world has never given us a solution.  

Christ – With (Solved)

This problem can only be solved through Christ.  This can only be done when Christ is with me. What is a church? The church is the one who has, enjoys, and relays this answer.  This is why we say He has solved all of our problems. All problems have come from this fundamental problems, and when that problem is solved, that means all problems are solved.  Enjoying this is our walk of faith, and we enjoy that through prayer.

Enjoy – Prayer, Witness

You become witnesses of this. If your walk of faith doesn’t take place, you have no choice but to wander. You must find the answer within God’s Word to all the problems you face. Why can I not continue? You must also find the answer to that.  “I still am wandering even though I have the answer of Jesus Christ,” you must find the answer.  Then what happens? You can enjoy the blessings.  


In America, they seize everyone subtly with individualism. Individualism is where they protect the individual and give them a lot of power.  If you don’t know the gospel, then individualism is actually a channel to go towards more me-centeredness. As time goes on, that’s when postmodernism and destruction of ideals comes from.  They become centered on the individual’s knowledge, experiences, and emotions

Knowledge, experience, emotions

They say, “It doesn’t match with me; I don’t need God’s Word because it doesn’t match with me,” and they’re constantly within this individualism, centered on themselves.  They say, “That person is a loss to me,” they’re constantly in individualism.  They say, “I receive a benefit from that other person,” they laugh and cry, centered on this.  In America, does it matter how the government is run? It’s fine as long as they’re okay.  During this week, when you laughed and cried, was it because it was funny or hurtful towards yourself?  But this doesn’t change towards the gospel.  That’s why even though people go to church, they’re constnatly facing scars, depresion, and suicide.  

In other words, the individual is not able to change, and that’s why, no matter how many churches rise up, there is no answer.  Ther’es no other way than the gospel to change myself, but because of this, we fight and are in conflict. If it’s not aligned with my experience, I get angry. “There is no God.”  This is the problem of the world and of America.  People say that individualism is such a great thing, but they’re under a misconception.  There are no professors, government officials, or famous people who say it’s a bad thing,s o that’s why it’s okay, but that’s why those people cannot change others. This is something only Christ and the church is able to do. 

1. Goal

1) With – Immanuel

There is a goal to why the Lord called us, it is to be with us as Immanuel.  Immanuel doesn’t just mean the holy spirit is with me, but living self-centered is not Immanuel.  Immanuel means God lives within me and I live in a state with Him as my Lord.  The state of acknowledging and enjoying God’s absolute sovereignty is the state of Immanuel.  The Lord is the Lord and Master of all creation.  It is Immanuel, but I live according to my feelings and thoughts.  That’s not Immanuel.  Even though God is with me, I dictate my own life.  That’s not enjoying Immanuel; that’s enjoying your own kingdom. Then, the result of that is conflict and war with other people.

Name of Jesus Christ – Use

We enjoy Immanuel and use the name of Jesus Christ.  Being with Jesus Christ means I can utilize the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.  

John 17:11

It says, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ’s Authority Matthew 28:18-20

The authority of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth and is with me through Immanuel. If He is with me, then I must use that authority. If He is with me but I don’t know about this authority, then I cannot use it. Christ always gives me faith, and that’s how He reveals His works.

Luke 10:17-20

He has given the authority to trample over our enemies.  Through Jesus Christ, He has the authority to trample over the evil spirits, demons, and Satan and He has given that same authority to me. As evidence that He is with me, I must use that authority. If I just say, “He is with me,” but I tremble in fear in front of these situations, that’s not enjoying this authority.  Some people have extreme ups and downs very frequently.  Use this authority; don’t just blankly be led in this direction.  Why must I be seized and led by these up-and-down emotions? I have to enjoy Immanuel and use the authority of God being with me so that all the enemy forces making me go up and down are broken in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Sometimes I may be discouraged, lazy, or weak.  But Immanuel means I use this authority.  There’s also an environment that blocks evangelism, you use this authority.  It is that.  I don’t do it with my own strength, I use the authority found in the name of Jesus Christ and use that strength.  But because I don’t receive this strength and try to do it with my own power, I have no choice but to say, “I can’t do it.” There’s only one obstacle in this, and that’s the enemy, Satan. Satan is the one who blocks this, so that’s why we must bind him first. This is Immanuel being with me, and that’s what I must enjoy.

