Direction that We Must Follow (Gen. 12:1-4)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” May you receive the unprecedented and never-repeated answers of God today. We are giving the second Sunday service for the year 2024, and everybody begins the year, but how will we go? There are people who know even before they begin, but even after beginning, there are people who are wandering and don’t know. In the Bible, there is someone named Abraham, and he was someone like that.
1. Go
1) Abram
(1) Your country, your people, your father’s household (Gen. 12:1)
Abram was somebody who lived thousands of years ago, and he lived in a very high class society in Ur of Chaldea, united with his family.
(2) Father – Idol worship (Josh. 24:2)
However, his father was an idol worshiper. An “idol” is not believing in and following God, but instead, holding onto something else to accomplish your own greed and following after that, and God told him to leave from that. When God told him to leave, He was not talking about some geographical location. It means to escape from the system of life you used to live in. The lifestyle of every single person who is separated from God is centered on themselves, and that is what it means to oppose God. They say that they believe in God, but they really don’t; they’ve only selected a religion, but they are still centered on themselves. Physically speaking, we need our family, we need our mother and father, and then as more family members are born, they become our relatives, and it becomes a town, and God is telling him to escape from that system of life that he grew up relying on.
Before I go into the Word, there are two to three categories of people who go into the church. There are even people who don’t believe in Jesus who go to church. There are also people who believe in Jesus Christ, but the reason they believe in Jesus is to gain the physical and visible things of the world. The third category of people are those who believe in Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God.
If there are any of you who finished the year 2023 feeling like your life is unclear or that you don’t have the clear evidence that God is with you in your life, then you should realize you are living in this world for the things of this world. That kind of life is the same as any other religious life. However, if there are any of you who say, “The reason I believe in Jesus Christ and the reason I live is to establish God’s Kingdom,” then without a doubt, you will receive answers. So, until the year 2023, if your life has been confusing or you have not received answers, I hope you will have a new beginning through worship today.
(3) Background of Sin, Satan, Hell – Gospel (Gal. 3:8, Ac. 7:1)
The system of life that Abram used to live in is, separated from God, centered on himself, under the background of curses and sin. It turns out that he was actually centered on himself, seized by the authority and background of Satan and the world. Before going to eternal hell in death, he would live a life of suffering on earth. That is the way he used to live, with his family, and then God called him out.
In Gal. 3:8, it says that God gave Abraham the gospel. Even in the Old Testament, there is nobody who can escape from the three curses and that background without the gospel. If there are any of you who believe in Jesus Christ and go to church with the goal of gaining physical blessings, you are holding onto the wrong goal. If there are any of you like that, may you receive the grace of God to receive God’s accurate Word.
Jesus Christ did not come to earth so we could live well in the world. Because we cannot live with the things we’ve experienced and learned in the world, God Himself had to come down to earth in the form of a human. The problem is that system and that frame of the curses and disasters of sin, Satan, and hell; we cannot escape from that. We can only escape from that if we believe in the covenant of Gen. 3:15, the offspring of the woman who would come to crush the head of the serpent.
2) To the land I will show you
Then, God told him, “Go to the land I will show you.” As soon as I believe in Jesus Christ, there is a direction of life that I must live. I’m not talking about the direction of moving from LA to DC, it means that the stream of the center of your life that you have been flowing in must change. It means to come out from living centered on myself, money, and escalating my own strength, to become centered on the Word of God.
(1) Settled in Haran (Gen. 11:31)
Because God told Abram to “go to the land I will show you,” Abram followed, and as they were going, they stopped in a place called Haran. The land of Haran is a place that had a similar culture as the land Abram used to live in, and once they go beyond Haran, the culture and language are all different, so he could not go past. Nowadays, we have the internet, so we’re able to be aware of the cultures of the world, but thousands of years ago, if they left beyond their culture or what they knew, it meant death. Because everybody lived, centered on their family as the community, and when they go into another community, that is war and that is death.
