Conquer or Be Conquered in Canaan By Faith in the Accurate Answer and Covenant

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Conquer or Be Conquered in Canaan By Faith in the Accurate Answer and Covenant

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We’ll share the grace of God today with Numbers 33. The content of Numbers 33 from 33:1 is talking about the stages of Israel’s journey since Moses and Aaron brought the Israelites out of Egypt.  God commanded them to report the stages of this journey in the book of Numbers.  The fact that our lives, our covenant journey is recorded, means that this will be left behind even while we are no longer on earth.  Thousands of years after the Israelites’ journey of faith, we can see how God guided them in the hands of God’s works.  I believe that the covenant journey that you and I are walking right now will be recorded and left behind to the future generations.

Numbers 33:5 says that the Israelites left Rameses and camped at Succoth.  Rameses is talking about the fortress that contained the economy of the government, like the National Treasury.  The day after the Passover, they marched out in full view of the Egyptians. This isn’t something we should gloss over.  

What is Egypt like?  Egypt is a place that doesn’t have God’s grace.  Egypt is a place where they believed that the gods of the world are the true gods and they served and worshiped them.  In Egypt, they weren’t literally in hell, but they were suffering of hell there.  People are spiritual beings, created in the image of the Triune God, and that’s why the Triune God must always be within us.  As long as people are separated from the Triune God, people cannot live. As soon as we lost hold of the covenant, the problems of mankind began.

The only way God gave for salvation was the offspring of the woman, the blood sacrifice.  If the remnants are able to understand this covenant, they can do American evangelization. If they cannot understand these words, they will have to suffer for 400 years.  God thinks this is the most important but the people of Egypt think that “me,” “my things,” and “how can we succeed” are the most important.  They served idols for those reasons. 

As long as we’re with the Triune God, we lack nothing, but because they are separated from the Triune God, they are always lacking something. That is why they have no choice but to serve idols for themselves. It’s the same thing even if they go to church.  If we’re not satisfied with the Triune God, we have no choice but to serve something else.  Without a doubt, the fact that we’ve met God through Jeuss Christ means that everything is finished, but if I don’t believe in that, then I’m bound to serve something else.

God gave this covenant to the Israelites but they still fell into the environment of idolatry.  They were used and they participated in creating the fortress at Rameses and the pyramids of Egypt.  I’m sure they got minimum wage for their services, maybe some who were a little more educated or capable were paid a bit more, and if there was a leader among the Israelites, they were perhaps paid the most.  

But as they lived this way, they faced this unbearable suffering. It’s a spiritual suffering.  Even if it’s invisible, they suffer. They must be spiritually filled with God, but because they’re not filled, they don’t know why they’re suffering.  The suffering of the Israelites was so extreme that whether it was mental or physical suffering, the sound of their anguish was carried to the heavens.  

The remnants were creating Christmas decorations downstairs and I told them to come upstairs because the decorations aren’t so important that they should suffer over them.  Even in Egypt, they were decorating, they were doing all of that while they suffered.  So, during this time of grace, we must receive God’s grace.  If we’re centered on work instead, we’re suffering. 

Then when God’s time schedule approached, God sent this message through Moses.  That means that for 400 years, not a single person held onto the covenant.  Because they have to hold to the covenant in faith, it’s not something they can hold onto by studying just the scripts.  God gave this message to Moses to relay it.

When God brought them out of Egypt, it says He brought them out with His great power.  The human problem of sin and Satan can only be solved if God intercedes directly.  None of our own ethics, morals, diligence, or earnestness can liberate us.  It doesn’t matter  how pretty or handsome you are; you cannot escape. It doesn’t matter how well-educated you are; you cannot escape. God’s great power must come upon you, but God’s great power doesn’t just go anywhere.  

When God reveals His great power, it is only following his promises.  If you just ask for God to work, He doesn’t work randomly. God works upon the faith upon the words of God’s covenant.  God told them to apply the blood. You need to know what you’re applying.  Through Moses, the meaning of the blood sacrifice was relayed to all the Israelites, because he told them to apply the blood I’m sure they asked why, and Moses explained.  All the elders went with Moses and relayed the meaning of this to all the Israelites.

Then, what is the role the church officers must play?  Yes, they do have to take care of their physical roles as well, but the 70 workers God truly desires is the one that can relay the message to all the members of the church and their fields, why? Because without that, they cannot be liberated. They are liberated and then they go right back.  That’s why the Word of God, through the pulpit message, must be relayed every day, every week to these fields.

