Enjoy the Spiritual Blessing within the Feast of the Pentecost (Leviticus 23:15-22)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Enjoy the Spiritual Blessing within the Feast of the Pentecost (Leviticus 23:15-22)

(Sorry! Technical Difficulties! Couldn’t transcribe some parts […])

Today’s Word in Leviticus is about the Feasts.  In English, it is the Feast of the Pentecost, and it also is called the Feast of Weeks, it is seven weeks but they just call it the Feast of Weeks.  Seven weeks after the Sabbath, they give the festival of the Ingathering, or the Feast of Weeks.  There are actually seven weeks and three festivals that are particular to the harvest, and this is one of the feasts.  These three feasts are actually very important.

  The Old Testament is not actually fulfilled yet by this time, so we can only understand the true meaning of God if we keep the Old Testament as a reference, but we look to the fulfillment and completion of that in the New Testament.  After 400 years of being enslaved by Egypt, they were liberated from slavery through the blood of the passover. Why do you think they weren’t able to escape?  We can never escape from slavery in our lives with our efforts, even if you succeed you cannot escape, even with money you cannot escape.  Even if you live very earnestly, you cannot escape.  We can only escape from Satan, disasters, and hell by the blood of Jesus Christ, the passover Lamb.  

The Bible is not talking about physical things, it is talking about spiritual things, therefore, if we talk about the physical things, we become very irrelevant to the will of God. The problems of the world are spiritual problems, but Satan stops us from knowing the spiritual problems.  Satan keeps making us focus on the issues of people problems and money problems, but they escaped with the passover Lamb and last week we learned about keeping the Passover.  He told us to focus on that and keep it for an entire week, and that’s how spiritual things will be revived within you. 

When we concentrate, our souls come to life.  If you’re able to do anything, it means you’re able to concentrate. When you focus on God, you will overcome disasters and Satan, that’s why as they were going through the wilderness, God told them to keep the passover.  In other words, imprint and concentrate on the fact on why we became slaves and how we escaped.  Then, after seven weeks pass, again keep the Pentecost. 

This seven weeks after the Sabbath was how they had this festival where they gave their first fruits and grain to God in thanksgiving.  Even after they go through the wilderness into the land of Canaan, God told them to keep this festival.  Whether it was the wilderness or the land of Canaan, we live on this world as sojourners, and the kingdom of satan is working in the wilderness as well as Canaan, and for one week, you need to concentrate on the feast of weeks and pentecost where the kingdom of god is enjoyed on this earth, in other words, he’s telling us to restore our spiritual blessings.  

Because, as they traverse the wilderness, it’s easy for them to lose hold of the spiritual blessings as they focus on the physical problems like the heat, the lack of food, and the lack of water.  That’s why there’s conflict when people return back home as they go through the wilderness and gather, and that’s why they keep saying they want to go back to Egypt, because they keep focusing on the physical things.

The LORD knows this, that’s why he talks about the feast of Pentecost, because the answer to this is the Pentecost.  It is not only back then, but we need to enjoy that blessing today as well. Jesus tells you, “You believe in God, believe also in Me,” and don’t worry, “When I go, I will send you the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, and when He comes, He will give you peace.”

… into the New Testament and gives you His Word. In John 20:22, Jesus Christ breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” which means to receive this blessing.  It may seem we’re just living our lives traversing the wilderness but we have the blessing of the Pentecost.  That’s why in Acts 1:8, Jesus Christ said, “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power,” that means you cannot be a witness with the power of man.  

However if you remain focused on physical things, you will try to maintain physical power or despair because you lack power.  However, the ones who understand the blessing of the pentecost understand the blessing that comes from God’s power, into their own, then you will become His witnesses until the end of the earth, meaning Jesus will give you the evidence. These are the blessings of the Pentecost that have been given to us, and the Lord explained this to us for 40 days on the Mount of Olives.  

They held onto this promise and had a good time of concentration, unifying their hearts together in Acts 1:14, and I hope today will be a good time for that.  When they held onto the covenant and … worship, the Holy Spirit came upon them in Acts 2:1. You have to receive this blessing to be a witness to the ends of the earth.  They need to receive the blessing of the Pentecost … in order for them to come to Canaan.  Therefore, this time where they’re giving worship is everything, there is no tomorrow.  

