Evangelism Before Evangelism (Acts 1:3, 14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Evangelism Before Evangelism (Acts 1:3, 14)

Speaker Rev. Ryu Kwang Su | Interpreter Esther Chang

Our team members gave this kind of report, saying of all the towns they’ve been to in America, this town of LA was the best.  I believe the time schedule has come where the older pastors are leading everyone well, and the younger pastors are doing the evangelism movement well.  We were able to see how our pastors are getting together doing evangelism and also leading other things well too. I heard that they play foot volleyball well, too?  I think perhaps next time, we’ll join them. Coming here to LA this time, things seem different.  The people right now are doing it with great expertise; they weren’t like that before.  Another person said, “Have this boutineer,” so i have it right now, but I’ll only have it on for the first lecture.  

Honestly speaking, the times of the Early Church were times of dictatorship underneath the king.  It was during that time that they labeled the church in Mark’s upper room as a heresy, then that’s it.  So, anyone who claimed Jesus Christ from the church in Mark’s Upper room was executed, but a strange thing happened.  This gospel saved all of Rome and all the world.  Now, what in the world did they do that made this possible? This is what we need to seek out.

Evangelism Before Evangelism

This must be the start of saving America, but prior to evangelism, there is a different kind of evangelism. This is what the Early Church knew.  Yes, we do need to evangelize, but there’s something more important than that.  Right now, we see Christianity are over the world is shrinking, we’re trouble, then. The churches in America are beginning to close their doors, and it’s been a long time since the church in Europe have begun to close their doors.

There are no seminary students in Europe; they don’t have any students, and we see this situation is repeating itself here in America as well. Science continues to advance, but spiritual problems continue to grow.  And many Christians say, “.why aren’t things working out for us?” That’s what they say. ”Why aren’t things working out for me?” There are some problems that appear in the family that are too embarrassing to speak. Why are they happening? How come we see more mental patients growing?  Why do some students come over to America and get lost in drugs and ruin their entire life?  Why are there so many problems and conflicts inside all the churches? We have to find the answer to all of these [questions].

Acts 1:3

The reason the Early Church was able to overcome in the midst of that difficult situation was because of what Jesus Christ said.  He directly called them to the Mount of Olives and explained the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for 40 days, Acts 1;3, but this is what people are unaware of.  We see this recorded in only one verse.  It doesn’t tell you about what it is, it just says, things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for 40 days.  On this basis, we do our intensive training these days. 

What did He speak about for 40 days such that the Early church were able to overcome and not be shaken?  This content continued to be relayed to the disciples.  It was relayed through the disciples all the way to Paul who was a persecutor at that time, and Paul interpreted it this way.

Romans 16:25-27

My gospel and the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation, mystery that was kept secret for long ages, but has now been disclosed, and the glory forevermore to that only wise God. That was Paul’s confession.  As you participate in our intensive training, or as you’re living your walk of faith, starting today, never forget this.

“Why doesn’t evangelism take place? How come I don’t receive any answers to prayer? How come our church is not growing?” Honestly, those questions are important.  “How come I have noa answers to prayer? Why are there so many problems in my church? Works should be arising in my church, but it’s so difficult and problems continue to take place.  The church members should continue to grow to do world evangelization, but the members are shrinking.”  Even with that, it’s all right.

Why are there so many depressed patients out there? That continue to form and we see people who commit suicide, and conversely, those who accidents.  Why are there so many mental patients?  Why are there so many drug addicts in America?  In a place where it’s so good to live, how come we see so many drug addicts arising out in the world, in this country, as well as in our schools?  With no reason whatsoever, people take a gun and shoot other people. We see this arising frequently in America.  What is the reason?

Acts 1:14

What in the world did Jesus say that allowed the disciples to remain unshaken? They said, “It’s all right, even if we die,” and in this way, these people gathered in Mark’s Upper Room, and God gave them the greatest answer. Let’s enter into the main theme. There is something you must know. First of all?

1. Solution to the Absolute Problem

There is this long standing problem we may not even be aware of.  There is an absolute problem that humankind is absolutely unaware of, but we must have the answer to that.  You need to have the solution to this problem.  Most people say this. “Why did that happen to that person?” Most of us speak that way, but that’s wrong. It’s been that way for a long time, isn’t that so? It’s been that way for a long time.  Isn’t that so? It’s been that way for so long, that complainant has been with that person for so long, and it just happened to explode at church, so that really is not the problem.  “I sent my child to America to study but why did he fall into drugs? That mental problem was with him since long ago” Do you understand what I’m saying?