(2) Death of the father (Gen. 11:32)
Because their society was created around the patriarchy, whatever the father said goes, so if the father Terah stopped, the entire family had to stop there. God wants to lead the people to the land of Canaan, but their father Terah is remaining in Haran, so God actually called Terah away. Humans’ life and death is in God’s hands. It doesn’t matter how long of a life we want to live; God will call us if it is God’s will. Joseph’s mother worshiped the idol of her father, and that’s why God called Joseph’s mother away quickly so that she would not influence Joseph.
(3) Departed
We receive God’s Word and we follow God’s Word and we will face circumstances we haven’t experienced before, but the system of life we live with is, we use the experiences we’ve had until now to try to analyze the current situation. However, the life system of a Christian is not our life experiences; it is the Word of God. Being centered on the Word of God is the direction in which we must live in the year 2024.
3) Promise
After God called Abram out, He gave him a promise. Without a doubt, when God called us, He gave us a direction and the content. A direction without content becomes weak, and a content without direction becomes confusing. As we go into the year 2024, holding onto the direction and the content God gives us, it will be fulfilled without a doubt.
(1) Make you into a great nation (Gen. 12:2)
In Gen. 12:2, God promises Abram, “I will make you into a great nation.” Right now, there are only three people, Abram, his wife, and his nephew Lot, and a few servants Abram brought with him, and God says, “I will make you into a great nation.” God says, “I will give you the blessing of many people.” That makes no sense, there is only the husband and the wife, but God says, “I will do that,” God says, “I will attach many people to you.” If you want to run a business, you have to have many people coming to you. Even if you’re a politician, you need to have many people on your side, and even if you’re studying, many people should be influenced by your studies, but if you live without God’s promises, then you have to live with your own strength. There’s not a lot of people who will be attached to our IQ of 150. If we try to deceive people, it might work a little bit, but you must never run your business like that. For students, you should never try to study with that cunning mind.
(2) Make your name great (Gen. 12:2)
God will make you into a great nation, you need to hold onto that, that God will attach many people to me. God says, “I will bless you and make your name great.” In Gen. 11, many people gathered their strength to make a name for themselves to build the Tower of Babel, but it ended up crumbling in disaster. But God says, “If you simply go to the land I will show you, I will make your name great and I will exalt your name to many people.” Success should follow you, because God will make you great so that the glory of God will be spread as far as your influence goes.
(3) You will be a blessing (Gen. 12:2)
Then God says, “I will make you into a blessing,” and that finishes everything. Where do blessings come from? I myself become a blessing. The Creator of blessings, God, is with me, and He will flow the blessings through me. If you find this believable, then the shape of your face will change. If you don’t believe in this, then just as I said in the first service, people who immigrate to America are not able to look people in the face, they’re not able to make straight eye contact; they always have to look on the side, and I wonder why the culture of this nation is to give side-eyes. That’s what you call the culture of slavery, because you cannot be bold. The owner is bold, the owner is the owner, even if he lacks money.
God is the Creator and I am His child, so why must I live in this world, worrying about what others think? Why do I have to live as a slave, dragged around by money, simply because I don’t have money? We have to make it so that money follows me. Why do I have to be seized and oppressed by my environment and circumstance? Regardless of my environment, regardless of the valley of the shadow of death, I will follow the LORD, and we become very bold. When you live in America, you should not raise your children to be so scared and looking down and always being worried about others. We must be bold, and that boldness comes from God.
(4) Bless/curse those who bless/curse you (Gen. 12:3)
“I am a child of God, God has called me to save America. I am not living in America to succeed physically but to establish God’s Kingdom.” Until you receive this boldness, you will always be a slave. It doesn’t matter how many generations you’ve lived in America, you will still be a slave. As evidence of that, Israel was enslaved by Egypt for 400 years. They knew the culture and the language of Egypt, they had their own specialization to the point where they could make a little money, but ultimately, they were still slaves. We may be Americanized, we may have great education and make money, but ultimately, we are still suffering as slaves. That was the result of Israel, living as slaves in Egypt, losing hold of one thing.
