Category: [ Wednesday Night ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Forsake Your Idols (Judges 10)

Today, we will share the Word of God with Judges 10 and 11.  The age of Judges was an age where they did not have a proper king raised up.  Last week in Judges, the Israelites were asking God to raise a king for them, but the way Israel is supposed to be governed is…
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Gideon as Leader (Judges 8:1-35)

You need to understand the context of Judges to understand today’s passage.  Israel was influenced by the culture of idolatry, they were worshiping idols and suffering for a long time. They would ask God for forgiveness, and God would restore them through a judge, and this was the repetitive cycle.  So, from this passage, we…
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The LORD Who Fights the Battle (Joshua 7:1-26)

Today, we will share the Word of God with Joshua 7.  The book of Joshua is about the war to conquer Canaan, and the war that we have today is the war to conquer Satan.  We need to know that our war is to conquer Satan in order for the Word of God to be…
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Conquer Jericho with God’s Power (Joshua 6:1-27)

The first battle is the battle of Jericho, and it’s the most important point in the battle of conquering. After the fortress of Jericho, there are dozens of people in alliance in the land of Canaan.  They are solidified in an alliance where, if one nation is broken down, all the other nations will band…
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Winning the Spiritual Battle in Canaan (Joshua 5:1-15)

I hope you and I will hold onto God’s accurate covenant through today’s scripture, Joshua 5.  Joshua 5 is telling us about the things we must secure before we go into the war of conquest in Canaan.  In the very last verses of Joshua 4, God is explaining to us the goal with which we…
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The Covenant that Leads Across the Jordan and Beyond (Josh. 4:15-24)

Today we will share the grace of God’s Word with the last portion of Joshua 4.  The entire Bible is the Word of God. Why do we have to listen to the Word of God?  We must be able to understand this part first.  John 1:1 says that God Himself is the Word.  That is…
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The Commemorative Blessing After Crossing the Jordan (Joshua 4:1-24)

Speaking accurately, if God’s Word doesn’t become the main driving force of my life, we have no choice but to live a life of failure.  Nothing in our lives is bound to work out. The work of salvation given to us in Gen. 3:15 by way of the offspring of the woman crushing the head…
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Faith that Crosses the Jordan (Josh. 3:14-17)

Wednesday Message – May 3, 2023 Title:  Scripture: Joshua 3:14-17 We will share the grace of God’s Word today with the middle section of Joshua 3.  The content of the book of Joshua was when they were about to go in and conquer the land of Canaan.  We are far beyond that time schedule.  The…
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