Enjoy our Life Within Christ and See How God is Moving in Our Problems (John 20:31)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Enjoy our Life Within Christ and See How God is Moving in Our Problems (John 20:31)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today we will share the word of God from John 20:31 regarding life. Earlier just now, I expressed very extremely about evangelism so I hope you will not misunderstand; I will explain again.  When the Israelites lost hold of missions and evangelism, there was war within their family and they died relatively early.  All their savings they piled up was gone, and all of their precious children died. We think that’s what happens if we do something immoral or unethical, but that’s not true.  This is the missions and evangelism God sees. 

For us, the real problem is that we don’t see evangelism as such a big thing. If I don’t have strength right now, it means I’m losing hold of evangelism; because I’ve lost hold of evangelism, God has no reason to give me strength, then we are forced to live through our problems with our own abilities. Because even right now, God is moving everything in the world to proclaim the gospel to all nations, Matthew 24:14.  

For us, we think the world moves centered in something else, but from God’s perspective, everything moves centered on proclaiming the gospel.  The world thinks they move centered on successful people, but that’s not God. Even right now, God is moving everything, creating wars and incidences, centered on the gospel and upon the people who will relay the gospel. If we lose hold of this evangelism and the gospel, then we aren’t aligned with God’s direction and time schedule. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, that’s just trying your best, it’s not aligned with God, it doesn’t matter what I do, that’s just something I did; that’s not right with God.

God was seated at the throne of heaven, and he left that throne, came to this earth, was born on the earth as a man, died on the cross, and resurrected. The Old Testament is talking about the Christ that will come. And the reason Christ came was to save mankind. The New Testament says Christ has come. And everything from Acts and the epistles is talking about what happened after Jesus Christ resurrected, how he worked upon his disciples with His Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is doing the same work even right now, then the thing that is most important in our life is the gospel and evangelism. 

Otherwise, no matter how much you read the Bible, you’re looking at it incorrectly. Jesus Christ asked the Sadducees, “You guys read the scriptures so diligently” even right now, there are people who researched the Bible in the original text of Hebrew and Greek, and I’ve even seen people study the Bible in every way possible, but Jesus Christ asks them, “How did you read the Bible?” 

You may have read the Bible a lot, but how did you read it, from what perspective did you read it? If you’re not reading the Bible from the perspective of Christ, it doesn’t matter how many times you read the Bible, it’s irrelevant to God, because the Bible is meant to give us life through Christ. So a lot of people read the Bible cover to cover, and they memorize all the names, but they lose hold of what God really wants. 

“But I’ve written this down so that by this, you may believe that Jesus is the Christ and gain eternal life” so John was relaying this through the writings of this book, if we don’t have this book, then the gospel would not be relayed to us, so even if we did receive this gospel, we cannot determine if it’s right or wrong.

What is God’s goal? It’s to relay this life, so don’t just receive life, God relays this life. We keep on trying to receive, even though we’ve already received it. Then even if you read the Bible thousands of times, you’re only thinking of receiving things, you don’t think about giving things, and that’s why Israel suffered.

The fact that you want to receive everything means you lost hold of the gospel. If you receive life, you are bound to transmit life because the Spirit of Christ inside of me will continuously guide me to relay the life of Christ to others. Therefore, if you have received this life, everything is finished, you have been moved from death to life, you have been moved from the authority of the devil into the Kingdom of God.

All problems have been finished and now you are living with the Triune God. If you lose hold of this and say it’s finished, it’s not finished, that person is feeling empty because they’re saying it’s finished, and something should come, but they aren’t receiving anything else. That person hasn’t received the gospel, they haven’t understood the gospel yet. The reason it is finished is because ethe Triune God is with me. Right now, God is giving me His Word and is fulfilling it, so if you have questions about what to do about this or that circumstance, God gives you His Word. 

There’s no need to discuss so much with people. Because God doesn’t give us the Word so vaguely as if He did not know our circumstance, but it’s simply that you cannot hear God’s word because you have your own motives. We have already determined what we want to hear so we cannot hear what God’s Word says.  You must throw that away. All you have to do is get rid of yourself, then you’ll see the fact that the answers are all before you. And then God confirms with His Word. But if I have my own motives and goals, then even if the answers come, I reject them.  I reject those blessings, because I keep wanting to exalt my own plans, that’s our spiritual problem, that’s why we are always dragged around by the devil. Quickly let go of yourself; the answers are already before us. 