We must not live like that and we cannot leave our future generations in such a pitiful state, and it might be fine for just you, but we shouldn’t pass it onto others. Make the children stand boldly before the gospel of God. That strength must come from within me. If that inner strength goes away, then people become cowardly. Do you know why people become cowards in front of problems? It’s because they lack inner strength. If somebody says something to me, then I get so swept up and influenced by those words because I lack inner strength. Instead of developing that inner strength, we are only developing the visible physical strength, so my inner state is very weak. That is the system that leaves no choice but to suffer with mental problems, like depression and addictions, ultimately resulting in shootings.
(5) All peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Gen. 12:3)
Everything is the introduction: you will be a blessing, and through you, all peoples on earth will be blessed. The moment you find this believable, it is finished. If you do not find this believable, it is not yours. If you do believe this, it will happen, that America will be blessed because of me. If that doesn’t go into you, then your children will be slaves. They must live in America doing everything they can to gain some kind of physical strength, because we are in a superpower nation, and the devil is using that to oppress your children. “I am a blessing,” and through you, the people in America, the 237 nations of the world, will be blessed.
God gave Abram such a bold promise and pulled him out. The extent of God’s blessing says, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse,” so God made it so that no one could touch Abram. Are you afraid of something? God said, “I will curse those who curse you.” I go to my company or my job, and whoever blesses me, God will bless them. God has made every perfect guarantee and calls Abram out. If you don’t know this, then you go to church and you keep cursing your fellow church members, but actually, you will stab yourself. Intercessory prayer means that we are blessing one another, and “Whoever blesses you, I will bless.” If you continuously criticize and judge somebody behind their back, then the one who is cursing will be cursed, so it’s very important what group you fall into.
There are some people who are always saying the right thing, but they are being negative, then they will always be cursed. On the other hand, there are people who always do intercessory prayer for one another through the Word of God, and bless each other with the Word of God, then they will be blessed. Just as that is how God called Abram, God has called us in the perfect way so that no one can touch us. “All people of the 237 nations will be blessed through you,” that is how you must study. That is how you must run your business; stop asking, “How?” This is how. You need to run your business and study, already having the guarantee of this blessing. No matter everything you try, trying to receive this blessing, it will not be fulfilled without God’s promise, that the weak will overcome the mighty nation. The reason why God always works through the very small minority that seems so weak, to overcome the strong majority, is to reveal God’s work and power.
2. Follow
1) Word (Gen. 12:4)
(1) Took his nephew Lot (Gen. 12:5)
Abram received this Word and he is following and takes along his nephew, Lot. He had received the grace of God’s Word, but the system of his life was still stuck on physical things, eating and making a living. Abram was 75 years old, he was already elderly when he was called, so he thought that, by taking Lot, “Lot will be able to work for me and I will be able to take care of my brother’s son who is like my son.”
(2) All the possessions (Gen. 12:5)
(3) Took all the people they had acquired (Gen. 12:5)
Then, they took everything they had acquired, including their car, their washer and dryer, their spoons, and their wardrobes, and then they moved. They could go with just empty hands, but they don’t know that yet; they don’t know what kind of God God is yet. God is the Creator God Who can create everything out of nothing, but they hadn’t experienced that yet, so that is why they tremble in fear when they lack money. Later on, after Abram truly experiences God, he changes “nothing” into “everything.” It really is like that because God is the Creator God. If you have nothing, it doesn’t mean you have nothing, because God has everything. It’s not that you lack money; it’s that God is not giving you money.
