Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

If you have faith, you receive these answers.  Remain for a longer while to hear these words; if you leave early, you cannot listen.  We continue the life of the evangelist. I repeatedly talk about the introduction, the fundamental and absolute problem. Angel – Sin – Satan 1 John 3:8 says the one who does…
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The Absolute Problem the World (America) Does Not Know (Acts 16:6-18)

I think a lot of people are sleepy in the afternoon so I opened the window. Why did I open the window?  So that the people who are sleeping will do deep breathing with me.  If there is somebody continuously having splitting headaches, it is without a doubt for lack of oxygen and it’s also…
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Jesus Christ Who Saves the Fundamentals (Mt. 9:18-34)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the blessing of Christ be upon you today as well.  The Word we are hearing about today is all about healing.  The first work of healing is the girl who was dead, and the second was a woman with…
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What is the Covenant (Matt. 1:23)

Hello!  So, I was praying about what the remnants need to hear because I didn’t want to just say things that weren’t relevant to them.  I was thinking to myself, the remnants always say things like, “I want to hold onto the covenant and hold onto the gospel,” but how many remnants actually know what…
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Life Healing (Matt. 12:25-45)

Life Healing (Matthew 12:25-45) Main 1. Limitations of Religion 1) Ideology of Church Authority 2) Legalism – Me 3) Positivity, Piety, Diligence 2. Limitations of Idol Worship 1) Worship Images (Exodus 20:4-5) 2) Ideology of Idolatry, Human Rights, Individualism Students are educated with this and don’t know whether this is right or wrong.  Children who…
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The Power of the Covenant that Conquers Canaan (Deut. 29:1-13)

The content we just read in Deut. 29 is the sermon that Moses gave to the second generation of Israelites going into Canaan.  In Deut. 29:1, it talks about Mount Horeb where the covenant was given to the first generation of Israelites during the Exodus.  I’m sure you can tell from today’s verse, and others,…
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Evangelist’s Life – Heavenly Mandate, Calling, and Mission

The life of the evangelist talks about the answers for our lives. If these answers are not apparent in our lives, we must know the invisible problems and how to solve them. Depending on our spiritual state, life’s answers follow. Satan, Sin, Hell If we are constantly in the state of sin, curses follow, and…
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Blocked Paths are Turning Points (Ac. 16:6-10)

Introduction Unbeliever – Gen. 3:5 God You have to remember one thing, the action from where you are placed in the seat of God, you try to go through these things, but at this time, you have to enjoy the gospel.  Jesus – Master If God blocks a path, it means God has another path…
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