Enjoying Christ’s Rest (Rom. 1:1-7)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Enjoying Christ’s Rest (Rom. 1:1-7)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

We will be sharing the upcoming Remnant Day message in Romans 1.  Romans is a letter that Paul sent to a church in Rome.

66 – God’s Word John 1:1 – Covenant

If God’s Word doesn’t reside in me, I’ve failed worship and that person will live according to their own level.  Then, God’s Word comes to me as the covenant that is fulfilled.


Where must I focus? Focus on God. If you’re not able to focus on worship, you’ll focus and obsess over other things. Obsession is concentrating or focusing on the wrong things, and later on, it will develop into addiction.  The start is the empty state that comes from not being able to concentrate on God’s Word.

Me – Word (Promise)

Not just any message, but the Word God specifically prepared for me, that is the promise God has given to me. What is meditation? Why has God given me these words? During your problems or during the week, why has God given you this Word? Meditate on it, then what happens?


God’s Word starts to move you, that’s how God’s Word works through you. This is the walk of faith, isn’t that simple?  The remnants who cannot focus or concentrate during worship will live according to their own standards. You listen to worship today but you didn’t receive anything?  That’s why during Sunday, don’t do anything until you can focus on just one thing.  If this hasn’t taken place, I go back to school or work, and it becomes very difficult, but this happened.  Then you just hold onto the Word and go to your studies or work, do you understand? This is the walk of faith, it’s simple. It’s very simple.

What’s important is that God’s Word remains in you.  You have to prepare everything for worship because God’s Word being established and fulfilled in me is everything; you must prepare everything for worship. Your life will work out according to the Word.  That’s the principle of your life, your walk of faith.  I hope none of you will fail in this.


Today, we listened to the word regarding rest.  Even if you take a trip to Hawaii, you may not find rest.  You have a few days of break from school? That was not true rest.  You have to receive the rest that comes from Jesus Christ. 

6 Days – 7th Day – Rest


How can mankind live in God’s rest?

With, From, For

You lose hold of God’s rest when you say all things are for me and from me.  Instead of being for God, it’s for me, so I lose hold of rest. We call that the life of a nonbeliever, a disobedient life.

Satan, Gen. 3:5, Burden (Gen. 3:16-20)

It’s weary and burdensome.  You have lost all your rest.  So, God allowed it through Jesus Christ to restore this rest. 

Jesus = Christ Rest

Don’t focus on days or what to eat, everything talks about Jesus Christ.  If you’re not able to understand this, your conclusion will not be in Christ.  Though you read the Bible from cover to cover, it will be complicated.  Nonbelievers make money to receive rest, they succeed, because as they’ve been separated from God, they have to make their own rest, but that’s not rest.

Even while in church, they have a form of rest, like making money or doing something else will give them rest, meaning they haven’t understood the word, they don’t know who Jesus Christ is.  He is the Master of the Sabbath and He is the One Who has made rest.  You have to understand this.

Jesus is the One Who gives rest, but even now if I study hard, I will rest, but that’s not rest.  If I succeed, will I have rest? There’s no rest. Many attend church like Pharisees, they think just worshiping is fine, they just have to pray and give offering. There’s no rest in that. Everything is about Jesus Christ. Whenever you come to worship, that is when Jesus Christ must change into your Master then you go out into the field. After this change happens, you go out.

There’s a denomination that focuses on Saturday as the Sabbath.  They focus on the days, “Why don’t you worship on Saturday, the Sabbath? Why do you worship on Sunday?” There are many religions like, Jehovah’s Witnesses and 7th Day Adventists who focus on the Old Testament.  The Bible states, don’t focus on the Sabbath so much; the Master of the Sabbath is Jesus Christ, but they keep focusing on the Sabbath.  So, if there’s a war going on, if it was the Sabbath, they wouldn’t be able to fight. “On the Sabbath rest,” they would just die. They would die a righteous death, I think it’s useless.  Just because they interpret the Bible in this sense, they believe it to be a righteous death, but it’s actually a death in vain.