Why is money not going to you? It is because you don’t have an account number with God. God has to give you the account, but the PIN number is wrong. God has many different accounts, the account for tithes, the account for temple construction, the account for missions offering, and the account for future generations. God has prepared everything but we are not connected with Him, because there is no one who wants to do that work. They just want to give thanks, they just give their Sunday offering, then all of God’s funds are just full. Who is going to use those funds? Just like Abram, we don’t know this. I’ll tell you more about this later on in the message, but Abram’s eyes are opened to see this, and God gives him these funds.
2) Land of Canaan (Gen. 12:5)
(1) God’s word (Gen. 12:7)
We’ll speak more about that later, but once they arrive in the Land of Canaan, God’s Word comes to them again. Why do we come to worship? Because the Word of God comes upon us here. Even if we’re not worshiping in this location, you must have the Word of God in your studies and your work field as well, then God’s Word will be upon you in your field as well. If we don’t know where to go, we look at a compass to know where north, south, east, and west is. Right now, we’re going forward, but we’re not able to know the direction, and that’s why you set your direction based on your experiences, or what you think will be a benefit to you, “Is this person going to be a benefit to me or not?” That is the direction you find, but that is the incorrect compass. You must go in the direction God’s Word is guiding you, and because of that, you’re conflicted because it doesn’t look like a benefit to you, and that is why we go in faith.
(2) To your offspring I will give this land (Gen. 12:7)
No matter where you are, God is with you. If you have that system with God, the system of prayer and worship, then God will always give you His Word, then your life doesn’t matter. God’s Word came upon Abram and promised him the original promise, “I will give this land to your future generations,” and that is the first time Abram built an altar and worshiped God. If you think lightly of worship, then you are thinking lightly of God’s Word; then you will lose hold of the direction. You may think like this, “I’ve lived a long life and I can predict what is going to happen for the rest of my life,” but that is a life without God.
(3) Built an altar (Gen. 12:7)
God had already prepared the perfect plan from the very beginning up until the very end of my life, and right now, He is guiding me forward with His Word, but I am trying to predict 2024 with the experiences of my past. You must leave that. Leaving that doesn’t mean geographically moving the location, but leave the system that is based on your experiences to a system centered on God’s Word. If I’m a blessing, it doesn’t matter whether curses come or not because I’m a blessing. Do you understand? I’m a blessing, so even if a curse comes, it turns into a blessing because I am a blessing. If I am a blessing, then my words turn into blessings, why? Because God is inside of me and God said He would fulfill it.
Because of me, the blessing of God must spread to all of my family, my region, and my church. Christ is the source of blessings and everything is contained within Christ, and that is revealed through me. If you all have this, just like Joseph went in as a slave, and everything is centered on Joseph. If you center on Christ, then you are not the center, but Christ is the center, and everything will be centered on you. All crises and disasters will be changed. This person goes into their company, and that company begins to change. That person gets married and starts a family, and that family begins to change, why? Because God fulfills His promise.
If you don’t know this, and you just try to go to church and accomplish something by yourself, it’s not going to work. “Should I try working hard?” You cannot follow the diligence of the top 1%, and your diligence is irrelevant to the top 1% elites, so I hope you will let go of that. I’m not telling you not to work hard; I’m just saying, that’s basic. That God is already working hard and we must go into God’s Word. Nobody can go against God’s hard work. For those of you who are parents, you know the love you have for your children, and your children can never go against your love. It doesn’t matter where you send your children, you will always have a heart for them, and it’s the same thing for our God. God’s hard work.
3) Problem – To the covenant
(1) Food, clothing, shelter – To Egypt (Gen. 12:10)
As Abram is going, they face a famine and it’s difficult for them to eat and survive. WIthout a doubt, God’s Word told them to go to the Land of Canaan, but the way to eat and make a living seems difficult. At that time, our old center of being centered on ourselves, of eating and drinking, will become activated, and that’s why Abram left for Egypt. He always relied on his parents and his family, so he goes in that same stream. Why would a child rely on their parents? Why would a child always look forward to their parents’ inheritance? I am a child of God, and I have my own blessings set aside. And why do the parents gather their inheritance to give to their kids? That child did not make that money by themselves, and all of that money will go away because the child does not have the ability. Use all of your money for the Kingdom of God, and for the children, they have their own separate blessing.