That’s why God’s great power is revealed only upon His blood covenant.  Even right now, if you hold onto the covenant of Jesus Christ, then your spiritual state is liberated from sin, Satan, and darkness.  Right now, whatever you think is the problem, there was a problem you were seized by even before this problem.  The problem you’re thinking about can be seen with your eyes, but it’s not the real problem; the real problem is with your spiritual state.  

You were separated from God, completely seized by Satan, and that’s why the suffering slowly comes into our lives, and we misunderstand that what we see with our eyes is the problem. You can never change your spiritual state; how could you change it? That’s why we must go towards the covenant. Only by faith in the covenant can our spiritual state change.  It’s not about, “Oh, we received salvation, why do we need salvation again?” It means your spiritual state has to be changed. If you don’t know this, you cannot live a walk of faith.

It doesn’t matter what we’re lacking because God is perfect.  The mistake the Isrealites made was that they didn’t look at the spiritual state; they only looked at the physical things they were complaining about.  Their spiritual state was always resentful towards God, because everything is finished, but they didn’t believe it.  As a result of their disbelief, they were grumbling and disgruntled about physical things.  The fact that they were complaining and grumbling means their spiritual state was separated from God.  

The Israelites were not destroyed because they complained, but they were in a state where it left them no choice but to be destroyed.  You must know that, and the remnants must know that.  Once you become a college student, you are already worried about what you must eat to survive.  Because even if no one teaches this to them, all the students feel this need to survive. If you don’t teach them these spiritual things, they’ll keep following the physical needs, and that’s what they were rooted in for 400 years in Egypt.

Whether you’re born in America or you’re sent here, what is it that God desires from you in this superpower nation?  You have to escape from here, you need to leave your father’s household, you need to leave from the background of the culture of the world and your family.  Otherwise, you’ll always be seized by the spiritual state of your family line, and you’ll always be seized by the spiritual state of the American culture. 

I’m sure Egypt was so great because they were the most powerful nation in the world; don’t you think that would be great?  They were so advanced that they were making pyramids back then that we cannot even make right now.  During the age of Joseph was when Egypt rose in power as the superpower nation. It was to the point where Egypt had colleges at that point, imagine how advanced they were, and imagine how many wars they won to bring over all the captives. Because they were such a poor nation and they came to live here, they were just completely overwhelmed.  They saw all the progressive culture and the shock was really crazy.  Then one day, they realized they were spiritually seized by Satan, especially in America.  It’s exactly like Egypt.  

The remnants must listen carefully. If you don’t listen well, you’ll be sucked exactly into the spiritual state of your family line. You’ll be sucked into the spiritual state of your family line and of America.  How will you escape?  Someone must testify of this covenant, and that was Moses, because everyone was losing hold of it.  In Genesis 6, all the people were doing the same things we are: they were going on vacations and picnics, going to school and getting educated, getting married and getting jobs, but there needs to be someone who holds onto the covenant of the life saving ark of Jesus Christ, and testify of it.  

In this Biblical age, it was Moses, so Moses received God’s grace and God gave the solution through Moses to all of Egypt.  The fact that they were liberated on the Passover means they were not liberated by their own power, they were liberated by the work of God.  It is absolutely impossible for us to ever escape from the power and culture of Egypt, but we can only escape through the work of God, following the signs of the covenant. 

But the people who lived in Egypt faced the disaster of the death of the firstborn.  It says in Numbers 33:4 that God brought judgment on their gods. He laid the judgment upon them, so the people in Egypt who did not had the covenant received God’s judgment, and the people who had the covenant escaped.  It’s the same thing in America today.  The people who held onto the covenant of Jesus Christ will be liberated from disasters, but the people who held onto other turns are like,  “oh, this is good and that’s good,” they all have idols they are serving.  

There are many invisible gods that America serves.  What’s the representative example?  Greed, why? They have no choice but to be greedy and ambitious because they’re not satisfied with God alone.  John 8:44 says they follow their father, the devil.  Ephesians 2:2 says they follow the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  Ephesians 2:3 says they tried to gratify the cravings of their flesh and became by nature, objects of wrath. 

