Enjoy the Continuous Blessings and the Works of Saving Souls Will Take Place (Numbers 31:13-24)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Enjoy the Continuous Blessings and the Works of Saving Souls Will Take Place (Numbers 31:13-24)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We started talking about Numbers 31 beginning last week, but now we are going through the middle of chapter. The book of Numbers tells us why the Israelites had no choice but to die in the wilderness. It’s because they had the rightful thing where they had no choice but to die. And you have to look at that rightfulness from God’s standards to see why the result is this way. If we look at America there are many different cultures and we are just living among them. But you have to look at all of that from God’s perspective in order for you to understand why all of these problems and disasters are happening in America.

If you think that America is always like this, that’s not true. If you think your family is always like this, that’s not true. What does the word of God say? That’s where you must restore everything from. Otherwise everything I’ve experienced and learned and the culture I’ve lived for so long becomes my standard. Then I will constantly face failure but I won’t know the source of it. Without a doubt the Bible tells us the Israelites were slaves to Egypt. They were slaves to Satan and idolatry and God liberated them from that. 

Exodus 20:1 says I am the LORD your God who led you out of Egypt, the land of slavery. Every single person that was born on earth is slave to Satan, sin, and hell. And there’s no one who can escape from that. There’s no way for us to ever escape from that except through the offspring of women from Genesis 3:15, then how must the people who have become children of God through Jesus Christ live their lives now? Should we just live diligently like we lived in Egypt? No. Should we just worship a religion really diligently like we are idolatrous people? Never. 

Then how do we have to live? 12,000 Israelites died from the plague, because they made the wrong decision to the question and  God is telling us there is a channel that will make us fall, and he’s telling us to block it up. Working hard is never the problem of mankind, but the channel is making us fall. The people of the world and Egypt don’t know this and say “work hard.”  They just say to serve a religion diligently. But nobody tells people that we are enslaved.

And there’s no way to escape from that without Christ. Once you escape from slavery what should we do? This is where we misunderstand. We have been set free legally, but it’s not because of our good actions that we escaped. My actions are still seized by my past. Even though I’ve been liberated, my consciousness is still rooted in my past. And even after receiving salvation, I’m still full of the many things I was deeply rooted in from my past. 

And if you’re not able to see that, you cannot see where the Israelites fail, this is what makes your children fail too. There’s nothing to be resentful about, the problem you had all the way from Genesis 3, all along your family line went down to your child. You cannot restore that by working hard. God told us not to fall into idolatry and sexual idolatry, but we fell into both. And that’s not something we can prevent by just saying, “Don’t do it legally and ethically.” Kids keep on stealing things when they are little, and they keep on stealing things when they are adults, and that’s not something they can stop by just telling them to stop. 

Even after they become an adult they still lie. Whether it’s legal or illegal, they lie to swindle money from other people. This is a long standing spitball problem. This is not something you can educate out of someone. You have to know this. This is a family line problem. This is my family’s problem. If you don’t know this, it doesn’t matter what kind of solution you bring. It means, Christ did not go into you as an answer, you have an idol instead. 

What is an idol? Christ must become your everything, but that’s not the case. God should be everything in my life, but that’s not the case for you. Without a doubt, he is the God who brought me out of slave in Egypt, but even after liberation I keep living my slave life. And Satan knows all of the things I have rooted inside of me, and keeps deceiving me with it. 

If it doesn’t work out like that, we use the things rooted in us for a long time and live a religious life with that.  We live our lives thinking, “Maybe if I serve this religion more diligently, the idols I have in my heart will be fulfilled. When can You see signs of this? One day when God’s time schedule comes, it will be revealed. In your everyday life, you don’t know.  

Last week, we learned about how, right before the Israelites went into Canaan, the prophet Balaam used the women from the idolatrous nations to llure the Israelite men into idolatrous temples to have sex with them, and it didn’t just happen overnight, but it was a longstanding problem. The things that are within me aer bound to be revealed. The devil knows so specifically and he matches our time schedule.  Every time, in the past, I thought it was okay, so I just passed by, but the devil knows, then the devil will begin to work through Balaam and Balak.  Then what’s going to happen? 12,000 people died from a plague. I’m sure those 12,000 people thought they could work hard and live well. I’m sure they woke up early in the wilderness and did their very best every day, and I’m sure they lived their lives, dreaming dreams irrelevant of God.