I went to Korea and one of my friends was worrying, because he has two daughters and he wants to give a house to each of them, and I wondered, “Why would you give them a house?” and he said, “I have to.” I asked him why, and he said, “I don’t know.” I said, “Don’t give it to them, you just use that. Why would you live a life like that? If they are born, then they have their own way and they live with that blessing. There is a separate blessing of God that He has given to that child. Whatever you have has been given to you for the Kingdom of God, so use that for that purpose. Your child will be taken care of by God, so stop trying to give it to your child. “ He’s a nonbeliever and he’s gone to church a few times.
(2) Left Egypt – Assets, Conflict (Gen. 13:1,8)
Abram goes down into Egypt and he gets into a mess where his wife almost gets sold off to another man, and then he leaves Egypt and actually leaves with a large fortune, and how great would it be if we had a great fortune, but that’s not true, because from that point on, their household began to fight because they went to Egypt and they came back with more. Now that there are so many possessions and so many people under Abram and Lot, the people who were serving them began to fight against each other.
If you get a lot of money, what are you going to do with it? Think about it right now, and that is the reason God is not giving it to you, because if you go in that direction, it will be in a different direction from God’s will. “As soon as God gives me more money, I’m going to get a new car, I’m going to get a house. If I have a house, I’m going to buy another house,” and because you have thoughts like that, God is blocking it. It’s enough with the house you’re living in, it’s okay with the clothes you have. What are you lacking that you keep on going in that direction? You need to change your direction to the way that fulfills God’s will.
Money doesn’t lie because money is a very accurate, quantitative figure, 1, 2, 3, 4. God’s work can be difficult for us to notice, but if God works with His money, then it’s very easily countable. Money does not lie. If God gives us the answer with money, then we can count accurately. The God I’ve experienced is a very accurate God. God gives us the answer of exactly what we need, accurately. If you are satisfied with just eating and making a living, that is the amount of answer that God gives you. If I want to live a little bit of a life of leisure, God will give you that much of an answer, but if you ask God to give you the finances for world evangelization, then God will give you that. That cannot lie, money does not lie; without a doubt, it will be like that. That is the God I’ve experienced. I have not received great money from God, however, inside of the system of my life, I’ve continuously experienced that God gives me the exact, accurate amount of money that I need. My view on finances is, “If God needs it, I will do it, but I don’t have money; even if I don’t have it, I will still do it. Then, money comes.” That’s the system of God. But what is the system of the world? It’s centered on me, “If I have it, then I’ll do it, and if I don’t have it, I will not do it,” but that is not God’s way. I was an assistant pastor, but the church would not make me one, then, do you think that just because I wasn’t an assistant pastor, I’d ask them to make me one? I cannot work like that. You think that just because I don’t have money, I’m going to feel inferior to other people? I’m not going to live like that, why? Because I believe in God.
If I need something, then my Father God will give it to me. Why would I receive help from the church? God is the One Who gives it to me, God is very accurate, and God has worked accurately until now. It will be the same for the future. If temple construction is needed by God, then God will do it, and God is bound to work through the ones who have faith in that. That is how God has been until now, and He will be like that in the future as well. What’s important is, is this needed by God or not? It is needed, the temple construction is needed to proclaim the gospel to the whole world. If your studies and your business are related to that, then God will work upon those as well.
(3) Resolution – Chose the covenant (Gen. 13:9)
When there was a conflict in the family, Abram makes a decision and says to Lot, “Choose whatever land you want, and I will go in the opposite way,” and the nephew Lot chooses the land that looks like it’ll make him the most money. It is Sodom and Gomorrah, that actually brings him curses, but Abram chooses the Word of God.