They suddenly changed the law later on; they continue to keep the Sabbath holy and restful, so they said, “Let’s just build weapons to protect ourselves.  Do you know what Jehovah’s Witnesses do? It’s in their law to not murder, so they don’t enlist in the army. “Having guns and swords is fighting and killing people,” I’ve met about 3 groups of those kinds of people.  The first group was from Seoul National University. These students came to evangelize to me, they were 2nd or 3rd year students, and they were Jehovah’s Witnesses.  They told me something I didn’t think about, so God reveals His Word to me in the field.

I asked, “You don’t hold guns or anything?”  They said they didn’t. Then I asked, “Did David not kill anyone in the Old Testament?” They couldn’t answer their question, so they brought a senior graduate student who was higher up.  I didn’t even think about that, but God spoke those words through me in the field, and I asked the same question, but the graduate student wasn’t able to answer. 

One time, I went to MacArthur Park and met a group of Mexican Jehovah’s Witnesses. I asked them again, and they were more developed.  “If a war breaks out and your family is being shot down in front of you, wouldn’t you pick up a gun and die with your family? Otherwise you’ve left them to be murdered.” Why am I saying this?  Because that is a result of not knowing who Jesus Christ is, and logically and scientifically interpreting God’s Word.  The Lord knew this and told them to not focus on what to eat and on religious festivals.

It never says in the Bible to celebrate Christmas. It’s talking about Jesus Christ so that’s what it means to celebrate Christmas every day.  We keep religious festivals because it’s there, but there’s no much point to them.  We put a lot of emphasis on religious festivals where on Easter, we come up in Sunday clothes.  It’s not bad but are you explaining Christ to them in that sense?  We celebrate Easter, it’s resurrection Sunday, and there’s some church members who only come on Easter, other churches have praise night vigils. But the Bible doesn’t say to do this, why? Jesus Christ is risen and is always with us, so we need religious festivals to explain about Jesus but it’s not necessary.

Nonbelievers don’t know anything about Easter or anything, so everything you do, whether it’s eating, sleeping, or playing, it’s for Christ.  That’s what I’m saying.  If you don’t know Christ, you don’t know anything because Pharisees, even though they knew the Bible, they did not know Christ. If you know Christ, you know God. God entrusted Christ with everything, so that’s why even now, in the name of Jesus Christ all the evil spirits will depart. 

Paul knew this and confessed Jesus Christ is the greatest knowledge.  All the laws he knew until then were elementary, basic knowledge.  It’s similar to Pharisees being elementary school students and Jesus being a professor, there can’t be any communication between them.  The apostles should communicate about Jesus Christ together but there’s no communication when the levels are so different. This is what today’s Word is about.

How can we enjoy this Christ? 


Cross – Death – Me – Master

Resurrection – Life – Christ

In this state, nothing is a problem because there’s no longer “me.”  There’s this body but the Master is no longer me; it is Christ.  The problem is not a problem, the problem is given to you as an answer by Christ. 

Answer, Plan

Christ finished everything for you until you go to heaven.  Through the problem, confirm God is with you because the Master is God.  Even today, I was conversing with a newcomer.  He said he believed in Jesus Christ from 1988 and I asked, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?” He seemed to be a similar age to me, but I said, “The start seems to be wrong.”  He had this hope that from attending lots of churches that he would become like that, so that was his motive, but as time went on, he realized he wasn’t changing.  Those churches will continuously churn people in and out, so their faith boosts, but they leave, and there’s newcomers.  The church is so big so it’s not important or necessary to have one person, so there will be an influx of new people.

“The start was wrong in the first place, it should be Jesus Christ the Master.”  The person had done a lot of church work but it started to bother him.  At that time. If he was able to make that change, it would have been okay, he could have discovered God’s plan for him, but he couldn’t.