Do you think God made a mistake? “I accidentally raised up this pastor?” “Oh I shouldn’t have become pastor” then do you think God made a mistake?  If I’m a pastor and I reject being a pastor, it means my environment is really hard. In that situation, if you look for God’s plan, then God would give you the answer through His Word, but instead of doing that, you are holding onto yourself, and no matter what, you are waiting for a voice to tell you not to be a pastor anymore.  

And if I don’t hear those words, I listen to other messages until I hear what I want to hear.  And if someone randomly says, “Yeah, you’re right, you should never have become a pastor,” then I hold onto their words like an answer. I only listen to what I want to hear. Then what do you think will happen? God is giving us His Word currently, and He is working according to His Word, but I only listen to what I want to hear. And then even when I listen to the words of God, I’m centered on myself. I only want to hear things that strengthen me, but if it only stresses me out, I say you don’t want to hear it. God will discipline the children He loves; if God doesn’t discipline you, it means He does not love you.

But there was even some person who tested me one time, “God is a God of love so I don’t think He would speak so strongly to us.” and I realized this is a person who only knows one side of God but not all of God.  We do not have the ability to follow God, because we aren’t perfect, we aren’t God. We have many spiritual problems that prevent us from following God, and God disciplines that. Then what happens?  God is pruning those so He can take His loving child and bring them along the correct path.  But some people look at the discipline and say, “That’s not God’s method,” and they cut it out. If somebody thinks God will only say words that will give me grace, and what I want to hear, that’s not the proper or mature faith.  

I love my child, my biological child, but it’s not as if I’m only saying nice words to her. If she breaks her promise, I give her negative points in our system because she stole my time. If I go pick her up, and she’s late to the meeting spot, I take away points from her because she took away my time, and the reason I’m disciplining her is because, when she grows up, I don’t want people to look down on her because she’s wasting their time; so I’m disciplining her out of love. But if she listens to those word and is scarred, “My dad is too hard on me,” then do you think she would grow up as a proper human?  I’m educating her now so that she won’t have to be attacked in the world. 

Once a remnant graduates from college, I treat them a little differently.  Until they are in college I let them be. But once they graduate from college, they’re adults. Then I start to train them in many ways, “Don’t be late, don’t wear your slippers to church, and no matter what you do follow up until the end.” But if someone says, “Pastor, when I come to church, you don’t give me words that give me grace, but they’re just words that scar me,” what do you think is going to happen to that student? 

We have to teach people to have a proper posture before God because they’ve never learned.  No one teaches the kids how to have the proper posture before God, so they drag their slippers to church. I’m not saying this is bad, but this is their posture before God.  there’s an American pastor that gives messages wearing sandals and jeans. There was one pastor like that, and now, they had such revival that they are traveling to China for missions. And it makes it so that your thoughts are completely broken down. What I’m talking about right now is the posture before God towards worship. 

And we have the Remnant Conference in America, and the kids dress however they want, but it’s especially worse in California, people from New York look down on how we dress. So I called the students over because as a pastor, I don’t want to nag at tham but at the same time I feel like I have to discipline them so that the world doesn’t look down on them and they can do something.  At the very least, if you’re entrusted with a role or are a staff member at a retreat, you have to have the basic fundamentals but they never learned that. 

I called them and what did I say?  I didn’t say things like, “Why are you dressed like this?” because they would be depressed, but either way I have to teach that. These kids have to be prepared because they have to give the answers to successful people. So I told them when elites of the world have conferences, the way they dress themselves is different.  What do you think that means? If they don’t understand what that means, they don’t understand. But from that point on, all of them changed into suits; all of their clothes changed. 

When you’re leaving these kids alone, it’s not just leaving them alone, but there is a process they must undergo in the future as they mature. If you can’t foresee that and let them stay where they are, they can’t grow in certain ways.  True, this education and worldly discipline is not the gospel but we do it for the gospel. We can bring our slippers to church, why can we not? But if you’re living in the world with that level of thinking, you’re going to have a hard time.  

When you meet someone important, you should not wear sandals. Isn’t that right? Would you wear sandals to the White House?  Even at the very least, you shouldn’t wear sandals seeing your professors. Then at the very least, worship and going before God, we must teach them otherwise they won’t know.  I leave them alone until they’re done with college, then I teach them little by little, because even when they are in college, they have to grow. 