(4) God’s promise – Land, Descendants (Gen. 13:14-17)
There are those two types of people inside the church. If you choose the Word of God, then God’s answers will come to you according to God’s Word. If you make your decision based on what you like and what you think will be a benefit or advantage to you, as the kids say, later you’ll become broke. As soon as Abram makes this decision, based on the Word of God, God tells him, “Look to the north, south, east and west, I will give you all of the land your foot goes upon,” and God says, “I will give you a son, an offspring,” and the Bible said, “Abram believed this, and God regarded Abram as righteous because of his faith.”
3. The Work, Business that saves
1) Nephew – Abram
(1) Chose the physical land (Gen. 13:10-13)
Later on, there was a very big division between Abram and Lot. Lot, who made his decision based on what he thought would be a physical benefit to him, ended up losing all of his inheritance, losing all of his family, and was taken captive.
(2) War – Captive, Carried off his possessions (Gen. 14:12)
On the other hand, God had blessed Abram so he had 318 foot soldiers who could be used to fight in war and also could be used for labor during times where there was no war. Abram actually uses his army to save his nephew Lot who was taken captive, and bring about many possessions, too. Exactly as God had promised, God made his name great, and all the nonbeliever kings could not overcome the 318 men of Abram. The reason is because Abram is the one who must fulfill God’s covenant, so God is bound to bless him.
(3) Victory in war – Gave tithe (Gen. 14:16,20)
After Abram comes back, he gives a tenth as an offering, so the tithe actually started from Abram. What is tithe? It is 1/10th of my income. In Mal. 3, God actually tells the Israelites, “Test me, and if you give me your tenth, see if I will overflow your storehouses or not,” so ultimately, tithing is for me.
2) God’s promise
Before you go into the financial blessings, you need to first know what God’s promise is. The owner of money is God, but you think that it all belongs to you, so you’re not aligned with God. God uses the tool of money to fulfill God’s will and His work. Even in wars, like the war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s a financial war. Right now, if America were to stop giving Israel or other nations their weapons, then they cannot buy weapons, and they would lose. War is actually just a battle of money; whoever has more money has more power. The battle between Israel and Hamas is a battle of money, and if you don’t have the understanding or the sense of money, how could you use it freely? God uses the channel of material possessions to fulfill God’s will, and every material in this world can be exchanged with money.
Abram was very bold about the material possessions. Whenever there is a war, the losing side must give money to the winning side, but Abram refused to receive any of that money or those possessions. When Germany lost the second World War, they actually had to pay so much money in reparations, and right now, whoever loses in the wars going on right now will have to pay incredible fines. When Germany paid off all of that money, their economy was completely destroyed. But there was something Abram was very bold and confident with: Abram said, “Even if you don’t give me that money, God will give me that money, so it doesn’t matter.” And you need to have what Abram had, that is how you will not be a coward. Why are you so cowardly before money? Why are you so cowardly? You must be bold. If you don’t have money for it, then you should realize that God doesn’t want you to do it, and if you don’t have money, don’t waste it, but realize God has a reason to give it to you. Kids need to have this system while they are young in order to make their vessel very large, and when you begin to change like that as well, God will begin to work.
(1) God – Shield, Great reward (Gen. 15:1)
Then God told Abram, “I am your shield, your very great reward.” If God is my shield, it means that no matter how great the enemy is that attacks me, God will block it. What greater blessing is there than that? I hope you will use that as yours. David used it very well. “The LORD is my fortress because I cannot build my own fortress; God is my fortress and God is my refuge; God is my victor,” that is what it means to have the gospel. “I have learned to be content in both abundance and poverty,” why? Because the Lord is with me. I don’t say whether I can do something or not, but I say, “I can do all things that is the will of God within the One Who gives me strength,” that is the blessing Abram received, and I hope that will not just be in your head, but you will actually enjoy it.
