Changing our Imprint, Root, and Nature within the Flow of God’s Word and Plan for World Evangelization (Acts 1:14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Changing our Imprint, Root, and Nature within the Flow of God’s Word and Plan for World Evangelization (Acts 1:14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

The Bible verse for today is Acts 1:14. So this is talking about how all the church members gathered together and joined in prayer, but what were they praying for?  In other words, they were doing a prayer that had no choice but to get answers.  Are there prayers in which we will receive no answers?  There are no prayers that are left not answered because if God doesn’t give me an answer, that in itself is an answer.

What I want to share today is about the prayer that God has no choice but to give His answers.  It’s the same in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament.  For people who always receive answers, their prayer topic is different. So the two spies among the 12 spies were the ones who had an accurate prayer. It’s not that out of nowhere they just looked at the field and said, “That’s the answer I have to receive,” but these two spies were in prayer, holding onto God’s Word, and they realized that the field was the answer. But the 10 other spies, even though they had also received the answer, said that wasn’t the answer.  The 10 spies were in a different prayer, that’s the difference. 

The Early Church was in a stream where they had no choice but to receive answers and be used. With the same term “God,” the Israelites gathered in Jersualem but they didn’t have the correct answer, no matter how much they worshiped, they could not get answers.  No matter how much the spies moved around, they will not get answers. Why is that? 

What is the standard of the answers? It is not within me, but it is within God’s promise: God answers according to what He has promised. God said he will give us the land of canaan, people who hold onto that will receive that answer, but people who hold onto Egypt despite people saying, “Your answer is in Canaan,” even if they go to Canaan, they will not receive the answers. 

And so God came to the New Testament and gave us the answer of world evangelization, that you’ll be witnesses to the ends of the earth, but He gave this generally and so He told the disciples entirely to make disciples of all nations, and so to Mark He gave this general answer to go to all nations and heal them. And to Luke, there’s a general message to stay in this one place until the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and that’s the general answer. And in John, God gave the answer to Peter to “Feed My sheep.”

These are just people who gathered together with these  missions. That is why there is no choice but for God to work upon them and for them to be witnesses, and so these are the 70 disciples. And these 70 disciples must arise in order for us to go into the field. And so in order for the 70 disciples to arise, we have to realize what the gospel is.

Everyone knows generally who Jesus Christ is, but what does Jesus Christ have to do with my life? So the difference is “is Jesus Christ the conclusion to my life or not?” Only when Jesus Christ is the conclusion of our lives can we proclaim that the gospel entered into me. But if you say only 50% is completed, that’s only a half gospel, and so if you say 99% is completed but 1% is not, you’re still holding onto 99% of not-gospel.

You will still receive salvation because since you believe in Jesus Christ, you received salvation but it’s about whether Jesus Christ finished 100% of your problems, and that’s 100% gospel. You have to have this 100% gospel to receive your mission. If you have 99% gospel and 1% something else, you’ll still wander around trying to fill that 1% and it’s the same as in the Old Testament. Whoever has the Passover blood of the lamb can come out.  Why is it only the blood of the Passover Lamb? It is not our method but God’s method. It’s not just anywhere, but it’s Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman. Before the offspring of the woman comes, only by the blood of the Lamb can you be liberated.  

What happens when you apply the blood of the lamb? We will be liberated from disasters that have no choice but to come to us.  If we look in the Bible, we face these disasters and God explains why. God said to judge the gods that the Egyptians were worshiping, however, the Egyptians and the Egyptian gods were connected to the Nile. The Egyptians believed the Nile river to be a god because they gained their life water from it, and so when the Nile River turned into blood, it became a physical disaster for them.

In other words, God is breaking down the other things we have in our hearts, other than the gospel.  If we hold onto money other than God, God will break down that money to physically destroy us.  If we rely on people God will break down people as our answer in order for us to separate from that. So Satan makes us hold onto these things but that’s when we fall into curses disasters. And if you look in the Bible it explains all this. 

So the more you hold onto something else other than Jesus Christ is the answer to everything, the more Satan will work in you. But at the very least you will receive salvation since you painted the blood of the lamb.  But for the sin of murder, if you commit murder, that’s it, what else do you need?  But to those who apply the blood of the lamb, God will pass over that door.

We have come out of this, but   whether we have come out of this or not, God is testing us. That is why God is God tests us with the Red Sea, and also brings the Egyptian army from the back. The past self hasn’t been completed and keeps following after us. That’s what happens when you receive salvation, and Satan knows it so well. When your life is completed by Jesus Christ, Satan is completely destroyed.  

