Continuously Listen to the Word to Believe in and Become One With the Word (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Continuously Listen to the Word to Believe in and Become One With the Word (Matthew 28:18-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

We will share the grace of God with Matthew 28.  This is the message of Jesus’ resurrection.  Why did Jesus Christ come to earth? To die, but why did He have to die? He had to die for me.  Why does He have to die for me?  Because the wages of sin is death.  The sin I did not even commit, we call that Original Sin.  The sins of Adam are carried out to all mankind, it’s called Original Sin.  Ever since humans were born, were they born good or bad? They were born with Original Sin, in other words, they were born, seized by Satan, underneath his authority.

In Romans 8:2, it says we were born under the law of sin and death. Even if we live our diligent lives, we are armed with the law of curses and disasters; we are under the law of curses, and the wage of sin is death.  Even if you live a diligent life, it’s death.  There’s no way to live without God.  As soon as we’re born, we’re dragged into this state, invisibly.  But people think we can live if we do this or that, but these are just physical things. Fundamentally, this doesn’t solve it.  

We must be liberated from the curse of Original Sin; we have to quickly escape from the authority of Satan. Otherwise, every day you live is hell.  If you live diligently without knowing this, you will gain the benefits of working and living a hard life.  Buddha was a prince, so all he had to do was grow up to become a king, but why did he leave the palace to contemplate on why people die and live and get sick?  He had more power than our current day president, because a king remains king for the rest of their lives.  The one who had all the authority and power in the world was wondering these things. 

People who do not have everything in the world think, “Once we get everything we want, we’ll be satisfied,” but that means we won’t be.  We need to first solve the fundamental problems, something that cannot be solved by my actions. It’s the invisible, spiritual thing, and this is why Jesus Christ came to earth, to solve that problem on the cross.  He died and then three days later, He overcame death and three days later he overcame death and came to life. That’s how we can resurrect and be with the One Who resurrected.  

Jesus Christ kept telling His disciples, “I’m  going to die,” there are alot of things he said in between.  But ultimately, He was saying that He would die. He said a lot of words, but ultimately, He had to die on the cross for all these things to take place, and then He resurrected. After He resurrected, how many things do you think He said?  It says, after Jesus Christ resurrected, He explained the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God in Acts 1:3.  

In today’s Bible verses, Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples,” in other words, he was telling them the direction of the work God will do. He gave God’s direction to the disciples, then He promised to be with them for eternity with all authority in heaven and on earth. He finished it with this. 

Once you believe in this, nothing is complicated. Jesus’ death on the cross is my death, me dying on the cross means the “me,” living irrelevant to God not believing in His Word, is ded on the cross.  Everything I did with myself as the standard is crucified on the cross, but I’m alive right now, my physical body is alive, but what’s truly living is the faith of Christ within me.  That’s the message of the resurrection and that finishes it.  

He will fulfill the resurrection and come as the holy spirit, and then He will be upon each individual as the Holy Spirit.  There’s nothing more you have to say.  Then, don’t you think everything is finished by being within God?  Why do we not believe God is with  us? Because we don’t know what it means to die on the cross.  I am not necessary.  That entity is the “me,” that was trapped under Satan, curses, disasters, and hell, from Genesis 3.  That’s unnecessary and that’s why that’s crucified.  We are united with Jesus Christ and we die, and when we’re resurrected, we are united in that life to live.  

Now, the “me” I live with the Lord as my Master. It is not me, but God.  When I face a problem, it is God.  When I face a situation, it is God.  When I think about the future, it’s God’s future.  The reason God is allowing me to live in America is God.  If you have a conflict between people, then look for God’s plan.  If you keep conflicting with them, you should yield because Jesus Christ was never conflicted, He always yielded.  The “me” of the past, I was my Master and I had to fulfill my plan so I had no choice but to fight.  But now, the Lord lives within me as my Master.  That’s our walk of faith.

