Enjoy the Works of the Holy Spirit within the Covenant (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7, Hebrews 4:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Enjoy the Works of the Holy Spirit within the Covenant (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7, Hebrews 4:12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God with three Bible verses today. There are many promises in the Bible.  Because God knows that none of our IQ is over 300, God continues to repeat the most important Word in the Bible.  To summarize the entirety of the Bible, these are words regarding Jesus Christ.  In the Old Testament, it is the promise of Jesus who will come, and in the New Testament is how Jesus Christ will come, and in the end times, it talks about when Jesus Christ will come again.

In Genesis 1-2, God tells us everything about God’s creation and design. If you don’t know that, then you don’t know the Bible. You can only know the Bible if you understand God’s original plan and design for us. You need to know yourself through the Bible as well.  The “you” you know yourself is only half the story.  “I have a mean personality”? No, that’s not it. I’m a child of God with a mean personality, that’s what it means to know yourself correctly.

“This person has a great personality,” that’s incorrect. They are a child of God with a good personality, and that’s correct.  Your great personality cannot solve the problems of Satan or the problems of life. Only God can solve the problem of life, and your status is a child of God.

So if you don’t understand the words of Genesis 1-2, you don’t’ understand the reason God said anything else between then and Genesis 3, in Genesis 1:27, humans were created in God’s image. What is God’s image?  And I asked someone and they said, “Don’t you think that God’s image is having two eyes, two ears and a mouth?” Other people may say, “God has a personality and so he gave human beings the sense of personality,” but they mostly say the same thing.  “God has wisdom and justice, so He gave those to mankind.”

That is correct as well. You can’t go around and tell them that’s wrong, that’s evidence you haven’t studied theology. If you go somewhere and only talk about one perspective or side, you won;’t be able to communicate. It means God has created us as spiritual beings so that He can be with us.  

2 Corinthians 4:4 says that Christ is the image of God, and humans cannot be secure if they are not with God. If you want to know yourself accurately, you can only represent yourself properly if you say that “I’m a child of God with these attributes,” If you say, “I’m a failure,” that’s incorrect.  “I’m a child of God who has failed.”  The difference between “I’m a failure” and “I’m a child of God who has failed” is the difference between heaven and earth.

When a child of God fails, God’s plan is there.  But when someone who is not a child of God fails, then their life will be determined by what’s in their heart, but we are children of God and have God’s plan. This is the reason we live. Things don’t go according to my desires, but things go according to God’s plan.  We are created in God’s image, in other words, we’re created so the Triune God is with us, and then God gave us the promise to rule over, conquer, and subdue the world with world evangelization. 

If you’re not edited with these words, and these words aren’t imprinted within you, even if you say you know the Bible, you’ll go askew.  There aren’t any words in the Bible like that; you’ve just created your own Bible.  Because the Word of God is not accurately imprinted in you, you don’t receive answers, and that’s why we must be edited with God’s Word; in other words, imprinted.

You know your external life is a result of what is inside of you.  Just like when you take a picture, whatever light strikes the film will be developed, and what is obvious and necessary will be exposed.  Something that is not there will not be imprinted; what is there will be revealed. If you have a scar, one day it will be revealed. It’s not because you met the wrong friend, it was inside of you, it simply was revealed because you met this friend.  Then, is the friend the problem or is whatever is inside of you the problem?  

People who don’t know spiritual things will say, “I had a difficult environment, I met the wrong friend,” but those are all lies. If the correct thing is inside of you, then whether your environment or people are wrong, it will always be a blessing.  Joseph had unfortunate brothers who tried to kill him, but even that turned into a blessing because Joseph had the true blessing inside of him.  But people pretend to be so just and righteous on the outside, but there’s nothing inside of them, and that’s how their lives turn out.

According to God’s image, that’s where the blessing of world evangelization comes out in Genesis 1:28.  This is the Word you  must plant deeply into your heart. This is our beginning.  That is also our goal.  The Bible continues forward, following this.  There are people who have read the entire Bible 100 times and they know so many of the words, but they don’t know what the Bible is saying. Some students study so much and well, but they take tests very poorly.  It’s because when you look at the textbook, there’s a very important content, but they don’t focus on that; they only focus on the side things they aren’t tested on, but they study so diligently.

Whatever God has given to us with great importance must be imprinted in us with great importance.  I, as a human being, am created to be with the Triune God.  That is the beginning of the blessings to rule over, conquer, and subdue through world evangelization.

