Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Mission

Let us begin the 21 lifestyles of the evangelist.  Please work at this time so the word may become our imprint, root, and nature. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. This is the time schedule of God where we must be led well.  In the past, we used to think that if…
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Jesus Christ, the Master Who Gives Rest to My Softened Heart (Matthew 11:28-29)

Those who do not go to Jesus Christ are weary and burdened.  It’s not just about people who go to church, but Jesus Christ becomes their Master. It’s not that you disappear, but Jesus Christ becomes your master and you live by faith.  You must believe that God will use you and your studies for…
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A Sabbath in which One Rests from Their Work (Heb. 4:1-10)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  I hope that the great grace of God and blessing will be upon all the individuals and families that are worshipping in the church, in their homes, and especially out of state.  The title of today’s message is from Hebrews…
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The Antioch Church Called by God to Proclaim Only Christ (Acts 13:1-4)

Today’s main scripture reading was a very important thing that happened to the church of Antioch. Before the Antioch Church, there were the people of the mark’s upper room church, that’s the Early Church.  And the same works that took place in Mark’s upper room took place in the church at Antioch, so the same…
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Powerful Prayers that Receive Answers (James 5:13-18)

God can answer my prayers because he is a God of power. George Muller, who had received over 50,000 answers, prayed for the salvation of two friends for 60 years. One returned to God right before Muller’s death, and the other returned to God after  he had died. When we begin an important work with…
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Be the One Who Resolves Problems in the Church and Save the 237 Nations (Numbers 20:1-13)

I hope that the grace of God will be upon all of you with the grace of Numbers 20.  The book of Numbers talks about the time period of preparation before entering into the land of Canaan.  What is it that they must prepare? Of course, it is their faith, and they have to prepare…
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Life of the Evangelist – Calling

It is most important that everything is finished.  Because it’s finished, you have to confirm this as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  But if you don’t believe it’s finished, then either you have to try to finish the valley of the shadow of death yourself, or you collapse.  In an…
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The Reason for a Double Portion of Spirit (2 Kings 2:9)

Ask for a double portion of the Holy Spirit, “Fill me with the Spirit of God,” that’s how you remnants can save your families.  I will fight against the idols because the Word says to not worship idols, instead I will only worship God.  There are people like this, even in today’s age, there are…
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