They may think, “Did the pastor change?” No it’s not that I changed but I now have to educate you towards succeeding in society because your family isn’t teaching you. I have to teach them the sense of time and punctuality. They should not live as they have lived at home. Because we are called to proclaim the gospel, we should not get stuck in the introduction before even getting to the gospel part. 

These are the ways, if we don’t teach with great importance in America, then the kids can’t learn it. How precious is the gospel? So we shouldn’t have this precious gospel and get stuck in the introduction before we’re able to relay it to anyone else because they’re looking down on us.  And honestly speaking, If the kids aren’t able to follow along, I get a little disappointed. If I trust them to do something, then whether they’re able to do it well or not, it’s important to have the posture to follow through with it until the end. Then if they are not able to follow through until the end, they’re failures and people will call them failures.

I give the young adults messages because I’ve also lived in the world. And I still have my family background about what the world is like. I still have my friends that are successful in the world now, and because I still know that, it doesn’t matter what ministry, it’s the same. These are the things I say to them occasionally. And if the students are wondering, “The pastor didn’t do this before, why is he doing this now?” It’s not because I hate you, it’s because I’m raising the kids. 

And you need to receive this well as the voice of God. I’m not saying this for no reason, but this is something that I know. That’s why God gave me the young adult ministry. Other people, they lived as young adults as Christians, they don’t know the world. If you look at all the people in the young adult ministry, these are people who worked in the world as young adults, people who have succeeded in the world to some extent. It’s the same with Pastor Joo and same thing for Pastor Kim Tae Jung, he used to be a successful government official. All of these people are people who lived in the world as young adults then received the gospel, and did ministry.

The young adults are a little different because they have to raise the kids to some level in society, and in order to do that, we start teaching them what the church is. The relationship between the servant of the Lord and the young adults must be very good, that must be the case in order to succeed. Because the ones who bring me to the seat of success are the people above me, then it doesn’t matter where you go, the relationship you have with your superiors must be really good. 

Of course there will be many things that don’t fit with you, but if you have the posture to learn from what they have to offer then they’ll teach you. For students, the students who have a good relationship with their teachers and professors are good at studying. These are the things we have to slowly teach our kids, then it is possible for me to come off a little strong. And then people might say, “Pastor didn’t say this before, why is he now like this?” I say this more strongly to the young adults. And as time passes, you’ll understand why I said these words. 

After you marry, you’ll realize why the pastor kept saying these words before marriage.  The adults are all experiencing that now. Marriage isn’t the problem. How are you going to live after the wedding? People are so focused on getting married, but even after the wedding, the lifestyle is what’s important. Getting a job isn’t what’s important, you have to learn how to do your job. But people just learn, “All I have to do is take what I learned in school and use it to earn money in my job, or take what I learned and use it for my family.” But we don’t know how. 

The “how” is having a relationship with God, that’s the gospel. In the Bible verse today, it says the word “life,” and the gospel is life. Then how does this meaning of life come to us? It means nothing is a problem. Isn’t that right? Because you have life, nothing is a problem because you have life. You have to understand this.  If you don’t understand this it means you don’t understand the gospel. 

If a seed is planted in the ground, regardless of what time of year it is, it will eventually bear fruit. The only problem is if there’s no life inside that seed. There’s some time where there’s rocks laid on the ground but grass pokes up around the concrete. Because there’s life underneath the cement, it will come out no matter what. There’s this gigantic wall, and somewhere a seed came, and now there’s a tree growing in the wall. 

if you have life, then everything comes from that life and grows from that life to bear fruit. The problem is, even if we have life, if we’re not able to enjoy that life, then problems will be problems for us.  For that person a test will be a test because they’re not able to enjoy life.  God promised us even if we are tested with temptation, God will provide us a way out, so if you’re enjoying the life yourself, you will see the way out.  But the reason the person falters at the test is because they are not able to enjoy. So it doesn’t matter who you are, if you have the life you are bound to find a way out. 

Then let’s say if you guys are hearing words like, “Oh, I’m tested, I’m really struggling or having a hard time,” you shouldn’t just listen to those words, if you just listen to those words and match those words, the person you speak with will die.  You have to show them the way God has given as a way out.  It’s in Romans 8, no matter what circumstance you’re in, God has given you a way out and that’s the assurance of victory. But if you agree with them and say “yes you’re right, it’s hard, “ then you’ll both die.