The LORD is my Shepherd. I lack things but He is my Shepherd, so none of that matters, because the Shepherd has to take care of that. If I don’t have something, I don’t have to worry about it, because the Shepherd will take care of me. Therefore, “The LORD is my Shepherd and I lack nothing,” that is his confession of faith. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the LORD is with me,” so it doesn’t matter. Do you have mental problems? Do you have anxiety or depression? Do you want to commit suicide? The Lord is with you, it doesn’t matter.
(2) Heir – Faith – Righteousness (Gen. 15:3-6)
Abram believed this and it was credited to him as righteousness.
(3) Offered Isaac – Through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed (Gen. 22:18)
Later on, God gives him a son and then tells Abram to offer him as a sacrifice. If God told Abram to offer his wife as a sacrifice, Abram would have said, “Hallelujah, no problem,” but God tells Abram to sacrifice his son. Because he could just sacrifice his wife and get remarried, or you could sacrifice your husband and get married again, but if you sacrifice a child, there is no other child, but he sacrificed him. Do you know what that faith of sacrifice is? He believed, “God gave me this son,” and Abram had faith that, “If I sacrifice this son, then God can either give me another son, or He can bring him back to life,” and that is how Abram sacrificed his son. Only at that point did God say, “Now I know your heart, you really do believe in me, and the thing I’ve promised you from the very beginning, I will give to you.”
God does not give to those who lack faith because if you don’t have faith, you’ll use all of those answers for unbelief; you will use all of that for the devil. God tests your faith and God will pour His answers upon those who have faith. That is how you will use it for faith. God is not tricked by our motives and God is not deceived by our cunning calculations, and God is not deceived by us pretending to be some way. God is the One Who examines our heart. If you and I stand before God and really set our center before Him, God will begin to move us. In religion, you have to pretend to do something. You have to pretend to do something, saying, “If I pray with these prayer beads 1000 times, I will get something,” but for Christians, you cannot pretend, because God will work accurately according to His Word; it is scientific, it is spiritual. People say Christians are unscientific, but that’s not true at all; it is completely spiritual and scientific. What is science? It means you can test the same thing, again and again, and you will have the same outcome, right? The law of gravity will always have the exact same result, if you drop something from on high, it will fall down. If the Word of God comes into you, then you will, without a doubt, receive the result of the Word being fulfilled; it is completely scientific.
There’s a professor who said, “If I believe in Jesus Christ right now, it will destroy all of the science that I’ve learned until now.” There’s no reason for it to be destroyed, so that professor can keep teaching science, but there is a spiritual science. There is a very accurate science. If God gives you His Word, then without a doubt, He will fulfill that Word, it is a spiritual science. If you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God will give you the answer from the throne of heaven, that is science. If you command, in the name of Jesus Christ, then Satan will be bound–that is science. You need to believe it, scientifically, and that is why we study the Bible. If you’re just going to sit in church and close your eyes, anybody can do that. That means that you’re trying to measure God up saying, “Let’s see if God really works.” You are the one who will actually be measured or judged. God is the judge, do not test God; you have to kneel before God’s Word, then you will be able to see your past, present, and future. You will understand why the things in your past happened the way that they did. You’ll understand why that incident had to happen, why you had to experience that, why you were born where you were. If you believe in God, believe in Jesus Christ, then you’ll know things so accurately.
I had to grow up under people like my parents, that was God’s plan. Why would I resent my parents? Because God sent me to them. God wanted me to experience the spiritual problems in my family and use me for that. There’s no resentment, instead, I’m thankful. Are your parents powerless? Then you had to be born under powerless parents, so that you can experience that, receive the gospel, and save other people like that. There’s no problem at all, only thanksgiving.