There’s only two options, you shouldn’t say anything else. It doesn’t matter what the education is like.  It doesn’t matter what family education was like, it was good if they had education and it was okay if they didn’t, because if education is all we needed then Jesus Christ would not have to come, and God would have told Moses, “Educate the kids properly,” He would not have told them to apply the blood.  

If our personality was the problem, then God would’ve told us to improve our personality, but that’s not enough. But the churches keep on fighting because of things like that.  They fight over things like, “Who’s right, you or me?” So you should not take the level and standards of the world and bring them into the church. “Who did more work, you or me?” Whoever received more of God’s grace should do more work. If you are trying to do too much work without receiving God’s grace, then you need to step back, but someone who received God’s grace should share it with others because they received it.  But if you don’t receive God’s grace and you try to do a lot of different things, you are going to face a problem because the work of God is done by the grace of God, so there’s no reason to say so many words.  The ones who receive God’s grace are bound to reveal that grace.

God explained the process of the entirety of the Israelites’ 40 years’ journey in this chapter. He summarized everything they went through.  After that, the main scripture we read today is, “Once you enter into Canaan, this is what you should do.”  Numbers 33:50, “On the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho, the LORD said to Moses.” If God does not give us his word, we cannot act, but our habit is that we always act without God’s Word.  We say, “In my opinion,” and then we act.  Then we make our judgments and decisions based on what we think is correct, then you will fail 100% of the time. 

Before we make any kind of special action, God gives us His Word in advance, why?  Because ever since Exodus 19 the relationship we have with God is that we are his people, and He has led us until this point, and now we have become a nation of priests. This nation of priests means we have been called as the people to break down all the curses of the world and to declare the praises of His marvelous light, and that’s why God gives us His Word, and that’s why God told them to make the Tabernacle and gave them the mystery of being with God.

God doesn’t just speak, He always spoke through Moses. All the people who tried to move on their own, without the Word of God, thinking they were right, all died.  Moses’ older brother was talking about age differences, and then she laughed because Moses’ older sister was a lot older than Moses, so she looked down on Moses. And Moses also had another older brother. If you look at it like that, it’s finished.  Age is important but what’s more important is from where God delivers His Word, because all the people who created a group outside of God’s Word all died.  

They started arguing, “Why are those people the only ones who got to wear that special robe? We are Levites, too,” and they all died.  The church is not like the world; you shouldn’t come here to be acknowledged, because we’re not ones to be acknowledged.  We receive God’s grace to run His errands and we are servants of God.  The world doesn’t believe in God, so the world will elevate people, but the church is a place where we kill ourselves, so only the foolish people will reveal and exalt their own name.  

God says, “I will make your name great,” and if God does it, that’s great but there’s no reason for us to do it. You shouldn’t act like the world. If God makes your name great, then that’s what happens. You’re not even smart, why do you calculate and use humanism to exalt your own name? Do you think God won’t exalt your name? Don’t you think that’s what the world does?  Always follow God’s Word.  If the Word doesn’t come to you, then don’t do it. But whenever there’s something you must do, God always gives you His Word.

Numbers 33:51, God says, “Speak to the Israelites  and say to them when you cross the Jordan into the Canaan”  so God always gives the message through the Israelites through Moses. What is the field of Canaan like?  The land of Canaan is already conquered by 31 nations and 7 kings, and these people served so many idols. God was waiting for them.  God was enduring and waiting for 400 years while the Israelites were in Egypt because the sins of the Amorites had not reached their full measure. 

God doesn’t pour out disasters at random times. It’s the same for us, God doesn’t bless us at random times, either. God does his work, following the time schedule.  Imagine how much the Canaanites worshiped idols, it was a place that was so sexually corrupted.  Because there are kids here, I can’t even talk about it in the sermon; that’s how corrupted they were.  They did these corrupt sexual acts in the temples while worshiping their gods. Because they don’t believe in God, they don’t have God, so they’re bound to serve idols and do so with sexual acts, and God waited until they crossed this threshold. 

After 40 years, God allowed the Israelitse to enter Canaan.  What must they do after they enter? He said, “Drive out the inhabitants of the land before you,” in Numbers 33:52.  “Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places.”  What does this mean?  This is the place where you guys must go and reside.  If people are not living their walk of faith well listen to this, it sounds a little violent.