1) 7 Disasters – Longstanding Things

Why did the Israelites face disasters 7 times? This was a problem that was with them for so long ago, it’s a long standing problem. It’s been a long time since the gospel disappeared, isn’t that so?  7 times, Israel was invaded and faced wars because of powerful nations. Have you read through the Bible?  We see in the Bible how Israel faces destruction and how Christ came.  Beginning from slavery in Egypt all the way to colonization in Rome, they faced disasters 7 times. Why are Christians facing so many problems? It’s been that way for a long time, so you need to view this carefully.

(6 States of the Unbeliever)

You know about the 6 states of the unbeliever, it’s a long-standing problem, and that’s why it had no choice but to manifest this way.  What’s more important?  When did this all begin? You need to see this covenant well. It said this gospel was kept hidden for long ages.  Was the gospel made long ages ago? What exactly does this mean?  If you don’t know what these words mean, you don’t know the reason for Christ.

2) Genesis 1:2, Revelation 12:1-9

If you look at Gen. 1:2, it talks about darkness, chaos, and void.  Even before the incident of Genesis 3 broke out we know that Satan in Revelation 12:1-9, he fell from heaven and completely made a mess of this world, and because God knew he would bring destruction to mankind from that point on, God had already prepared the Christ, He wanted at least that to mankind and restore His image in mankind.  Where did this Satan plow into?

Genesis 3:4-5 (Family)

Into the family line. The very first place he plowed into was the family. He broke down the family, and that’s why God prepared the gospel. Immediately, He said the offspring of the woman would come and crush the head of the serpent. It went beyond that.

Genesis 6:4-5 (Society)

Satan now plows into society so that destruction is inevitable. 

Genesis 11:1-8 (Tower of Babel)

In order to succeed, people began to build their Tower of Babel. It’s been like this for a long time.  Starting now, when you go back to your church and see people causing problems don’t fall into trials or pass quick judgment on them because it’s been with them for a long time.  While going back and forth from America, I happened to meet a disciple that who used to evangelize with me, but he was someone who was church hopping from this church to that church, and always falling into trials. I told him, “It’s easy to move churches, as long as you have your Bible and hymnal, it’s a simple thing.  Wherever you go, I’m sure churches will welcome you, it’s a simple thing. However, that’s not the problem.  That’s your nature, your long-standing nature that can’t stand in one place for a long time, and that’s going to bring you serious spiritual problems in the future. You need to quickly realize that, and realizing that means you’ve realized the gospel.”  Because he used to evangelize with me in the past, he understood what I was talking about. When a problem arises in the church it’s not really a problem, what’s more important is this.

3) Imprint, Root, Nature 

This completely became imprinted in us, became our root and was set as our nature.  Jesus explained the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for 40 days.  Starting today, grab hold of the message well, and you have to save yourselves and save your churches.  There are people who are constantly causing trouble, but that’s not the problem.  What’s imprinted in them, that’s the problem.  And that’s why after a long time, a great problem will crash into their lives and they don’t even know why it came, but the moment you understand, God’s amazing works will begin. Now, what happens if you understand this?  In this state,you try to go out and evangelize? It’s to no avail.  

Paul said, “ What will happen if you save many people, but you yourself perish?” Paul realized he was going around evangelizing, but he found he himself was perishing. But this mystery that was hidden from long ages past has now been disclosed and we’ll give glory to God forevermore. That’s how he concluded the book of Romans, it was a letter that he sent to Rome.  So, may you have the blessing of understanding well today.  What is this? It’s very important.

4) Me

You have to uproot yourself from Genesis 3.  You will be in trouble. You have to uproot yourself from Genesis 6. You have to uproot yourself from Genesis 11.  The most dangerous thing, and yet the most beautiful word they use here in America is individualism, but in one sense, it’s a very terrible word.  It’s very good for those who don’t believe in the gospel, “You just live your own life, individualism” But in the Bible, there is only One Who exists on His own, and that’s God.  

