Descendant of Abraham and David, Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1-17)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” May the unprecedented and never-repeated blessings and grace of God be upon all of you today. Starting from today, we’ll be going through the book of Matthew. Up until last week, for a few months, we were going through the book of John, and that’s saying that Jesus is God. Matthew is telling us that Jesus is King. If the Word of God is established in your heart, you will enjoy God’s Kingdom.
God’s Kingdom is not even comparable to any of the greatest things in the world. We call this “happiness.” Happiness cannot come to us with the things we see in the world. God’s Kingdom must truly reign over us in order for God’s grace and happiness to be upon us.
This passage we read in Matthew is about Jesus’ lineage. When we talk about lineage, it may be a little boring, however, to the Jewish people, it was not boring. People said, “This is why Jesus is the Christ,” but for us, that seems useless because our forefather is not Abraham, but for the Jewish people, these words were very fitting.
The title of today’s message is, “Descendant of Abraham and David, Jesus Christ.” Once you understand these words, answers will come. If you understand these words, the forces of darkness and Satan inside of your family line will be broken. But if you don’t understand these words, you’ll be seized by the world, and by “The world,” I mean you’ll be captured by the physical things you see. You’ll be captured by the things you see with your eyes including people and money. Once you’re bound by that, that’s what it means to be a slave.
We have to be seized by God in order to enjoy true joy and happiness, and you have to understand the words of the title to be seized by God. If you are concentrating on the incorrect things, that’s also known as obsession. You’re always obsessed with all of the success you had in your past, or you’re so obsessed with all the scars you’ve received in your past. It doesn’t matter what you do, you cannot escape from that, but only when you enjoy the blessing of concentrating on God will you escape.
The transcendental meditation that’s so popular in America seems effective in the beginning, but it doesn’t work. You cannot escape from the things that happened in the past. It doesn’t matter how much you erase your thoughts or memories; it doesn’t stay. When the message inside of today’s title goes into you, you’ll be liberated from that.
1. Situation of the age
It says, “Jesus Christ came as the descendant of Abraham and David,” then what is the background of the age? If you do not know the situation of the age back then, you cannot apply the message. Simply put, even if you’re eating the same ramen, if you’re very hungry, versus eating it when you’re not hungry, it will be completely different, so it is extremely important what kind of situation God is giving you the message in. Even if the person is the exact same, if they are receiving the message when they have no money, it will mean very different things.
1) Rome
During the age of Matthew, it was the time when Rome ruled the entire world.
(1) Centered on people
The Roman empire was ruling the entire world, elevating humans, centered on human efforts and power, and putting God and God’s power on the backburner.
(2) Centered on physical name
(3) Dominate the world
It’s the same thing happening in America today. It’s the same age as today where America is not elevating God or His power, but instead talking about the strength of humans, politics, and ideologies in order to rule.
2) Israel – Political situation
(1) Roman colony
Then, the Israelites living under the Roman empire were a colony.
(2) Roman emperor – Master
Even though Christ was the Lord, they had no choice but to confess that Emperor Caesar was Lord.
(3) Roman law, Dominated by Greek philosophy
It was a situation where the incredibly powerful Roman power and Roman military, as well as the Greek ideologies and philosophies were controlling everything. It’s the same thing as today where the demonic ideologies and New Age movement are controlling. America is controlled by the thought that money can do anything.
3) Israel – Spiritual situation
Then what was the spiritual state of the Israelites back then? The spiritual state of Israel where they were cut off from the Word of God for 400 years since the age of Malachi. This means that God was alive, but He was not with the Israelites through the Word. Even though these people went to worship and went to church and gave worship, they were not receiving the Word of God. Why is that?
(1) 400 years – Age without God’s word
From the book of Malachi, it talks about 400 years and explains very well, in order to worship God, you must worship by the standard God has given us. In the book of Malachi, the people were supposed to give a blood sacrifice with a perfect lamb who was completely flawless, in order for God to give them the grace of the Word, but instead, they brought all the diseased animals and all the worst crops, so that’s why God did not receive their worship.
That’s why in the book of Malachi, it says, “You have not given me the proper tithe. You brought all the rotten possessions that you wanted to throw away, as an offering to the church, and that’s why the Levites who were serving the temple could not live.”
(2) Legalistic, Religious life
In spite of that, the Israelites thought they were keeping all the laws and actions, they thought they were doing well. It was a time where no one was desperate for the Word of God. They only had the outer appearance of religion, but they didn’t have the content of God inside of them at all.