It’s true that what they say may be a true fact, but does that mean my life must fail because the other person is making me? Even though God didn’t give that to us?  God gave us the life of Victory. So it’s very important who is saying what words to give life to others.  We have to listen to everything, yes. If you cut them off before listening to everything they have to say, they won’t open their heart to you. I’m a little impatient so I have a personality where I cut people off before they’re done talking because I assume I know what they’re going to say.  Some people are tested because I’m trying to quickly give them the way out, this is my style. 

I went to ministry on Thursday, and I listened to them talk for three hours. I do listen. If someone is demon possessed, they explain things very thoroughly, because it’s trapped in their memory in detail.  So in that moment, I really wanted them to cut to the chase, but I listened to them for 3 hours, I think I spoke for about 10 minutes. And I left that place at 5:45pm and I got home at 6:30. So I do listen, because I have to listen to them to see their spiritual order, and how precious of an event is this, this person has been afflicted by demon possession since 1999, so it’s over 20 years, and they didn’t even know the reason why they are afflicted. 

They did go to church so they have legalism, so as soon as they sat down, they apologized, and I asked, “Why are you apologizing?” They just thought they should. That’s what happens when you wander around different churches that don’t have the gospel, you’ll get ingrained in legalism that says, “You have to repent or else,” then the devil is oppressing her with her illegal deeds. So I’m doing the ministry with her, and this is what we have to get rid of. If she hadn’t gone to church at all, then I could have just addressed demon-possession, but the demon has disguised itself by making her go to church, to make her think the reason of her suffering is her illegal actions. Then there are more things we have to unveil for her. 

If you really know the spiritual things and talk to people, you’ll be able to see it. They personally don’t know what they’re suffering through. It’s demon possession. They say they heard voices, and they are paralyzed, forcefully dragged, and I said that’s true. It took her so long to explain all of this to me, and they say they’re paralyzed and being dragged around. This is the characteristic of shamans and those who are demon-possessed, but how are most people afflicted by demons? The demons control them with a thing called “me.” So demons will work extremely and very directly on people like this, but usually they will make them trapped so they can’t escape. So the demon isn’t directly going in to control them involuntarily; he is controlling them from behind the scenes. But whether the method is former or the latter, everyone is being deceived and dragged by Satan, but people in the first method have a will completely broken by the devil. 

If your willpower I broken by the devil, you become like a fortune teller. For these people, they only have maybe one half or a third of their willpower left, so they are living their lives not in a normal state, but most people live their lives with their own will. But Satan is controlling them behind the scenes, so all their willpower is not in the direction of God, but in whatever direction they want. 

So whether it’s this way or that way, all you have to know is that they’re under John 8:44, their father is the devil but you have no idea how many people are like this. If you knew this, you’ll transmit the life easily. If she’s gone to church, she should have heard this at least once, I don’t know, maybe they have heard it and didn’t understand it well, or it’s possible they went to such big churches and weren’t interested in this, but you have no idea how many people like this there are. 

As we mature. It’s possible we may get scarred. It’s possible for anyone to get scarred, but think carefully right now, about your scars, why did you get scarred? For my situation, it’s like this. I was scarred because of “me,” because I could only think about myself. Psychology teaches you that if you think from someone else’s perspective, if you escape from yourself, you can escape from scars. But you received scars because you’re only able to think from your perspective and point of view, and the devil will not leave that alone, he’s going to ride on that scar to move you. 

So like I said earlier, this person experienced their younger brother dying, and in that shock, they became demon-possessed.   And if that person isn’t able to resolve their scar, Satan holds onto that scar and moves them in this area. How do we escape? Rather than just saying “Christ”, you have to know the reason for that scar.  Most people say, “I received this scar because of that other person,” they’ll never be able to escape then. 

What is the reality? The reality is, it’s because of ourselves. I was thinking only centered on myself so I had no choice but to be scarred. And Satan doesn’t leave that alone ever, he begins to utilize that, then in that aspect, my personality does t mature.  Until that scar is resolved, Satan drags you around with it, so that’s why we avoid people and avoid getting into similar situations. And that’s why we have no choice but to meet with other people who are similar to us and we communicate with these things, but we’re not able to save each other in these areas.

