Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Save Your Region as the Spiritual Watchtower (Deuteronomy 21:1-9)

We will share the grace of God today with the content of Deut. 21.  It says in Deut. 21:1, “In the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess.”  When we take over the land of Canaan, we are bound to fight a battle. It seems like the Israelites are the ones fighting…
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The 3,9,3 Again

God, we thank You.  May the 62 points of the life of the evangelist become our life.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 3, 9, 3 Last week, we went over 3, 9, 3, and we have to go over it again because we are doing one heart, whole heart, continuation. Why…
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God’s Work (Jn. 6:29)

Even though you come to church and work, you fail.  That’s also the reason why you go out into the world and do multiple works, and you still stumble.  God’s work is for us to believe in the works Jesus has done.             1. Faith 1) Jesus = Christ 2) God’s Work 3) John 19:30…
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The Fruits of the Narrow Gate, Narrow Road (Mt. 7:13-23)

Let us bless one another, “Happy Thanksgiving Day.”  At this time, it is not only us who are receiving the message, but this message is being broadcasted and interpreted in real-time to El Salvador in Spanish, and when we translate the messages, yes we do need a translator, but we also need someone to research…
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The Covenant of God Being With Us Never Changes (Daniel 6:10)

The content of Dan. 6:10 is Daniel who prayed, facing the Temple of Jerusalem, three times every day, in thanksgiving.  Daniel was a very successful proconsul who served four kings.  Even if the remnants don’t hold onto the word of success, if God raises them up, they’re bound to be raised up.  However, success that…
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Feed My Lambs (John 21:15-18)

The title of today’s word is, “Feed My Lambs.”  This is the content after Jesus Christ resurrected and requested this of Peter.   Introduction He’s not saying that Peter needs to fulfill this work, but instead, He’s asking, “Do you know this and do you believe in it?”  We need to know the direction God has…
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The Spiritual Battle in Canaan (Deuteronomy 20:1-20)

I hope to share the grace of Deut. 20 with you today.  Deut. is God giving them the word again of what they should l do once they get into Canaan.  Then, what kind of land is Canaan?  What kind of land is America?  If you analyze this incorrectly, you’re going to go into the…
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The Spiritual Battle in Canaan (Deut. 20:1-20)

I hope to share the grace of Deut. 20 with you today.  Deut. is God giving them the word again of what they should l do once they get into Canaan.  Then, what kind of land is Canaan?  What kind of land is America?  If you analyze this incorrectly, you’re going to go into the…
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