In Genesis 2:7, it says God breathed the breath of life into our nostrils, and man became a living being. If you read in John 21, Jesus breathed upon His disciples and that was what happened in Genesis 2.  Just like how God formed mankind out of the dust and then breathed into him the life of breath, then man became a living being. When Jesus breathed upon his disciples, He wasn’t doing deep breathing prayer; the disciples knew about the promise of Genesis 2:7, about the Holy Spirit, so they received it.  You must know the reason why God gave you the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t give you the Holy Spirit  so you get more money, or run your business well;  you understand the word of God incorrectly, and you don’t know the biblical reason for receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit, so you don’t receive it at all. 

God told humans to receive this Holy Spirit, and in Genesis 2, He entrusted the Garden to them. God also created the family in Genesis 2.  The family isn’t given to God so we can play amongst ourselves, that’s not the goal of the family.  God created the family to rule over and subdue the Garden well. If the young adults aren’t imprinted deely in this, then they will make a family irrelevant to God, then they’re going to fight every day, and their life will be a life not worth living, that’s not a family God desires, and that’s why Genesis 1 and 2 are so important.  

Read very carefully, why did God pour the Holy Spirit among them?  God created all of the Garden of Eden, then created mankind to rule over, conquer, and subdue on His behalf, and that’s why he gave us the Holy Spirit. That’s the reason why we have our family as well. It’s the same with the church. You can only receive answers when this word is imprinted and edited in you.  In other words, God gave you the family and the filling of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the work for which God has created you.  Your studies, job, and everything is within world evangelization, and that’s how we conquer.

We don’t conquer by killing people, we conquer by defeating Satan. We do not conquer with the sword; we do not conquer with our knowledge or identification. God is telling us to conquer by receiving the strength of God’s Holy Spirit to break down the kingdom of Satan and to establish the Kingdom of God.  God entrusted all of his business to Adam and Eve, for what? For God, isn’t that right?  God did it for us, and we did it for God.  Why do we run our business? For world evangelization.  Why do we have our family? For world evangelization. Then, does that mean the husband and life shouldn’t love each other? That’s an elementary question. If we run our business and give everything to offering, how will we live and survive?” That’s an elementary question. You shouldn’t ask questions like a nursing child.  Even if you do all this, you can live more sure and confidently and that’s Genesis 1-2.  

Then, how can we conquer?  Hebrews 4:12, God’s Word.  That’s why we do the Word movement.  The method for world evangelization is the Word movement.  The Word of God has to go into you so you may be healed and rise as the summit. If the Word of God doesn’t go into you but the words of people go into you, you’ll never be liberated from Satan’s grasp. How can we do world evangelism? Through the word movement, that’s why God told you to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  That’s the content of Acts 1:1, 3, 8, that’s the content of Mount Calvary, the Mount of Olives and Mark’s Upper Room.  That’s the content of the Triune God, God the Son, Father, and Holy Spirit. 

He is talking about God. You’ve read the Bible 100 times and you still don’t understand that, that means you’ve placed your point on something else.  Reading diligently is not the point, but understanding the point but understanding the point God wants to tell us, He is telling us about his point. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  You have to be firmly imprinted, rooted, have this nature for God’s Word to be hooked into you.

We listen, yes, but it hasn’t been organized in our heart.  What does “edit” mean? It’s the same as imprinting, it means to try it your own way. There is a way God is giving to me, and I must organize that, not just in my notes, but in my heart because the answers will continuously come, following that. 

You have to know that in order for the Word of God to go into you, no matter who the pastor is.  You’ll be able to see God is working even as you go into the field.  The One Who has authority in all of heaven and earth is with me, the Triune God is with me, and he is the one who loves heaven and earth, then everything is finished, and nothing can hurt you.  “I am weak but He is within me,” then isn’t it finished? That must be imprinted in you.  As Jesus Christ resurrected this final time, He promised this, and if you lose hold of that, that’s a big problem.

As soon as Joshua loses hold of the covenant, He’s afraid of Canaan, but if you have this covenant firmly, it doesn’t matter how much the devil attacks you; it doesn’t matter what anyone says to me.  Do you think this person’s words will overcome the Word of the One Who has authority in all heaven and earth? If they fight against you, then let them fight, because God’s going to take care of it, then I just hold onto His word, who’s going to win in the end? That person has already have fallen over, because things don’t work out according to their words, so we go out, already having won.