Satan deceives you with the problem of the Red Sea, but one person, Moses, completed that problem. Moses said “Look at the salvation God given to us,” these are the words of people who have been completed by the gospel. If you only have 99%, you’ll tremble in fear.  God is telling you with faith go forward, but without faith we cannot go forward.  Moses said, “Look at how God is fighting for us,” that means it has been completely finished. 

Who were able to see this? It was Joshua and Calbe who had that faith. It’s the same whether it’s the Old or New Testament.  But if you have not been completely finished by the gospel, you will still be floundering in the Red Sea because your life hasn’t been finished, and so you try to complete the Red Sea by themselves, but they’re still floundering in the Red Sea. If that problem passes by, other problems will pass by, problems about hunger and sleep and about what to wear, and looking at Moses, so because your life hasn’t been completed by the gospel, everything is a problem.

So for 40 years, they wandered around and couldn’t find the answer and died; they couldn’t even enter into the land of Canaan.  “What do you mean conquer the land of Canaan?” They weren’t able to find the answer so they were conquered by the land of Canaan, and this is the Word given to the church today.  Some people say it’s the answer, others say it’s a problem, because their life hasn’t been finished.  

Moses said “Look, it’s God’s answer, and look how God will accomplish it” but others say, “It would have been better to die in Egypt,” they are the ones who weren’t able to hold onto the answer.  So, when you come to church, you have to say these kinds of things in order to receive answers because we have to share these answers. If everyone knows the answer, the church can close. But for people who hold onto the answer, the wilderness contains all the answers because the wilderness is the place to change your imprint, root, nature.  That’s the people who have received the answer. 

But there are some people that think worship is a burden, “Why do we need worship?” these people enter into the land of Canaan, so for people who have this correct and accurate prayer, holding onto God’s Word, are able to enter into Canaan. People are always kind of anxious in their hearts, and that in itself is a kind of prayer.  People who hold onto God’s Word in their hearts is prayer.  Whether you open your mouth or not, it’s prayer if you pray in your heart, but it’s faster when you pray with your mouth.  When you pray its better to pray with your mouth open to change your imprint, root, nature. 

Thats why among the 12 spies, 2 spies held onto the accurate covenant and they held onto the prayer that had no choice but to receive answers, and that’s why God is the One Who conquers the land of canaan. Follow God’s Word and God will work. When we hold onto the word and pray, God will use us according to His will. We have to be within the flow of the Word, evangelism, and the time schedule. 

But instead of these flow, if we are in the flow of Genesis 3, 6, and 11, that’s the flow of disasters.  These people cannot overcome their own limitations, the answers come but they cannot receive these answers because they’re holding onto physical things.  But people who are within the flow of the Word, evangelism, and prayer, they are able to change their field. 

If we come back to the New Testament in Mark’s Upper Room, Jesus Christ is the answer to everything, can you believe that everything is finished when it hasn’t been finished? Problems come but it is finished, do you believe that? You have to be able to believe that through God’s grace.  So Exodus, everything has been finished, we’re already within the flow of going into the land of Canaan, the Red Sea has already been finished so it’s not a problem; we’re already in the flow of overcoming everything but we don’t believe, and we persist in the state of disbelief. We are in the flow of overcoming the land of canaan but we still continue to disbelieve.  

So it’s the same as saying “The Red Sea could part or not.” then you just go to heaven; you can’t communicate with these people.  However God has prepared these hidden disciples with whom we can communicate. There are prepared disciples in the field and we just have to speak these words. If you say the wrong words, disciples won’t bat an eye.  “Will we be able to evangelize?” Of course they cannot, they cannot go to the land of canaan if they ask, “Can we conquer the land of Canaan?”.

They enter the land of Canaan according to their faith. People who don’t have faith cannot enter the land of Canaan.  They don’t have the faith concerning evangelism and missions so they cannot enter. Without the faith of evangelism, they cannot evangelize. They know the Word evangelism but they don’t have faith, so they go according to their lack of faith.  So, evangelism does not take place. It goes according to your lack of faith and that’s why it doesn’t take place. 

God is absolute and God opened the doors of evangelism to those.  Coming into Mark’s Upper Room means they entered into the flow, but people who are not entering into the flow just have no choice but to stay out of the flow.  This is the field in which they are in the flow of the word, prayer and missions. So even if they have met Jesus Christ, if they are not within this flow, they cannot receive answers. 

