Daily Communion with God

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Daily Communion with God

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The title of today’s healing evangelism school is, “Daily Communion with God.” We’ve already met with God; do we have to meet God again?  That’s where our walk of faith lies.  We have already met God through Jesus Christ and we are already within God’s Kingdom, but why do we have to meet God every day?  The ones who know that have their walk of faith take place. What does this mean?

Me – Nature

We have the nature of being self-centered.  Because the moment we’re born, we’re living with all our thoughts, experiences, and perspectives centered on ourselves, we cannot meet God, nor can we enjoy it.  The fact that this is our nature means this is our automatic reaction, then you’ll understand what it means to meet God every day. Even after we’ve met God, our spiritual state automatically goes away from God.  

Idol Worship, Religion – Nature

We have the nature of the idols and religions in which we used to believe as well, the religions we believed before we knew the gospel. We’re not a religion, we have this nature of begging and pleading for our own blessings, and this is a problem as we meet God every day.


Because our nature is trying to receive something good from this almighty being from our efforts and good actions, it is a nature that prevents our walk of faith from taking place.  

Me – Satan, (Slaves)






Future Generation 

Then this thing called “myself” is completely ensnared by Satan and this is revealed as spiritual problems.  Spiritual things are invisible but there’s the working of the devil; there’s nothing else.  This is revealed as mental problems.  We are seized by our mental problems because we live our lives centered on our thoughts.  Our physical life, the fact that we’re seized means we’re slaves.  This is the problem in the afterlife as well, after we die.  Then, all our family and next generation and children become slaves as well.  The beginning of that is being centered on myself.  

We have this nature, even after having received salvation, and that’s why even though something isn’t a problem, we think it is because of our experiences.  Something isn’t a crisis at all, but I look at it from my own experiences, thoughts, and knowledge, so I think it is a crisis.  

Me – Problem, crisis

So, this person “myself” sees everything as a problem, crisis, or incident, and this stems from all my thoughts, experiences and knowledge.  We don’t even know what we’re seized by, so we think the physical things we see are the problem, but it turns out it’s not a problem at all. This is the reason we have to have daily communion with God, because every day, I return back to my self-centered nature. You must always be thinking about this.  24 hours, even now the devil makes you go back to your self-centered nature.

Continuation – Fellowship 

This walk of faith is talking about a continuous fellowship with god. Why is it’s  continuous fellowship?  Because you’re moving your center from being centered on yourself to being centered on the Triune God. If you just do that, the answers are bound to come, and if answers come, you’re bound to testify to them. Why is evangelism not taking place? Why is prayer not taking place?  Evangelism , prayer, and myself don’t work out because I’m self-centered.  

1. The meaning of fellowship

What is the meaning of this fellowship?

1) Heb. 4:16 Coming boldly to the throne of grace, asking for mercy and grace in the time of need

We must receive God’s mercy.  The grace of God to help us in our time of need, meaning something we cannot do will be done by God’s grace.  Even though I’m always living in my self-centered nature, when I’m in communion with God, His grace will help me and that’s why we can approach the Throne of Grace with confidence because the blessing of the throne is already upon me, I can go in that direction.  But we must not leave it as the blessing of the throne upon me, that’s God coming to me; now, I must go to Him. That’s communion.

2) Isa. 40:31 New strength for those who wait upon the Lord (Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Financial, Manpower)

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, and this is where the five powers come from.  First of all, it’s the spiritual strength God gives you, and then there’s mental strength coming from your spiritual strength.  Without a doubt, mental strength that doesn’t come from God will give you success and more problems.  It’s a problem because it didn’t come from your spiritual strength.  Then there’s physical strength that comes from here, and financial strength and manpower that come as well.  

If you receive any of the four powers without receiving the spiritual power, then you fall into spiritual problems, in other words, you’ll be seized by Satan in this thing called “myself,” so ultimately even if you have the other four powers, you’ll have no choice but to fall.  But everybody in the world is talking about these four other powers.  Manpower, or with the spiritual power of the Nephilim, or they try to receive strength through transcendental meditation.  But ultimately because they’re not receiving spiritual strength from God, even after doing all of that, they will still fall.  