Remnants, what does it mean for Jesus Christ being your Master? Ask that.  If you ask for something, it means you’re your master. If you ask, “What is that?” Then Christ is the Master and if Christ is alive, Christ gives you the answer. It’s a simple matter but it’s not very simple.  It comes out because it doesn’t align according to my will.  There’s no rest in that; he said he didn’t have rest, so he asked, “How can I have rest?”

“You have to have a foundation in the Word. Even if you come to church, you won’t be able to understand the Word.  On Thursday, meet up with me.”  I told the newcomer to meet up with me online, until she gains the fundamentals of understanding the pulpit message.  I told her my testimony and it was 6-7 minutes, and we don’t have to wait until Thursday, we started today.  We don’t know if Thursday will come or not.

She  said, she has two children, so I told her she must relay this to her children. The difference could be one sheet of paper, whether it’s a problem or an answer.  This is everything.  Prayer is just enjoying this, do you understand?  You have to do this with the covenant God gives you.  That’s how you have to study. 

Prayer God’s Kingdom

Do the prayer God desires, not what you want. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established, pray prayers that will be answered.  Without this, we try to fulfill our own will and create our own kingdom. What is their kingdom?  The Bible states that that’s the kingdom of Gen. 3, 6, and 11.  They have this imagination of the kingdom that results from coming to America and being successful.  What kind of kingdom is that dream?  That is a kingdom but they’re just living in it.  It’s just a dream that they just dream, and they have these grandiose dreams, but it’s all wrong. 

For God’s Kingdom to be established, you have to dream of God’s Kingdom

Satan’s Kingdom, Holy Spirit

Awhile back, before David Abrams told me about his Jewish Buddhist sister, he said, she’s empty and he said he’s not empty because Jesus Christ is with me.  He said his bipolar disorder is disappearing and he’s taking less medication, and he told this to his sister, he’s being the bartizan, shining the light.  God’s Kingdom is being established in me, so going away is automatic. Pray for that. Don’t do useless prayers.  May God’s Kingdom be established in me, to be filled completely with God’s Spirit.  People pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon their heads.  People with mental illnesses, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon your mind.  People with bad habits, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to be upon that habit, not that it becomes better, but when God is upon that, the forces of darkness are broken down. 

You have to solve the fundamentals, it doesn’t matter if it gets better or not. You can succeed but Satan will not leave.  People can live a pious, righteous, nice life; Satan will not leave.  There’s no need for you to have this wearisome burden. May God’s Spirit be poured upon me. Continue to do this, and let God’s Spirit come upon my students, then what happens?  Satan’s Kingdom is broken down, curses and disasters are broken down, and it’s after everything is broken that you have to receive answers; if not, it’s of no use. 

If you’re not able to understand this, it’s going to be difficult.  You’re going out without understanding the fundamental message. Who destroys me? Satan is the enemy.  May the power of Jesus Christ work upon me and my spirit. Those who are lonely or depressed, may you have the filling of the Holy Spirit upon your emotions.  When you’re lonely, I saw many people play games on their phones. Even as you play games, may the filling of the Holy Spirit be poured upon you. 

If you keep doing that, the Spirit will win.  Not just that, but may the Holy Spirit come upon me and the Kingdom of God be established in me. Don’t sit here empty-minded, but be in prayer. Don’t just sit here worried about your studies, but may God’s Spirit be poured out upon your studies, family, and friends. If you’re tired like Joyce, just do deep breathing. It’s tiring to do overtime.  But what will you do if you don’t come to worship? No choice.  You have to have your own personal mystery that overcomes this.

Even if your workplace makes you work for 24 hours, you must have the strength to overcome. If you don’t learn? The workplace may make you work 3-4 days without rest, but God prepared us with the strength to do that.  “I’ve never heard of anything like that,” but life will have many such things. You have to have this power and strength. But at this time, if you enjoy this prayer, answers come to you.