Some people are trying to straddle both sides, they stand both with the world and with God, and when they listen to these words they say, “Isn’t that too extreme or violent? Why do we have to drive everyone out? Why do we have to destroy everything?”  If this sounds too extreme, it means that those people are living hand in hand, coexisting with all the idol worshipers, and that’s 99% of people now, and that’s why walk of faith, missions and evangelism aren’t taking place, because the word of God isn’t going into you, so of course missions and evangelism won’t take place.

They just think of this as, once in a while, “let’s drive out the inhabitants,” but it should always be like this. If you do not drive out the inhabitants,  then you will be destroyed with them, but people don’t know that.  “Why can’t we be normal and go with them hand-in-hand?”  

Numbers 50:53 says, “Take possession of the land and settle in it,” whatever God gives you position of the land spiritually, you don’t just do it, but you drive out everything else spiritually and then settle there, “for I have given you the land to possess.”  It’s the same for the economy of light.  People are so spiritually blind and dark that they are asking God for idol-worshipping things.  But if you just conquer the land He tells you to conquer, the economy of light will follow.  But if you don’t know about this at all, then there’s no economy of light for you; you just work hard and then you die.

God doesn’t give things for no reason. The economy of darkness is being used to spread idolatry and mental problems throughout the world, so you have to go and conquer them.  If you don’t know this, then you’re going to be just like the buddhists, begging for money, except you’re in the church. You have to keep appearing good before God, then you do this and that because you just want to appear good before God.

But God told you to conquer the field; God gave you the field, and He told you to drive out the kingdom of Satan.  Now, in the New Testament, God doesn’t want you to destroy the people and their buildings, but God wants you to conquer the Kingdom of Satan with the Kingdom of God. How could you do that? You have to first destroy the idol inside of you, you have to destroy the idol that’s in your family line. How? Can you pluck it out just because you want to?  No, you just have to say, “Okay,” to God.

If you’re completely satisfied with the Triune God alone, then your idols naturally disappear.  If you’re still not satisfied with the Triune God, it means there’s something else that’s an idol inside of you.  These people do all the same things, they go out into the world, they study and they work hard to satisfy the idol inside of them. That’s how they lived in Egypt for 400 years.  That’s how they lived in the wilderness even after the Exodus.  They just lived their lives and died worshiping idols. They were so full of grumbling and complaints because they were never satisfied.

God gave me the blessing of establishing God’s Kingdom in the field, but because you don’t believe in that and you’re not satisfied with it, every time you go into the field, you’re deceived by Satan.  That’s why for 40 years, God did not allow those people to go into Canaan, because even if they entered into Canaan, they were dead. That’s why God was with the next generations for 40 years, training them.  

Once they entered in, God tells them.  He wasn’t saying, “You have to do it this way,” but He says, “First confirm the idol that is inside of you is destroyed.  Be satisfied with Jesus Christ alone. If you are lacking something then get rid of that in satisfaction.”  They went into the land of Canaan, and later on, the next generations were also in trouble because they didn’t drive everyone out. People must live by God’s grace, so we’re not fighting the spiritual battle with our great and brilliant minds. We’re not trying to do something with our smarts or by creating the best Bible study in the world.  We just have to destroy the Kingdom of Satan spiritually.

When you go into your region, destroy the kingdom of Satan there, how do you do that? God destroys that, but you have to see the field.  Even before you try to destroy the idol in the field, you have to confirm the idol within yourself, first.  When you go out into the field, the people who are worshiping idols of money will be destroyed by money.  They worked so hard to make money, but none of that work was used for world evangelization, and even though God filled everything they need, they think they’re insufficient, so they lived their lives making more money. That’s why they’re a slave.

They had no choice but to pass down this idol to the next generation in their family line, because even though they should be giving then the complete gospel, they’re not able to.  That’s why it must be the complete gospel; what is there to complain about? We receive salvation and that’s everything.  No matter how many things I think about this in the day, it makes me happy, but it doesn’t make us happy if we don’t believe in it.  You’re not actually happy because you don’t actually believe that you’ve been set free from Satan, sin, and darkness.  

You know with your brain because you know the theory through Bible studies, but your spirit is not actually happy, and you’re under the misconception that you’re having to always put new knowledge in your brain.  If you’ve been liberated then God is with you forever. Your spiritual state goes back and forth, if you prioritize your spiritual state as Numbers 1, then the conquering is done by God.  We don’t do it, God works ahead of us.  Because we have the complete gospel, God knows we are the ones to declare this covenant.  

