Evangelism as God’s Children (Mark 3:13-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Evangelism as God’s Children (Mark 3:13-15)

I wanted to share the Word we received this morning in a bit more detail for the remnants.  Jesus Christ said He called those He wanted.  We’re not going to God because we wanted it, but we go because God called us as His children.  There’s some remnants who don’t really like coming to church, but they have no choice but to move because God is calling them.  We’re able to go before the Lord and the Word of God because He called us.

There are people whom God calls, but why did He call?  It says He called twelve, and God raises them up as children of God.

If you’re able to know who you are, you’ll have the appropriate answers.  However, there are children of God living like the children of earth, of the devil.  How do the children of the devil live?  They live centered on themselves, whatever they want, for their goals.  But Christ has completely changed our status from that into being children of God.  We did not become children of God by testing our abilities; He gave it to us by the goodness of Christ.

The children of God only have to do what God desires, but instead, we keep asking and begging God to give us what we want.  That is a spiritual baby.  There are some people who live their walk of faith for a long time but are still babies in spirit.  If you’re a child of God, you just have to do what God desires.  If you do the things your parents want, they will support you entirely.  When you get a job at your company, you have to do what your company desires instead of what you want to do.

But you think you’re so great, it doesn’t matter how great you are, but you must do what the company wants you to do.  If you’re living in America, you have to do the things America wants you to do. If you keep doing the things America doesn’t want you to do, you’ll keep getting pushed away. It’s the same thing with our walk of faith, you’ll be pushed off the road.

You keep going to church, but you say, “Things don’t work out the way I want.” But I have to align myself with the church and what God desires, but if you don’t know what it means to be a child of God, you’re going to be wrong from the beginning until the end.  The church is the body of Christ and Christ moves us invisibly. It’s not about whether you like it or not, but you have to align yourself with God.  You’re a child of God.  This is very important.  If you properly begin this, your walk of faith begins here.

What is a disciple?  The one who remains within and follows the words of Christ.  Why did He raise us up this way?  The fact that God is with me doesn’t mean He raised me so I get what I want, but there’s a shockingly large number of people who think this way.  If this person talks to a Buddhist monk, they will get along very well because they share the same spirit, because their walk of faith is difficult.

Why is it difficult?  The only difficult thing is me.  You’re difficult because you don’t know what it means that the Lord is with you.  He is with me eternally, and I’m living a walk of faith where I’m with the Lord forever.  Even after my physical body dies, I’m going to be living my walk of faith eternally with the Lord.  From the moment I received salvation until eternity, I will live like this.

You must understand what prayer is; if you don’t understand, your life will be a headache and you won’t change; you’re entrenched in religious thinking, you never change from your me-centeredness, from being centered on your benefit. If something “good” happens, it’s only good from my perspective. But you say, “hahaha,” but there’s not a lot of good things happening. Most people are just stretching their faces because things they don’t like keep happening.  You’re always self-centered, and Satan makes them fall into self-centeredness.

The thing they say is, “I’ve tried praying; it doesn’t work,” but you’ve never actually prayed the prayer God desires.  You’re talking about a prayer that every religion prays, so you pray diligently but it’s not really prayer.  You’re just being so stubborn, trying to make God do something, but you should move to match God; God shouldn’t move according to you. Remnants, as soon as you understand this, you will enter into answers.  If you don’t understand this, you’ll be dragged into the same line as your family line.  You must understand the gospel.

Spiritually, we’re all connected. If one person becomes weak, then everybody loses their balance.  In order to regain that balance, you have to raise this person back up.  That is someone who understands and enjoys Immanuel.  The demon ideologies will break that, “Just me,” that’s the demon ideology, so he completely separates everyone even though we’re connected.  The one who enjoys that is the one who knows Immanuel.

If your sibling gets hurt, your family will help them. As long as they’re alive, you help them, that’s the family. That’s what it means that we’ve become one, spiritually.  If you understand this well, then you’ll understand what a huge blessing this church is. You’re not doing this with your strength, but Christ is your strength. You guys have different roles in the church, like interpretation and praise. You’re devoting to the worship, and you guys praise along with them.  The messages we give aren’t obvious, but God raises this up.

What if this isn’t there? You’ll just call up another pastor.  I’m saying it goes beyond that. God called us so we can be together.  Then, what do you have to do for the weak and vulnerable people?  Of course, you have to help them with your prayers and devotion, and helping that person is the way for you to live, for us to live.