(3) In a situation waiting for the Messiah
But they were still waiting for the Messiah Who would free them from Roman colonization. Just like people today go to worship but they are looking to be freed from financial poverty and want to get financial blessings quickly, the Word of God is not going into them. Then what happens? It’s a disaster. They are immediately colonized by the Roman Empire of the world.
The same thing is going on today. The members of the church go to church, but the Word of God is not going into them, and because the Word of God does not go into them, they look to their own thoughts in this age, but they think they’re okay because they’re physically succeeding. That is the time when Jesus Christ came, and at that time, the gospel of Jesus Christ has come into us.
2. Jesus Christ
1) Covenant
(1) Offspring of the woman (Gen. 3:15)
This Jesus Christ did not come from out of nowhere, but He was promised to be sent in Genesis 3:15 as soon as mankind sinned against God, as the offspring of the woman. In the passage we read, it says, “so-and-so who is the Father of so-and-so”. But when we talk about Jesus, it doesn’t say His father. It only says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, not that he was Jesus’ father. She was pregnant even before they were married as his spouse.
Then who is His father? He doesn’t need a father because God Himself directly went into Mary’s body and was born of the Holy Spirit, and that’s the offspring of the woman. The offspring of the woman will crush the head of the serpent, which means He will destroy the authority of Satan, and it says the serpent will strike the heel of the Messiah. That means He will die on the cross to solve all the curses and disasters of our sin.
(2) Descendant of Abraham (Mt. 1:1) – Savior
That’s why today’s passage and Word talk about the descendant of Abraham and David, Jesus Christ. God called Abraham and said, “Through your seed, all nations will be blessed.” In Galatians, it explains that this “seed” is not referring to many descendants, but one person. That one person, Jesus Christ, would come to earth and solve all the curses and sins of mankind. When Genesis 3:15 says the serpent will strike the heel of the offspring of woman, that is talking about His death on the cross.
(3) Descendant of David (Mt. 1:1, 2 Sam. 7:16) – King
Then, what does it mean that Christ would strike the head of the serpent? 2 Samuel 7:16 says this, God said to David, “Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” Forever means this is still applicable today. What does it mean? It means the descendant of David will be a king, and that descendant is Jesus Christ. When these words go into you, all the darkness in your family line is broken, but if you go to church without understanding these words, the darkness will continue to attack your family line.
It doesn’t matter how many generations of your family believed in Jesus, you will always be surrounded by darkness. Everybody was a descendant of Abraham, so why didn’t they just say that? Why did they have to specify that he was a descendant of David? Yes, as a descendant of Abraham, he was the Savior, but he also came as the descendant of David, as the True King Who would destroy the authority of Satan as the King.
2) Jesus Christ
In today’s verse, it says there were 14 generations between Adam and Abraham, Abraham and David, and David and the Messiah, so 14 generations times three. God didn’t write these words for no reason, but inside of that is a very important meaning.
(1) Without a father, Mary gave birth to Him (Mt. 1:16)
(2) Abraham – David: 14 generations (David’s temple)
When He says, “14 generations from Abraham to David,” He is talking about the temple. David’s heart was broken because he was living in a glamorous and grand temple adorned with jewels, but the house of the LORD was in a windblown tent, so he resolved to raise the temple. He will raise the temple where the ark of the covenant of God will reside. That was David and it was 14 generations between Abraham and David.
(3) David – Captive to Babylon: 14 generations (Zerubbabel’s temple)
Then, after the Temple of David, they were taken captive to Babylon. After they returned from Babylon, they raised up the temple of Zerubbabel.
(4) Captive to Babylon – Christ: 14 generations (Flesh – Temple, Jn. 2:21)
Then from the temple of Zerubbabel, until the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh, John 2:21 says that Jesus Christ is the Temple Himself. Where is the Temple, then? The Temple is where we meet with God. How do we meet with God? Through the blood of the Lamb, then God says, “I will give you my Word.” That is, when you are with God, all the sins and disasters will be broken down and God will give you His grace. That’s the 14 generations centered on the temples.