But people have become so confused they lose hold of today and only think about tomorrow. The characteristic of those people is that they will not be successful. Or people are constantly seized by their past … God works, so the devil makes you enslaved and weak.  Imagine how confused we are that we are losing hold of all these things while the Lord wants to pour out his Holy Spirit. That’s worship.

When we hold onto the covenant and worship and pray to the Lord, the Holy Spirit works and our fate changes. Holding onto the covenant means holding onto the name of Jesus Christ.  You have been liberated from all the authority of Satan, disasters, and hell, in other words, all problems are finished. The physical problems aren’t problems, because spiritually, the problem is already finished. Now it is no longer me, but Christ is my Master.  The devil prevents us from doing that, he makes it so that we are relentlessly our own master and that is why even now we are seized by the worries of the future and the scars of the past.  Even now, we’re being seized by our present circumstances.  

Now, I have Christ and the Triune God, and that takes place even now when you hold onto the covenant and concentrate in prayer.  You need to succeed right now which means the blessing of the filling of the Holy Spirit which is the ultimate success, the spiritual summit, must come upon you right now.  Only then will that blessing drag you into the field.  If you don’t receive that right now, you will wander and struggle in the field.

When the Israelites held onto this blessing, the jordan river split, but the israelites didn’t do that, the Jordan River split because of the working of the Holy Spirit.  … but if you lose hold of the covenant and become weak, you must always cry before the Jordan River.  Because you’re always holding onto Genesis 3, focused on physical things and success, the Lord blocks you with the Jordan River, and because of the heavy rains, the Jordan River is uncrossable.  But because people don’t have the covenant, they try to gather more people and use human power to do anything.  However, when you go into the field holding onto the covenant, you will see the working of the Holy Spirit according to the Feast of the Pentecost.

To the ones who go forth holding onto the covenant, the unbreakable ;fortress of Jericho is broken down. You can never break down the fortress of Jericho on your own, only the one who prays holding onto the covenant will have the fortress of Jericho broken down.  Past Hebron, there was the Hill Country of the Anakites that wasn’t conquerable, but you will conqeure the anakites.  Through the faith of one person who  holds onto the covenant, the Holy Spirit works.

Those who hold to the covenant have no fear. Why are we afraid? we are afraid because even after having received salvation, we are self-centered.  If you have received salvation, you have Galatians 2:20 where Christ is your master, but you aren’t rooted in this.  You do know this, and sometimes you even receive grace from it, but you’re more deeply rooted in yourself, and as time passes, you become more resentful.

But for the ones who go forth holding onto this covenant, even suffering isn’t suffering. They went into the fire and even survived.  But even if we die, it’s not a problem; we still have eternal blessings remaining.  This is why worship is very important.  There’s no need for you to wait until Sunday, it is right now at this time.  Tomorrow, you will have a personal time of worship, it’s that time, it is everything, because only then can the Holy Spirit work.  

If the Holy Spirit doesn’t work, you can never conquer Jericho.  Even if you gather all the people you know to try to topple over the fortress of Jericho, it’s not possible ,and no matter how much you wait, you cannot topple it over.  … They kept trying to go back to Egypt.  Therefore, you need to hold to the covenant to pray … in order for the Lord to work with the Holy Spirit.  

If you receive the grace of God today through this time of worship and prayer, then the grace of God will go into your future, but people keep losing hold of today and dream of the future.  But that is actually a future that doesn’t exist; if it is not based on the covenant, it doesn’t exist. It’s the same as drawing your own image of the future, it doesn’t exist.  

What does it say in Joel 2:28?  It says the old men will see visions. If you are old, what dreams will you dream?  You’re just waiting for death, but if the Holy Spirit comes upon you, no matter how old you are, you will dream dreams.  The young adults will dream dreams.  If they do not dream, they do not have the working of the Holy Spirit.  If you just give proper worship during the time of worship, the vision of God will come upon you. What happens if the young adults can’t find their vision?  Then you have to live a life of wandering in the wilderness for 40 years like the Israelites.

If the Holy Spirit works upon you, you’ll see the vision of what the Holy Spirit will fulfill and … the children will be able to prophesy.  Even when kids give proper worship, they can prophesy about the future.  Even as we listen to the Word correctly, you’ll be able to see what you need to do in the future.