Now, we are going towards world evangelization to all nations because the Lord is doing that work within me.  I have no more plans because my plan has no choice but to be cursed and disastrous.  No matter how beautifully a human designs their plan, that will only please Satan; it will not satisfy God.  Paul knew this and confessed he was a sinner from his mother’s womb, what does that mean?  Simply put, he was rejecting all the life he lived physically because that was not the answer.  

If you do not know this, you are bound to boast of yourself.  Simply put, that’s a spiritual state that is not fully matured.  In Philippians 3, Paul said, “If we were to speak physically, of course, I have a lot to boast about,” but when he sees things spiritually, he’s actually ashamed. Even if great works take place, I did not do it, but God did it by His grace. That’s the vessel with which I do world evangelization. 

This month’s Remnant Day message, how will we raise the remnants to the summit as leaders? If they’re going to remain as everyday people, we don’t have to train them that way, but we have to train them as leaders, the leaders who will do world evangelization, then you have to raise them differently. You must not raise them in a general way; you must raise them as leaders and you have to help them so they can learn in the church.

Having a large vessel means you can accept many things. Even though we grow up the same way, some kids grow up as leaders with a deep, wide vessel and can contain a lot, and others they go with the flow of life.  Because they will do world evangelization, you must not raise them so that they’re always stumbling and not being able to understand others.  When someone makes a small mistake, they’re always criticizing and talking bad about them.  That’s going to be hard for that person to do world evangelization.

Everyone in the school learns that way because that’s the standard of the world.  You have to retrain them.  My daughter asked me yesterday, “My friend’s dad’s take them to the Grove and the Americana, but why don’t you do that for me?” I asked, “What is there to buy over there? If you need something, I’ll buy it for you.  No need for these kids to go to the Grove, they can just go to Target.”  She said, “I don’t want to live like you, Dad.”  

She’s the daughter of the pastor, she is saying that “I don’t want to live like you” meaning other dads are making money and buying their kids food things with it “but you’re a pastor and you don’t do that.” it’s possible she may express her feelings that way, and from her perspective it makes sense because she’s comparing herself to the kids around her and she feels like she’s lacking something.”  So yes, hearing those words that she doesn’t want to live like me did get me upset, but because I’m rooted in the gospel I didn’t get mad at her immediately, I just simply let it pass by.  Her mood changes every 30 minutes or after a day, so we went downtown and came back, and she took pictures and showed her friends where she bought her bag.

I told her on the way back home, “I’m educating you differently than your friend’s dad educates your friend.  I’m educating you so you have a larger vessel now, you just wait and see.”  She said, “Okay, we’ll wait and see.”  From the perspective of a child, of course she’s like that, especially in the age of puberty, you compare yourself to the kids around you and you look at their dads, and when she prays, I give her points, so the clothes she bought were with the points she earned.  She got 61 points and today  she spent $45 and she asked, “Why do I have to buy this with my own money?” “This is my education for you. You don’t understand now, but later on, you will.” Right now, she doesn’t understand, so she’s saying, ‘Fine, we’ll just wait and see.”

Why am I saying these things? Kids just think at the level of a child but you can’t just leave them like that. If someone will be a leader, they cannot just be left like that.  You have to think long-term and act accordingly today. It can’t just be so immediate, especially when talking about their sense of money. This is just one example.

It’s the same thing with the students’ studies.  When parents use the word, “Study,” they may be using the same word, but there’s a different way a leader says. If you just force your kids to study, that’s not raising them to be a leader.  Whether they’re good or bad at studying, explain to them the reason and the method, to pray for the filling of the holy spirit. THen it seems like we’re talking about studying but it’s spiritual. “God will guide you because you’re a child who will do world evangelization.”  

Tell them this because they will do world evangelization.  I’m not just saying this because it’s something churches say; I’m saying this because it’s something that will actually take place because God promised it.  The one who does not believe this is the problem; God already promised. He promised this to the one who believes in Jesus.  So it’s not just because we are us, but for everyone who believes in Jesus, “you will do world evangelization.”  Everything is contained within that. 

