Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The King of All Nations, Jesus Christ (Matt. 2:1-12)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented and never-repeated blessings be upon you today.  I don’t think God ever meant to tell us, “Do your very best to live your walk of faith.”  He’s told us to believe with all of our strength, but…
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For Christ to Hit Your Heart (Isaiah 60:18-22)

We have listened to the first, second, and third lectures of the World Remnant Conference.  I remember that Isaiah 60 was in the first, second, and third lectures.  Everything in Isaiah 60 was a prophecy about the future.  It is God’s promise that you may be taken as captives to Babylon now, but He will…
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How Will You Transform the Field (Acts 8:4-8)

Todays title is How will you transform the field? So the field is talking about the field in the world. If you look at the field in the world we are trapped by the time space and also the physical things. And we cannot overcome these green elements. We cannot overcome time, we live bound…
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The One Who Follows the Covenant (Deuteronomy 10:1-11)

We will share the grace of God’s Word together with Deuteronomy 10.  Since Deuteronomy 6, the second generation of the Israelites to imprint this word in their hearts yet again.  God is invisible, and the way He comes into our heart is by imprinting, rooting, and making the Word into our nature in our hearts. …
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Life of the Evangelist 62 Points – Mission

My daughter’s friend’s dad is an assistant pastor.  Last Sunday, her friend had a birthday party so I took her all the way to Orange County, but I had to go to Portland the next day.  He is an assistant pastor in a church in Orange County, and he graduated from Talbot, and he runs…
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True Healing from Spiritual Diseases (Matt. 8:17)

Those are the newsworthy events we hear every few months.  I went to Portland recently and met a white guy who used to be a pastor. I heard it through another pastor, that there were so many incidences that the police don’t even know about, including sexual assault and drug dealing. The news was confirmed…
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Jesus Christ Who Came According to the Word (Matt. 1:18-25)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  God has given us a new day today, and I pray that the new grace of God will be upon you today. What God has planned is different from our thoughts and our hearts.  We think of the things of…
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Arise and Shine (Isaiah 60:1-9)

Today we will share the grace of God with Isaiah 60.  Isaiah is the book of prophesy in the old testament. Any time the nation was going through a disaster, God  would send his word through a prophet. Whenever the people of God are in a crisis, God works strongly with His Word.  Isaiah was…
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