So it’s the matter of importance concerning whether we are inside this flow. We have to be within the flow of God working in order for us to see God’s works.  It’s not a matter of trying out methods in which we can open people’s hearts, but God opens people’s hearts.  God softened Pharaoh’s heart.  If we don’t know this, then we would think for ourselves, “How could we possibly soften Pharaoh’s heart?” God is the one who opened Rahab’s heart, but we would think, “Maybe flowers can soften Rahab’s heart.”

People who are not within this flow will try to do it with their own methods.  America and world evangelization are within the flow of God because God has already promised it and we make disciples of all nations.  We know this but we don’t believe it, that means it’s not yours, and that means this person must always wander in the wilderness.  They are lost and don’t believe it.

Why don’t people believe it?  If the gospel doesn’t come into then completely they have no choice but to be like this. That’s why, from the beginning, you must completely understand the gospel.  If the gospel hasn’t come into them completely, they will flail around, being anxious and trembling, asking God to part the Red Sea.  They have no choice but to follow after Egypt

They have no choice but to be colonized by Rome because they don’t know Rome will fall, and it’s because they didn’t hold onto the promise that God’s Kingdom will be established. These people are colonized by America because they don’t hold onto the promise that America evangelism will take place, so they just have their mouths open and give up.  When they look at these nations, it looks so amazing that’s why they have no choice but to be captured. So these people are thinking, “America is so great,” and they just go. it’s the same situation where the Jewish were colonized by Rome.  

It’s amazing, but you have to be able to see that America is going to be destroyed by Genesis 3,6, and 11. People who hold onto the covenant that America and world evangelization will take place because God’s Kingdom will be established here, you have to believe that through America, 237 will take place, and these people will not be seized or conquered by America because they have this covenant.

it doesn’t matter how much you go to church, no matter how much you try hard, you must be if they come out of God’s Word, then they’ll go into the flow of the world and that’s how Satan deceives us with our thoughts and physical things. People are deceived in America with physical things and money, and it’s all good, but it’s impossible to escape and go into the stream of God’s Word, and as evidence that everything is falling into Satan’s stream, the churches are slowly disappearing.

Christ is slowly disappearing, but there are so many theological seminaries and churches and everyone says they’re Christian, but the standard remains within the flow of Genesis 3 ,6, and 11, so if even one person comes out of that and goes into word, prayer and evangelism they will be able to change the entire stream.

Today in Acts 1:14, it’s describing the flow in which God has no choice but to pour out His spirit and give answers. And we can change our own stream and the region’s stream. It’s the same for businesses, businesspeople they have to live and eat. That’s correct but not the center. Businesses must be used for 237 and world evangelization, but that doesn’t take place.  So within the stream of Genesis 3, 6, and 11, businesses may flourish, but that means they are completely trapped. They’ve been completely trapped in their success, and it comes as mental problems. Despite having money it’s no use, despite having a diploma, their problems aren’t solved, and that’s how their lives turn out.

And the Early Church seemed pitiful and very small to the people of the world, because according to law, they were people who had come from outside the law; in fact they are a minority because the law said not to believe in Jesus Christ but the members of the Early Church believed in Jesus Christ. There’s no advantage to them within this society, so why did the Early Church enter into this stream?  These are the people who properly believed in the Triune God.

They believing the fact that the triune God continues to have these three continuous flows and if we’re talking about a specific place, that’s mark’s upper room and that’s why God had no choice but to send people to that place. And according to God’s time schedule, the Holy Spirit began to work upon them and that’s when people started to enter. And that’s when the steam of the Word is relayed. 

So the church has no choice but to continue. Later on, in Acts 11, it continued and was relayed to Antioch. And the stream of the triune God continued onto Macedonia because there were prepared disciples in those regions. We have to find those disciples. And don’t hold onto that and do other things but rather, make them go inside of this flow. And in every region, there are these hidden disciples, so we have to discover them in each region 

When we pray, God is bound to work and He worked all the way to Macedonia. Because I’m inside this flow, God will work. And the same for people who work in business, their business will be used for God and the economy of light. And the words whether it works out or not are irrelevant. And it’s irrelevant, the words about whether we live or die; we must do one of them. And whether we have diseases or not, it’s useless. 

What’s important is “Am I in the stream of God’s work?” So think about the meeting you have with other people and realize, are you within the flow of the Triune God or within the flow of the world? The communication must be within the flow of the Triune God and that’s how we can change the flow. Even now, God is alive, we cannot see Him, but He gives us His Word and works accordingly.  Even now, God continues His ministry of salvation through evangelism and missions, and God continues to give us His Spirit through which we receive answers, and today, I’m giving this work, and God continues to be within this flow. 

