Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

First, the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)

First There is something we must seek first. Are your lives tangled up right now? You have to be in the right order; you must live your life in the proper order. Today’s Bible verse says, first seek God’s Kingdom Kingdom Seek God’s Kingdom first. We said this during the pulpit message, but the “kingdom”…
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The Prayer that God Desires (Matthew 6:5-15)

It is not my glory but God’s glory. It’s not the things I desire for my glory, but what God desires for His authority and glory to be revealed.

The Spiritual Training to Overcome All Things to Save the World (Philippians 4:13)

But Paul says, “I have learned the ability to overcome all these things in power.” What do you think that is? It is within the Word of Christ

Life Abiding in the Power of the Lord (John 15:1-7)

In order for me to live a life abiding with Christ, I must first understand my relationships properly.   For people who are first beginning their walk of faith, what exactly is our walk of faith? Or for people who have been living their walk of faith but suddenly feel like there is no God, we…
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Guided by the Word to Go into the Field with My God-Given Talents to Save Lives (Numbers 8:1-13)

We’ll have the time to share the Word of God in Numbers 8.  The overall content of Numbers is where the Israelites set up a strategy to conquer Canaan.  Moreso than the actual numerical strategy, the greater spiritual content is important.  It means it’s not doable with human strength.  That is why they are emphasizing…
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Lifestyles of the Evangelist (62) – Eternity

Reference Verses Romans 16:27 1 Thessalonians 2:19 Daniel 12:3 Matthew 10:40-42 Isaiah 40:8

Joseph: Led by the Covenant and the Word to Save the World (Genesis 45:5)

Even if Joseph was a very upright or correct person, he would destroy himself, “It’s unfair for me because of these problematic people,” and they’re correct, but no matter how upright he may live, they will both fall.  The Bible doesn’t say that; instead, no matter what, go into the covenant.  Joseph made this confession…
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My Restoration and Mission (John 21:15-23)

The Lord desires for you to restore these scars so you will align yourself with the mission of the Lord. You need to escape your scars because you cannot do anything by your own standards. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. I pray that the amazing…
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