Then how do we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Lately, the word has been continuously poured upon us concerning prayer.  Before you even pray you must know what the covenant is.  Christ, Who has finished all problems in the world, is with me, with all of the power of heavens and earth, in other words, with me with all the blessings in heaven and on earth. We’re not going forward to find blessings, but the source of blessings is already within me. If you just follow after His Word, things will occur according to the time schedule, and that’s why you must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.

God gave His mission on the Mount of Olives and told them to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit in Mark’s Upper Room.  That’s the same as Genesis 2:7, breathing the breath of life upon them. This is the Word I want to share with you today. Everyone has their background in their walk of faith.  There are some church pastors who really emphasize spirituality, so they talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and healing, things like that. The words are correct but their goal is incorrect. Once the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you become a witness until the ends of the earth. In between, you’ll receive power, and that’s what these people are talking about.

How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Do you receive it when you go to a mountain? Where do you receive it?  Do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit when you starve yourself? How do you do this?  If you don’t know this, the business people have no strength, and if students don’t know this, they’ll lose their strength, too. 

Earlier, I talked about this during the Healing Evangelism School, that we need to receive missions and evangelism through faith, but because that pastor doesn’t believe, no matter how much he researches, he doesn’t receive the answers. God promised to give us the filling of the Holy Spirit and we receive it by faith in the covenant.  This is very important.  If you learn your walk of faith incorrectly, you’ll think, “I have to do this and go up a mountain to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit,” and that’s wrong.  A portion of it may be correct, but overall, it’s incorrect.

How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? Simply ask for it.  More specifically speaking, pray for God to control your heart, thoughts, body, and emotions with the Holy Spirit, how can you feel that? It’s a spirit, so of course you cannot feel it.  If anything, if the Holy Spirit works upon a certain area that you’re having a problem with, you might feel the problem, but you cannot feel the Spirit.  

Every morning when you wake up, confirm God’s covenant again, and then you pray for the evangelism field towards evangelism, and pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to control you. I do that every single morning after Early Morning Prayer because I can’t live without it.  You need to receive spiritual strength first in order to receive the mental, physical, social, and financial power strength after that.  Without spiritual strength, you can’t do anything else; the problem is, do you believe this?

Do you believe that, if you pray right now, at this time, the Holy Spirit works?  If you’re not able to believe that, then you have to pray religiously, and that’s why prayer is so hard. If you believed this with your heart, then prayer would be fun. If you believe that the Lord’s Spirit works upon you right now at this time, then you’re bound to pray. If you believe that the Holy Spirit of the Lord will completely control you through prayer, then you are bound to pray.  

If you pray and the Holy Spirit really does fill you, then you begin to change in a lot of ways as you receive spiritual strength. It controls your thoughts and heart, and from that point on, you receive wisdom for your business.  Without that, you have to move everything with your own experiences.  God is bound to give you this wisdom for world evangelization, but He wouldn’t give it to someone who wouldn’t evangelize.  

It’s the same for the remnant movement. If you hold onto the covenant, God is bound to give this to you, then many things will change, and a lot of things in your ministry will change too, and you’ll receive wisdom you cannot think of on your own. If you cannot do that, how can you do camp?  God is bound to work upon this field at this time schedule and the only way we can know that is if he gives us his wisdom.

And every day is evangelism camp.  We do evangelism camp like a specific kind of program, but God is moving in this situation every day, so you receive wisdom that you cannot think up yourself.  These are my experiences.  I would never be able to think of this myself, but as I’m in prayer, I receive thoughts and wisdom for the rest of the day.  

We talk about physical strength as well, that’s not given to you if you just stay still, but because I have spiritual strength too, I have a desire to exercise.  Some unbelievers always have the nature to always want to work out and eat better for the sake of world evangelization. Nobody is impressed when they look at my face, but when I tell them my age, 100% of people say they’re surprised.  I have heard it so many times, for example, one of my friends came from Korea, and his wife saw me, and he saw that her husband is balding and looks so old, but I look so young. I hear that a lot.  I told you before that everyone in my family line is really bad at exercise, and my mom is shocked that I exercise. It hasn’t been a long time since I started, even if I wanted to exercise, my heart wouldn’t allow me to do it.  But once I’m filled with the Holy Spirit, God gives me the heart to continuously desire this.

I have a footstep tracker on my phone and I walk 10,000 steps a day, and it takes about 1.5 hours to do that.  I don’t have the time to do it all in one sitting, so whenever I have free time, I walk. Sometimes I listen to the message while I do, and I’m not only walking but I do deep breathing, I breathe in deeply.  Then, I exhale for a very long time.  The second floor is great for doing this, because there are trees planted, then even my skin will change.  When I do this, when I’m tired, then even my complexion will come to life.  Then, I can walk more than 10,000 steps a day.

