Category: [ Sermon ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Peace of the Commissioned One (John 20:19-23)

For us to be one with God, it means we have completely given ourselves up to the Lord. That’s what it means to be in Jesus, then His peace will come to us. Let us bless one another, Happy Mother’s Day. I hope that all the people worshipping out of state, in their homes, and…
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Witness of the Resurrection, Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)

Problems come because you are seized by yourself. You can never escape from that unless you entirely believe in God, like Mary Magdalene who received incredible grace. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. I pray that the blessing and grace of God be overflowing in the…
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People who Participated in The Gospel of Jesus Christ (John 19:31-42)

There are many people who go to church and are still thirsty. It’s not that they don’t know Jesus Christ but they don’t know a life that is with Jesus. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. I pray that the great blessing of God, physical, mental,…
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It Is Finished (John 19:30)

This is what it means for everything to be finished: all my problems have been finished on the cross, there is nothing that is a problem to me.  Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  Let the great blessing of God, especially the spiritual and physical blessings,…
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The Passover Lamb – Jesus Christ (John 19:1-16)

The Passover means that disasters have passed over you. But why do these disasters happen in the first place? I haven’t done anything wrong, so why are there disasters? What is the solution? Let us bless one another. Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. May this be the time of God’s…
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Witnesses of the Resurrection (Luke 24:36-53)

All other religions talk about living good and diligent lives; however, the central ideology of Christianity is resurrection after death. When we become witnesses of that, it is the greatest thing. Let us bless one another, Happy Easter. Let the blessing of the resurrection be upon the individuals and families worshipping in the church, in…
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Everyone on the Side of Truth Listens to Me (Jn. 18:28-40)

Jesus Christ said that the reason why He came as the King is to testify about the truth, that everyone who is on the side of Truth listens to Jesus. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.  I hope that the great grace of God will be…
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Not My Will But God’s Will (John 18:1-11

Our bodies, intelligence, and money, everything we have needs to be used as a holy weapon to glorify God.  God has told us that we must use this as a holy weapon, not to save ourselves and kill other people, but to save other people.   Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the…
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