So in my personal experience I also had scars, they went for a long time, even though I didn’t know they were scars. Even after I received the gospel, the devil deceived me, it was full of suffering for me. And then I would escape from that through prayer and gospel. But ultimately, if we don’t escape from this thing called “me,” we have no choice but to get stuck. I said this earlier but if you want to talk about scars, the pastor has the most scars. Let’s say a church member gets scarred by the pastor, that’s just one individual, but if the pastor is thinking from “me-centeredness,” then every person in the church is a scar, then that pastor himself will die. 

And the pastor himself may say words that are correct, “I was scarred because of this and that person,” but that cannot be a successful pastoral ministry. That person’s words may be correct but they failed. If you look from God’s perspective, you can see God’s plan, and that’s what we call somebody who believes in God. But strangely enough, in this kind of situation, God is nowhere to be found; it’s only me in this circumstance, Satan is going to say, “Bullseye, this is my opportunity,” and Satan attacks you, saying, “Yes you’re correct.”

Look at Genesis 3, instead of holding onto God’s Word, he says, “Yes, your thoughts are correct, then you’ll hold onto that instead, and then you’ll always hold onto your anguished heart and listen to sad songs. “No one acknowledges me, why is my life like this?” You have to escape from that and then you’ll receive the answer. Look at Joseph, his older brothers tried to kill him. What would you do in that situation?  I don’t think I would stay still, of course I’ll have to experience it. But even though there’s something boiling inside of me, because we have God’s covenant, we will look for it.

But you have no idea how many scars people receive in the family, especially between a married couple, they got married because they wanted to live a good life, but they scar each other so much. A relationship between a child and their parents is so beautiful but the children are getting scarred by their parents. Even if you think about it logically, don’t you see that it’s Satan’s work? 

People say, “I like being outside of my family because I have scars inside my family,” the people out in the world don’t give you any scars because you’re not close enough; you keep it as a surface level. However, if you receive the true answers, you can save many people. And the beginning of that is believing in God, why? Because I have life inside of me. Then he’s going to guide me in the way of life, and if I can’t enjoy that life, I’ll fall into my scars.

Your problems will be an answer and a way, otherwise your problem will just be a problem.  Who do we call the evangelist? The one who has the answers of life is the witness. These are the ones who have victory and will evangelize, and that must begin within the church, then it’s normal for there to be many problems in the church. If you want to go somewhere that doesn’t have problems, you have to go to heaven. Then inside of this problem, you have to see how God is moving, that’s how you stand as a witness, and then you can do this well even when you go out into the world, so the church is very important. 

It’s possible if a pastor says these words, you’ll think the pastor is just saying these words because he has to promote it. But even inside of a job, not everyone thinks the same. This is a job that was prepared by God, I am relaying God’s Word on His behalf. Immanuel is talking about God being with the church. “With” is God with me, “Immanuel” is God with the body and we have to find that well in the church. And oneness means you have to be able to have oneness in the field, oneness between you and your job, you and people. 

The way to confirm life is to look for places and corners that don’t have God and putting the gospel there. Then it’s possible for your walk of faith to be fun. Because even if you just look at your problems, you look for God’s answers and God’s plan. And you need to first confirm whether the studies and work you are doing is aligned between you, God, and work. 

And there are people who are about to get married, so it’s important for you to see, is it the relationship between me, my marriage and the covenant? If that’s not the case, then people get married because they like the other person, and when they get separated it’s because they don’t like the other person. Everybody gets married because they like the other person, and they separate because they don’t like the other person, so from the beginning they made their decision without God’s covenant, so that’s what you need to do first. 

Then even if you want to separate because of God’s covenant, you will not be able to because the covenant is there. That’s why you have to begin with God’s covenant, God’s love, that’s the only way to have proper love between people. Otherwise, you’ll say, “I like her, I want to get married to her,” but why? “Oh I like her because she’s very smart and will cook for me very well and will never make me buy food outside, and I like her because when I don’t want to drive, she can drive me quickly. “ Not things like that, the things you like about the other person are necessary too because you complement each other, however, the things within the covenant are the real things to like about them.