Today, I’ve already walked 8,000 steps, so when I go home, I have to walk 2,000 more steps.  When everyone else is sleeping at night, I’ll listen to a message or the news in English and I’ll walk around, and then as I walk around the apartment complex, I see how everybody lives and I pray for them. There are two Muslims in my complex and I pray for them.

In the past, when I prayed, I didn’t have much faith, and praying was very difficult, but one day, I received faith by grace, one day, I received the faith that, “I live in this apartment complex and God has a plan in my prayer, and if I keep praying, then God has a plan to save these people, so I keep walking with this faith.” I tell some people that I’m a pastor, and because I walk around every day, I’m sure they think of me very strangely.  Everybody knows me now, and if I tell them, “Hey, I’m a pastor, and every time I walk by your apartment, I pray for your family,” everybody loves it.  I dont’ think anyone feels bad when people pray for them.

What’s important is my faith, do I find this believable?  The reason God allowed me to live in this place is to save these two Muslim people in my complex.  There’s also a Mormon and many hispanic Catholics, and there are a few Koreans as well. I pray for them as I walk around.  Those people are blessed because of me. They don’t know I’m praying for them, they just think I’m exercising, but do you know what I believe? I believe the Holy Spirit of God works when I pray, and I think that’s the difference.

That’s the difference between one who prays in their professional field and one who does not.  If you truly believe that Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit works wherever you pray, holding to the covenant, then everywhere you go is an evangelism camp, then the forces of darkness are broken down and you’ll be given the time schedule to give the Word they don’t know but without a doubt, if the people are there, then God will work in His incident and time schedule. That’s my evangelism.

I don’t know when this will happen but either way, God has a plan, and that’s why He placed us there to live.  We have faith regarding our own salvation, but God is looking for those who have the faith and regarding his plan of salvation in your field.  It’s not just faith, but it’s faith in God’s promise, then that person is bound to conquer their field.

But this isn’t taking place for us.  We have faith in the church, but when we go out into the field, we have no faith regarding what God is doing in our field. Our faith must go to this extent.  Because of that, you are praying for the working of the Holy Spirit 24 hours a day.  By that I man, whatever you’re looking at or seeing you pray for it.  Who can overcome the working of the Holy Spirit?  No one.  Who can stop the work of God?  Ultimately everything will change into a blessing, and that’s the blessing God gave us.  

Satan completely blinds you from knowing this.  When you go to your job, how great is it to pray for it?  Then one day, the environment will slowly change because it cannot overcome the Holy Spirit, for what?  To do world evangelization.  God works the Holy Spirit in that direction.  It doesn’t matter whether your job is working out or not, because everything follows after God’s promise. There’s not reason to worry about people, because God has prepared people for this as well. That’s why it’s enough with one person.

Honestly, one person can do this because one person starts it and God attaches people to them.  The fact that it’s okay if you don’t have money means that God will bring finances to you as you’re doing this work. It’s okay if you’re bad at studying because God will give you this blessing as you’re doing this work, but Satan makes it so that you know everything else except this blessing.

If she really goes into her courthouse and does this in faith every day, everything is finished. But the problem is, you don’t believe. She believes she’s a child of God, but prayers don’t come out because she doesn’t believe in God’s plan regarding her field.  I can tell by the way she’s glaring at me that she thinks, “I already do this, what do you want me to do?” I heard from her that she does scheduled prayer, and that’s a lot of development. Joseph didn’t do much, he prayed. The field is what’s important, he was already kicked out of his house, so who’s going to help him? Is he going to endure with his mental fortitude? He finished everything with God’s covenant.  

In Genesis 41:38, Pharaoh said, “Who can we find who is filled with the Spirit of God like this man?”  Once we receive the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit, even the economy changes, and all of Potipher’s house changed, and his complexion changed. He should have been pressed as a slave, but he looked different. It’s the same as saying Moses finished everything with one staff.  Everything is finished within the covenant, prayer, and evangelism.  This covenant must be relayed to the remnants in faith.  If you don;t believe in this, but you go to church diligently, it will be hard. You won’t be going in Jospehs’ direction, but you’ll go in the direction of his older brothers.  There’s no middle ground, you are either David or Saul; there’s no in-between.