Even our weakness cannot block that. We talk about people’s personalities and characteristics, but a person’s personality cannot overcome the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, do you think your personality will make world evangelization possible? No, it’s possible because God promised it and God is with you.  You continuously put this into them while they’re young. 

There was an older sister who left from North Korea and got a little money from China and met her sister at the border to cross over to China, and the little sister said she doesn’t want to go because she doesn’t want to betray her nation. That’s how strong the ideology of a young child are. That ideology will even transcend physical boundaries.  She said, “I can never betray my nation like this.”  So, she said, “I can betray my mother and sister, but I cannot betray my leader.”  That’s what this child said.  This is something that went into her while she was young and it was coming out.  That ideology is able to be overcome even in circumstances that will benefit you.

If you put the word of God into this child while they are young, then as they mature, nothing will shake them. There’s a reason why communist nations did such a very good job with controlling education.  In North Korea, they give preschool education for free, and they have to do that in order to plant the ideologies while the children are young. They take the children from their parents, the parents have to go to work, and the children are placed into preschools or kindergartens, and that’s where the ideologies come in, and once they end preschool they go to elementary school, and they also put it into them while in elementary school. 

So they have this system from a long time ago, and they keep putting this in.  Then when they join middle school, they have their uniforms and join organizations, and the same thing happens while they’re in college.  Then when they go to the military or to their jobs, they have their own form of discipline and education, then you have no idea how fearsome these ideologies are, because they really control them.

Because it went into them when they were so young, they don’t even listen to the words of their parents.  The government takes these children away from the parents’ hands in preschool and disciplines them all day long and only returns them at night. They inculcate these ideologies through song, and even the books they use to teach their kids how to read will have these ideologies in them.  So these kids actually know the words of the Bible well. In Deut. 6, it says to put the word of God into the children, whether they sit, stand, lie down on their door post, and the North Koreans do that with their ideologies. 

Parents who have their eyes open will know the value of this, so they may be more hasty. When you raise a leader, look at Samuel, Hannah just gave him entirely to the church. Your parents have to open their eyes. If you don’t have the ability to raise your child like this, entrust them to the church. Parents with their eyes opened will do this. They don’t have the abilities to do that, so on Saturdays, they just entrust their kids to the church. 

But people who are fast at calculating in the world will say, “What will that do for me?” It means they don’t know how to plant seeds.  The trickle of water will drench all your clothes eventually. THey only look at a one day result. It’s not about just one day, it’s continuous, but they’re not able to think that way, then what happens? What goes in on Saturdays instead?  Something else. If you leave your kids with something else, they will fill themselves with other things like games, but parents aren’t able to think that way. 

The time schedule will be different for every parent but once their eyes are open they will entrust their children. If you’re just holding onto your child yourself, what influence are you giving them?  You’re keeping them around you for yourself. Are you going to do that for your whole life?  The only thing you can relay to them is your Genesis 3. This is the way God is moving and our spiritual eyes must be opened for our remnants to not be harmed, why? Because we must raise them as leaders.

Leadership is nurtured while they’re young, and this has to go into them as their vision and dream. This is how it takes place.  What we’re sure of is 237 evangelization.  As we run our business, what’s more certain than this? It is a guaranteed promise.  Make disciples of all 237 nations, that is a sure promise.  But we lose hold of this and want to hold onto something else?  Why hold onto something uncertain?  If you just hold onto the promise God said He would fulfill, it will be fulfilled.

The fact that He is with you with all authority in heaven and on earth means that nothing can block you and even if you’re weak, you cannot block this.  If that’s what you’ve received, that is the greatest blessing, just as Paul confessed. Otherwise we have to do it with our own strength and we cannot.  But why is the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth with me?  It means there’s no blockage or obstacle or something to stop the evangelism of the gospel to all nations on earth.  This blessing actually being in our lives is what we enjoy.  