So the thing that was bound to happen took place, and in the future, there are bigger things that are bound to take place.  The saved people of God must be satisfied with only the Triune God.  If we’re not satisfied with Him alone, the devil knows. The devil knows the idols of your personal life, your family, and your family line very well. The devil will be waiting, then one day will destroy you. Ultimately, because of your spiritual problems, your family and family line will fall.  It’s not that they’re lazy, but they were living diligently and one day they collapsed, why is that?  

That’s why last week God told us to destroy the enemy.  Our enemy is not people; it is the devil and the devil won’t just work upon the saved people of God; without a doubt, the devil works through a channel.  1 Peter 5:7-8 says the devil is like a roaring lion, prowling around for those who are afraid. If you don’t come to a conclusion regarding finances, you will because of financial problems. If you don’t come to the answer regarding your sexual immorality, you will fall because of it.  All of this is because you’re not satisfied with the Triune God. This person has to be completely satisfied with the Triune God only and then gain success that way, but if someone is racing for success without the Triune God, they will fall because of their success.  

But people think they’re okay because they seem okay right now.  That’s not true; without doubt, the time will come.  That’s when the Israelites fell, caught in that time.  Then, what is God’s plan? We have to block that, and that’s why we have to fight.  Call all the men and destroy the enemies in battle.  Without destroying the enemies first, even if you conquer Canaan, it’s still going to be a problem. Whether you have money and succeed or not, it will still be a problem. That’s going to be the reason why you fall.  You just have to know this fast. If you know this, then you can fight the battle, but if you don’t know this, then you will keep getting attacked.

How can you fight? God said He is with you, because we can’t do it with our strength.  All of our spiritual problems have to go away with the spiritual strength and the grace of God being with us.  We are sitting in worship, but we don’t try to receive God’s grace, and we’re all being dragged in some other direction. Where do you think we’re being dragged? We are dragged into the channel that already seizes us.  

I’m sure we all think like this, that it’ll work, but one day we will fall because we can’t overcome spiritual problems with our mental strength; we can only overcome with only the Triune God.  Honestly speaking, it’s not enough to just know, only when the grace of God comes upon us to know we are with Him, but we reject that grace.  What do we do instead?  We live our lives with the idols we’ve always had inside.  One day, when we face a problem, only then will we look for God.  

It doesn’t matter how smart you are, there’s nothing more foolish than this, that’s what it’s saying.  If you know this, then you have to fight the spiritual battle. Especially families that have been worshiping idols for many generations, they personally are not aware of this. Only people who can look at it objectively from afar can see, because these individuals were just living their personal life within the idolatry, working hard, and then received salvation.  That’s not a simple problem.

The spiritual stream of their family line realistically flows.  I’m a witness to this, and as I’ve done my ministry for a long time, even though I haven’t documented it, they share this in common. Without a doubt, this person has an incredible spiritual background of idolatry and religion.  If we think it’s enough for them to be in the church, that’s foolish. The spiritual things have nothing to do with whether you come to church or not. You can only escape by God’s power and God’s grace.

But a lot of people say, “Oh but I used to go to church.” That doesn’t matter at  all. I used to go to church to play ping-pong as a little kid, but you’re not able to diagnose the field because you keep thinking with these legalistic thoughts.  I used to go to church when I was little, too. I went to church because they told me to go.  They would sit us around the rug, and they would teach us things, and I still remember.  I still remember the Christmas songs they would make us sing because I heard them when I was little.  I just heard them.

I heard all their parables so I started to live a more upright life because of the things I’d heard.  I heard a message, “You must never live your life with a bad heart,” that’s not the gospel, so I just lived an upright life.  Imagine how afflicted I was because I didn’t have the gospel, so that wasn’t the issue.  We need to have the imprint, root, nature of the gospel that can save the problems of our family line.  If you don’t have this, then you have no strength, you’ll be dragged along by it. Where will you be dragged? You’ll be dragged in a direction that’s irrelevant to Christ, then what do you think will happen? The things that are bound to happen will take place.