Satan doesn’t leave you alone, he makes you have other thoughts, because it’s a big thing that happens when Satan’s Kingdom is broken down.  Right now, your state is your spiritual state.  It’s according to that state that answers come. Without thoughts, you’re in a state with no thoughts. If it’s complicated, then complicated things will arise.  “Oh it’s so simple,” then this answer will continue to be revealed. What is this standard? Not your feelings, but Christ and God’s Kingdom is the standard. Don’t be confused about this.

In your school field, your studies are not the standard; Christ and God’s Kingdom is the standard. But when you go into the field, Satan confuses you. Then, you’re in a state of no strength.  So you cannot get confused.  Then, you must totally and firmly hold onto the Word, 24 hours. That’s what we call 24 hour prayer.  24 hours is not just saying and reciting these things, but holding onto God’s Word, the covenant for 24 hours.  No matter what someone else may say, just holding onto that Word. Even though your grades have dropped, regardless of that, hold onto the Word. You caught a cold because of the rain? Hold onto the Word and it becomes an answer.

Satan makes you lose hold of this through many things like your circumstances, feelings.  Set a time, five minutes per day, have this time of concentration.  I saw Tiffany and thought she must do this for at least a minute daily.  It’s not just one minute, I don’t know if she did it daily but I know she’s doing it, then she definitely stands as a witness.  She’s someone who tries to do this because I can see her moving according to the Word. That’s what’s important.

God wants to raise you up as a witness; God isn’t trying to make you glorify Him. Her offering of 9/10ths will be fulfilled because that’s her covenant.  Then, how can God allow 9/10ths to be done for her? There are two methods.  The first is that she makes a lot of money and survives off a tenth of her income, or she marries a really rich husband who gives 9/10ths of her income and lives off of his income. The start of blessings is the fact that this Word is imprinted in her.  There are a few people who can say that they have this covenant of 9/10ths.  I’m not telling you to do it but I’m saying it’s important that she received this Word, so she does 5/10ths right now.

Later on, she’ll do more because then, God has no choice but to work. He can’t leave her alone. Do you understand what I’m saying? Hold onto the Word properly. What’s the characteristic of a poor person?  It’s someone who uses all their money for themselves and gives offering with the little that remains.  Offering has to come to you as the covenant.  When it comes to you, that is when God will fulfill it.  God fulfills it through your studies, specialization, and business.  But if you don’t focus on this, you’ll focus on your diligence and effort.  If you work hard, it will just come out. Heavenly blessings should come on you but you toil and labor, focusing on material things, but that person cannot become a witness.  That’s why the cycle is repeated and continues.

How should we pray? Jesus Christ finished all problems.  You rest as He finished everything. Problems are God’s plans.  Confirm this and be a witness.  But if you don’t have this, you’ll be afraid of everything, you’ll be afraid of the problems that will happen. You know the term, “Rest,” but you’re so distant from the gospel. 

Secondly, may God’s Kingdom come to me as power.   No one has to help you because God’s Kingdom has the power, and that’s why.  Wherever he went, God worked. What is there for him to do as a slave?  But instead, he enjoyed the Kingdom of God to the point where Pharaoh confessed that he had God’s Spirit. It was the same for Joseph in the seat of jail or as governor. You must be here to save.


You have no power.  I told the young adults, don’t use rebuking words, but use words that save.  If you have to give words that correct, you’ll be kicked out eventually. The gospel is correct, but their thoughts are not my thoughts.  Do you know, they give correct words in the workplace as they know they’re correct, but that’s the first candidate to be kicked out.  You are not necessary for our company.  Say necessary words, so say the gospel, the gospel solves the problems of the company, say words that benefit the company. That’s what they’re expecting.   

But you misunderstand, “They don’t know I’m trying to correct them,” so you don’t say words that are correct, but say words that save through Jesus Christ, then you will be acknowledged as a necessary person and employee. The company needs someone to save. 


Bless the remnants, let them enjoy rest and let them receive authority and stand as witnesses as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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