Teach this to them while they’re young, do you think they would understand this while they’re young?  They may not understand but the spirit inside of them does hear it.  Shall I give you evidence? Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were both in their mother’s womb when John the Baptist recognized Jesus Christ. It’s possible because the Holy Spirit worked.  Because they were worshiping and receiving God’s Word in front of God, the Holy Spirit works.  It’s not about knowledge; it’s the spirit.  Because the Holy Spirit moves them, these children know even when they’re in their mother’s womb.

But I’m sure Satan will block them so that this doesn’t take place, he’s going to try to block us with various reasons, and that’s why our lives are destroyed.  However, if you entrust everything to the reason of Jesus Christ, then because of this one thing, everything will come to life. Do you think it’s enough to succeed in America? You have to save America.  Educating your children to succeed and survive in America is not enough. People who succeed are doing drugs, they have mental problems, they contemplate suicide; it’s not enough.

In order to save somebody, God’s work and His spirit must follow you. These are the things with which we must raise our little children. Parents are so strange, they ask, “What did the kids do when they went to church on Remnant Day?”  But if there’s a famous celebrity on tour, they would take all their bags and go see them. If there’s a famous singer on tour, they would even take a plane to go there.  This spiritual blessing is something you cannot even exchange for money.

If you have a spiritual problem, there’s no medication for that, and you received spiritual problems from your mother’s womb. The spiritual things are already within you and they are simply revealed over time.  But because you’re not able to see this kind of value, you make them concentrate on worldly things, then what can we do? If we can’t understand, we just wait and pray.  If they don’t understand while they’re young, it can be a source of conflict and stress for people, but you still have to wait because you can’t do it with your words; they don’t understand. If anything, you should be praying more.  These kinds of spiritual values must be in your eyes.  

It means to stake your entire life on this gospel.  If somebody discovers a valuable treasure in a field, they’ll go all in to buy it.  When you discover the value of this gospel, then you will put everything towards that, even your education, all in. it’s only possible to stake your life because you discover the value. Then what will come?  There will be no problems as you face life because the one who has all authority in heavens and on earth is with you, and there’s no reason to worry about the kids because the one who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with the remnants. It  doesn’t matter even as the devil works because the Lord is with you. 

Can you buy it with money?  The parents and the adults must open their eyes to see this value.  Even when Jesus Christ was on earth, he never worked in some great or showy way, “Can you really make any money? Can you survive like this?” All he had were a few fishermen.  Parents will say, “What’s the point of sending our kids to church on Saturday?” but if there were a Harvard professor, they would be flocking over.  That’s why God purposely doesn’t act like that.  Jesus Christ came to earth as the son of a carpenter with no status or background, so only those whose spiritual eyes are opened by God’s grace can follow. That is God’s method.  

It’s easy for the remnants to be decided by the world because it seems like such a great environment or ambiance, but there’s nothing in there, versus someone who seems they have nothing, but they have everything.  That’s the words of the Bible, we have nothing, but we have everything.  I have nothing, but the One Who is within me has everything.  When I’m within His will and plan, everything follows.  As we follow and fulfill God’s will, God brings to us everything that is necessary, and as our eyes are opened to see this, we go all in. 

That’s how we go all into this evangelism movement.  Even as we think about it, our heart races. In the past, when I thought about evangelism, I was so burdened and oppressed.  There’s a time schedule like that, but nowadays, my heart begins to race.  Even though I have no real evangelism I’m doing, when I think about God’s plan and how He fulfills it, I get so excited. That’s what pleases God. 

We’re going to go to Navajo in June, and they said there’s a lot of new kids there.  In July, we’re going to go to El Salvador.  That’s a place that has never received the gospel.  There are places that practice shamanism and demon possession. If someone goes there and talks about the law then they will get kicked out. If someone is demon-possessed, you can’t tell them to live a good life. The demons will go into the person who’s speaking.  