God knows that we have the answer.  It is an answer to all people.  Because all people worship idols, they worship idols even if they go to church and we tell them this because we actually see it. Otherwise, what are you going to do? Are you going to persuade them? Then of course it’s true of the world. What is the problem that everyone in the world is talking about.  They have to be completely satisfied with the Triune God but they’re not, so they’re lamenting.  You have to put the gospel into them and pass down all the darkness.  

And when we’re doing this, God has prepared all of our studies and our business, so business people must listen carefully. We have such a habit of idol worship that we think God makes us do good things.  Isn’t that right? You have to start with Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. If you have a sense of family, nothing else matters.  But if you don’t have this, then you have to add more words everywhere you go.  Between someone who has seen lions in Africa, the one who has seen it is actually smarter about the subject. 

The one who has seen the lion personally can explain it so logically. The one who has not seen the line personally will be able to explain it so nationally, “Oh, the main is like this, or it’s about this long,” how his feet changed. But the person that seen the line doesn’t express it like that, they can’t express it with words.  They say, “The minute I heard the roar of a lion, ” they can’t even express it. And the smell is explicable. The one who has actually personally seen it isn’t able to explain it logically, but the one who hasn’t seen it talks as if they have seen it personally.  Maybe the logic will express knowledge better, but the feeling of the person you’re  talking to will be different. 

The person has never gone to Washington DC but just studied in books will be able to explain it better, because they’re going to watch YouTube videos that explain it differently.  The person who’s actually one to Washington DC will talk about how dirty the water is in front of the Washington Monument.  They’re going to say things like, “We went to the Lincoln Memorial and the statue was so dirty.” The person who learned it from the books doesn’t know that.  If someone constantly has and enjoys, and believes the covenant of Jesus Christ, they can relay this to anyone they meet. 

For those who only know it with knowledge, there’s a limitation. They start saying things like, “This is what I heard, and I expected this to happen but it’s not taking place. That’s because you only studied it.  So it’s good to study, but don’t just study but enjoy. You have your circumstances right? Enjoy the gospel in your circumstance, then you can talk about it.  You’re not personally enjoying it, but you’re trying to explain it, and you’re doing a good job explaining it, but it doesn’t have any effect on the people you’re talking to.  

The fact that you have the gospel is no simple thing, it includes all the idols and spiritual channels from within you.  You hold to the covenant and go into the land of Canaan and you conquer.  All of your inheritance is already prepared in the land you will conquer.  So, for business people, your business is included in world evangelization.  There’s a business you can accomplish by working hard, that’s the unbeliever’s business, but there’s a separate business prepared for you by God.

Numbers 33:55.  “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you live,” it means that if you do not conquer, you will be conquered.  I said this earlier, that there are people who will say “Why can’t we get along and coexist?” Those people will be destroyed. There are only two options, a person of heaven or hell and it doesn’t matter whether you are friends because it’s happening spiritually. Two people are different.

My daughter stays up all night giggling with her friends, and I ask her “have you given the gospel yet?” “no, how do I do that?” Then I ask her about her friend and her family, “You have to give them the gospel quickly, because I said, “Whenever something like this happens, your friends are stuck within their scars and spiritual problems.” But when I say this, she says, “You tell her, Dad!” And I said, “Do I go to your school, or do you go to your school,” and I said, “I’m the pastor who tells people like you to give the gospel, so you go give the gospel.”  

Why does she push her mission to someone else?  That’s the mission God gave you.  You pray for them, because it doesn’t matter how much of a best friend they are; they influence you spiritually and you have to know that. You’re either conquered or you conquer.  If you think these words are too strong or extreme, it means you’re already seized by the world. in this state where you come to church to receive this message today, and that’s why it’s so important to continue this. 

As soon as you wake up in the morning, your thoughts are already seized, and if our thoughts are seized, we’re dragged in that direction. Look at your own thoughts, why do you think that would happen? You have to change your thoughts into the Word of God because you’re either being dragged by your thoughts or conquering with the Word of God. Whenever you think of a person or the work that must take place, if you just think about it, you’ll die, but think of it with the covenant of God.  