Some people say, “It’s about time I make a lot of money, but why is it not coming?” How do you know it’s time to make a lot of money? It means the person heard the message, “if you do this, you’ll get money,” so they follow the action with their motives but wonder why they’re not getting the answers of money. You need to go into spiritual  strength.  Without getting spiritual strength, you go in with your brain saying, “It’s about time to make money.”  God gives it to me, then who are you to say whether you should get it or not?  

The only thing I must do is gain spiritual strength but instead of going into the spiritual things, we use our brains for this.  That’s someone centered on themselves, they control everything including their own time schedule.  That person will make themselves fall, because the Omnipotent One has the time schedule in His hands, but you are trying to create your own time schedule with the messages you’ve heard, then I have lost hold of the mystery of going into spiritual strength myself and we’re living our walk of faith in your brain, centered on myself. Ultimately I will fall and later on, I’ll say the walk of faith doesn’t work; “I listened to the messages and followed, but it didn’t work,” even as they’re centered on themselves. 

You must go before God’s throne of grace every day to understand this. There are still many self-centered people, they’re in the seat of God, making judgements, and they also make judgments about evangelism saying whether it’s working or not. Why? Because they’re self-centered, so they think, “Evangelism isn’t taking place,” but God is doing the work.  If you go before the throne of God’s grace, you cannot say words like that.  That person doesn’t realize they’re in a very serious state of faith. 

3) Ps. 16:8-9 Setting the Lord before me always

The LORD is always before me.  What does it mean to always set the LORD before you? He is already with me, but I am going into Him.  Job went through a lot of afflictions; how did he overcome it in the end? He overcame it with faith.  But what was Job’s conclusion?  He believed in God but thought of God as Someone Who was far away, but in the end, he confessed, “I can see God before me.”  Before that point, he believed in God, but he didn’t believe God was with him, moving in his life.  So, his level of faith was just worshiping God and taking his kids to worship God.

God allows Satan to test Job, and it wasn’t because God wanted Satan to hear Job make this confession, but because God wanted to bless Job with the greatest blessings which is the personal intimate relationship with God.  This is Immanuel, God with me.  This is in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit didn’t come upon them as they did now, it says, “I set the LORD always before me. Because he is in my right hand, I will not be shaken.”  I am weak but I am not shaken; why would I shake?  

You must always remain in this.  If I’m shaken, it seems to me that the entire world is shaking. If I’m diseased, then my thoughts will perceive everything in the world to be diseased.  If I receive God’s grace and strength and believe God is with me, then everything I see will be different, nothing will be a problem.  If God gives this to me according to His time schedule, I’m thankful, and even if He does not, it doesn’t matter.  Because according to God’s time schedule, God will create the life movement, and even if He does not, I’m with Him.

Therefore, the mystery to have continuation to the very end is daily communion with God.

2. Jesus’ daily schedule and why He prayed early in the morning (Mk. 1:34-37)

Even though Jesus Christ is God Himself, He still had daily communion with God.  He is God, but He is also human.  It means he has a physical limitation. What’s physical?  It means He doesn’t want to think of God.  Because Jesus Christ is a human being, he also had the physical nature of not wanting to think about God and wanting to do what he thought, saw, and wanted.  So that’s why Jesus had to have daily communication with God the Father as well, why? Because He has a physical body. Though He is not a sinner, He has the same physical body as we do, and when he is hungry he is in hunger and when he is in pain, it hurts.  

1) Morning (Mk. 1:21-28) – He taught the Scriptures in the synagogue and drove out demons

Mk. 1:35 says in the early morning, what does this mean?  It means very early in the morning, he prayed. He had a time of communication, grace, and communion with God.  The very first thing Jesus did every morning when He woke up was not His ministry, but it was this.  Every morning when He woke up, He did not begun worrying about his business, He had communication with God, why? He had communion with the Lord God because the Lord God is the owner of all business.  We begin with communion with God because He is the Lord and Master of everything in my life. 

Then you see in Mk. 1:21 that He drove out demons by the scripture in the synagogue. 