There are also a lot of disaeed people and they’re very poor.  There’s someone in LA who says, “We’ll give you food, you should come,” and I said, “Why should you give us food? We’re there to give the word of God.”  Those who will receive the guidance of God’s word will come.  The people in Russia will lure people to come with ChocoPie, and that’s the reason they all fell. People will flock to food because they’re poor. From a humanistic perspective, they think this is how they will gather people.  But for the people who are really moved by the spirit of the Lord, they will come regardless of those. 

If you know there are people who will receive the gospel and that the disciples will arise there, those things don’t matter.  Look at this, there’s a disciple in Hollywood from El Salvador, and she built a house there she’s never used, and we’re able to use it.  In El Salvador, they don’t even have indoor plumbing; you have to bury things in the ground immediately.  For men, it might not be much, but for women, it’s difficult because they don’t even have showers.  

There’s a disciple here who says, “there’s a house I built in my home town. It has running water,  it has beds, and a kitchen,” and she asked her younger brother to take care of it and said we should use it. What would happen if we had to send money and build the house ourselves? Either way, this house being used for the Lord’s work is the greatest blessing for her. It all belongs to God, so if God says to use it, that’s it. 

When God said, “I will use Joseph as governor,” then that’s it. When God says “bring king Saul down and elevate King Daivd,” that’s it.  The one who has authority in heavens and earth is with you for eternity. There’s no reason for us to live, being wary of people’s opinions and circumstances. Even our weaknesses don’t matter, my circumstances do not matter because God is with me.  God says He will fulfill it according to God’s plan. I just have to believe it and follow.  But we have so many of our own reasons and excuses, “I can’t speak the language, it’s not my time schedule yet, I’m physically weak,” that was like Moses. God was about to kill Moses in the middle of the night.

What that means is God is telling Moses, “Your life is in my hands and you are not in a position to say whether you can or cannot do something; I can call you away tonight if I wanted.”  Moses was a shepherd, so he had a staff, and when he threw it onto the ground, it became a snake. That means even if you have nothing, God can work upon that with power. You don’t have something because you have something, but God can work with the works of re-creation, and God says He will do that to fulfill His will.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. Why are you living in America? To make disciples of all nations, and when that aligns with you, that’s healing. If that’s not yet aligned with you, then you have more healing to receive. It means you’re remaining stagnant with your own reasons, but God says He called you to America to make disciples of all nations.  God gave you your job and is allowing you to live where you are so you can make disciples of all nations, but you keep bringing in your own reasons.  

You have to bring these words in because the word of God and your present reality are not aligned. If you look at it physically, of course it’s not aligned, how can you bring this Word to be fulfilled as one in your life? That’s called prayer. From my eyes, I think, “Life and making disciples of all nations doesn’t seem right,” however, you’re able to hold onto God’s  Word and pray and see through that, then you will begin to see the way God is fulfilling this. 

As God fulfills this, you don’t have any skills so God will work upon you in power. You don’t have anything in your hands, so God will attach people to you to do this work.  That’s someone who has all authority in heaven and on earth, he is not only with you today but for eternity. If you knew this, you would surrender, you would just entrust your child to Him.  From that point on, God is taking care of everything, so the parents no longer have to intercede.  Jesus Christ resurrected and gave us this perfect and complete promise.  

Once this Word gets set into our lives then we move onto that direction, and we need time to let this Word be set within us. We receive grace and then we turn around and get confused by our disbelief again, that’s normal. As we continuously receive God’s word again and again then this time schedule comes and we believe.  Simply put, when we begin to believe in the Word, then that Word will become one with our lives.   There’s a lot of things used to fulfill that word, including physical things, and God does it all. 

We have to give this to the children, not with our words, but with evidence and answers, the mystery of the evangelism movement. Yes, we may be able to regurgitate these words, but when we relay it like this, it’s not really relaying it you have to actually be a witness. Relay this to the next generations.  That’s how it will not just be studying, but the evangelism movement actually takes place.