We cannot exist on our own. These words are very important. Satan came to Adam and Eve and what he taught them was, “You can be the ones to survive on your own.” What’s going around, teaching this these days is the New Age Movement.  And Freemason are doing a movement where you become possessed by demons in the end.  These two things are putting their strength together and building their Tower of Babel these days, and it continues on, so it’s very important.  You have no choice but to come to this answer.

(1) Acts 1:1

In my former book, Theophilus, so it’s talking about Christ.

(2) Acts 1:3

So we have nothing to worry about, God’s kingdom. 

(3) Acts 1:8

Only the Holy Spirit, power and witnesses we come to this answer, isn’t that so? If you really look carefully, there’s no such thing as “me” isn’t that so? Because God is with me.  God, Christ, is with you.  It’s an answer that comes at this point.  

[ Uniqueness ]

From this point on you gain the answer of uniqueness that no one can have,  but this hasn’t come to us yet.  

Philippians 1:6

Once you find this, from that point on, works continue to arise. Philippians 1:6, until the day of Christ.  

Philippians 2:3

God has put his good will inside of you and He is bringing his it to completion. You have to teach this to them.  You church members, as well as your church congregation members, if you teach them this because the gospel is unique they will receive the answer of uniqueness.  Many people come up to me and say, “Pastor, these days there’s a lot of problems in our Darakbang organization,” and I say, “Not really, it has been that way for a long time it’s just that it happened to manifest at this time, and it’s good that it’s finally surfacing.”  View every problem that way, and it’s a good thing.  Let’s say this person gets such bad grades and fails the exam.  No, that’s not it’s been that way for a very long time, it’s been a long time since he stopped studying, isn’t that so?

All of a sudden, they got into Harvard University? No, it’s been that way for a long time. If you gain that answer, you’ll gain all three answers, absolutely.  He went as a slave, but in that field of slavery, the greatest answer came to Joseph. “What do I have to do?” You don’t have to worry about it, even if he was just cleaning, he was the best at it.  In just cleaning, he gained the answer of uniqueness, do you understand? 

If you don’t understand these words, you will be in trouble, because no matter how hard you try it won’t work.  Think about it, if a student doesn’t have this answer, how can they study this world and overcome it?  Potiphar looked at him and what did he say? “The LORD God is with you.” Potiphar said that about him. What did the king say?  Where did this power come from? I see the spirit of God is fully working upon you. Why don’t you become a governor, that’s what the Pharaoh said, as he was a shepherd, he had this. It’s a simple thing, then.

When I first went as an assistant pastor, I had no background and I had no money. I had no strength whatsoever.  I had nothing.  But there was some response I could do, and that was that?  I was in charge of the student, so I thought, I’m going to save these kids. How? By finding my uniqueness. I went to every single junior and senior high school in the city of Busan, after I went to all the schools, I could see this uniqueness. That’s the only thing that I could do.  Because Christ is one and only; if you really know Him, you’ll gain the answer of uniqueness.  

2. Prayer – Summit

From this point on, what else begins to take place?  Prayer begins to take place from this point on.  Prayer must take place for you to reach the summit, isn’t that so? If there’s anyone here for the very first time, then go back and look up these Bible verses. Don’t just look up these verses, but read the entire chapter.  Chapter 3, 6, and 11. 

Why do we get upset about something? Because it’s all about me? Isn’t that so? Why do we get upset? Because it’s about me. Why do we get into a fight? Because it’s about me, isn’t that so?  It’s not God, it’s me, and that’s why it happens. Then we have no choice but to get attacked by Satan. That’s why they faced the 7 disasters

Perhaps what I’m saying is too difficul;t but once you understand it, that’s it.  Once you understand it, all the forces of darkness will crumble.  Do you know what will happen even if you are sitting still works will arise in your churches.  In the past before realizing this, nothing I did worked out, but after realizing this, I was so thankful for God’s grace that, everywhere I went, works arose. I wasn’t doing anything everywhere I went, the works arose on their own. God was doing it.  Look at this, the forces of darkness completely crumbled. So, gain the answer of quietness.

Why do I keep talking about Wannamaker? Because he had no background whatsoever, but he found this. This exists everywhere you go.  This exists in every field that you go to and if you can kind that then works begin from that point on. And prayer will take place. Once prayer takes place, you’ll find yourself on top of the summit.  From this point on, three things take place.

1) Different Me

You find a different “you,” isn’t that so?  

