Holy Spirit’s Strength
Evil Spirits
Kingdom of God
) Me X
First – Bind the Strong Man
A person’s thoughts, heart, and mind are all captured by evil spirits. If we’re not able to do this, no matter what the person may do, they cannot come out of the evil spirit’s grasp.
Spirit of Jesus Christ
Satan -Me (Sin) – Scar
My Things
Our Things
It has been answered but because it’s not like that, we are hurt. This person has lost hold of the answer. God has allowed you to hear this, so there should be a reason behind it, so this person continues to lose hold of the answers. God’s message is not meant to make you feel good. But God delivers His message in a way so that you can heal your bad parts, but people with a strong self-esteem or pride will be hurt. Pride shouldn’t be the standard, but rather, why has God allowed me to hear this Word? That should be the standard.
“My things don’t benefit me,” that shouldn’t be our standard but God gives us things sometimes so we can offer it back to God. The more you say, “It’s mine,” the more likely it will be taken away and turn to dust. There’s nothing that’s mine; everything is the Lord’s. It’s not ours, we don’t live for “us,” we live for God’s things. We have to come out of this.
Otherwise you cannot overcome the field. No matter what happens or what situation arises, hold onto God’s voice. God reveals His voice even in the slightest breeze, and the disciples should be able to discern this. So, the disciples in the field should not be influenced by my circumstances. It shouldn’t matter if I have no possessions. It doesn’t matter even if I face persecution. It doesn’t matter even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Everything else is just nonsense; it may be correct but it’s not true. You cannot save people with these thoughts. You have to hear God’s voice, digest it, and relay this to people in order to save them.
1. Covenant
(1) Me (2) God (3) Jesus Christ
((1)) Sin- Curses, Disasters ((2)) Death ((3)) Satan
This is the promise regardless of your situation or circumstance. The covenant that Jesus is the Christ, we have to hold onto that.
2) John 19:30 – All Problems – Finished
You keep making problems of sin, but all problems have been finished but why do problems continue? You keep placing yourself in the seat of God.
2) Gal. 2:20 Master
You have to first bind the strong man, the thing that is more powerful than me is within me, so the stronger standards, the stronger ideologies keep holding onto me, so that is why we continue to face these problems. You will continue to be oppressed until this happens.
2. Vision
1) Family
You have to see the state of your family within these three problems.
(1) Sin – Curse (2) Satan (3) Hell – Suffering
If you’re unable to see this, you’ll be oppressed by your family. Not that you feel good or bad, but you must see this for yourself. This is no other problem. If you cannot see this, you’ll just face problems.
2) Field
You have the blessing of the bartizan in the field, but being unable to see this, you’re oppressed by evil spirits.
3) World
See the field of the world and how it moves according to Gen. 3. If you’re not able to see the family field, it will continue to flow to your children until they know of it. Then even though they hear the words, “world evangelization,” they won’t be able to understand it because they can’t see this. They have to see it, isn’t that right? You cannot see the things of your family so you’re oppressed by them. Everyone in the field has their own family; this is the start of world evangelization.
3. Dream
Without a dream, they have no hope, and they do not know the problems of the world, that is, Gen. 3, so they are restlessly wandering. Even if they have a dream, it’s different from the God-given dream. You have to see the God-given vision to fulfill the God-given dream.
1) Talent
If there’s a family of professors, and the child doesn’t want to be a professor, then it will be a simple path but it’s hard for them to be a professor. In a family of lawyers, the kid is pushed to be a lawyer, but without the passion or talent, they won’t find joy in that. Inside of this, God lets you discover your talent.
2) Specialty
Without a specialty, your life will be hard. My friend is a dentist and he’s good with his hands. I recently got my teeth checked by him, and I don’t know if he’s good or bad, but I go often. It’s not a matter of what you become, whether it’s a dentist, doctor, or professor, but you must have this specialty, or else you’ll be pushed around by the competition. You think it’s enough to become a professor? You’ll be pushed around.
3) Field, Occupation – Saves
Hold onto the dream given by God’s voice. No matter what anyone says, it doesn’t matter as you go along this stream. Joseph went forward, holding onto the vision and dream without listening to anyone else. It doesn’t matter, he went holding onto this. David just held onto what God gave him, so it didn’t matter that he was persecuted by Saul. But if you don’t hold onto this, no matter what anyone says, you’ll be affected by these things. Without this, if someone says something good to you, you’ll be influenced right away.
Without this, you’ll be influenced by external things. Then, it’s not a general life, but you’re being moved by what influences you, so you are centered on yourself. The future generations are like this, then they won’t have a working life because they don’t have a dream. Even if they have a dream, they have the wrong dream of being successful, climbing to the top. It’s the dream that comes from God’s covenant and vision.
4. Image
1) God’s Word
If you don’t know this, every week you’ll think of the word as whether you received grace from it or not, because you’re still within this.
2) Prayer
There’s a mission God gives to our church, but all nations come together for world evangelization and God will move all nations. That’s why you have to follow the stream of God’s Word accurately. You keep misunderstanding healing. You keep trying to change the other person’s things. That’s what a doctor does. We don’t change things; we make it so that the fundamental message enters into them. This person’s state is important but not important because this person’s state is a result of this not going into them. If you don’t know this, you’ll judge and condemn them, “This is your problem,” and you’ll try to take that problem to them.