Then because you have this covenant between you two, even if it turns out later on that they’re not who you thought they were, it’s okay because you still have the common basis of the covenant. Without that, it’s hard for you to make a family, and have a job in the world within the covenant either. There will be so many times when you think, “Do I really have to work like this? Am I here to live like this?” At that time, the covenant God gave me. Then you’ll see the answers. 

So in everything, you’re looking for the places that are empty, devoid of the Triune God. And we talked about evangelism earlier, and it is talking about the evangelism God talks about in the Bible, what is the relationship between me and that evangelism? Then as you pray for that you’ll receive the answer God gives of aligning my life with biblical evangelism, then honestly your walk of faith will become fun. That’s our walk of faith because we have life, we will never ever die. A problem is not a problem because we have life.

Because our life is alive right now and will always be alive. You’re facing a crisis but it isn’t a real crisis. You have seen water flowing downhill, it doesn’t get caught up by anything, it overcomes obstacles; but water that is dead stays in one place. Living water, it doesn’t matter what obstacle it faces, it will either go through it or around it to go to the ocean. 

We have Christ who is life inside of us. If you just hold onto this covenant, then you’ll be able to overcome any obstacle, and if you cannot overcome, you can go around it. And God is bound to change your direction to testify this gospel to give life. So I’m going to explain evangelism again to you: it is moving in the direction of the life movement. Isn’t that right? The life inside of me keeps getting transmitted outward and there is a direction it is relayed, that’s how I’m able to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a problem is not a problem, then you can see the things in the future now. And that’s the reason why God answers my prayers with power.  There’s no need to work so hard for this either, all you have to do is just enjoy these blessings and God will make things work according to His time schedule. 

If there’s a lot of things you hold onto from your past, I hope you will quickly let go of yourself and you’ll see God’s great answers to use that as a springboard. But if you just leave that alone, it is correct but you will run the errands of Satan.  May you enjoy life and be a witness who testifies of this life. 


Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received. We are weak. But I believe Christ who is life will be with us guiding us towards the direction of transmitting this life. God please work upon us with the filling of the Holy Spirit so that we can relay life. 

Second prayer topic, our church is holding onto the word of missions and we’re devoting to a few different fields with our prayers and devotion. Within Africa there are 4 countries we are focusing on, it’s Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Burundi. In South America in July, there will be a conference, the date has been set, so this will be the first missions opportunity for our church to go together. It will be July 11-16 for about a week so please be in prayer for that. 

And we are also doing ministry with the Mongolian and Karen people, and Indian, Native American Navajo missions. This is how we are participating with prayer and materials. In the future there will be more and more because God gave us the command to make disciples of all nations, whether we do it directly or through these fields going in that direction, and I believe God will work upon his words. 

And he told us to go to all nations and heal, I believe there are healing ministers that have been prepared because He promised we would heal, so we are doing the healing evangelism school. It’s not that we do anything well, but we do it because God told us too. Then don’t you think God will raise up the people who can?  Don’t you think God is fulfilling His Word even now? So we are doing it with that faith, we don’t do anything because we’re good at it from the beginning.  Same with business people.  I have the faith that there are business people prepared for this work. I don’t know who, I’m only believing this because God gives it, because that’s how God’s covenant will be fulfilled, so let us pray for our mission fields, as well as the business missions and the evangelism schools tomorrow. 

Starting from March we will have the North America Young Adult evangelism school every month. This is the same thing I’ve been doing every Saturday but it’s going to be spread out to all America once a month at the same time. And the plan right now is to have one lecture per month, and have different speakers give different messages, centered on the core things of what young adults need. That’s going to happen from the first week of March, so please pray for that. 

The LA region has been doing the Young Adult Evangelism School for multiple years now, even through COVID, and now that is spreading throughout North America, this is not boasting, we are simply doing this because of God’s grace, and the young adults need to be very thankful for this, because if we blindly get a job and get married, that’s not how life goes. There are young adults all around America following the stream of the Word, the ones who follow the stream of the Word will never fall.  It doesn’t matter how smart I am, if the Word of God is blocked for me, then there’s no choice for me. Because this is not done by people; God must give us the grace, so I hope you will be praying for this, and I hope you’ll pray for the Sunday message as well. 