(1) Acts 2:1-13

What did other people say about them?  “I think those people are drunk on wine,” those who didn’t understand thought, “These people are drunk, they drunk a new wine.” What does that mean? These people completely changed, that’s what they meant about it.  That is what happens look at the Bible, and from this point on, it doesn’t just end there.  

(2) Acts 13:1-14

God leads everything, the work, the position, the location everything. 

(3) Acts 19:1-7

The works that took place in Mark’s Upper Room, everywhere they went, the same thing happened. 

2) Other People

Other people will look at you and will know. Isn’t that so? they’ll come to you.  THey’re going to come to ask, “Can I believe in Jesus, too?”  In the future, may you remnants receive these answers, evangelism isn’t difficult at all, but they will come to you.  In America, we have 150 people groups.  Simply put, all the great people are here.  Isn’t that so? In Korea there are people who have never gone overseas in their entire life, but you’ve flown all the way to America. Think about it, you are really something because you’ve come this far, but there are 150 other people groups like you here.  

Pastors, if you realize this answer, then the multiethnic disciples whom God has prepared will come to your churches.  We’ve got different plans that we will do inside our intensive training.There are 5000 universities here in America, think about it, if you go to find every single one of them, you’ll grow old and die by that time you go to all the schools.  You’ve got to find disciples; God will send them to you.  

3) Door of Evangelism

From this point on, the doors of evangelism open.  For America, and especially LA, may this be the Opportunity where you can truly start correctly. You were trapped in this [point 1].  Think about it, if you’ve not received salvation and get lost in this, you will just live your life that way and end up going to hell. But if you’ve received salvation and you’re still trapped in this, nothing will work out for you because you have received salvation. 

It’s a tremendous thing. This is the answer to everything.  As you do intensive training inside of your churches, help your members understand this.  Children who get approached with drugs, and then fall into drug abuse,  it didn’t just happen overnight, they had a long-standing mental problem, and it began here.  Genesis 3, 6, and 11 are coming upon them exactly in this way. You need to change this. Begin by changing yourself first. “Actually, ‘me’, that’s the problem” If you do this, you’ll become a new “you.”

Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ, and now Christ lives in me.  From that point on, what kind of answer comes to you? The answer of the summit, you’ll find yourself in a very important seat. Joseph didn’t say, “I need to become governor,” he found himself there. David, as he was tending his flock, didn’t think “ I want to become king,” he found himself there to be king. Daniel wasn’t thinking of rising to success but God raised him to the greatest seat of success.  Especially, may this blessing be upon the remnants. You’ve tried evangelizing this way and that way? That’s all a lie. If you enter into this, you’ll see God’s work. What was kept hidden for long ages past but now disclosed and will give glory to God forevermore.  This is the evangelism prior to evangelizing.  Then, the third thing follows, what is it?

3. Time Schedule – 24 Hours

Finally, you gain the answer of 24 hours. “Pastor, what’s 24 hours? 24 hours?” It sounds difficult, let me give you an example of 24 hours. Fanny J. Crosby. “I don’t want to open my eyes.” The reason? “Because Christ is with me,” she said that . “All the way my Savior leads me,” and “how great is His inexpressible love for me.”  That’s her 24 hour enjoyment of Christ. Isn’t that so ? John Wannamaker went in as a clerk in the department store, Ana’s became the king of department stores. He was a witness of God; that’s his 24 hours, isn’t that so?  Schwab went in as a janitor and became the president of the steel industry. That was his 24 hours. If you can seek out the joy of 24 hour prayer, then that’s it. 

How are you going to do this? You have to seek this out with training in the future. These days, we see Tiger Woods is not so good at golf, do you know why/ He lost his 24, and that’s why it’s like that. When I say he has to find this, does that mean he has to hit that ball 24 hours a day? That’s not what I’m talking about.  


If there is anyone who is sick here then really come to the answer of Christ, and really enter into the joy of prayer, 24 hours a day, then what kind of answer will come to you?  

25 Hours

We call that the filling of the holy spirit, it goes beyond our time and our world. While living here in America, if you don’t have the answer, you will be in trouble. Then, the answer that comes from here?