If you just give the same verses in a very good way talking about the mission, do you think that’s going to do anything? They’ve heard it so many times, but there are kids who are raised this way ever since they’re young.  Why when they were young? God touched Samuel when he was young.  It’s the same for Moses because God touched Moses’ parents while he was young.  They had a plan.  At that time, it didn’t seem like much, but as time passed God’s plan was revealed.  

So yes, we do need to go on missions the most, but if our next generations aren’t raised up even those missions will cease.  So yes, let’s say we’re going to proclaim the gospel in all of these different  nations, but if they die and once we die and the next generations aren’t raised up, then all the age of disasters will come back.  So yes, we do need to have missions on location, but the next generation is another mission.  Otherwise, look at the European churches.  The next generation is not arising, so all the churches are closing.  The churches of the United Kingdom went all the way to Korea to give the gospel but since the next generation weren’t raised, the churches are being overtaken by Muslims.  During that age, they were really on fire, they were sending missionaries to the whole world.  

What about the next generation? They did not raise up the next generation, and because the children weren’t being raised up, they were devoured. What is God doing now? Yes we have to do the geographical mission, he told us to make disciples of all nations, but we must do this while we raise up the next generation who can continue this.  That is why when we raise the temple construction, it must be a Temple that can do the three things, 237, world evangelism, healing and raising the next generation to the summit.  If we’re taking up this space, it is a place God will prepare for us to fulfill these words. If that’s God’s will, then of course He would work with all authority  in heaven and on earth.  We don’t do that with what we have; we do this with God’s answers. God gives the answers to those who hold to the covenant and have faith.  When you continuously pray in faith, when the time schedule comes God will continuously move people.

I lived as an unbeliever until I was 29.  Once I became 29, I believed in Jesus Christ.  That means for all of those years I was maturing in the non-believers world, and once I believed in Jesus Christ, it was totally different.  What’s different?  There’s a world I didn’t know, there’s a spiritual world. In the past, I used to think that the physical word was everything so I gave all into that, and then I reached my limitation, then I realized the spiritual world, and that’s not something you can realize by just hearing about it or studying it.  Yes, it’s in the Biblical text, but it’s hard to really understand it.  Most people just try to race towards the Bible to understand it physically, but that’s not it.  

As time passed, my imprint, root, nature was changed by the gospel, and then I realized that the words of the Bible truly are life.  In the past, I thought, “yes, the words of the Bible are true and right,” but now I realize that it becomes one in my life. Then these words, “go and make disciples of all nations,” become everything in my heart and mind.  Then it’s a time schedule when these are no longer words of the Bible, but they’re actually in my life as the covenant.  

Then I can confess that my weakness isn’t a problem. Of course people have weaknesses, but this Bible doesn’t say my weakness will disturb this. It has no weakness of our great personality, it means those things are irrelevant.  Because this world will take place by the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth, those words don’t matter, and the evidence will come to those who actually believe in this and hold onto this in prayer and goi.

That’s the Word.  After He resurrected, He gave us these words. Why did He give us such a simple word instead of something complex and lengthy? These were the words He gave because everything is contained within this. And we just need our own time schedule to realize that everything is actually contained in this one by one.  So yes, even though there were times we fell short because of our unbelief, what’s promised to us is still there.  

In the past, I used to be very sensitive about who came and who did not.  But I’m the same me, but I’ve changed. How have I changed?  A person changes to be a little more emotionless, so it seems a little more emotionless from a person’s perspective.  “Whether you come or go, it doesn’t matter because whether you come or not, God’s Word will still be fulfilled.”  When I didn’t believe these words entirely, I thought, ”I still need people to come to church,” so I’d be a little more humanistic, but now that I believe this, it doesn’t matter if you come or go; it’s to your loss.  What this means is that God will do as He has promised, then I will be less deceived by Satan.  