Let’s say there’s a war in America.  I’m sure there’s not going to be a war because we’re friendly with Canada and Mexico, but let’s say there’s a war.  Where would you run away to? You have to fight to protect the country.  Immanuel.  Where would you run?  If there’s someone weak next to you, what would you do? You have to help them. Immanuel, church.  You must understand this for your family to become stable.

For the people who understand this, if they go into the military, they will become proud and go into politics and become a great politician; if they are a CEO, they’ll be a famous CEO, but if they don’t have Immanuel, thinking only of themselves, even if they become a military soldier, politician, or CEO, they’ll just harass other people, because they think others must sacrifice themselves for them. 

If you fail in your church life, I’m sorry to say, you’ll fail in your family and professional life as well. If you look down on the church, but I’m sorry; everyone will look down on your family and your professional life will become a laughingstock. That’s why the first thing God made when He created humans was a family.  Before that, He made the church so we could worship God, and then He made the family.

If you do this properly, success will follow you.  Even with the little things you’ve been given, God is with you. In your studies at school, whether you’re good or bad at studying, God has given you those things, and God is with you even in the smallest tasks.  In the future, you will get some kind of job.  You keep talking about useless things, “This job has to fit with me,” so throw away your demonic ideology, and start from the bottom.  Who else will do the lowest job? “I will do it, go to the place no one else goes, and go to the highest place to show that God is with us.”

But the kids don’t have this ideology, they think they’re great, they’re too cool, “If I’m this level, I should do this work,” but that’s a misconception.  Companies don’t want people like that. You have to do the work the company desires and needs if you are in that organization.  But you’re always complaining and resenting, “I have so much ability, but why do they make me do this?” It’s because you don’t believe God is with you in the small things, so cleanse your brains.

No matter what you do or where you go, God is with you.  Everyone else has Satanic thoughts.  If I give you tasks in the church, I can see how you stand before God by seeing how you do it, because most people think the work in the world is more precious than the work they do in the church.  That’s how most people are.  It’s because they do not believe in God.  “Oh, but I do, I believe God is with me,” but no, you don’t believe God is with you in the work you do. You might be under a misconception that God is with you, but you don’t believe God is with you in the work you do.

The reason God called you is to be with us, with me in all things.  That’s why the work that has been given to me is the work given by God, and I do my very best.  If I wear slippers here, I’m more comfortable. I actually bought a pair of slippers.  My flipflops broke so I threw those away and got a pair of slippers.  But if I were to drive with these shoes on, it would be so uncomfortable.  If I came in slippers, it would be much more comfortable, but then if I did that, you’d all come in slippers. It’s possible you might, but do you think that’s right for the kids to see this? 

People who don’t have any thoughts at all will say, “Who cares?” You do this work before God, and that’s what I’m saying.  “Why can’t I come here in a bathing suit? Why not? If I think it’s right, it’s right,” but if you know you’re standing before God, it’s different.  Do you consider worship to be less than swimming? 

God has a plan in everything, and if you have people or friends around you, don’t treat them however you want.  If anyone here is cyberbullying, that person cannot do anything big because Satan is the one causing people to be isolated and bullied, and you giggle at each other, thinking it’s fun.  You’re not really excited when you pray, listening to the Word of God, but you bully each other.  There is a plan of God in the midst of your relationships with people, and the remnants must hold that in their mind. 

If God is in this relationship with me and this person, then how could I bully them and isolate them, criticize and tease them, just because I want to?  You have to raise them up and save them, even if somebody else complains about them; you have to say, “It’s not true,” because God is with you in that meeting.

“Oh, the reason God is sending me out into the world is to evangelize.” What happens if that doesn’t take place?  Then instead, you’re thinking like a slave, like you have to do everything to eat, survive, and live.  God is with us so we can go out and evangelize, but if you lose hold of that, you’re enslaved to Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and everything. You have to hold onto this as a remnant.

If you don’t understand this, you’ll suffer the rest of your life, even if you go to church.  When you evangelize, the demons should flee, but instead, when I talk about evangelism, the believers flee.  Why? Because they may receive salvation but their ideologies are still demonic.  Without a doubt, the gospel is proclaimed by the revelation and power of the Holy Spirit, but you think you have to do it. That’s why you have to find your talent.

People have to be aligned with God, but they’re not, and churches have become like this.  They say, “What do you mean evangelize? I’m barely surviving,” but why is it hard for you to survive? Because you do not believe God is with you, and that person can’t apply that.  “If I’m struggling, why would you tell me about evangelism? Stop wasting my time.” But if you understand the Word well, you’ll understand, God works according to the Word, so you have to align yourself with God’s Word.