God has an important time schedule for you.  Paul was talking about that time schedule that was hidden for long ages past has now been disclosed and we’ll give glory to God forevermore.  All you have to have is this answer.  However, in the past, I went into a school of foregin studies to evangelize.  I gathered all of them together and spoke to them for about 10 minutes, then let’s really run the errand of evangelizing to the university of foreign studies. You’re part of the navigators or CCC. I am a pastor from the Dongsam Jeil church.  Let’s not do it for the sake of my Dongsam Jeil Church, or for your CCC, at least for today, let’s evangelize for the sake of this university.  They were smart college students, they understood what I was talking about, and simply put ,what we did was break this down, and the works will arise.  If you remain trapped in this, no matter how much you do Bible study it’s not going to work because you’re still trapped in this.  

I truly bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that wherever you go, the forces of darkness will be born because of you. We call this an evangelism disciple. You found your important answers uniqueness, the summit and evangelism disciple. This is the rightful answer you need to receive. 

The reason why you’re here in America, If you really receive this answer, then that’s it.  Of course, every church officer wants to do offering, and wants to build the RUTC. It’s because they don’t have something that they’re not able to give.  Think about it, everyone who goes to church wants to build their building and do world evangelization, but they’re not able to do that because they’re not receiving any answers, isn’t that so? If they had received answers, they’d be able to do it but they’re not able to, because they haven’t received answers, so throw away your stubbornness and quickly break this down, and the answer of uniqueness will come to you inside of Christ.

Receiving these blessings is rightful for you. Without this blessing, you cannot save America.  Now, grab hold of the covenant and break down all the curse and problems in America. If you know this, then Satan will be bound and you’ll find yourself on top of the summit. Doors will open so that you can evangelize to other people and ultimately you become an evangelism disciple.  This is the first lecture for the LA conference, so don’t lose hold of this, and starting today, enter into this. 


Let’s come to the conclusion.  Starting today as you enter into this, Jesus said.

1. Acts 1:6-7

“Is this the time for the nation to be restored?” “That is not for you to know,” then verse 8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you’ll be witnesses till the ends of the earth.”  If you look at 2 Corintihans 12:1-10, Paul says he went to the third heaven, and what that means is that he went into the depths of prayer.  Look into these Bible verses.  Starting now, begin this.

2. Morning

In the morning, starting tomorrow, whether it’s for 10 minutes, 20 minutes or an hour, enter into the depths of prayer.  Have no other prayer topics; just give yourself to God. Try it. Since you have received salvation, tremendous works will arise.  Throughout the day, just confirm the answer. That too is prayer. 

3. Night

And at night, receive  healing and the answer. We call this 24hr prayer. It’s a simple thing.  Then, the answer of 25 will follow, 25 hours, and what that means is that it transcends mankind level from this point on the answer of eternity has begun. May it begin here in LA.  May this not just be an average conference, but may it be one where you are revived.  Especially our young pastors here, be strengthened and save America.  

When I was young, I heard my parents worrying a lot.  When I was young, listening to what they were worrying about, they worried about money the most, they were worried about money, so I began to pray.  “Do we really not have money? I’m going to change that. Does the church really not have money? No, not at all, if the church receive power and Gods grace then a lot of money will come in so I thought then I need to change this.”  I thought this to myself, so I ran 10 times harder than anyone else.  I had no other background of power, so I ran 10 times harder than anyone else, why? Because I had no power, what did I do? 

In the past I would give first service down in Busan, second service, I would fly up to Seoul, then I would take the plane back down to Busan, and at 10:30pm, we would have our chore meeting and starting Monday I would go running out to the fields to evangelize, so in one sense, it was 30 times more than anyone else. Why did I do this? To show proof.  So, discard everything else. You grab hold of this and the works will begin its sure thing.  Find the real answer inside the gospel. If not, then why are you all the way here in America? To do what? Isn’t that so?

The second thing I prayed about while I was an assistant pastor, I heard the elders gathered together and worrying about something. What were they worried about?  They were saying, “There are too many assistant pastors in our church,” and I, too, was an assistant pastor. So it’s very difficult for us to give all of them their monthly salaries,” so they were worried about it, so I came home and gave it some thought.  I thought about my existence .  Our lives we are getting our salary from the church and I thought, that’s really embarrassing; I need to save the church.  I need to become the person this church needs.  I need to change their thinking, because I get paid by the church and they shouldn’t think it’s a waste of money to pay me. 