Remnants, listen well.  When you wake up in the morning, you think of your friends, right?  Pray for those people. What happens if you don’t? Whether you like that person or hate that person, they’re influencing you. If you think of someone you really don’t like, you’ll be influenced.  That’s why all of our thoughts, you have to pray in the word of God. And then when you go out during the day, you take all that you hear and see and  change it into prayer.  That’s specifically the method to conquer the field, and if you just do that, 

God moves everything forwards.  There’s nothing we have to do exactly. It’s just that our thoughts are not aligned with the work God is doing, so even if you work hard, it doesn’t match. And you’re influenced by the things you see and hear, and you’re getting sucked into that, change it all into prayer.

At night, the Word of God.  Read the Word of God, think about it very deeply, and root down in it deeply. We come out to worship every day. We have our Wednesday and Friday Night service, and Early Morning Prayer,  but this is the way to personally conquer the land of Canaan in your field.  Because we’re  going into the work that God is fulfilling, we are seeing God’s work take place ahead of us.  All of this is your camp, if you don’t know this, then you have to have a separate camp, you have to set aside a specific time for camp. 

But if you pray for anyone that comes into your brain, that’s camp. You take everything  you see and hear and you change it into prayer, and for the people whose time schedule has come, you give them the answer, so all you have to do is this.  If you’re doing this, it doesn’t mean you can’t work, you’re already there. You’re currently meeting people, but that’s how the devil will deceive you, “If you are doing that, when are you gonna study, when are  you going to work?” You’re doing it right now, you’re working and meeting people right now, and currently, you’re at school studying. You take everything you see and hear at school, and turn it into prayer. 

But the devil knows you so well. The devil stops you from praying no matter what . He’s gonna deceive you by putting thoughts in your head, “Oh how are we going to live constantly in prayer, that’s only what pastor’s do.” Everybody looks and hears and sees things, changing that into prayer is the way to save yourself and is the way to conquer your fields instead of being conquered by it. Everyone has a time schedule from God. That’s why Acts 2 says “On the day of the Pentecost” that means it doesn’t happen on a random day, there’s a time that God set.  

God does not work any day, God works up a day where he’s going to. That’s why every day, I’m maintaining my spiritual state.  Then without a doubt, God will create some kind of incident.  God will have people reveal  their problems to us because we have to give answers to their problems, and in  order for that to take place, you have to have good human relationships. You shouldn’t keep making problems because of money,  Satan is going to block you from ever giving the gospel to them. So you should always be sharing. 

If you’re ever trying to get more from the other person, then you’ll never have the opportunity to give the gospel, you should buy things for other people, you shouldn’t steal things from them; that should always be your attitude.  You guys should always be the first.  If you’re trying to gain something from someone else, then that’s going to be a headache. It’s the same thing for the church. Always your attitude should be to try and serve other people because God has prepared everything for you and is driving you forward. Same thing in the world, you have to lead the non-believe. 

So everything  you use your money for is for missions offering. What are you going to do, saving all your money? You’re just going to die on it. There’s someone who put all their money under their mattress and they died without being able to go to the hospital.  Imagine how foolish we become because God doesn’t give us His wisdom. We spend all of our money saving people and then we go. What are you saving it up for? It doesn’t matter. You just testify the gospel, you do missions and evangelism, and then you go. 

Do you think God is stupid? God is so accurate.  Even if we don’t calculate for ourselves, God already knows.  Save lives, that’s a missionary, you may not be able to go to another nation, but you’re a missionary in your field. So you have to remain within the field with a posture as a missionary. You’re living in an apartment, imagine how many lonely people there are during the holiday, spend your money to help them.  Imagine if you go to their apartment and give them some gifts, imagine how much their hearts would open to you.  But it doesn’t matter whether you go to church or not because you’re trembling and shaking, “I’m going to save all my money,” and that’s the environment.

You have to conquer your environment by devoting yourself first, but you’re spinning your wheels, never wanting to be in a rush with anyone, that’s why your field isn’t changing. Give Them Gifts. It doesn’t matter how they react. They know; you’re influencing them and you pray for them.  Then one day when they’re lonely or have a problem, they’ll come to you and that’s what God does.

It’s the same thing at your job, you don’t go to your job to do what you have to do, you’re not going to save the field that way. When you go into the field, you have to conquer it. If you’re always depressed, how are you going to save? There are so many things you can give without spending money, if you just pray for it, God gives it to you ,God makes it so that He opens up everyone else’s heart.  But everyone is just so focused on making sure they get their work done, they live for themselves, but this is an evangelist.  