You have to be able to see this in order for your prayers to change.  Yes, of course you can have a prayer to say it’s’ okay and you have faith, but you say it’s okay because you have something.  You have to be able to analyze what is what.  Because when this person prays, God is bound to work, transcending time and space, but the problem is, your entire family doesn’t know, then what’s going to happen to your family? That’s why the church must pray for them.

Some people will die before they do intercessory prayer. Every time we tell them to pray for someone else, they leave.  God told us to love our neighbors, but they only love themselves? That’s not love.  There’s no way to help anyone else other than prayer.  The parents are collapsing, the kids are collapsing, and no one knows the spiritual battle, so the one who does know the spiritual mystery must pray for them. They cannot understand; it doesn’t matter how much you tell them, they cannot understand because they haven’t received the grace of God to understand yet. You can tell whether the church is awake or dead by looking at this.  

If you know this, then you realize that this is the door to missions and evangelism. You’ll realize that the doors of evangelism are already here through the people who are here. You hold onto 237 like it’s something so far away, but you don’t see the ones who are right in front of you. It means you’ve just held onto some sort of placard, you haven’t actually held onto it. They are here, within our church. The doors to do missions and evangelism are already within the church.

When you pray for those people and the spiritual background begins to fall down, then those doors will be revealed. The reason why God continues to bring new families to our church is because we’re at that level of ability, but the issue is that the people who are already here must be aware of this. That’s what a church is.

It is a unity between people who are beyond ourselves.  If you leave immediately when it’s time to pray for others, that doesn’t make any sense.  It’s impossible for them to understand because ever since they were born, they were only centered on themselves, and even as they are coming to church, they still live a religious life. They don’t understand because they’re living a religious life, because their center is “me,” so how could they understand?  When they pray, it’s obvious they pray, but it’s for the physical things, “Give me what I want.”  They force themselves to pray but it’s obvious what they pray for.

Even if your eyes are properly opened, incredible works will take place. Even if you just remain within the church with a little bit of interest towards this, you’ll see many prayer topics. This is what you must do very well because God wants that.  God wants you to block the spiritual channel for Satan.Your enemies are not people, but it is Satan, the devil, so that’s why you must fight. You must fight and win.  Christ has already won the battle so you win it with faith.

Last week, they fought and won.  After they won the battle, they came back and the prophets and Eleazar began to chastise them, that’s in Numbers 13:14-15.  If they won the battle and came home, they should be celebrating the soldiers, but instead they blamed them, why is that?  Because they said, “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them.  They should kill all the women, but they let the pretty ones live and brought them in.  

Numbers 31:16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and were the means of turning the Israelites away from the LORD in what happened at Peor, so that a plague struck the LORD’s people.” It was caused by these women, so just dry out their seed. Completely destroy the channel of Satan.  They have to completely finish this, but they brought the women back with them, then the channel will open again. 

When you think, “Oh, was there a time I used to do that?” That’s when you know you’ve been healed, but if you’re constantly thinking about it, you’re not yet healed. It means the channel is still open for you.  The devil knows that and will begin to work there.

Numbers 31:17-19 “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. All of you who have killed anyone or touched anyone who was killed must stay outside the camp for seven days.”  This is because they were in battle and had to become cleansed.   They stay outside of the camp for seven days to purify anyone who has killed someone or touched someone who was dead.

Numbers 31:20.  “Purify every garment as well as everything made of leather, goat hair, or wood.”  Everything is dirty now.  Why would clothes be so dirty?  For God, all the things unbelievers use to live for themselves is detestable.  All the jewelry and clothes you use for idolatry of self  must be destroyed.  In other words, change everything to be an instrument to live for the Lord.