2) Afternoon (Mk. 1:29-31) – He cured the fever of Simon’s mother-in-law

In verse 29, he cured the fever of Simon’s mother in law, in verse 32 he also drove out demons and cured diseases. 

3) Evening (Mk. 1:32-34) – He healed people with various diseases and drove out demons from the possessed

All of this came from spiritual strength that comes from early morning prayer.  Why do you think He did this? He also had no choice because He has to do what the Lord commands; He had to receive God’s word He doesn’t do whatever He wants.  Jesus must receive God’s Word and follow that.  He must follow God’s Word, He never acted according to His own will, and that’s why He began in communion with the Lord.

Word -> Prayer

Communion contains word and prayer. It is impossible to pray without God’s word that becomes a religious prayer, but we pray following God’s covenant.  Then, God will fulfill your prayer according to His Word. The Word is with us but we go into that Word with prayer, then that’s what it means to meditate on God’s Word.  Of course I have the Word, but now I have to go into the Word. The Lord is with me but now I must go into the Lord.  If the Lord is with me but I don’t go into the Lord, then our walk of faith doesn’t take place.

Romans 8:2, I have been set free from the law of sin and death, but I must go into the law of the Spirit of Life.  The Throne is with me, God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit is with me, so what? I have to go within them, that is the communion time for me to go into them, and then there’s something God fulfills through me, and that’s the 25-hour field.  The most important thing is Jesus Christ, every early morning.  

4) The following daybreak (Mk. 1:35)

Nowadays we receive the message that as soon as you wake up in the morning, turn everything you think about into prayer, and it’s not going to work well with you guys. Rev. Ryu says that because that’s what he personally does, before that point he was able to do that, he talked abouts scheduled prayer, morning, during the day, and night.  There’s a stream of prayer, you shouldn’t pray about anything you think about with your thoughts because your thoughts are seized.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, your thoughts are seized by something else and it’s impossible for you to pray about that, for people who can do that sure, do that, but what’s the normal thing? How Jesus did it, that’s the most normal way.

There’s some remnants who are too busy in the morning, so either way, you have to have this time of communion even if it’s in the evening.  The issue is that the throne of heaven is within me, but I must have the time to go into that.  That’s how I’ll begin to escape from myself.  If I don’t escape from myself, then I’ll keep talking about my own experiences and knowledge, and physically speaking, those thoughts are correct, from a human perspective, and from the perspective of the devil, he is delighted in such people because they are the people the devil wants.  No matter what, the devil wants to hold onto and move the works who likes preventing others from enjoying the blessing of the throne of the Triune God. 

These are words that are physically correct, that’s why these words are so influential to others.  These are the words of the 10 spies, however, all the people who were influenced by those words have crumbled.  When I influence another human, with what must I influence them? It must be someone who has the Word and prayer.  If someone does not have the Word and prayer, even if their words are correct, they’ll kill that person. If they were physically foolish, then they would listen to begin with. Without a doubt, all their words would be correct from a person’s perspective. 

What about me?  These words are both correct, “How can we do multiethnic missions and Temple Construction?”  If everyone says those words, they’re correct, but if you listen to those words you’ll die, you’ll fall together. Even if those words are correct, they’re not.  But those who go into the words of God’s covenant will speak words of faith.  That person’s words and state will change the field, the church, and their family.  

If you say things like, “Evangelism isn’t taking place; it’s about time I make money but I’m not,” those words may be correct, but spiritually you’re  dead.  That’s the characteristic of people who aren’t able to hold to the covenant and pray.  Even if there’s one person who’s able to do that, they can block that influence. Even if there’s one person like this in the family, the darkness in that family will be broken down.  That’s why it’s so important.  

3.The necessity of fellowship with God 

We talked about the reason in the introduction

1)Ps 119:10-11 To avoid sin 

What is sin?  Sinning is being self-centered instead of being centered on God’s Word.  Everything I do from the self-centered state is a sin before God.  Every word I say within our self-centeredness” is a sin to God, but I’m sure we work so diligently and work hard and try our best, but God doesn’t like seeing that.  Human diligence and efforts that have nothing to do with God’s covenant are all unrighteous.  If we realize by God’s grace that we human beings have no choice but love that way, we have no choice but to go into this every day. 