Matthew 10:40

Accepting Jesus Christ is accepting Me.  It is that name.  

2) Evangelism – Witness

He will be with me but also to evangelize, in other words, He is with me and I will stand as a witness. How can we know that Christ is still living and active? Have you ever thought about that?  The pastor keeps saying He exists, so I just think it, but do you have evidence of that?  You must have evidence of that in order to be a witness. What is your evidence? You can’t see it. I heard about it ever since I was young, it was imprinted and indoctrinated in me? That’s similar to communism. 

Tiffany’s friend asked a certain question, but she wasn’t able to answer. I just thought in my head, “You might not be able to answer that kind of question.” “The Bible is written by people, but how do you know it is the Truth?” This person, this friend went to church ever since they were young, and there were problems in the church, and they saw all that, so that’s why even for Tiffany, she was confused so she couldn’t say anything.  

The Lord is with me, and when I pray with this evidence and strength, then I will be able to relay that to other people, so there’s nothing hard about that.  I just need to relay the peace and joy found within the Lord. Is the Lord realistically existing for you?  Then, give your evidence. This is what unbelievers want.  You can use your Bible and the church as reference, but what are you going to tell them?  These people don’t even believe in the Bible, they say, “People recorded the Bible.”  Paul used the Bible as evidence to relay this to the Jewish people who already knew the Old Testament, but this doesn’t go through the unbelievers because they don’t even believe in the Bible. What are you going to say for u els? Does Jesus exist for you? It’s ultimately this question, “if He exists, then give me that evidence, and those who give this evidence are those who can save people.

What is evangelism?  “I went to church but my life changed,” then how did your life change? Of course if you go into an organization, your life can change. If you go into a religious organization, you’ll change into their shape, whether it’s a circle, triangle, or square, but what’s important is that your inner state  must change. The Lord is with me, and that’s the evidence I must relay, and this is what unbelievers want to hear.  “If He really exists, I want to hear,” but you can’t say anything.

Then what happens? Evangelism is the work of finding, building up, and sending people. You relay the joy in God and the peace in Immanuel, and when you relay this to unbelievers, that’s the end.  Even for me, even though I don’t relay the gospel to the people around me, they already know because they knew my past and they know my present, but it’s different for believers because they’ll say, “The Word is like this,” and for them, give the evidence of Christ with the Bible. You’re a witness.

Is God alive? Who doesn’t know that? But do you have evidence of that? Give this evidence, testify of this.  Testify this to other people, staking your life.  If you don’t do that, then you’re just living a religious life. You’re just indoctrinating yourself with this. You cannot save other people because you’re not a witness. If you experience Christ even for a little bit, every single day, then you can tell everybody you meet.  “I prayed in the name of jesus christ and He answered me,” and you relay this evidence to other people. “With the authority of jesus christ, the forces of darkness are broken down,” you can relay this to others.

One time, I asked my daughter, “Do you pray?” How could I know if she’s praying or not?  She might be able to pray as a religious ritual, but that’s what Catholics do, too.  Do you have this communication and relationship, standing before God?  The kids who are able to do this are the ones who can come to life.  For these kids, it’s more important, “Does prayer really work for them?” It’s not about whether the words are bad or not, whatever they hear will come out, but are they able to pray? In other words, are they able to communicate with the Lord? If they don’t believe, they cannot communicate. If you don’t believe, but you do this action, that’s religion.

After I asked her this question, she said there was something she prayed for, for three months, but she received an answer.  I asked what it was, and she said it was a secret. She has evidence on her own. It may seem she doesn’t have this, but I realize that on her own, she does pray.