But this person is in a state of not knowing what the problem is, so you must relay the Word God desires for you to relay. But you have no interest in that? You just point out the problems and say you have to change this? There’s no hope in that. There are many people like that. In the past, those who do healing ministry would do it like that but instead, you have to relay the Word God desires you to relay to that person. In detail, you have to really know the problems of this person and you have to relay God’s Word.
What is the person’s true problem? Simply put it’s a spiritual thing. They are in a spiritual state of being separated from God’s Word. Healing happens as a result of delivering God’s Word. That’s why we talk to one another to reveal this. People who are good at this will have their ministries happen quickly. So you have to pray, what is the Word given to this person? Relay the Word accurately. If you yourself receive God’s Word and prayer as an answer, you will be able to relay it.
Let’s say you’re doing ministry in the church. If you try to put in something else other than the Sunday pulpit message, you’re trying to input something else. This Sunday pulpit message is not coming to the person as an answer, so they have a problem. But instead of trying to relay this answer of the pulpit message to them, you’re trying to put something else in, so it doesn’t work out at all.
Make it so that everyone at church can hear the Word, because they aren’t able to hear it at all, but if you’re doing ministry in the church, the ministry is to relay this to everyone.
5. Masterpiece.
1) Temple Construction
Not just giving ritualistic offering. Temple Construction must be within the dream I dream with the vision of world evangelization. If not, you’re just giving offering, but it doesn’t really matter; leave behind a masterpiece.
2) Bartizan
3) Future Generation Remnant
This is what God desires. What about everything else, like a house? You’re not able to buy a house? Is that your masterpiece? That’s the masterpiece nonbelievers talk about. It has no relevance to God’s Kingdom. You have to relay this CVDIP to the future generation, and you have to make them fully understand it, and then you have to go. The future generation doesn’t need money. Their lives are completely within the CVDIP. Then, what will you leave behind? There is nothing left once you leave. Once you die, the history of what you’ve been doing is already recorded in heaven. Even now, what are you working for, what are you making money for? If it’s Gen. 3, 6, and 11, it’s a useless life, lived in vain.
Then, the problems of the family are not broken down. The one who has the CVDIP listens to the Sunday message and it comes to them as an answer; without the CVDIP established, they’ll just go back and forth. But whoever has this, they can receive God’s answer from whoever the messenger is; they are already holding onto the dream they’re racing towards. That is how God guides the people who hold onto this with His Word, they go towards their dream.
This is how you can raise others like this. When you raise others and not have this yourself, you’re just saying things back and forth. Most people are within this, “It’s all about me, I’m comfortable because I have things,” or, “I’m uncomfortable because I have nothing.” They say things like, “Our family gathers together, we have strength in numbers,” or, “Life isn’t working out because our family is separated,” and that’s how Satan and evil spirits continue to grab hold of them, until when? Until the answer of Christ is given to them. The answer of Christ must come onto them for them to be liberated from this Once they’ve come out of this era, definitely tell the future generations of this spiritual problem. I tell my child about my spiritual problems, that’s not something to be quiet about. I feel nothing because I’ve been liberated. I tell my child so the child understands. The word regarding that must go into them, and when you went into the field so it is also confirming these problems to the entire world. Whether it’s to minister to the Latinos or white Americans in America or the young adult in Sedona, I talk to them to save them. Is a white family different from an Asian family?
That’s why you need the gospel and you can see everything. If you’re not able to see this, people will say it’s different and you cannot see this. They say it’s “culture” and it’s different. Family by family, it’s different but you can see. “I just heard about this on the phone,” but I told them, “Please connect me to them. I haven’t even solved but this has to happen for the ministry to take place. I already know this problem so the family is a blessing. If this is a scar, you will you have a scar and you haven’t come out o This being a scar means you don’t understand the spiritual problem. It’s not me but Satan makes us step on but we can relay this to that person, and they have a star against their father or parent, but you have no choice but to for that to be a scar because you don’t know the spiritual problem, but your father is also suffering through this? They haven’t been able to hear about it even as they stay in church.
Scarred people are put off by the name of Christ; they were oppressed. What must we say? Tell them Your Father’s spiritual state follows. The family background sees the father’s scars and you can’t just keep saying, “CVDIP.” The problems of your past, your family are solved. Else Satan will use you and this will continue until this stream becomes finished. You have to know this and confirm this as evidence within God’s family. That’s what blessing is. It’s a blessed family, or a family with scars. You end up living the same way because that’s a spiritual problem. You end up doing the same thing as your parents, that’s the spiritual stream. Until you discover this, you’ll continue to be dragged along by it.,
The solution is not to go to a better country. Young adults like this get married and they can’t understand until they see this. They start to fight, that is how the strong man holds onto the family and works in the family through conflicts. What you have right now is actually the platform for world evangelization. The circumstance of your family is what God allowed to happen; you have to see that problem spiritually for it to be used as a platform. That’s where dream. This is why I have to study. That is how the masterpiece is revealed through God’s Word and prayer.
I pray you will have this blessing and enjoy it. Father God, thank You. Let the CVDIP become mine. Let my and my family problems become the platform. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.