Paul says he goes before the cross everyday, why do we have to go everyday? Isn’t once enough? It means Paul knew himself.  Paul knew, “if I don’t go into the grace of God’s cross everyday then I will go back to my me centered nature.” What do you think Jesus had to pray every day early in the morning for? Was he living religiously? Do you think He was creating a religion, “I’m the first Christian and you all must follow me”?  That’s not it; He Himself had to do this. Every human being that is born with a human body has no choice but to do this.

2)1 Pe 5:8-9 The devil is prowling around looking for prey to devour 

Who is the devil looking for? The ones who worry.  Why do we fear?  Something is fearful to us because we lose hold of God’s Word and grace.  There are people who have met or will meet new believers in the field in the future.  If you don’t know this introduction, you cannot have continuation, and sure, there’s no reason to keep meeting someone; just bring them into the church and leave; however, if you want to raise up a new believer as a disciple, you must know this.

If you don’t know this introduction, you cannot have discipleship.  But if you don’t know any of this and you just give them God’s Word, it’s the same as giving them something without knowing the target.  If I’m shooting a gun, it’s like shooting blindly without knowing where the target is, just because they’re telling me to shoot, and then, out of the many bullets, if one bullet hits a target, that’s a work but if no one gets shot, then that person just remains.  But for those who know this, whether they utilize this, they’re able to hit their target.

Then communion is not the issue, if you don’t know this, you’ll have to use the evangelism materials like the gospel letters and new life, new living.  But the one who knows this is able to adjust that to match the target.  Then, that person, even if they don’t have any materials, are able to use the pulpit message and adjust it to hit this target. The issue is they’re not able to see this, and because they don’t see this in themselves every day, they don’t have a reason to communicate with God every day.  They think they can do something on their own, so they have no reason to believe in God.  They think when they do something, they think of the physical life they can do, then what’s the result? The result is that they’re seized.  If you’re spiritually seized, everything becomes slavery.

3) Eph 6:10, 13 The devil uses his schemes against us

What’s a scheme? It means our brain cannot go against it because he utilizes our weaknesses. He doesn’t use our strengths; he uses our weaknesses so we have no choice but to fall over. The devil knows your weaknesses, and the devil uses his schemes with your weakness.  We are not strong in everything; we have our weaknesses and that’s what Satan uses in his schemes, and he sets his flaming arrows there. Because a flaming arrow is stuck in us, it’s like a miserable death.  This is the reason we need communion with God. 

I talked about the new believers earlier, but if you know this, you’ll know the reason why you have to help them with your prayers and with the Word of God.  But if you don’t know this, you’ll just have a religious ministry.  Then, you’ll only be able to help them with your diligence, so it’s just a religious life.  But if you do know this mystery, then even one word you say will be ministry.  The one who knows this mystery will have their prayers as part of their ministry. This is what’s important.  

4)1 Pe 2:2 We can grow by being nurtured with spiritual milk, the word of God 

We can grow with this. What’s the point of this Word? It’s the one who knows this [introduction]. Because someone knows the introduction, they’re able to give the Word that’s appropriate for this state. What happens if you give the Word without knowing this?  Let’s say I go to a hospital with a lung problem, but they give me all the medication they have; will that help me? It will not.  You need to know this person’s accurate state and give them the Word of God, then they’ll have no choice but to be healed and nurtured and matured.  It’s bound to happen.

You and I are the same.  You must know this in your family and family line.  If you don’t know this, you cannot raise children. Then, every word you say will hit a different target, and that’s why your children are so tired of you, even if they’re exhausted of hearing you, if your words are correct, they’ll think about it over time.  But all the words you say are physical, centered on yourself. Yes, those words are necessary as well, but you’re not able to five the words that break through the weakness crippling your family.  

Let’s say for example your kids are studying for a test, you have to train them on the areas in which they’re missing points, in order for the works to rise, there is a specific tutor who will only target a student’s problemary, but there’s other tutors who don’t know the student’s state and just teach randomly, then their scores never rise, then it’s a state where it doesn’t matter if they tutor or not. If anything, they’ll avoid tutoring later on.