Unbeliever – Inner State

Evangelism is being able to see the inner state of unbelievers.  It’s not just knowing the six states of the unbeliever, but I can see it in other people. I must be able to see that in order to give the answer.  If you just see the outer appearance, then You’re not able to give the answer.  That’s why this system of giving answers is what we call evangelism.

Evangelism, Camp, Upper Room, Mission Home, Regional Church

We also call it evangelism camp, or the Upper Room, and the mission home, and we also call it the regional church. What are all of these?  This is one method to do evangelism, and then what happens? You can continue.  All of these things are the field.

Continuation, Field

Don’t do this with people in the church, but you do it with people outside the church so you need this system, because people in the church are already giving worship. Leave those people alone, we need to lay down this system in order to relay this gospel to those who have never heard this before.  That’s what we call evangelism.  That’s why we also have the law school camp to go into the field of unbelievers.  Of course, people in the church must be built up, but for those who are attending worship well and these trainings well, you have to let go of them because they’re in the process of being built up. Invest energy and time into the field of unbelievers.  In other words, we must invest our limited time and energy into what God desires the most. If that doesn’t take place, you can’t have evangelism.

We have camps through the church, we go to schools for camp.  We are trying to go into this afterschool program for camp.  All of our time and our entire lives must be staked upon this, proclaiming the gospel.  The Jewish people look at the Torah, Shema, and they have no concern for other people, so that’s why they were destroyed.  When they receive the gospel, there are other people who need to receive it as well, so your time and energy must be here as well.

The key to this is acceptance.  Acceptance isn’t what we force them to do. According to God’s time schedule, He opens up their hearts and acceptance happens.  In every place, there’s someone like this, so we need to go to every place.  Think about the probability of this.  In your one region, there must be God’s time schedule in order for acceptance to take place.  But if you invest all your time into this one region, you won’t know when it will take place, and that’s why you go to another region at the same time.  Then, there’s a time schedule where God works.  Of course, this may be hard for church members, but businesspeople must do it in this way.  If I have a business in one location, it’s okay, but if I want to do business in multiple locations, I must do it in this way.

3) Authority to Drive Out Demons

We cannot see demons.  When you talk about demons in America, it’s easy to get looked down upon because if you talk about it in the Eastern sense, it’s very different, so the demons work differently in America.  But if you look in the gospels or even in Acts, many people were demon-possessed. It’s the same even now, those demons still exist and aren’t going anywhere.  It is to give you the authority to drive out demons. There’s a similar characteristic of all those people who are demon-possessed, what is it? It’s not the outer appearance, but the inner state. What kind of characteristics do they have?  


“There’s no one but me.” The deeper you’re in spiritual problems, the deeper you’re centered on yourself.  It’s the same for you, what is healing? It is changing myself to the gospel.  If you’re demon-possessed, it means they’re seizing you so that nobody else knows other than yourself, and it’s so easy to fall into this. Are there a lot of people in America who are demon-possessed? If it’s no one but me, there are a lot of people like that.  

If you emphasize individuals a lot, there are a lot of demons who work.  These demons work unknowingly.  In other words, all of the drug addiction and mental illness arising is all because of me.  O focusre, there are a lot of people who yield to others, but the ideology is that they are centered on themselves.  There’s no way of opening this for God to go in.  God must become a benefit to me; if he is a loss, then I don’t need God, but this is the characteristic.  With the name of Jeuss christ, I have the authority to drive out demons, but if I don’t die, this state continues.  Eventually, if these demons are not broken down, they have no choice but to make themselves centered on “me.”


That’s why I must be deeply rooted within the correct gospel. Why can I not have good relationships with other people? It’s so simple, it’s’ because I cannot match myself to others. Why can’t I do that? It is because I only know myself. It’s so simple.  That’s why they have no choice but to have all these conflicts, breaks in their family, in their relationships, and also a church, so there are a lot of works the church must do. The church may be in different circumstances, and that’s actually you yourself being revealed. It’s okay because it’s church. If you run away because you’re embarrassed, you cannot fix that.  For those who are not able to receive healing, if they feel they’re being revealed just a little bit, they change churches.  When they feel embarrassed and feel they have relayed enough.  