It doesn’t matter how much you lack in your background, God is your background. Your parents aren’t the background. “I don’t have any powers,” but God gave talents to you.  Some have five talents and must use talents. If I have one talent, I use it for missions and evangelism.  If that person was given five talents but they’re only using four for missions and evangelism, that person doesn’t get a crown, but if you have one talent and use it for missions and evangelism, God’s heavenly power and crown are waiting for you.

You can listen to the words of your teachers and listen, but if you don’t apply this, you’ll be enslaved to demonic ideologies. You have to be satisfied with the fact that God finished everything and is with you. Without being satisfied that God is with you, you cannot enjoy evangelism and cast out demons. But if the gospel is good to me, I will evangelize, then it’s good to study for the gospel, and everything that’s worth doing is worth doing, because you have a goal.

You get most offended when I talk about demons, but you must know they exist to exercise your authority. Demons suck people into the devil’s lies to carry out Satan’s plan. You’re getting deceived by the lie so you’re doing the work of Satan.

Matthew 12 says, when you receive the power of the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, the Kingdom of God is established.  So, when you go into the regions, look at the religions carefully.

I evangelized as soon as I believed in Jesus Christ, not like you guys. Don’t you think people looked up to me for that? But there’s still the spiritual things of my family line. I couldn’t see it for myself, and for other people, I could only see what was revealed, but I couldn’t really know.  But if you’re talking about Mongolia, that’s a country seized by shamans for thousands of years, and do you think the demon will allow the complete gospel message to come into them?  You have to bind Satan with prayer.

That’s why I’m telling you, the kids from multiethnic nations, especially idolatrous nations, will have great difficulty.  I’m like this because God immersed me in this and nothing else for 10 years.  Would you stop everything you’re doing to be trained for 10 years? You’d quit after one year.  There’s nothing I did for 10 years except receive training in the gospel and evangelism, but even with that, the nonbeliever background was very hard.

That’s why I have no hope unless it’s by holding onto the Holy Spirit. You have to be able to see this in the nonbelievers and the multiethnics with whom you do ministry.  If you just look at them externally, you can’t do ministry with them, so that’s why I’m saying you have to look at their background.  It’s not easy for Mongolians, the people living next to me are not easy.  There has to be someone who knows that spiritual background for it to be broken down.

What about America?  America isn’t just America, it’s a mixture of all these nations.  America isn’t just filled with Caucasians, but there’s people of all nations here. You have to see that for you to understand Los Angeles. There’s a lot of multiethnics in Los Angeles, then what’s happening here?  We’re inside the background of one person’s family background as well as the nation’s spiritual state.

So if someone says they’ve lived their walk of faith for a long time, it doesn’t matter, because in that religious life, all they know is themselves, and they just know physical blessings, they don’t know what it means to believe in God.  So, they’re filled with so many other things and it will take a long time to break out, but they are being pointed towards God.  

Therefore, when you receive spiritual strength in prayer, utilize your authority to break down the forces of darkness working in your family and job. Pray about it, and without a doubt, answers will come. They may come immediately or after a month, but without a doubt, when you pray, you will receive answers in the name of Jesus Christ.

Then you will be able to understand the shootings happening in America.  All the beatings and assaults we see on the streets are a result of what happened to someone in their family, and the things within them were just being exposed because society was also on edge.  Because the scars and anger within them weren’t healed, these things are being exposed to society.

Some people do mass shootings, and this is what’s going into you guys and the future generations.  All the LAPD has guns, and if a criminal has a gun, posing a threat, you have to shoot them. The police officers have the power and authority to do that, but what happens if they don’t know their enemy? They’re only given weapons because there is an enemy, someone they must bring under their country.  But you don’t know you have this weapon and you don’t know this opponent is there.

You guys are the first people Satan will attack.  Satan won’t attack his own children but he will attack those who don’t have this weapon, who don’t have spiritual strength, so that’s why you have to bind the strong man first.  People aren’t strong, but Satan is strong and you must bind Satan. If one remnant understands this, then Satan binding your father won’t be able to act. 

Let’s say you have an abusive dad who abuses you every time he gets drunk. Are you going to get revenge?  Those who seek revenge on their dads, it will go down your family line to the future generations. 


God, we thank You.  Bless the remnants.  Please give them the grace so they may be with you and they may cast out the demons with authority.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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