4. By praying and reading the Word, we can have good communion with God.  What kind of prayer is “true communion”?

1) Eph 3:14-15 Sincere prayer on our knees

What does this mean?  If they pray with sincerity, it means they do not pray haphazardly..  If you’re hungry, you’ll earnestly think of food, but you’re not only earnestly praying because you have problems, someone who knows the introduction will have no choice but to have sincere words. The Word will be an answer to those who know the introduction every week.  But if someone doesn’t know the introduction and only looks at things physically, they’ll say, “I don’t have any problems and I don’t have to go to church,” but the ones who know this are the ones with a sincere heart.

2) Ps. 62:8 Pouring out our hearts before the Lord

There are some people who pour all their hearts out to people. That person absolutely doesn’t pray.  Yes, we have to get rid of the things inside of our heart, but these people feel like they have to talk about it with other people, or meet and drink, and all these useless gatherings. It’s impossible for us to keep this to ourselves.  We have to throw away the garbage inside of us, and they need someone to throw this onto.  

Then, who are all these people? It means the people around you are the dumpsters for you to get rid of your trash.  What of the people who get along with you? It means your state is the same, but you’re able to pour everything out to God. Then, don’t you think God will give you a Word for that?  You need that time; what happens if you don’t have this time?  If all this trash and garbage piles up inside of you, you’re going to get a disease, but instead it comes out of you as words.  Then you’ll make everyone around you the same way.

3) Mt. 6:6 Secret Prayer

Don’t pray before people.  This doesn’t mean you should never pray in front of everyone else, but it means you shouldn’t pray just to show everyone you’re praying. It simply means to pray to God; why would you do it to just show off to people?  If you pray to God, God will repay you.  So, it’s the greatest for you to have this time where you’re all alone to pour yourself out before God.

4) Ps. 119:97-102 Four attitudes toward God and His blessings

(1) Meditation on God’s laws – God gives wisdom greater than our enemies

(2) Meditation on God’s wonders and signs – He gives insight

(3) Obedience to God’s Word – He keeps our feet from every evil path

(4)Following God’s law – He gives understanding

As we meditate on God’s law, we receive God’s wisdom, why is that?  Why does meditating on God’s law give us wisdom? Do you find wisdom when you just meditate? You have to know the reason to do this. All of creation moves according to God’s Word, so if you meditate on God’s Word, you’re bound to receive wisdom.  If all of creation did not move according to God’s Word, then the more humans thought on their own, the better it will be; however, God is controlling all of creation with His Word.

So if you want to be wise regarding how everything will move, you have to receive that wisdom regarding God’s word.

Psalm 1 says, “Blessed are those who meditate day and night on the Word of the LORD,” but there are some people who don’t go to God’s Word; instead, they sit in the seat of mockers, thinking humans can control everything.  But for people who meditate on God’s Word, God gives them wisdom and insight.  

This is the way we live in America.  God gave this to us so we can survive in difficult situations.  God gave us this so we can relay this to evangelize.  God gave this to us so we can live in the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions. God gave us this so we can properly restore those who have mental oppression, but if this is not the answer, you’ll have to look for the answer elsewhere and that’s why kids are bound to be dragged into transcendental meditation because they see works with their eyes.

Even without these spiritual things, they can succeed, so that’s why kids are dragged in this direction, but the Lord gives us all the answers within this. You can succeed every day but you must succeed before God because God is the One Who raises the successful.  But if you try to do something with the efforts of man without this, that is a mocker, and that is someone without wisdom. That person says they’re correct but they’re going down a wicked path, and the Bible says they will all fall again.

What does it mean to perish? Unbelievers are completely perishing, but there are those who perish even as they’re saved Christians who go to heaven, then you will always be dragged around to fulfill Satan’s desire, then you’re a failure, failing physically and spiritually.