And through YouTube, there will be hidden disciples who are inside this flow. It doesn’t concern me because God will be the One to do it. I don’t even have to say, “Come to worship,” because it will work according to what God has promised. Even though some people will say, “It doesn’t work out,” it will be too late. Satan says do whatever you want but life doesn’t work out that way but people have to confirm that it doesn’t work out and then come to church?  Then it’s too late.

If you’re old then it’s too late, but younger kids have more chance. If adults have businesses that fail a couple times, it’s hard. Doesn’t make sense for me to be a soccer player right now; it has to make sense. . No matter how much interest I have in soccer, my age exceeds that of a soccer player.  I cannot be at the very top at my age. It’s just a hobby, but it’s too late for an opportunity to rise up to the summit. But I’m saying that, people in their teens and 20s have this opportunity, so we have to make the remnants go into this accurate flow.

That’s why we have to raise these remnants as disciples. We are too old in age to rise up to the summit, so we must raise disciples to rise to the summit. We can do the spiritual summit. But that is my covenant to raise the disciples in their skills and specializations.  People who insist “I want to be a summit,” it’s too late.  Self-centered people think worship is a disadvantage but it’s actually going inside the flow. When they realize that, that their business doesn’t align, it will be relayed to the children but that is God’s plan. It’s good if the future generation raises up. That’s oneness. It’s not oneness if they’re only concerned with themselves and not the future generation. Their time schedule already passed, it’s now the time schedule to raise the future generation.

it’s too late for them to insist on doing something. We have to raise the children, and that’s the correct time schedule and way of thinking. They are fresh and young, they have so many things to do, it’s by grace they can play the piano and translate. They just seem to be doing things, but they’re going into the flow of the word and you’ll know later on. And it’ll come out in the future but later on I might not be here. 

When I was younger I received training, but now it comes to me as grace, and so when I came to training in America other people saw it as ludicrous because the person who came to colleges dropped out and started evangelizing.  All my friends thought, “Is he in some kind of cult? He’s not the kind of person to do this,” and my relative who is actually in a Korean cult asked, “Did you actually join this other cult?” And I had my friends who were respected officers, and they asked me “are you part of the Jehovah’s Witnesses?” because we went to places where many people gathered.  These police officers saw me as weird because I went to America just to pursue this.

All these people saw it was strange because it didn’t look like me.  I was just slightly seized, so it makes slight sense if I say I go to church but the fact that I became a pastor in itself is very shocking, and everyone thought that.  Even now my friends and colleagues don’t understand because my past actions were so shocking and different and contrasting and they are just able to see me through these sermons and say, “Wow, this guy turned out to be a pastor.” 

And the reason I’m saying this is because everyone thought I was great, because I was a businessman trying to climb the corporate ladder, but instead I came to America by myself, and that’s when God called me to do spiritual training. God made me let go of my physical things and made me focus on only spiritual things. And sometimes physically it was really hard because there’s a great difference. 

And so now I can see it was full of God’s grace because it was the time to change my imprint, root, nature, but at the time, I wasn’t able to see that.  At that time when I was seeing myself, I wasn’t liking the person I was becoming. But now I see that it was a really great blessing because if I hadn’t had the spiritual training, I would’ve had a tremendously hard time in America. But through God’s grace, I was able to experience this and I can see other pastors haven’t experienced this. 

And I was supposed to experience this as God’s servant, but I was only able to experience this once I came to America. So I’m just trying to explain that it’s a blessing. We don’t know right now but right now is the future. God is guiding us so that the present is actually the future, and you’ll see later on. You’ll be able to stand as a witness inside the flow of the Word, prayer, and evangelism.  As we go on, we have more assurance as we see ourselves, and as we listen to God’s Word as God’s servant. And we’ll be able to see the stream inside the New and Old Testament, and we’ll see God’s time schedule, and we will see where I am within the time schedule.  Because we see the time schedule, we can see someone else, and we can only know this because we accurately received God’s Word 

In the past, I couldn’t see this, and I was very conflicted,in other words I wasn’t able to see anything because I wasn’t in the flow I want able to understand the word about mission. But because I’m in the flow of word, prayer, and evangelism,I’m able to see the Bible and the present, and the present and the Bible are aligned, and that’s why mission is simple. I see the flow of the time schedule and I do it according to the time schedule.  

I now know what happens in the future because I see this flow, and in the past, I was anxious because I didn’t know, but it’s useless concern; right now is the future. But God cannot answer people who are seized by the past, because the past is right now.  People who are seized by the past cannot receive answers.  People who are liberated from the past can listen to the words of today.