3) Kingdom of God
(1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)
We’re talking about the Kingdom of God. John 19:30 says, “It is finished.” Jesus Christ Himself said, “It is finished,” when He died upon the cross, so if you don’t understand what that means, it means you do not understand Jesus’ cross. Because you do not understand Jesus’ cross, you keep talking about the law. If you don’t understand the walk of faith, then you can’t enjoy its benefits. You keep working so hard, doing things you don’t have to do. All the blessings are already before you, but you keep praying twice as much to get blessings. All the blessings until you get to heaven are prepared for you, but you keep praying unnecessarily to get blessings.
You’re not praying for what you should really pray for. Everything is all finished, and the Lord has fulfilled the law. All the traditions of worship, the feasts, the Lord has finished it all, and when you believe in Jesus Christ, everything is finished. In the Old Testament, everything until the Christ came, had to be fulfilled, including the law, the feasts and the worship, and that means everything is contained within Jesus Christ, but people keep adding something else in addition to Jesus Christ. It’s because the Word, “It is finished,” has not really gone into their hearts yet, so they’re trying really hard to fulfill something themselves. Even though the Lord has already fulfilled the law, and He is inside of us in the Spirit, guiding us towards fulfilling the law, we keep trying to do something by our own strength.
(2) Forces of darkness – Kingdom of God (Col. 2:13)
In Col. 2:13, it says he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves. What does this mean? “The kingdom of the Son he loves,” means he has moved us into the kingdom of the Christ, who is the King of Kings, from the dominion of darkness. That means even right now, the dominion of darkness is controlling all of America. Because you don’t understand this, you keep getting hurt by it. Because you don’t understand this, the darkness that has been flowing through multiple generations of your family line is working upon you now. That is why Jesus came as the descendant of David. He is not a political king who came to liberate the Israelites from Roman colonization, but He came as the King of Kings to truly liberate us from spiritual darkness.
You must understand this for the Word to be fulfilled, that you are sent as a missionary of light to share this light in the darkness. Jesus Christ says specifically, “Just as My Father has sent me, I am sending you out into the world.” Do you think He sent you out to make money or to study? That may be right, but it’s not. Jesus is saying, “I am sending you out like a sheep among wolves,” that means the forces of darkness and Satan are controlling the entire world, and if you’re focused on making money, then, you’re just going to get hurt. You think you only want to succeed in that world? Even after you succeed, you’re going to fall. Rightfully, you’re going into the field you’ve been commissioned to, as a missionary, as an ambassador of Christ, as one with the light. If you understand these words, even if somebody told you not to do this, the devil knows. Everywhere you go, the darkness flees. Everywhere Joseph went, the curses and disasters broke down. Everywhere David went, Philistia was broken down.
The one who knows, that’s the one who remains. God told Isaiah, “Find those who remain. Everyone else may not understand, but the ones who remain will. “And I will restore Israel to those who understand.” You are the ones who remained. God has left you to remain to do God’s will. But if you don’t understand these words, you will be in America, always being attacked. That’s not a person, you think a person is attacking you, and that’s why you’re taken in, and it’s burrowing deeper into your family, and it’s going to burrow deeper into your business. God has already given it to you. Jesus Christ, Who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, will be with you. Because you do not fully understand these words, you’re being taken in and attacked by the forces of darkness. That’s why the Israelites were constantly being taken in by the Roman empire, but if you understand these words, the whole world will receive these words through the Roman Empire.
Later on, Rome was gospelized. American evangelism is God’s will, it is God’s will for the gospel to be spread throughout the entire world through America. Everyone has a reason and a goal for which they are in America. The moment your goal changes into God’s goal, your life will change. It doesn’t matter how great your plan or motives are; it is not God’s. With that, you cannot overcome the forces of darkness. Because you cannot overcome it, you’re going to get a mental illness. People don’t do drugs for no reason. If someone already has a mental illness does drugs, they will get hooked on it. Your business doesn’t succeed because you work hard; God’s kingdom and righteousness must be established upon it first. Unbelievers will work really hard and succeed and then fail later on, but that’s not our business. God’s kingdom must be established in your studies and business first. God will give the economy of light to those who understand what this means.
Until when will you be a slave to finances? You will be a slave until you understand these words, and you will be a captive to this world until you understand these words and escape. It doesn’t matter how correct your thoughts are, because your correct thoughts cannot overcome Satan, and it doesn’t matter how many good intentions you may have; you cannot overcome demons with that. That is why Jesus Christ is the descendant of David, the One Who is the King of Kings must overcome the forces of darkness. The offspring of the woman will crush the serpent’s head.