Being obedient to God’s Word will give you insight.  Psalm 119:100 says, “I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts,” and elders are known to be the most wise people, because everything goes according to God’s Word. If I go into that Word, then God’s wisdom will be upon me, and that’s how we must study, too. It’s possible to study without this, but it’s impossible to succeed that way. Even if you do succeed, that’s a problem.  Even your studies must follow God’s Word because your  studies are just studying the aspects of life.

But there’s a direction every living thing moves towards, and that’s God’s Word, and that’s the reason for which we study.  We need to have a true understanding.  If you are studying but it doesn’t match with God’s direction, it cannot be true understanding. Let’s say you’re studying politics or social studies or law.  You have to study because you don’t know it, but why do you need those things?   Schools will teach you these things, but what does God want? To follow the Word God has given you. That’s how the true wisdom will be revealed through your studies.  

Every nation needs laws to maintain the order of society but their laws are imperfect, so that’s why you must study that law with God’s Word; you must align it with God’s order, isn’t that right? You have to align things spiritually with God in order to align with God’s order, it’s the same with science.  Scientists are researching the universe God created. Those things they study already existed when God created the universe, but now God is simply revealing it out in the open according to the time schedule.  But if you don’t know God’s Word, then you don’t know the reason God revealed it when He did, so people are bound to boast about people.  

It’s rightful for unbelievers to boast about themselves, but even believers don’t know the reason why God develops the science at the time that He does, so you’re studying in a way that is not aligned with God’s direction.  There are some students who study sociology, so they study conflicts between people and things like that.  But they study this branch from the research being revealed through society. Of course we have to study it, because we have to learn through our studies, the experiences we haven’t experienced. However, if you understand from the Word of God the fundamental reason why people and society have no choice but to have conflicts, then you’ll understand the reason behind your studies.

These are the answers I felt and experienced as I received Jesus Christ as an unbeliever, because as an unbeliever, I thought I just had to work diligently no matter what. As I met Jesus Christ, I wondered, “Why do I have to study?” Isn’t that right? When I was an unbeliever, I just did it, but  once I became a child of God, why do I have to study? These are the answers I’ve received through the Word. 

But some people continuously study even after receiving salvation, just as they did as an unbeliever, because after salvation, they have the same goal in life.  Then, all their studies and work will not be aligned with God.  That was RCA’s third message, “Me, the work I’m doing, and God must all be connected.” If it’s not all connected, it means that my studies and work are not connected with God. If my business is not connected with  God, it means the goal I’m working towards is not aligned with God, then, that’s an unbeliever.  

Even after receiving salvation, we keep living in the state of the unbeliever, so we’re bound to face our limitations. People who have an IQ of 100 will only have that much skill, but if they’re connected with God, then God’s wisdom and power will be revealed. I’m telling you this so you know the reason why you must have fellowship with God.  If you don’t know this, you’ll always say the same things over and over again, “Do we really have to every day? We’ll just live on our own.”

5.Obstacles to our fellowship with God 

What is an obstacle? Ourselves are obstacles. What does that mean?  


We ourselves think we do not lie. Shall we look at 1 John 1:6?  If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie.  But we don’t even know we’re lying, meaning we don’t know it’s wrong to live centered on ourselves and physical things.  So we’re lying and we have to know this is wrong, but that means your physical- and self-centeredness is an obstacle. If you do not live by the truth, it means you have not gone into God’s covenant. 

2)Insisting that you have no sins 

People think they don’t have sins.  1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” You have to know the definition of sin well.  There’s a cause of sin and consequential sin.  The source of sin as mentioned in the Bible is because you’re outside of God’s Word, and if you go there, invisibly, sin is already upon you, and then in your life, you’ll have the sins that we can see.  

The only way to get rid of these “sins” whether they’re behaviors or sins in your heart, it is to align yourself to God.  Therefore, even going outside of God’s Word is sin. God is His word. You don’t know God with your feelings and tears.  You don’t know God by keeping some rituals.  Everybody talks about God, but God is His Word. Therefore, if you’re outside of God’s Word, you’re outside, and because of that, you’ll have problems in your life and that’s where Satan is seizing us.  