The Bible says in Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit,” in other words, you cannot escape from Babylon and no matter how much you try to gather mankind’s power, you cannot escape. If you’re enslaved by Satan, how could you escape with the strength of mankind?  It is not possible by the strength or power or education of mankind; it is only by the power of God.

The Israelites were not able to overcome the colonization of Rome.  Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you will you be able to escape from that and become the witnesses of Christ until the ends of the earth.  That is why today is the day where you change your destiny, holding onto the covenant.  

Today is the day of Pentecost where the spirit of the Lord is working, because this is the movement of God . That is why when it says, “When the day of Pentecost came,” it means God has His time schedule and it’s the time of worship that God prepared.  At that time when you have scheduled prayer and worship, the Lord knows this and will pour out the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The church is the place that must relay this covenant and blessing to the 237 nations.

What are you relaying? The order and form of worship?  Are we talking about the form of being a Christian? No, you have to give them the content. These people are enslaved by Satan, disasters, and hell, but they don’t even know it, they haven’t even heard this and that’s why they suffer. That’s why it’s only Jesus christ.  The ones who enjoy this can relay it.  The ones who hold onto the covenant and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost can relay it to others. THe student must study with this strength, but that’s how you become a witness to the ends of the earth.  You can do many things with strength but you can’t do one thing,you cannot overcome your spiritual problems and do missions and evangelisms.

One day, your spiritual problems crop up because you’ve been studying diligently until you come to this state of spiritual zero, which means you will face destruction. This is why you must tell this to the 237 nations.  No one is talking about this, so we must do it, and that’s how you can restore the true image of the church.

Take this power and use it to heal.  There are so many mental illnesses and other illnesses, kids can’t even focus for five minutes.  Because their spiritual normality is so shaken up, they cannot concentrate on their work. Even if they listen, they listen to things physically and can never discover the physical things. No matter how much you listen to the message, they’re always confused, even if they understand it, they interpret it in a physical way, and that’s why it’s impossible to understand unless it’s by the working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s how we heal with the power of the Penteocst.  

When you have a quiet time alone, even if you close your eyes, you receive healing, but it might not be spiritual healing. It’s the same with transcendental meditation. Turning on music, closing your eyes and having a quiet time is healing, but the deepest that healing goes is into your mind.  However, when we face God and concentrate on the Word of God, our spirit is healed.  The most fundamental aspect of aman must be healed in order for the rest of the things to come into order  

If you’re broken spiritually, it’s true that unbelievers can do great and big works, but why is that important?  The most important spirit is broken.  That is why the devil goes into you but you have no way of blocking it, and that’s relayed directly to the whole family.  No matter how much you try to tde your spiritual problems, it transcends time and space so it will be relayed to the children directly, and that’s the spiritual state.  No matter how much you try to package it with the Word of God the spiritual things will be relayed exactly, and everywhere you go, that spiritual state is relayed.  That is why when you go into a town in America, you will be changed and match with America’s spiritual state.  

But the characteristic of America is that they’re so physically big and well established, they make you lose hold of spiritual things, and that is why there are so many homeless and mental illnesses.  Of course, some people run into financial difficulties and become homeless, but most of them are just homeless. There are so many people,a dn so many people are addicted. The reason there are so many drugs sold from South America to the US is because so many people buy it here.

Is it just the homeless people doing drugs? The highest level of elites do drugs, and the reason why drugs are sold so expensively is because the elites are buying these drugs.  But they package themselves with skills and success because on the inside, they are rotting away and dead.  Inside, they have spiritual and mental problems,but on the outside they have money and success, so people can’t recognize that, but it becomes so severe, it turns into addiction. This is the America we live in today.  If you do not have the strength of being filled with the Holy Spirit by holding onto the covenant you will be dragged into America’s strength. You can’t avoid it by running into the mountains or living underground because the spiritual things transcend time and space; the spiritual problems will come to you.  

That is why you need to know about the disasters and darkness that work in every age.  Therefore, when you transmit this to the people of the 237 nations, you must relay this correctly.  We must send the remnants out with the spiritual sensitivity as the spiritual summits, otherwise when they go out into the world, they will all be enslaved. This is not a physical talk about trying hard or not; they have lost all their spiritual sensitivity, and then when they go out into the world, they are completely enslaved.  Then they’ll grow up and take the next generation into the same spiritual state.  