The moment you understand this blessing, America becomes such a wonderful place to live, but if you don’t understand these words, then simply existing and living in America is just torment. Everything you’re going to say, “It’s because of this person, it’s because of that person, it’s because of the finances, it’s because of the pandemic,” and you’ll make excuses until you die. However, God is fulfilling His Word despite all these excuses, despite the pandemic. Even if that person treated me evilly, I believe God turns evil things into good.
(3) God’s temple (1 Cor. 3:16)
It is not enough for you to go to church diligently and I’m also not telling you to stop going to church either. I’m saying the moment you properly understand, it’s not about doing something, it naturally takes place. Why? Because 1 Cor. 3:16 says, “The Holy Spirit of God has come into me and now I’m God’s temple.” This is just a building, but all of temples of God are gathered together in this building.
(4) Field – Kingdom of God (Mt.12:28, Mt. 6:33)
Matthew 12:28 says, “But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has already come upon you.” Who is the Spirit of God? Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected, and as He ascended into Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to every person. When that Holy Spirit works upon us, the demons flee. Most of the people who go to church do not understand when we talk about demons, but simply put, the repetitive problems you see in your family line, it’s not because of that person, it is an evil spirit. The repetitive problems of your family line are not because of a specific person, it is an evil spirit.
So, what is a demon? What is an evil spirit? Satan is controlling the entire world with authority, and then he works upon people with his evil spirits. It’s not about your efforts at all, but if it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. All the thoughts you’ve had before you met Jesus Christ, Satan works on you, using those thoughts. Once the Holy Spirit of God is upon those thoughts, those demons will flee, then God’s Kingdom will be established on you. That must be the first, when you first seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness, after that, the physical things will follow.
3. What we must concentrate on
1) My things – What we must throw away
(1) Me center – Thoughts, experience, values
The reason why the Israelites were taken as captive was because they switched their order, the physical things were their priority and the spiritual things were second. What kind of businessperson do we need? The one who establishes God’s Kingdom in their business field first. What kind of student do we need? The one who establishes God’s kingdom in their school in order for the shootings to stop, and until when will the disasters keep happening? Until you understand these words.
Because you don’t understand these words, the forces of darkness are working upon all your schools and the entire region, and one day, this might even go into your children. That’s why you must understand these words. This is not something you can understand by reading it in Greek or Hebrew. You have to believe in God’s Word as it is. “I have moved you from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of the ones that I love.” That means the authority of Satan is controlling this world even now. This is working invisible to our eyes, how? Always making people centered on their thoughts.
If we’re centered on God’s Word, these demons would flee, but instead, we’re focused on “my thoughts, my experience, and my values,” and that’s why they have to concentrate on something and that concentration must be upon God. If you don’t concentrate upon God, you’re bound to be obsessed about something else. Even right now, your thoughts are seized by something else even as you sit here in worship. “Did I lock the doors at home or not? Did I lock my car outside or not? I have to do something tomorrow,” you’re so consumed by yourself. You need to concentrate on God’s Word, then what will happen? It’s not about throwing yourself away, but you’re changing yourself.
Buddhist monks will spend 3-5 years locked up in a temple trying to empty themselves, but you cannot. For us, we are changing all of that into God’s things. So it doesn’t matter how much you try to empty yourself through meditation and other practices, you cannot. You cannot throw away your scars. No matter how much you try to let go of your scars of the past and your failures, they’re still there. And it doesn’t matter how positively you try to think to get rid of those negative thoughts, the devil will still work.
(2) Physical – Benefit, loss, answer
Eph. 4:27 says that when you have anger and wrath in your heart, the demon will work through that. You have to quickly change those things because you cannot overcome the demons and Satan working in America with those things, and if you keep holding onto yourself, you’ll be seized by Satan, so that’s why you have to change the things that are centered on you to be centered on Christ. You need to quickly escape from being centered on the physical things, calculating what is your benefit and what is your loss. I’m not telling you to stop calculating, but if you become centered on that, you cannot receive God’s guidance.
Joseph went in as a slave when he was 17 years old, and at that time, the women should have quickly recognized Joseph and married him then, because you have to marry him as a slave in order to be the governor’s wife later, but if you’re centered on physical things, you’re not even thinking about Joseph. Jesus Christ was born in a manger as the sons of a carpenter, and if the elites are centered on the physical things, they cannot go there. Seeing the physical things is correct but if you’re centered on the physical things, you cannot receive God’s guidance.