In the important time, you give the answer. There are not many people like that, there are a lot of people who  go to church and there are a lot of people who do work and a lot of things, but not a lot of people who do this. Your region is your missions field, and God has given that to you, that’s your kingdom, God has already given. If you need money, God will work upon your business.  God has prepared everything for you, so just know this and go in. You have to have the posture of the summit.  

If you have the attitude of a slave, then you’ll be like kids nowadays “I don’t care, I don’t care,” you should care, yes.  You should care.  Because that’s the posture of the one who conquers the whole field. That’s the posture of a watchmen, and if you don’t have that thought, you’re not going to be able  to conquer, you’ll only be a slave.  So today, I hope you will hold to the covenant because America is a region that is connected to the 237 nations and world evangelization.  You need to have the posture of the one who will do world evangelization and pray that way, too.


Dear God thank you, you told us to conquer the land of Cannan you prepared for us. Give us the Holy Spirit so that with the faith you have given us allow us to conquer our fields. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

Let us pray for the festivals on Dec. 24th and 25th.  It’s Christmas Eve and I hope you will invite many people to the event. Invite them so they can hear the gospel. God doesn’t like it when we just gather by ourselves, He wants us to invite others.  Then on the 25th we have worship and there’s the final Sunday worship on the 26th.  For people of God, everything is worship. When you get married, that’s worship. When you die, that’s worship. When you move into a new house, that’s worship.  From beginning to the end, it’s worship. … so it’s all worship. So let us pray for that together.  

On Dec. 29, there’s the LA annual winter retreat.  Right now, instead of meeting at ICSC, we’re going to meet in each church in the region because the timing of the retreat is such that it’s hard to give rides to the kids.  We were about to have each church meet individually, but we decided to have multiple churches gather at a big church in the region, and after that, we will have a departmental meeting where, according to their age group, the message will be explained more accurately.

In the LA region, there will be four churches gathering at our church, and the three other churches joining us don’t have many remnants.  The message will be from 5-7pm, about 2 hours, and it will go into Wednesday night worship, so around then, we should give dinner to the remnants gathered at church, just some simple foods that the kids might like, snacks and hot dogs and drinks. 

Regardless, we have to spend a lot, we have to look for places to spend, because we have to give all this to raise the church for the next generation.  Then, that’s where you should serve as well.  Come together so we can worship together and listen to the message, and every time we gather like this, God works, so I hope you will know this and be led.  

Starting in January, we will be working more with the Navajo missions field.  For about 6-7 years, we’ve only been helping Sedona with prayer, and now we have an abundance of missions offering and we should be giving this out, so starting in January, we will begin supporting the Navajo missionaries.  For two years, our missions have been cut off because of COVID, but we will go to Navajo and Latin America in June.  There’s a missionary we’re communicating with, and in the summer, we want to go on a missions trip to Mexico with some adults and remnants.  Please pray for that, know the direction in which we’re being led.  Let’s pray for the missions field.  

We currently have plans to bring young adults from Karen to receive training here and to send them back to their field.  So, we want to train them through the church, through Remnant University, so they can be raised up as pastors. If they are sent to Remnant University alone, they will not understand the church, so by sending them as part of the church, they will understand the church as well. Please be aware of that and pray for Remnant University. RIght now, Tracy is in the Evangelism Disciple group and there’s a young adult in Karen that we want to send through the Evangelism Disciple group as well, so he can be a pastor in his field.

The Mongolian church has been worshiping downstairs for the last couple of years, and they were having a hard time worshiping because of the delta variant. I asked him, what about now? I listened to their opinions and they have many little kids, and all they have to do is invite the kids to join our elementary program in the morning, but they don’t, and I wondered why.  It’s because their kids come and our kids tease them. 

We have the departments prepared so we can bring kids in, but instead, they’re wandering around in the common areas and we can’t have an accident, so these are the areas in which we’re not quite clear on yet, so we’re staying still.  They can join us at any time, so these are areas that I’m regretting on a spiritual level, but right now, I’m just letting them be, I let them continue to worship without taking money from them. We have to go towards Mongolia missions so we have to give them a place to worship, and I believe that if you know the direction our church is being led and you pray along with us. We should always be prepared to worship at any time, but we should never block children from worshiping.  It’s this spiritual frustration.  If we can communicate on a spiritual level, we can give everything to them.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to see the answers of faith in the accurate covenant, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.


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