Are you a member of the Early Church or the Jewish Church? There’s only two options. Are you Saul or Paul? THere’s only two options. You can start as Saul and turn into Paul or remain as Saul forever. There’s only two options, are you going to do America evangelism or be a slave? Are you doing to do UCLA evangelism or be a slave? There’s no middle ground. Is it the working of the Holy Spirit or the evil spirit? There’s only two options. If you know this firmly then it’s easy to be confident in the field, because it’s not your strength.  God has sent me into this field today as well because God has prepared people to receive salvation and raise up disciples through me.  You have to believe this to go out with confidence.

God told you, “I am sending you out.” Why am I living here, why am I working here? The aloe has commissioned me there as a spiritual ambassador, that is why God sent me and is with me with the power of all heaven and earth.  If you pray there, the entire spiritual atmosphere changes. There’s no way the darkness can endure the working of the Holy Spirit. In Matthew 12:28, “If it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.”  It doesn’t matter if you’re at the rock bottom of your job, because God will change that into the greatest blessing.

Look at Pharaoh, he was asking Joseph for the answer. There’s a field.  “God sent me here because there is someone who is waiting for this answer.”  The time schedule is in God’s hands, that’s why we’re going forward every day, looking forward to that.  It may seem like I’m a student, employee, or businessperson, but I’m going into the field as something else.  It may seem as if I’m a salesperson, but I’m actually moving with the greatest blessing. That’s why, though I am hard-pressed on all sides, I’m not broken.  Though I’m overturned, I’m not perplexed.  

How else could you be like that?  It means he has confidence in something. He said, “It doesn’t matter if I’m in the water or fire or turned upside-down, because I’m racing towards the covenant of God that will surely be fulfilled.”  He was lashed 40 minus 1 times, multiple times, so he suffered a lot. I’m not saying that suffering doesn’t exist, but the covenant of God never changes. You go forward holding onto what will take place, knowing what will take place in advance. You are living today knowing the covenant of world evangelization will be fulfilled.  

There’s a difference between someone who knows in advance what will happen compared to someone who doesn’t know, and this is the blessing we have.  What we have to do every day is to eat every day.  Likewise, we must pray every day holding onto the covenant of God’s Word and world evangelization, then He will guide us with the covenant accurately. 

God will take care of healing Himself. Once you know this, God will take care of your finances; God has already prepared the people in your life and moves you forward. God creates the incidence and guides you through them.  What is there to be more confident in?  God has given us these incredible blessings, but if we don’t know that, we have to live our life so oppressed and enslaved by people’s opinions, the culture, the color of our skin, COVID, and if kids grow up like that, they’ll be so oppressed because they have to think what everybody else thinks they’re so oppressed in their lives.  We are created to live confidently with the covenant of world evangelization, but we’re so oppressed we can’t even make eye contacts with people. 

We should be confident like these people. Are you confident?  Answer, you should be bold.  Everyone should be confident when you have the gospel. You’re not confident because you have something; I have nothing, I have no money, I don’t even have the ability to make money, I don’t know about tomorrow, the only thing I believe in is God’s promise. I know my mental strength; I need God’s strength. It’s not my plan. In the past, I lived my walk of faith holding onto my plans. That’s not good.

There is an unchanging plan, the plan to save lives, not just to save one or two people, but to save the world, the big plan to save the 237 nations and 5000 unreached people groups, it’s much better. Why do you struggle over something so small like success?  Success and people should follow you within this promise.

Do you understand?  Boyfriends should follow within this covenant of God, if you don’t hold onto God’s promise, you have to follow your boyfriend around. That boy is not good.  When you’re within the covenant, you’ll meet the person God has prepared for you.  We can’t know people. The reason we’re cheated is because we don’t know people. Why are we cheated? There’s something within us that will be cheated, and we meet people with that spiritual state.  But if I have this spiritual mystery, then I’ll meet other people like that and people possessed by demons will avoid me. Only the people who are destined to meet Jesus Christ and proclaim Jesus Christ will come to me, and that’s how your business meetings will progress as well.

We have been given three Bible verses today, and though there are three Bible verses, it summarizes the entirety of the Bible. THis must be imprinted and edited within me. Don’t be so confused by the words, but there is something the Holy Spirit reveals to you, so just organize this as God gives it to you.  He says the same thing, “Don’t copy me, I’m just giving you what God gives me so do what God gives you” because we can’t even understand the language. 

It’s not the words we’re trying to say, but he says, “I simply say these words because it’s what God gave to me,” so you can be edited by the Word as he gives it to you. Don’t be so stressed out about not understanding, but just as much God reveals to you, edit that.  Then, God will organize everything according to God’s time schedule and organize it so that it’s only the Triune God.