Nowadays we don’t wash our garments like this, everything that I’ve used in my life to live for the idolatry of myself, I must now change as an instrument and weapon to use for the Lord , that’s how I can be aligned with God.  My studies must be aligned with God’s Word. The work I’m doing must be aligned with God’s Word. Even the clothes and shoes I’m wearing today must be aligned with God’s Word. It doesn’t matter how stylishly people dress, it’s not aligned with God.  Because you’re doing it for yourself and idolatry, God thinks it’s detestable.  

But you give yourselves as a weapon of righteousness for God.  That’s the way to connect with God.  God is waiting for this kind of businessperson and this kind of remnant, but if this doesn’t take place for you, then one day you’ll be seized and fall.  If you look at the later verses, it talks about how they not only have to kill the people, but they also have to burn all of the gold, and silver, and also kill all of the livestock that numbered in the hundreds of thousands, that’s so much money.  Then in Numbers 31:25 onward, it talks about dividing the spoils. What does this mean? It means if you have victory over the spiritual battle, there are blessings that come to you spiritually as well.  When we live for the spiritual things, the physical things follow us.  When we try to live for the physical things, we will die spiritually. 

There’s only two options.  What are you going to live for?  What are my studies and business going to be used for? If all of those things are used for God’s word, missions and world evangelization, then all of God’s blessings will follow because God adds the physical things you see to the eternal things. That’s today.  They fought the battle and won over their enemies and brought 600,000 animals back.  If you just have one lamb to have children, it would take decades to get that many.  What does this mean? It means if you live for the spiritual things, there are things God prepared for you. This is the way the people of God, the Christians, live. But if we don’t do that, instead of being okay, we’re going to collapse. 

Then we can look from Numbers 31:27 the extent to which God gave them the spoils.  Divide the spoils evenly in half between the soldiers who took part in the battle and the rest of the community.  Because it seems they fought the battle themselves, but God actually handed the battle over to them.  

Numbers 31:28 says to return a tenth of it as an offering to the Lord. We return one out of every five hundred because God gave it to us.  If God didn’t give it to us to begin with, we wouldn’t have to give offering, but people who don’t give offering don’t do so because they think they made the money themselves. The people who do give offering know that God is the One who gave it to them, so it’s very simple, it’s a matter of whether you believe in God or not.  The question isn’t whether you believe in God who lives in heaven, but do you believe in the God who actively works in your life?

Numbers 31:29, “Take this tribute from their half share and give it to Eleazar the priest as the LORD’s part.”  Then in Numbers 31:30, “from the Isreaelites’ half, select one out of every fifty, and give it to the Levites who were responsible for taking care of the Tabernacle.”

Numbers 31:32-35, it says there were 675,000 sheep they took, too.  There were hundreds of thousands of animals and 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.  These are the women who can now live for the Lord.  Everyone else has to be killed because they had tasted idolatry and participated in it.

Where does your financial and manpower come from?  It comes from God.  These are the blessings that come from spiritual strength and spiritual victory. I’m sure many people don’t l understand this, they always think they made the money with their own hard work because they never pray; they only live very diligently. That’s what you call an unbeliever.  That person doesn’t know God. They just live their life with their strength.

But for the saved people of God, it’s not I who live my life, but Christ lives in me, holding onto me.  Then, everything that happens has God’s plan within it, and it belongs to God.  Then of course, why does God give you money and manpower? It’s because you need it.  There’s nowhere in the Bible where God’s people had to raise their own sheep and grow their own harvest; God just provided it for them. 

I’m sure there’s some of you who listen to the business and industry missions message and keep getting confused.  If you listen to these messages, it says, “God will give you everything”, but it doesn’t seem true to you, but God doesn’t give it to you because He doesn’t think He should, because you’re not someone who faces God.  Even if God were to give you these things, it’s obvious where you would spend it, so God won’t give it to you.

If you’re truly within this work, why would God not give it to you? Of course He would rightfully give it to you so you can use it for God.  There’s nothing to be confused about; you have to realize you’re not ready yet. You have to realize you’re still living for yourself.  What are you going to do if God gives you hundreds of millions of dollars? Answer in your heart quickly, right now. If God gave you hundreds of millions of dollars.  Let’s say God gave you a billion dollars, what would you do? Immediately you’ll think of buying a house or a car or property. That’s why God doesn’t give it to you.

