Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Bartizan of Light (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Because the Light has already come, arise and shine.  The moment I accept Jesus Christ, that’s when the light has come Intro 1.. Satan 1) Gen. 3:5 Deception Gen. 6, 11 We continue to be deceived, so we’re afraid, and this fear is about the darkness that we were in before Christ.  We have been…
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Follow the Word While in Canaan (Josh. 1:10-18)

Today we are going to receive God’s grace regarding the scripture, Joshua 1:10-18.  Joshua was the next leader after Moses, and he was raised up to be the leader.  The Israelites were wandering the wilderness for 40 years, they were first captured by Egypt, but they were liberated by the Passover blood of the Lamb. …
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Imprint (Psalm 23:1) – Blessing of Christ

Imprints are very important. Scars also come from imprints.  As you live your life, whatever has been imprinted in you moves your life.  If you’re imprinted with the word of God, you will live in that way. Problem Satan, sin, and separation You can either solve money problems or endure, but you can’t solve these…
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Enjoying Christ’s Rest (Rom. 1:1-7)

We will be sharing the upcoming Remnant Day message in Romans 1.  Romans is a letter that Paul sent to a church in Rome. 66 – God’s Word John 1:1 – Covenant If God’s Word doesn’t reside in me, I’ve failed worship and that person will live according to their own level.  Then, God’s Word…
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Jesus Christ Gives the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-13)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” May this be the time when you receive the true rest and peace in heaven. I think the greatest words mankind has are: hard work, diligence, earnestness; however, if God exists, I think those words should change for…
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Tiff’s Spiritual System

Hello, I don’t really give a message, I give my testimony. Today I will be sharing with you, “Tiff’s Spiritual System.”  My spiritual system is always Word, Prayer, and Evangelism.  We always hear those words all the time, but I will tell you what it means to me and how it applies to my life. …
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3, 9, 3 Prayer (Gen. 1:27, 2:7, 2:18)

1. Original Man 1) Gen. 1:27 God’s Image (Life) = Jesus Christ (Life)  =/= Sin, Death Gen. 1:28 Conquer, Rule Over 2) Gen. 2:7 Breath of Life = Holy Spirit Nostril 3) Gen. 2:18 Rule Over, Conquer = Answer Field (Family, Work) Mankind was created in this stream.  It’s very important.  You have to properly…
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Holding onto the Word in Canaan (Josh. 1:1-9)

We will start the book of Joshua today. After Moses passed away, there was a Remnant leader that was raised up, and his name was Joshua. God relayed His Word through Joshua. God is His Word. Where is God? We cannot see Him. God is the one who reigns over all. Moreso than where is…
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