Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Doctor to Heal the 237 Nations

God is the One Who calls the Remnants and believers.  Even the church is established by God.  If that is so, then the pastors are raised by God as well.  So if you carefully listen to the Word just a little bit and pray just a little bit, you’ll uncover important things, you’ll uncover the…
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World where Satan Became the Master After Losing the Gospel (John 16:14-24, 2 Corinthians 4:4-5, John 8:44)

I’m very pleased to meet you.  There are many cases where we receive reports from people, and when I listen to those reports, there are some people who explain very calmly from the beginning, and it’s very lengthy. Those who give good reports aren’t like that, they begin with the main point, and as time…
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I Have Overcome the World (John 16:25-33)

When the Lord says, “I have overcome this world,” you must know what this world is. If you don’t know the world, then how do you know what has been overcome?

Hold onto the Word and have a Time of Concentration (Acts 1:4)

Let us read Acts 1:14 together.  “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.”  We’re going to use this verse, Acts 1:14, to focus on the word, “concentration.”  The people who gathered in Mark’s Upper Room in Acts 1 were people who concentrated…
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If you want to experience the power of Jesus (Matthew 8:1-4)

Let us look at Matthew 8:1-4 and let us read in one voice.   The title of today’s Word as well as the healing evangelism message title is, “If you want to experience the power of Jesus.”  This is the message we must give to either new believers or people in the field who require spiritual maturation…
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The Spiritual State of Worship (Leviticus 23:1-8)

Today we’ll share the Word of God with Leviticus 23.  Leviticus is a book given to the Israelites after they escaped the age of slavery of 430 years. The reason they were enslaved was because of the message.  The land of Egypt is a nation of the world; however, what was their spiritual standing?  Anytime…
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