What’s the first thing you have to think about? I have to build a church. Until your thoughts change like this, but your thoughts don’t change this way and that’s why God stands still because God doesn’t do a business where we just use money.  If you’re going to spend your money for the devil, why would God pour His money into you? So you must see in your present state, what are you going to do with the money you have right now?

“I’m going to buy crackers and go on vacation and do this,” I’m sure that’s what you spend money on, so that’s why God is telling you to live your life with your strength and go.  “Even if I make a $10 salary, what am I going to do for the Lord with this?” That’s the person God uses, but most people have a slave mentality, “Once God gives it to me, I’ll do it.”  That’s not faith! If you say, “Once odGod gives it to me, then I’ll do it,” That’s not faith.  Whatever God gave to you, you do it with faith.  How do you evangelize LA and America? You do it by believing in God’s promise. How can you do Temple Construction? You do it with faith that God will do it through whatever He has given to you. The day you escape from that spiritual slavery, God will restore what He has prepared for you.

Spiritually, you’re slaves. The Israelites never changed after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness because of what they experienced in Egypt. And what happened to them?  They had everything stolen away and had nothing. I think it’s right.  I really think it’s true even when I look at my personal finances, because the God of the Bible and my God are the same.  So I just do it with faith. It’s not like I’m seeking to gain something, I just have money and I give it to the Lord. I don’t calculate what God will give me in return.

Is God a stock broker such that I should be manipulative with Him?  No, we’re talking about faith right now, and if you don’t receive this faith, then you’ll always be dragged around as a spiritual slave.  And within this faith, without a doubt, there’s always work. Instead of being a slave, we have the freedom of complete liberation.

For me, I’m giving the message but I’m also giving my personal testimony as a witness.  I even tell my daughter, “Don’t study so hard; why are you working so hard? What are you going to do with your studies?  Even King Solomon said that wisdom is futile.”  Does that mean we shouldn’t study? It just means we should study an appropriate amount. You shouldn’t grit your teeth and go all into this. Just know the Jehovah God properly.  It doesn’t mean you need to know the Lord God exists, you have to know what God’s plan for you is.  You need to know that,, to know where and what to control. If you don’t know that, everyone knows God is alive, but with htat level of faith, it’s going to be hard.

There are many unbelievers who acknowledge that an Absolute Being exists, but you have to know the Lord’s plan for you, you have to know the Lord Who is the Master of your life. That’s what this is saying. Then you’ll know what to do, to what extent, you don’t have to struggle blindly.  But if you align yourself to the spiritual things, then everything will take place naturally within the time schedule.  Your finances and relationships will work out. Your studies will also work out in this stream.

But if you’re still forcing yourself to do something, there’s something that’s still misaligned. I’m saying this is true from the walk of faith I’ve experienced.  Before I knew this, I was struggling and wandering, and now I realize, that wasn’t right.  I was able to confirm that surely, God is guiding everything forward according to His Word, His covenant, and His time schedule.  It’s the same for evangelis, missions, and everything in your life.

Numbers 31:50, some people brought back personal trinkets that would bring them money. They just brought back gold artifacts and stuffed their pockets with them.  They brought these articles as a sin atonement offering. That ends everything.

Through Numbers 31, God is telling us to surely destroy God’s enemies and your enemies spiritually before going into Canaan.  The book of Numbers is used to create a system for the people who are destined to conquer Canaan.  If I have an open channel of Satan within me, how can I go out and fight in the world? I will always be attacked. I have to save people in the world but I’m dragged around by money every time I see it; how could I save them, then?  Until this is resolved, you cannot.

If you lose your mind every time you see people, how are you going to save the people of the world?  That’s what you have to bring to a close and then go in.  That’s why you have to remain within the grace of being with God.  There’s no question, “How can I do this?” God is just with you. Specifically speaking, be with God, 24 hours.  If you’re with God one minute a day, and you’re with idols 23 hours and 59 minutes per day, that’s not the method. Because God is with you 24 hours a day, remain within that blessing and then you’ll receive the answer of 25 hours because the answers come from God. They don’t come because we create something; the answers come from God.

