Category: [ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those Who have Seen the Important Things (Deuteronomy 4:1-13)

Every Saturday, we receive the headquarters’ pulpit Sunday message, and so, since a few years back, I started to write down that message in my prayer journal.  At first, those notes would go beyond 10 pages and on Saturdays, I would be so busy.  One day, something came to me, and it wasn’t my goal…
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21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Mission (Isaiah 6:13)

What is the goal and reason for our lives?  It is missions and evangelism, and the goal we have is world evangelization. The reason Pastor Park continuously goes through the evangelist’s lifestyle isn’t so that you can listen to a lecture and leave.  Especially in the evangelist’s lifestyle, he talks about the 62 points and…
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God Who always Works through His Word (John 1:1-5)

When you guys read the Word, the Holy Spirit works.  Otherwise, there’s no need for God to give us just another book.  For people who are successful in their walk of faith, they listen to worship with great intent; however, they need to base their faith in the Bible, otherwise you will not grow, you…
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Matthew 26:36-46

Part 1 Part 2

Not My Will But God’s Will (John 18:1-11

Our bodies, intelligence, and money, everything we have needs to be used as a holy weapon to glorify God.  God has told us that we must use this as a holy weapon, not to save ourselves and kill other people, but to save other people.   Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the…
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Oneness That Is In God (John 17:20-26)

Good evening, everyone.  To all the remnants listening on the broadcast and to their families, hello.  The title for today’s message is, “Oneness That Is In God.”  What do you think “oneness” means?  When you ask the people of this world, “What does it mean to be One?” What do you think the answer will…
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