There were 12 fishermen who didn’t know anything, and they had been fishermen for multiple generations. I’m not saying it’s a bad occupation, but a lot of people looked down on them, thinking, “What good could come from Galilee?” But you have to go to them in order to receive the message of God. That is why if you’re centered on the physical things, you cannot receive God’s guidance.
(3) Success – My plan, time schedule
If you’re centered on success, you cannot hear God’s Word. Yes, you do have to succeed, but if you’re so centered on success that you have ulterior motives, you cannot hear God’s Word. Having a motive in your heart is so scary, it says in Matthew 5, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God,” but if you have some motive inside your heart that is not from the Word of God, you will hear God’s Word, but you cannot really hear it. We look at politicians and a lot of things they do make no sense at all. It’s not because they’re stupid, but it’s because when you have a motive in your heart, you cannot hear anything and you cannot see anything. Once you have the motive to see, “I will get political success,” even if something is wrong, they will pull it in.
If you have the motive to succeed, wrapping your heart, the Word of God can never go into you. Success should naturally follow as an answer. In order to succeed, you must become a person who can succeed. If you do not have the vessel to succeed but you cannot succeed, it’s not going to work. If there’s a manager who wants to become the president of a company, that’s not right. Because that manager doesn’t have the vessel to become the president, no matter how much they pray for it, they cannot get it. You need to have a vessel to manage money, but instead of that, you’re just praying and chasing after money, then you become a slave.
2) God’s things – Concentrate
It must come to you as the things of God in order for all creation to bow down to you and follow, and that is how you will not be colonized by America. Otherwise, no matter how hard you work, you’re just working hard on your own and it has nothing to do with God. That’s why you must change your things with God’s, that is how you will win over and conquer the world. That’s what we concentrate on. Even if you just concentrate during worship, without you even realizing it, you will receive healing and change as a person.
We are the creation, so even if we concentrate on God, we will receive God’s power. You know how, if people are able to focus their mental state on something, they will have a lot of effects. If you’re concentrating on this worship that you’re listening to, without you even realizing it, great healing will take place. But if you say, “What’s the big deal about worship?” then those problems that have been in your family line for generations will be your whole life. If you take this worship and concentrate on it for just 5-10 minutes in your own home, then amazing things will take place.
(1) Only Christ, kingdom of God, Holy Spirit
After Jesus Christ resurrected, He spent 40 days on the Mount of Olives, concentrating and telling them about the Kingdom of God, but because you don’t understand what the Kingdom of God is about, you need to concentrate on those words. But all the Israelites were so deceived, “What the kingdom of God means is that we’ll be freed from Roman colonization.” But the Kingdom of God is actually talking about Jesus Christ, the King of Kings who will come to this land and break down the authority of Satan. How does He come? He comes to each individual as the Holy Spirit.
If you just concentrate on this a little bit, you will receive the working of the filling of the Holy Spirit. That kingdom must be established first. Before you do anything, that kingdom must be established in you first. Whatever you’re doing needs to follow on as an answer. But because people don’t understand this, they become a Roman colony. Because we don’t know what worship is, we continue to suffer. Even though we come to church, we don’t know what true worship is and we don’t receive God’s Word, so we continue to suffer.
(2) Concentrate for 10 days (Ac. 1:14)
They concentrated for 10 days and the Holy Spirit came upon each and every one of them. That’s God’s power.
(3) Working of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 2:1-4)
When the Holy Spirit begins to work upon your thoughts, your heart, your spirit, and your emotions, it is no longer your strength. Someone asked me a question, “if God does everything, I guess we don’t have to do anything.”
3) Answer
(1) God’s power (Ac. 2:1-4)
When God works upon your thoughts and your hearts, you’re bound to act upon your thoughts and your hearts, and that’s God’s guidance.
(2) Business – Doors of evangelism (Ac. 2:9-11)
Then, what works take place? The doors of your business will open. The doors of your business and your job, the doors of people will all be opened by God as doors of evangelism. Just as when the Holy Spirit worked, businesspeople from 15 different nations gathered at one location. It doesn’t matter what you do; if you don’t have the blessings of these meetings, it’s all useless. First, it’s a meeting between you and God. Second, you might think it’s the meeting between you and your spouse or you and your children, but it’s actually the meeting between you and your church. It doesn’t matter how well-educated you are; if you meet with a conman, you’re bound to get conned. It doesn’t matter how good of a college your kid goes to; if they meet a strange person, then their entire life will be ruined, so that meeting is not something I can control; the blessings of meeting are given by the works of God.