There are a lot of people outside of the church listening and there are also people who are sending out the YouTube videos, and there are groups of people who cannot come to worship or attend, they listen to it and they have forum in their own groups. So I’m not sure, in the future I would like it if we would be able to simultaneously show the faces of everyone worshiping on zoom on the projector, but I don’t know if we have the skills for that, because there are people attending these messages from far away, and there’s a different feeling if they have no face or if we can see their face. There’s a technical way to do this. And if there is not,I believe God will make someone who can create this technology, so let us pray for that. Let us pray for the young adults evangelism school, and the Sunday message. 

Listen to what I have to say about how to run your field ministries to have continuation. If they do not know about their church, there is no continuation. The church is worship, and the core of worship is the Word; God gives us His Word and the minister who is able to relay this message out to the field has continuation. it doesn’t matter how good they are, if they are not able to connect this message, they will be cut off one day, and the reason is because they don’t know the method God works with. 

Even churches that go outside of the church organization, they go out because they do not want to be within the flow of that organization. This is what it means to be the 70 workers, the Word of the church and the field is connected. You guys have no choice, if it’s true that you’re called as the 70 disciples, then you proclaim the Word from church into the field, and that’s the 70 disciples. Nowadays I see a lot of senior deaconesses, when they were just receiving the Word, I don’t know, but when they were asked to give the Word, that’s when they changed. Because they are trying to give the message but they aren’t able to. Until now, they would receive grace once and then would pass over it, but now they are listening to it thoroughly and they are being able to discover their realistic self. Because they have to relay this to others, they listen carefully and are coming to life.

Because they are coming to life they are able to see the spiritual state of the family, whereas before, they just thought, “That’s just the way it is.”  You cannot give the message by theory, you might be able to pretend a few times, but if you want to have continuation, God will open your eyes to see the field. So the same thing that everybody says, “Now that I’m in a position where I have to relay the Word of God, the pulpit message is living and active to me.” 

And I was thinking if the laypeople, these are the 70 disciples, not including the evangelist, relay the message to the point they can do regional church, then it’s finished for the remnants because the remnants see that and do you know what that means? If a layperson is continuously able to relay the Word of God in that field, then they are a minister or pastor in that field, then it is finished. It’s talking about those laypeople being raised up. 

Holding onto the word of the pulpit, appropriately to that field, so that church can never break down because you’re moving with the pulpit message, but if you’re doing something very well without the pulpit message, you’re saying bye bye to the church. Even inside the organization, there are churches that do well without following the flow of the headquarter messages, so then they leave the organization, so them doing well isn’t actually doing well. That’s how important the church is.

All you have to do is stand in the situation so that the water from the pulpit can flow ito the field.  This is the role the laypeople and the 70 disciples play, then it’s possible for anyone to do this because God is continuously giving His Word through the pulpit and you’re using this Word to continue this, anyone can do this, you’re only not able to continue and it’s only hard because yo have to research and discover things for yourself. That cannot go long and it cannot bear fruits because that’s not God’s method. 

Even if the church officers just know this, they will receive all the works and blessings. Watch later on, your children will come to life because if you have the Word of God given to you, it will be relayed no matter what.  In the past you weren’t able to see the spiral state of your family line, but because you cannot relay it in theory, God has to open your eyes for you to relay it.  In the past, you used to just nag but no longer; that’s how God moves us. 

So even if you’re just sitting here, God will work. So if you’re trying to do the evangelism movement outside of the church, you cannot have continuation; you will fall. it may seem like things are working out but you won’t bear any fruit because the fruit is ultimately bringing these people into the church so they can be commissioned back out to the field. This is the message I wanted to give. It didn’t seem right for the lecture but I’m giving it before the praise, but the church officers, if you guys know this, then you’ll see how God is spreading His Kingdom through the church in your fields.  And there’s never a reason to be afraid because if someone comes to block you, God will break them down. If there’s a crowd forming against you, then God will erase them; there’s no reason to worry, God will never leave them alone. God will endlessly only be centered on His Word, so you can leave them alone because God will take care of everything on His own, you have to look at everything with that faith and if there’s anything that stands in your way, God will make them fall one by one, and if there’s some kind of path, God will raise you up to do it. Because you guys are the church officers, may you enjoy these blessings first and foremost.  Let us pray together for the 70 disciples and the remnants to rise up in the field. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, people of all nations and the remnants who desire to enjoy and testify the blessings of the Triune God, be upon their businesses, academics, and ministries, upon the heads of the remnants who are far away, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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