For example, if someone is a salesman and they’re so tied up about whether they’ll make a sale or not, can they stay like that? If a student is struggling with not understanding something, we cannot be influenced by that.  God’s promise will be fulfilled.  So whatever you can do, do the best you can, holding onto God’s covenant. Don’t be swayed by anything else; those things will be used for God’s work.  

But if the children don’t understand this, they think when they fail, they’ll be oppressed by it, but if things go well they will be up in the clouds thinking their life will work out, and they’ll go forth.  These kids will not change in the beginning; as they receive God’s Word, they will change in God’s time schedule.  Then someone becomes a little bit more bold, how does the devil work? He takes your fear, anxiety, and concerns.  That’s what this means.

We’re going to do our missions conference in May, so I hope you will participate in prayer.  When missionaries all around the world gather as they did in Mark’s Upper Room, then without a doubt the Holy Spirit will work like the Pentecost to open up the doors of evangelism.  Right now, it’s the online age, so even if you’re not there physically, if you participate, then the Holy Spirit’s flow will be with you. So those things aren’t irrelevant to you; they should be related to you, that’s how we become one spiritually in the Mizpah movement. The same grace is upon you.  

When God gathers people together, He works in the front and behind.  As the members of the church pray, God moves appropriately even there, transcending time and space.  We’re going to go to Navajo and El Salvador, and for those who can’t go personally they participate in prayer and God works the same way upon them. Of course, God is a God Who works, transcending time and space. He doesn’t nitpick over the location, here or there.  Especially now in the online age, it’s transcending time and space.  If there’s a plan like this, you realize this is how God is working so you join together in prayer.

If we’re able to do a camp for Karen, then even if you cannot join, you participate in prayer. There’s never a loss with missions and evangelism. When you go there, then without ad doubt, they will be connected later. If you’re just going there to play, that’s something else, but if you go there for missions and evangelism, God will absolutely work. 

In the summer, we have our youth retreat which is around the same time as our El Salvador missions trip. When these things happen, we go together in oneness, God works upon the oneness, just as how God works when we gather together on Sunday.  It’s not because we’re doing something, but when we gather in the location and time God desires, and right now is that time as well.  When the Word goes into you, it cannot be exchanged for any money.   

May you actually enjoy these blessings, especially in May, June, and July. This is how God is working in our church, I don’t know how he will continue to work but we will simply follow. I believe it’s important to raise up the remnants to do this with us.  


Let us pray together with the Word God has given us. All the people of all nations are in your region, and you just have to relay it to your region according to your faith. 70 regions, 70 disciples, just hold onto this standard. I hope you will witness how God works.

I’ll be leaving for Korea after next Sunday, on a Tuesday, and I’ll arrive on May 5, then I’ll come back on Friday, so please participate in prayer with me.  On May 8, that Sunday, the first service will be the headquarters message, and the second service message will be given by Pastor Kim.  While I’m not here on Wednesday and Friday, we should have a time of reporting the news that the missionaries and assistant pastors are receiving in the field, so that we can really see, hear, and feel all of the ways Gidnis working in our fields right now, and I’m not very good at speaking things like that but there are those who are better than I am, so please do that.  

Let us pray together for the missions conference in May, as well as El Salvador, Navajo, Karen, and all the 5000 people groups that will be opened after that. 

Let us pray for the young adults and college students out of state.  

Let us pray for the Sunday message.  The children are not yet coming to the children evangelism school, but whether they come or not, it’s important to have a system where they can.  When they know the war is coming, the most famous generals will prepare.  So it is correct for us to prepare the system or platform that can save the kids.  So let us pray for the evangelism schools that take place on Saturdays, the youth, the children, the young adult, and the businesspeople’s messages.

We gather to do RUTCs, but there are also RUTCs in the church.  Remnant, Unity, that’s when they gather, Training, and Center to send them out in the field to save them, that training is taking place on Saturdays, and as we do this, when we gather in the region, that’s the regional RUTC. That’s the covenant God has given to us.  May we all be used for that.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to hold to the covenant of the resurrection and go all into the prayer to fulfill that covenant, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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