When do we escape from Satan, curses, sins, and problems? We have to align ourselves with God and go tinto God’s Word.  The Word of all Word is the gospel; it’s not the law because the law will kill ourselves and others.  It’s the word of the gospel. It’s not done by our actions, it’s impossible with the righteousness of our actions. it’s only by faith in the covenant.  If you don’t understand this, then you’re going to be satisfied with yourself and your actions.  

It’s the same with evangelism, if you think you can do it with human actions, you cannot go long because when something doesn’t happen they will be discouraged, but if something does happen, they’ll be flying among the clouds. Will you keep starting and stopping like that? God has blessings for the rest of our life.  Before our actions, we need faith and remain in the covenant, meaning we’re not doing any of this. 

God never told Joshua to do anything, but He said, “Do not turn to the left or to the right of this covenant.” Because God will work according to this covenant just wait for His time schedule then the works will arise and follow.  That’s evangelism. If you don’t understand this, you don’t understand who God is. God does evangelism.  If you say it’s working or not, it means you’re not working, and if it does work, it means you’re doing well, then that person thinks they’re only if it works out everyday. That means they’ve become God, but that’s not how it works.  

You can only have continuation if it happens within faith in the covenant.  Even this Word must be given from faith in the covenant. If I’m doing it with some actions, what righteousness can I do? I’m a sinner.  “I’m going to keep God’s Word”? You can maybe keep it for three days. If we could keep God’s Word, we would have already done it. We must go into the covenant and then God’s Word is fulfilled. The fact that God’s Word is fulfilled means I’m not the one doing it.  You’re going into God’s grace that fulfills God’s covenant, then everything is bound to take place naturally.  If you’re not able to distinguish between the law and the gospel, you cannot live your walk of faith.

Finally, it’s possible we may have a lot of hidden conflicts and misunderstandings with people, and we think it’s a problem because I’m the problem. That’s a person who does not know God. There is a hidden blessing from God there.  This is the reason I go into daily communion.  Jesus never thought anything was a problem, is it because He is God?  He was a human with a body.  

There was a Jehovah’s witness attacking me, “If He was truly God, He would have been able to drink the wine.” I went into the Jehovah’s witness’s sanctuary. They started attacking me, “If Jesus Christ really was God, why was He shaking and trembling, asking God to take the cup away from Him?” That’s the common characteristic of all religious people, they don’t understand the reason why Jesus Christ had to come as a human.

If they understood then do you think they would go that way? Of course they would become Christians.  Of course they cannot understand because they’re not holding onto the Truth, but they’re holding onto the humanistic understanding of Jesus. It was impossible for Jesus to take that cup away because He was human. If Jesus was God, why did He fall over, carrying the cross?  Things won’t fit with this demon-possessed logic. Someone else had to help Jesus Christ carry the cross because Jesus was too weak and later on God’s ministry. 

“If Jesus is God, He should have been smiling boldly as He was being crucified,” they acknowledge the side of Jesus that is God, but they do not acknowledge His human nature. I should have been in that seat of suffering and torture. He received that on my behalf. They don’t acknowledge the human nature of  Jesus, so these people cannot receive salvation because Jesus is Jesus, but they’re not able to understand Him in His neediness.  That’s why they only worship this almighty Jehovah, this omnipotent God, while looking down on Jesus.

It’s all religion.  We must not live a religious life like that. We’re humans and Jesus came on earth as a human, just like us.  Then, He received the Word with God as He had daily communion and relayd that Word, He never acted outside of that Word.  If it’s God’s will, even if I’m weak, I will subdue and obey.  Where does this strength come from? It’s the strength that comes from communion with God. That might be during your time of worship, it might be your personal worship, either way, it’s a time of communion with God.  This can take place 24 hours in the field as well, that’s the walk of faith with which the seven remnants lived.  

May you and I also become like this and help the new believers we’ve met and will meet in the future to be like this as well.  Even if it doesn’t work out well, it’s okay because God opens your eyes according to the time schedule of His grace, so there’s no reason to be oppressed by it, just hold onto the prayer topic.


God, we thank You. Allow us to know the reason why we need to communion with God.  Allow us to enjoy the time when we can go into the covenant of God.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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