Then what happens?  The works and the answers of saving souls, the eternal kingdom of God, these take place.  The beginning of all of that is enjoying With, Immanuel, and being one with the Triune God. Because we’re not able to do that straight up off the bat, we have a time of concentration every day.

Even if someone is very lazy, they must have this spiritual aspect.  If your day is busy without this spiritual time, then one day your life will collapse just as the Bible passage showed today. You’re not falling over because of exhaustion, but you’re falling over because of Satan’s spiritual lie. You don’t fall over because you met the wrong person, but you fall over because Satan worked through a channel that left you no choice but to fall.  But people who are so entrenched in legalism and religion think, “If I just live an upright life, it will be okay,” but people around me will come and attack me.  It means the person is so soaked in religion, but everything in your life happens according to your spiritual state.

It’s not enough for you to just be a good driver.  It doesn’t matter how well you follow the traffic lines, because someone else with spiritual problems will come hit me. I’m just giving you this example so it’s easy for you to understand. It’s possible I may lend money with a good heart to someone, but that person actually borrowed money from me, never intending to pay me back. But my spiritual state is set so that I have no choice but to keep running into people like this.

If you think you just have to be good on your own, that’s not true.  People who are legalistic or live a religious life think they just have to do well, but that’s not enough. You just have to be with God.  You have to remain within the answer that God fulfills as you remain within the covenant of being with God. That’s how it must take place.

People who cannot wait for this will twist their body and do crazy things.  Satan is really attacking them with the spiritual problem of impatience, and it’s honestly a lack of faith. We’re not just sitting still, you’re staying still while remaining and enjoying your spiritual state.  Then one day, when the time schedule comes, God gives me answers.  

If we don’t know this, we get so hasty and impatient, “It’s working,” or “It’s not working,” and we go back and forth until we die. You just wait and then you go. If God doesn’t give you something, don’t do it.  If you’re constantly within the blessing of being with God, then without a doubt, something will come. This is faith.  

This is what God desires of us through Numbers 31. There’s no need for you to listen to people’s words.  You can keep the words you read in books as reference, but if you follow after those words, it’ll not be aligned with you.  We should not follow what other churches are doing because God’s plan and time schedule are different.  You shouldn’t follow what the person next to you in church is doing because every individual has their own time schedule and plan. 

If you don’t know this, then you think there just needs to be a strategy or plan for everyone, but that’s just foolish.  There was one time during the Pastor’s sermon, the pastor said, “My pastoral ministry isn’t taking place. I was doing so well in Korea, why is it not taking place here?” I responded, “Don’t you think it’s not taking place because God isn’t allowing it to take place? Why do you think it took place in korea?  Don’t you think it’s because God allowed it to take place? But I think the pastor was putting the source of that problem, on the standard of himself, so he’s thinking, “What am I doing wrong?” 

I hope you will surely remember, otherwise you’re bound to follow after these pastors who don’t have spiritual knowledge because you don’t have spiritual knowledge. Right now, it’s God’s time schedule to work in China.  God has given America multiple opportunities for revival. This isn’t a place where revival just takes place like that. You have to know the field.

When this pastor was in Korea, God had to create a lot of works because Rev. Ryu moved to Daegu and he needed works in order for pastors to follow this work of God, but this pastor thought it was because of him.  He was saying, “I was just a layperson at the time, but everywhere I went, the works took place,” and when he went back to church, he saw all the people he had done ministry with were church officers now. All he did was relay the gospel letter, but when he came to America, he said, “It’s really not taking place.”

I said, “God is not allowing it to take place.”  Then, back in Korea, it wasn’t working out because you did something well, but God allowed it to happen like how God raised up the crippled beggar.  God has a reason, and if you don’t know that, you’ll compare yourself with that region and that church, but God has a different time schedule and plan.

