Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Knowing the Image of God to Know People (Gen. 1:27-28)

The Triune God created us in God’s image. You can only do things within God’s Image.  We live communicating with God, we cannot be by ourselves.  We are those who live according to God’s will, that’s the Word and prayer.  The only way to communicate with God is through the Word of God and prayer.…
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The People of Faith with the Mission of the Age (Heb. 11:32-40)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  I hope that the unprecedented, never repeated blessings of God be upon the individuals and families that are worshiping in the church, especially out of state, and in their homes. Hebrews 11 is talking about the content of faith.  This…
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Changing our Imprint, Root, and Nature within the Flow of God’s Word and Plan for World Evangelization (Acts 1:14)

The Bible verse for today is Acts 1:14. So this is talking about how all the church members gathered together and joined in prayer, but what were they praying for?  In other words, they were doing a prayer that had no choice but to get answers.  Are there prayers in which we will receive no…
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Testify the Power of God’s Word (1 Peter 3:14-22)

Today’s title is, “Testify the Power of God’s Word.” You may know a person from their physical attributes, but once you hear their words, that’s how you know their inner state, and if you want to know more about a child, you just have to observe their parents.  So the words contain all of the…
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Go into the Prayer that Sets Your Imprint, Root, and Nature in God’s Covenant (Deut. 1:1-18)

Starting from today, we will start the book of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy is the last part of the Pentateuch that Moses wrote, and Deuteronomy is the collection of three lectures that Moses gave. Deut. 1-4 is a lecture of the history of the Israelites, wandering through the wilderness.  The second part of Deuteronomy, Deut. 5-28, is…
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Spiritual Strength and the Blessing of the Throne (3, 9, 3)

First and foremost, the kids need to have spiritual strength.  These kids grew up receiving the Word of God, but if they don’t have spiritual strength, it’s like a phone that is out of battery.    Spiritual strength is enjoying the blessing of the Throne of Heaven, the blessings of the Triune God with me.  If…
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7 Journeys – 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams, 5 Basics

God is Three in One. Even right now, God is fulfilling His Word. Even right now, Christ is doing the ministry of salvation, and the Holy Spirit is working.  Being a child of God means we go into the stream of the word, Salvation, and the Holy Spirit, and our authority is now given to…
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Faith in Salvation and Baptism to Conquer (Romans 6:13-14)

We understand the Word of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Maybe it would be better if it were easily explained, but the Bible can only be understood through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Because the Bible was written by people inspired by the Holy Spirit, so even when we read the…
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