Everywhere I went, I began to break down the idol of “me” that was within every single person. Then together with the answer of Christ, the answer of uniqueness began to come. From that point on I taught people about prayer and I taught them what evangelism is. This is the gospel, this is prayer, and number three is evangelism , isn’t that so? That’s what I taught people, and everywhere I went, works began to take place.  That was not my ambition inside of me, but that was just me standing in front of my conscience.  

God led me to pioneer a church, so I went to that church. I went there and it was only 30 square meters.  It was a 30 square meter church; I’d never seen such a thing.  The church members came to me and said, “because we’re a pioneer church,” and I said, “We’re not a pioneer church. Only the first day you are a pioneer church, after that you’re no longer a pioneer church.”  I said, “Go ahead and pay our dues to the presbytery and also gather missions offering and the church has to open its doors 24 hours a day, so get a secretary to sit in the office.  I said this even though we didn’t even have a church building. 

What did I do? I prayed this way to God. “God, the church I am worshiping in isn’t just 30 square meter, it’s all the city of Yengod, it’s all the city of Busan,” so immediately, I opened up 300 places and did the word movement there.  What I mean is, there has to be a church that has to find disciples for the 5000 universities in America. Think about it, try it this way. Make a very important survey. 

When I went into Yeongdo, I made 13 very important questions in a questionnaire. It’s very simple.  I told the newspaper companies as well as the advertising companies and spread it all over the city, 13 questions.  One of those questions was, “Are you living a religious life right now but still facing hardships?” “Do you attend church but are still lost in problems and hardships?” “Are you mentally afflicted because of severe idol worship?” I asked 13 of these questions, and underneath that, I wrote, “We have Bible study at this place and at this time.” 

You need to send this message to the 5000 universities. Upload it or send it out in newspapers. Do you have these kinds of problems? And real disciples whom God has reserved for you will come. When do we have time to go to all those places?  Think about it, even before the disciples would be able to go to all of Israel once the end of the world would have come. So full scale, starting this year, we are going to call the disciples all over the world, train them, and send them back out. 

May you do this as well because this is America and you have to enjoy the blessing of receiving real answers.  Starting today if you really understand these words, then spiritually, you will have complete victory.

Ephesians 1:3

You have to understand these words, like Eph. 1:3, it says before creation. We who were lost and dying inside of this before Creation, God predestined us and saved us.  What did God keep hidden for long ages past? God decided to send Christ to save mankind who was lost in this. If that is so, then what else?  The “me” doesn’t disappear but it’s a different “me.”  That’s the kind of blessing that comes to us.  So, may you truly save your churches and save America.

Even now, I remember when I first came to America.  An elder came to pick me up.  I got into his car at the airport and he was driving me to the hotel.  It took about 30-40 minutes, and along the way, he said to me about all the problems in his church, all his disappointment regarding his pastor and conflicts he was having with the other elders.  Along the way, he’s talking about all these things, he said, “I have no one to talk to until now,” and I thought,” This is America.” This was the first time I came here.

I said, “Elder, I think what you’re saying is right; however, Elder, as long as you think that way, America evangelization will be difficult,” and he said, “Yes, I agree with that.”  “Please, participate in all the conferences and all the messages,” and I told him that and he said, “Yes, I will.” He even brought me a meal and continued to look at him while I was giving the message. He kept on sleeping.  I thought, “We’re really in trouble.”  He was nodding off during all three messages.  I don’t know what else he was doing, playing poker all night, but he was sleeping during the messages.

We’re really in trouble. We need to save America, and save your churches first.  If they realize this unconditionally, the works will arise.  If you begin this prayer, then God will open the doors of evangelism.  May the new start of saving America take place through you.  Just apply that a little bit.  May you gain many more answers during lecture 2 and lecture 3, and may it be a time where you are strengthen by God. 


We give thanks to God.  Let this be an important time for us.  May the works of completely breaking down the forces of darkness arise.  May the works of God to bind all the forces of darkness in America begin to take place.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Now we’ll have a time of prayer, so that we can restore our prayer of 24 hours.  Let us pray so that we can enjoy 25 and eternity so that we can save our field and the future generations.  

Now we’ll pray for our missions fields, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Mongolia, Navajo, and the Karen tribes, and we will pray that they enjoy 24, 25, and eternity so that they may raise disciples in their fields.  

We’ll pray for the pastor, because he is sick. It’s not omicron, but it’s just a cold.


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