If it’s not the gospel, the gospel movement will not take place, but you have to know that God is working with His specific plan and time schedule in every region and land. Every church is not the same.  You have to see when God raises up the church and the stream in which God guides it.  Our church is not the same as the church that has existed for 100 years. A church that has existed for 10 years cannot be the same as one that has existed for 100 years.  The time and the perspective for which God raised that church is different, and you have to be able to read that.

If you don’t have that level of thought, you cannot run a business, right?  If there’s a new business that looks at a longstanding conglomerate like Samsung, and they wonder, “Why isn’t it taking place for us?” That’s not right.  Likewise, there will be a difference between someone who has lived in a longstanding idolatrous family and believed compared to one who lived in a Christian family and believed.  And depending on whether this person was lost in unhealthy mysticism, or legalism, they will be different, too.  

But if you’re not able to distinguish between the two, you cannot distinguish the person.  So, if you just focus on the gospel, then the gospel movement naturally takes place.  But the pastor was so focused on me – “What am I doing so that it works? What am I doing so that it doesn’t work?” It’s what God allows.  

If you say, “Oh, then I can live however I want because God’s plan will be fulfilled no matter what,” that means you’re lost.  You have to be able to see how God is guiding everything forward according to His time schedule.  God raised up our church 12 years ago and has guided us up until this point.  Then you have to see how God has moved this church for 12 years in order to see God’s plan for the future, but if you’re not able to analyze that, you’re going to make a plan that does not fit with God’s plan.  

The characteristic of our church is that we don’t tell people to do things, why not?  Whenever I tell someone to do something, they get mad at me, so I just stay still, whether it turns out well or not. That’s God’s plan. People who have some sense of structure or order, they are so frustrated and go crazy. It still doesn’t matter.  Because that’s the kind of region that LA is.  It’s different from the Orange Country region.  People’s senses, the way they live and think, it’s all different. It’s even different from the East coast because every region has their culture and state. 

That’s why some people come from Korea and things won’t work out quickly, so they get frustrated and go back to Korea, but the people in America are doing things they always have, but if someone came from Korea and wants to see the Korean style which is very fast, they’ll get frustrated and leave.  You have to analyze your field very well. It’s the same with your business, job, and whatever you’re doing.  May you enjoy this blessing.


Let’s pray together holding onto the Word God has given us today.  What are the areas of your life that God must give His grace?  What are the areas of your family line that need God’s grace? Let us pray together.

Our second prayer topic, after we end, please do the intercessory prayer. This is the spiritual battle.  Because without a doubt, whenever you pray, God will send His Holy Spirit and his heavenly angels and host to transcend time and space and fight the spiritual battle, and the answers will come to you.  Stop spinning your earthly brain but make the proper calculation, because God gives you the answers, and if you’re praying for someone else, God gives you the answers, knowing what you need. But if you’re so used to the ways of the world, you’re only thinking of yourself, then that person’s time schedule will take a little longer.

Especially now, there’s a family where the remnants continue to fall because the parents don’t have strength. You have to know this in advance.  You have to keep going in through prayer.  God will take care of the answers accordingly.  Let us pray together, for the vulnerable and weaker family, the remnants and multiethnic people.  

December 12 will be RU Sunday, and at 5pm in the afternoon, it will be the RU closing ceremony.  On Dec. 24, we’ll have a Christmas eve festival, and we want to try broadcasting online to have interactions with people from other countries. If the time zone doesn’t align, then they cannot join, but we’ll send them the video.  Starting from next year, we want to make the remnant nights run centered on the remnants, and people from far away from other states and countries will be able to join as well.  Every month, we have remnant night, but none of the young remnants come; only the adult remnants come.  

When God gave us this time, when it’s like this, it is not fitting with God’s plan, then what does God want?  We need to find that. You guys all have the remnants in your heart, right? And I’m sure you pray for them, right?  So, hope your students to gather to receive the grace of God that He has prepared through the remnant teacher messages, and says we gather we will have many other countries that’ll join us, even though right now the number of nations is small, I believe we have to begin for God to guide us in that direction to reach many nations. Let us pray together.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who believe in the covenant that finished everything on the cross and desire to have victory in the spiritual battle, be upon the multiethnic people and remnants, be upon their studies and the work that they do, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen 

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