Because your pride is in the process of being healed. The greatest problem and hardship is pride.  Why do people want to change a person? It’s’ because the other person has their pride.  No matter how much you travel around or go places, that won’t be healed.  That person doesn’t touch my pride so I can feel that I can live a little bit, but that’s the way for Satan to work.  You must take this opportunity to let them know how much you’ve known each other from now.  But they say, “How could this church member hurt my pride? They think they’re mad.  How could they touch me? How could they touch me?”  because they’re so angry and they can’t hold it in anymore, they leave and start shooting others. 

You need to be healed within the church.  The pastor is healed through the church members and the church members healed through the pastor and that is the process in which God is training us.  If that doesn’t take place, you have no hope as there is no other hope other than the church.  If you are demon possessed, you have problems that aren’t scars, if you’re not uprooted due to the gospel, then we have no other way.  That’s why it’s important. Then you see them out in the world. 

2. Uniqueness

The unique way is through people. First of all the Lord calls us.

1) Called My Disciple

Your thoughts must be, “I want to continue this movement,” so we go to the remnants and go out into the world because we must continue. That’s why we don’t need all these holidays because we just continue, do you understand?  Because it’s a holiday, will we skip this week? We don’t have anything like that.  In Korea, the holidays are when they have most of the trainings and camps because they get time off of work and school.  But the Americans have this culture and the individual is important.  That leads to more mental illnesses.  All people have this time schedule, these things can’t happen all of a sudden.  

2) Responsibility

We continue, there’s no other method.  With these methods, we must do this and that, but there’s no such thing as that, we can only do this with the ones who are able to enjoy true Immanuel.  The people with the authority to drive out demons are those who can save the world.  That’s why the unique way to change this world and the culture.  But for us, we live our walk of faith not aligned with this and we just go to worship, we receive grace, go out into the world, and work diligently for success and for people.

3) Time Schedule

4) Thirsty

That’s why the method of what God used.  There are people who are desperate, there are people who run around looking for the Word of God, they are thirsty, you must be thirsty in order to follow, and we must be this kind of people.  If you’re not thirsty for Christ, you have no reason to follow after Him; you just follow after the world.

5) Minority

Jesus never used the majority. It may seem as if he were addressing the majority, but in actuality, he was working in the minority, and that’s why we keep doing trainings in Church, why is that? Because there are a minority of people who dust like this.  We trained those people. We need to have this methold.  

6) 11 People

The 13 disciples including Paul, they overturned the world. They read and compared to the problems of Mankind. It seemed like he was addressing the crowd, but it isn’t so. It seems they would address the large number of high people, Jesus Christ was only on the earth for 40 days, and He promised to give the Holy Spirit an.  The Lord Himself told us that He is with me and that’s what the entirety of the New Testament is talking about.  

7) Vague

In Matthew, it says, “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son and his name shall be called Immanuel. This is why Jesus was born.  The demons also work upon church members so we must have this authority. Those who do not believe this have no choice but to shake before problems.


Eph. 4:26 it says, “Do not let the sun go down on your anger,” so that Satan uses it as a foothold and causes you to sin. 1 Peter 5:7-8), this work goes upon those who believe, when they don’t believe.  That’s why we must have this authority.  The authority to break down the forces of darkness in the field.  When you go out into your workplace, shake this so that the evil spirits hindering all evangelism and worship be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ. It is not just at home, but it’s different everywhere you go. It’s the same whether you go to the evangelism field or not.  This world has been given to Satan.  That’s why Evangelism is this work of finding, building up, and sending people.



God, we thank You. May we be healed through the word of God.  Help us to be restored within this word. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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