You need to pull the Triune God into your life, that’s the gospel, prayer, and evangelism.  Everything in our lives is contained within this, including our studies, jobs, and people.  May you enjoy this blessing every day, every week, in your prayers, and in the fields through evangelism. Even if you don’t enjoy it now, you’ll enjoy it in time because God will give it to you according to His time schedule and grace.  If you just remain within the seat of prayer, God will change you one day.  There’s nothing we can do; God fulfills His plan to receive all of his glory. 


May we enjoy this blessing.  May you remember this one thing. When you pray, holding onto the word God gives you, and at that time, God moves everything in the field to fulfill that Word, and may you illustrate that with faith as you pray. Let us pray together.

Let us pray together for the Sunday message.  I gave this word on Wednesday, but it’s not a word I gave based on research; I can only give the message if God gives it to me, and that’s why I need prayer.  If I could research it and give the message, I wouldn’t need purayer, but God gives the message for you, then if you have the plan of God, God will give it to you.  So just pray for me so I won’t say nonsense, because if my spiritual state becomes strange, I have no choice but to spout nonsense but I’m used as an instrument for you.

Even if you can never pray, I hope that you can pray today, “God, give us the Word of God through Your servant, God please work not with the mental power of the pastor, but with the Holy Spirit.  Please give the Word not only for myself, but the Word that will be fulfilled all the way in my field.”  Let us pray.

Tomorrow, there is Saturday Mission School, as well as youth evangelism school and young adult evangelism school. It started off as the children’s evangelism school, but now that they’re older, it’s also the youth.  That’s at 10am.  Tomorrow at 11am, we have prayer summit school.  The kids continuously following this will see a lot of results.  They are simply doing it because the church tells them to, but the students who are able to follow along will receive the blessings as much as they’re able to follow along, and the students who aren’t participating will remain the same.

At that same time, there will also be the LA Youth Evangelism School, and at 3:30pm, there’s the Young Adult Evangelism School at this church. In between that, we used to meet for the core message, but because of COVID we’ve been meeting online. The work the parachurch does is oneness, and there is a grace and blessing from God that is separate for this, so let’s pray that tomorrow will be a time for remnants to receive blessings. 

On Sunday, from 5-8pm, it’s Holy Wind.  There’s also the Remnant University 1st and 2nd services starting from 6pm.  Please keep that in mind, and those who want to listen to the messages online, please do so.  The entirety of Holy Wind is facilitated by the remnants.

We also have the Remnant Conference of America, and today is the registration deadline. If you haven’t registered, may you pray.  Let us pray together for the remnants, for Holy Wind, for RCA, and all of Saturday’s programs.  

After the benediction, we’ll have the intercessory and personal prayers. As you pray, I hope you believe the Holy Spirit works, and then the darkness is bound to be broken, and the plan that is more perfect than your plan will be fulfilled. May you pray for your family line.  May you pray for the working of the Holy Spirit so your professional fields will work out according to God’s plan.  Pray for the region where you live, because without a doubt, when you pray, the forces of darkness and religion will be broken down, and the will and plan of God will be slowly fulfilled through you.  No need to pray, “Give me this and that,” but when the Holy Spirit works, he fulfills God’s perfect and complete plan. 

Grace, pray.  If you keep praying for your boyfriend, either he will leave, or he will surely come back to faith in Jesus Christ covenant, “Oh, is the pastor crazy? Why does he keep talking about me today?” It’s so you can understand prayer. It’s not about my stubbornness, but it’s apart of God’s perfect plan for salvation. May this be the perfect time of blessing.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to hold onto the covenant of Jesus Christ and change the world through prayer and evangelism in faith, be upon the mutliethnic people, the future generations, their businesses, studies, and ministries, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen 

Personal Prayer

Tim:  Father God, may You work upon my field with the Word just as You promised.  For the sake of raising the disciples and saving the field from the darkness of Satan.  There are deep scars within my life and within the company where I work.  May all these things be completely healed and restored through only Jesus Christ.  At this time, may You fill me with the Holy Spirit so I am able to give the answer to the world that is dying.  May You give me wisdom to know Your plan and to carry out Your Word exactly as You desire.  Give me the grace to enjoy this complete obedience by receiving the filing of the Holy Spirit upon my heart and mind, that I do not waste time with Satan’s Thoughts, but that I may enjoy all the things that you have prepared for me.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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