That is why today, at this time, forget about tomorrow because you don’t know if you will live or die.  Therefore, when you are able to restore and receive the blessing of the Penteocst, which is the filling of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to restore your present reality and your future. This is done during worship. Today’s worship, Friday worship, Sunday worship, that’s why God designed worship. During Early Morning worship, the time the LORD designated at the time of Pentecost is when they received the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

The time and location where you promised to God to worship Him, that’s when the filling of the Holy Spirit takes place.  Every single day this week, for the rest of this week, relay this to the field. What is the standard of your prayer?  As you pray, you develop a sense, or a rhythm so that can carry you out into the field.  It’s not about whether you pray for a long time or not, but you want to maintain the spiritual rhythm of communicating with God even as you go into the field. 

Prayer is rhythm, you’re riding the rhythm of being with the Triune God.  People who are really into music, its’ nota s if they play their instruments in their classes, but they always ride this musical rhythm. People who study well, they don’t just study in class but they hold onto this sense of studying all their life.  People who are really good at sports don’t just start practicing and end practice, but they take their athletic rhythm with them throughout the day.  For those who are always tired and exhausted and lethargic means they have a health problem, it’s not a matter of their age, but they have a health problem. 

Moses was flying around with energy until he was 120 years old.  But people who are so tired and have no strength all day have lost the rhythm of their health, so that’s why you must raise up your immunity with exercise.  People who are sick keep trying to solve their sickness, and because they have a severe illness, of course they want to cure it, but what is this person losing hold of?  That thought they had of needing to fix the problem and illness, instead of focusing on the blessing and the strength of spirituality, that is the wrong thought.  

When you have a disease, the very most important thing is to receive spiritual strength by the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Fixing your disease is all in God’s hand and time schedule.  But if you go to someone who is sick and you tell them, “Do this and that,” you’re not relaying the correct things.  If someone has cancer you can’t tell them to do anything; there’s no method. help them hold to the covenant to concentrate on God through the word and prayer.  Spinning this another way, if a problem comes, solving the problem isn’t the issue; you need to have spiritual strength.  

Therefore, you need to always think about the opposite side, the spiritual facts.  When you see a problem with your eyes, it’s a sign from God to restore your spiritual strength.  But we run so hard to fix the physical problems we see with our eyes, but it doesn’t matter even if they’re fixed because Satan is attacking our spiritual roots.  That’s why The LORD tells us to keep the feast of the Pentecost for one week in concentration.  

At this time, the Israelites imprint, root, and nature, the incorrect ones they received from Egypt that left them no choice but to wander and suffer from the wilderness began to change. If you lived in America for a long time, you’ve been imprinted and rooted in the things of America for a long time. If you’ve lived in Korea for a long time, then as long as you’ve lived there, you’ve been imprinted with that, and you as individuals will go into the spiritual imprints of America as well.  You must be able to change the fate of the multiethnic people especially, and for you and me, we must be changed first. If you’re seized by Satan, how will you heal the multiethcinic people in Egypt? You go around thinking you’re physically correct, but what must change?

The problem of Egypt isn’t a physical problem, and the problem of the wilderness wasn’t a physical problem.  Only the lack of spiritual things is the real problem. Lacking the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit of the Pentecost and Christ in the Passover.  Today, at this time when you stand before God, it is the only time when you hold to the covenant and change your fate and destiny.  

I’m not telling you to not be diligent, but when you work diligently, you only focus on the physical things. When you’re spiritually at zero, you will have spiritual problems.  I’m not telling you to not work diligently, but if you work diligently you will only focus on the physical things, if you’re at a spiritual state of zero then you will receive spiritual problems, I’m not telling you not to work diligently, but I’m telling your work will only be a blessing only if you receive the great strength of focusing on the Covenant. This was the past of the Israelites, enslaved in Egypt after working so diligently for 400 years.  During your time of worship, when you go back home, a time of worship and prayer is good for everybody.  That is the way for you to save yourself, your entire family, and whatever field you go into.

We have received God’s Word today, so we will pray to God holding onto the Word He has given us individually.


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