Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How to Be Successful in Worship (Numbers 14:1-10)

Worship involves coming in advance to control the spiritual environment. If you have success in worship, you will have success in your life in the future. … Ultimately, that person will become food for Satan. That’s why we see the Word from the pulpit message says they were given a new covenant because they couldn’t…
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The Seven Journeys – Ten Mysteries, Five Assurances, and Nine Streams

10 MysteriesIndependence, Spiritual Facts, Opposite Side, Synergy, Crisis – Opportunity, No Competition, Re-Creation, Summit, Wilderness – Desert, Absolute? 10 Foundations 5 Assurances 1 John 5:11-19, 24 (Salvation) – Life John 16:24 (Answers Prayer) 1 Corinthians 10:13 (Victory) – Forgiveness of Sin (1 John 1:9) Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6) 9 Streams 3 Knowledge Height, Width, Depth Above,…
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Can You Control Your Heart? (Proverbs 4:21-27)

Can you control your heart?  If you think you cannot control your own heart, then what do you have to do?  You have to give your heart to someone else.  Some people try to have their hearts controlled by books, in other words, they read books written by really good people and they want those…
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The Spiritual State of Your Thoughts and Heart Determines Your Life (Jeremiah 31:31-34)

How can you reign over your own life? God must reign over my heart and my spiritual state to resolve the scars and diseases of my heart. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I pray the blessing of Word fulfillment will be upon all the individuals…
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Do World Evangelism With the Covenant God Gave to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

We will share the Word of God regarding Abram.  Prior to Abraham being called, the Bible records many things.  In Genesis 3, it talks about how God created Adam and Eve and how their son Cain was cursed because he failed in worship.  Cain killed his brother Abel and God gave Seth as Abel’s replacement.…
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Have I Received the Filling of the Holy Spirit?

The result of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that you will boldly testify and boast of Jesus Christ.  Let us read Galatians 5:22-26.  Last week we received, “What is the filling of the Holy Spirit?” and this week, we are asking, “Have I received the filling of the Holy Spirit?”  Being filled with…
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Lifestyles of the Evangelist – 10 Platforms of Faith

God’s Absolute Sovereignty (1 Chronicles 29:10-14) God’s Method – Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3-10) (Blessing) God’s Work – Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17) God’s Word – Authority of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:14-17) God’s Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16) Mission Field/Region (Genesis 39:2-4) Authority over Life, Death, Blessings, Curses (Psalm 139:1-10) Limited Life (Hebrews 9:27) Eternal Afterlife (Revelation…
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My Gospel: Connecting God’s Plan to My Life (Romans 16:25-27)

Did you all have a good lunch?  Even if you don’t pray, you eat because you have a system for eating. It’s good if you make a habit of praying as well.  Should we try breathing for a long time?  Pull your butt to the front of the seat instead of leaning back; it’s better…
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