The future is right now. Today is the future, the future is today, and we are inside that flow. That’s why we are going through the wilderness, but we’ve already conquered the land of Canaan. You must be able to understand this. World evangelization has already taken place, but because it hasn’t taken place, you say it hasn’t taken place, but the fact is everything is finished. The entire picture is already drawn out. And is Joseph who was called a slave knew about world evangelism so he wasn’t afraid. Because he has this flow, he wasn’t afraid. But if Joseph wasn’t able to see that big picture, he’ll question, “Why am I a slave?” 

If you go through the wilderness, you must see world evangelization through the wilderness. . So people who are stuck in Genesis 3, 6, and 11, they are stuck in the state of not being able to receive answers. But they are going inside it by themselves. By chance, they become governor, then they’ll just have a list of actions.  God is the One Who decided the position of governor for world evangelization. That’s why world evangelism through governor, through rice; famine is a foot stool. 

And you know everything that is to take place and you look at today, and even when you go to jail you won’t be afraid because you know this stream and can judge accordingly, and so you have to be able to see today with the Word.  The gospel already completed everything so world evangelism right now, today, at this time.  That comes to us by faith so we have no choice but to receive answers.  

To those who hear the word “evangelism” and don’t hold onto it, they won’t know when they receive this great answer. You’ll see that COVID, world evangelization, answer.  You’ll see God gave COVID for this answer. Ever since COVID the offering increased so much more. And during this time of COVID the church members have developed spiritually and I’m able to see that through this COVID, there’s a great answer, spiritually and physically.

It’s the same as in the time of Joseph and the Early Church. And we have to go already knowing that it’s been completed.  We just go walking that 237 and world evangelization have already been completed, and that’s why God will make them discover their talent early for the sake of world evangelism, the answer of specialization, because world evangelization is within them and God must work.

World evangelization is irrelevant to their lives and that’s why they wander in the wilderness.  For the Jewish people who were in Mark’s Upper Room and held onto the gospel a little bit, they will just wander around Mark’s Upper Room and they will not be able to reach Antioch.  You’ll be able to see the vision and dream when you become part of the Antioch Church that holds onto world evangelization, and they’ll be able to spout these words. And these two spies already told this repeatedly to their children. 

The ten spies listened to Moses’ words, but their hearts were not moved.  Because they went into the land of Canaan without their hearts moved, they faced the hurdle. It wasn’t out of nowhere, but it was like that since the beginning. The two spies had faith in the beginning so they saw the present with faith, and with this confession of faith, the 70 disciples must arise.  So the regional evangelism must be anew within this faith, and God will definitely work on the person with that work of faith. If you don’t have that faith, then God will work with that lack of faith. 


I pray that you will be able to enter into the Word of prayer through the evangelization of the region.  Let us pray for regional evangelism, and the evangelism of the 237 nations. Second prayer topic, we have evangelism school tomorrow, youth and young adults. And there’s the business message. Let us pray for the Sunday pulpit message. 

And we will pray for our field missionaries. So I’ve been having a regional church with a Hispanic family in Hollywood for a few years every Thursday. I send them the Spanish messages, and El Salvador and the spiritual region is very weird, and I know there is a hidden disciple to start El Salvador evangelization, so let’s pray for that. And because the children are able to see that their mother has changed through the gospel, God has connected us through this incident.

What’s important is to open this Hispanic person’s eyes, the mother accepted the Word but the mothers eyes must be opened for world evangelization. So I’m giving her the message that she must relay this Spanish Gospel Letter because there’s someone bound to have their spiritual eyes opened in El Salvador. That’s what it means to train disciples and open their eyes in the field. So that this person can work in other fields having their spiritual eyes opened, but this person must realize that their evangelism field is not just in El Salvador, but also in their home regional church and everywhere.

So when you relay the message, you must also relay the eyes to see the field and the hidden disciples. Likewise you must do this to your side please have in your regional churches. It’s not just one-on-one training, but rather, God has prepared this person in order to share it to many people.  It is through this one person but it will be spread to many fields.  You must first relay the message to the family field, so they can spread it to their family and close friends and relatives, and that’s how the field will open and the Holy Spirit works, and no matter how old that person is, that shows how many more children she has.  You can’t just see a security guard as a security guard, but the security guard meets with so many important people and  you have to have the eyes to see that and the disciple must have the eyes to save other people, so let’s pray for El Salvador. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, to all your people and remnants who are within the three streams, upon all the heads of the business people and the studies be with us now and forever more. Amen. 

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