(3) Fulfillment of the word (Ac. 2:14-21)
When the Holy Spirit works upon you, these meetings will open up. Then they devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, meaning the Word of God really hits my heart. Because the Holy Spirit really works upon you, you’re able to hear and realize the Word of God.
(4) Disciple (Ac. 2:41)
Then, all the people related to me or the people the same as me will rise up as disciples. Businesspeople, you will have 70 disciples rise up who are just like you, running the business for Jesus Christ. You don’t make these yourself, but the answers follow according to God’s work. But religious people and legalistic people keep trying to do something with their own diligence, but that’s not going to work. God has to work in order for these things to follow. God’s Holy Spirit must work upon me for these answers to follow. Just as the president has to approve with a signature in order for works to take place, the Holy Spirit of Christ Who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords must work upon me for these doors to open.
(5) Field – Every day (Ac. 2:46-47)
This took place every single day, whether they were in the courts or the temple or their homes, day and night, they proclaimed that Jesus is the Christ. When you receive the Word of Christ in the church and then take this home and concentrate on it, the Holy Spirit works, the forces of darkness are broken down, then of course the life movement begins.
(6) Missions (Ac. 11:19-30)
God opens the doors to missions in Acts 11. This is not something that you do, but when the answers come, you’re simply led by that. It’s not about, “Let’s try to save the 237 nations!” but if you naturally receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it will naturally take that course. It’s not about, “Let’s force this business to work even though it’s not,” but when you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the disasters of the darkness will break down. It doesn’t matter how hard you work. If you meet one strange person, they will ruin everything, but instead, you keep boasting of your own strength and ability. It’s because you don’t know. That’s why you get all your money stolen away by demons and idolatry. You say, “I need money to do something for God,” but you have all of that stolen away.
That’s why Matthew 12:29 says, “you must first bind the strong man before you can take away his possessions.” I hope you will believe and understand this by God’s grace. If you don’t understand what this means, then Jesus Christ says, “This person has nothing to do with me.” This is what happens afterward, in Matthew 12. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has come into me, but if you don’t understand these words, it’s irrelevant to you. That’s why you have no choice but to serve Satan. Even though you work so hard, trained your skills, and educated your children so well, everything you did in your live will be used as a slave to Satan, building pyramids in Egypt.
1. Only Christ
2. Only Kingdom of God
3. Only Holy Spirit
4. Prayer – Answer – Evangelism, Mission
The descendant of Abraham and David, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of Christ Who is the Savior and the King of Kings will be with us and reveal the Kingdom of God into our fields through our prayer. There is nobody who blocks the Word and works of those who hold onto God’s covenant and prays. Not the people who pray for the things of the world, but nobody can block the people who pray for the Kingdom of God. This is something presidents, doctors, and teachers/professors cannot do. This is something God promised to do through only those who understand the gospel. May this Word and blessing be upon you every day, all day.
Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer
God, we thank You. We praise the Lord Who has come to us as the descendant of Abraham and David, as the Savior and King of Kings. May the Kingdom of God be established in me by the Holy Spirit. And everywhere we go, by the working of the Holy Spirit in our fields, may the forces of darkness be broken down and the demons flee, so the life movement may take place.
We have returned our material blessings as offering. We pray that everywhere it is used, the kingdom of God may be established. We pray that You will allow us to plant the flag of victory that Jesus Christ has already given to us on the cross wherever we go. We believe You will work upon the offering with the Holy Spirit according to the reason we have given it, for the different topics like the tithe, the temple construction, the future generations, and missions. We believe the economy is in Your hands, and we believe You will give us the evidence. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
God, we thank You. We pray that the vision of world evangelization to the 237 nations will be given to and put into practice into the three visitors from Korea. You are beginning anew in the young adult, Sunyoung Park. We pray that the Word You have given to us about Jesus Christ, who is the descendant of Abraham and David, will be deeply rooted in their hearts. We pray that You will use her as an ambassador of Jesus Christ, as a missionary of Jesus Christ who will conquer America in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants who desire to accept Jesus Christ, who is the descendant of Abraham and David and the King of Kings, as their Savior, be from now until forevermore always, amen.