Did you make a mistake in your past? You should have failed. You needed to fail in order to know the spiritual things. Do you have a scar? Why did it become a scar? Because you’re moving with a system centered on yourself, of course it’s a scar; you need to change that system into God, then you’ll see God’s plan. Then anything can be healed. There’s nothing that can be a problem. But instead of understanding it like that, you think, “If I go to church for God a few times, then He’ll bless my business. He’ll bless my children so they’ll go to good schools.” That’s never in the Bible; that’s actually within the idol-worshiping temples. We must completely change our lives. “Through you, all peoples on earth will be blessed,” that is how God has changed us.
3) Jesus Christ – Faith
(1) Abraham’s descendant (Gal. 3:29)
(2) Heirs – God’s kingdom (Gal. 3:29)
Gal. 3:29 says, “if you belong to Christ, when you are now Abraham’s descendants.” This doesn’t mean that we are physically descendants of Abraham, but we will go in the same spiritual flow, and just as God promised, you will receive the inheritance of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is what’s important. If you’re born in North Korea, then you’re finished, it doesn’t matter how smart somebody is. If you’re in America, then you will receive the benefits of America. Let’s say a child is born and their father is the owner of a conglomerate, then from that moment the child is born, they are rich because they are inside of that background.
(3) God’s kingdom – Background of throne, mission (Ac. 1:3)
But for us, the Kingdom of God is our background. The things of this world cannot even compare. The Kingdom that the Creator God moves from the throne of heaven is our inheritance. God gives us everything from there, that is our headquarters. This physical earth is not the physical headquarters; our headquarters are in heaven, and when we call, we get our commands from the headquarters, and then we will receive His Word on where we must go next. There’s no reason to listen to people’s words, because we follow God’s Word. There’s no reason for you to be so cowardly before people, you can pray to God. There’s no reason for you to plan your own future because God’s Word is your plan.
(4) Holy Spirit – Power – To the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)
Now, the Kingdom of God is our background, and we have the mission to establish God’s Kingdom. We are not trying to do well in this world, that’s only basic; we have a mission to establish God’s Kingdom in this world. We have received this tremendous mission and authority, and if you hold onto that mission firmly, then God will begin to work because we cannot do spiritual things with our own strength.
(5) Concentration (Ac. 1:14)
God is with you with the power of the throne of heaven and God will fulfill His covenant. That is why we concentrate on that; we concentrate on the Word of God. Even right now is that time.
(6) Work of the filling of the Holy Spirit – Save 237, Healing, Future generations
Then, when the Holy Spirit begins to work, your business will be connected to all 237 nations. When the Holy Spirit of God works upon our church, it will be relayed to all the people of the 237 nations, and healing will take place. I’m a witness of that, and the future generations will begin to arise, and because the Word of God is going into them, they will come to life. The person who dreams about that is a Christian, but instead of dreaming about this, you dream about the same things that nonbelievers dream about? That’s a pipe dream.
1. Follow the covenant
In conclusion, we follow the covenant. We do not follow our thoughts. If you follow your thoughts, it’s over.
2. With the power of the Holy Spirit
We go with God’s power to save, because God’s Kingdom saves. We have come here to save America, and you are educating your children to save America.
3. Business that saves
You are running your business to save America. May you have that portion.
Message Prayer
Let us pray holding onto this Word, together.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing
God, we thank You. We thank You for calling us as the descendants of Abraham through faith in Jesus Christ and for guiding us to be the ones to bless all 237 nations. We pray that You will bless the hands that have given this offering, the tithe for myself, the temple construction for the church, the missions offering to the missions, and the future generations offering for the future generations, with the money You have given to us. And we believe You will work with the answers of the economy of light so that people who have given this offering may have enough power to do the work of God within the church. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
God, we thank You. We pray that the blessing of Abram will be upon all the visitors as well as the newcomers, and we pray that the blessing of God will be relayed upon their family line, and all of America. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. New Year’s Pastor’s Synod will be on 1/14(Sun.)-16(Tues.). We are accepting donations.
3. Our church is hosting Remnant Day on 1/27. The praise team and children will be participating.
4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to follow the Word of God, the power of God, and the plan of God, throughout the year 2024, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.