Category: [ Friday Night ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Align Your Studies and Work Diligently with God’s Word, to Constantly Enjoy the Blessings of the Throne in All Things (Rom. 8:28)

So God is working in all things and I need to look for that. If God gave me the Word, then I’m looking for God’s plan in everything.   Today we will receive the word from Romans 8:28, and we will be talking about “with, Immanuel, oneness.”  God created the heavens and the earth, so we…
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The Remnant’s Blessing of a Double Portion of Spirit to See and Heal the 3 Fields With God’s Word (2 Kings 2:9-11)

2 Kings 2:9-11 was the main scripture passage of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd RCA messages.  I want to share with you the most fundamental word we received from RCA.  The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd messages of RCA had the main scripture as 2 Kings 2:9-11, and even though this is in the Old Testament,…
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The Perfect Way Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:1-18)

Hello everybody. The title of our pulpit message was The Perfect Way Jesus Christ. And I have a question for you. What does perfect mean? Before we talk about what perfection means, if you want to take notes, make sure your paper is this way because we are going to be using this aspect ratio.…
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Believe in God’s Word in the Field to Save the Field (Acts 13:48)

Acts 13:48 talks about all those who are destined to receive eternal life, believed.  To what extent do we have to know God?  Yes, we need to know the God Who saved me, but we also need to know how God is moving me out in the field in order to know God.  I think…
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Pray Together to Receive God’s Grace to Make the Confession of Matthew 16:16 and be a Witness of God’s Work

May the answer of the members of Mark’s Upper Room who met in Acts 1:14 in prayer be the answer given to you. I hope that today will be a time where you confirm through the word of God, if this is your time schedule or if this is another time schedule.  The time schedule…
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Enjoy the Works of the Holy Spirit within the Covenant (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7, Hebrews 4:12)

We will share the grace of God with three Bible verses today. There are many promises in the Bible.  Because God knows that none of our IQ is over 300, God continues to repeat the most important Word in the Bible.  To summarize the entirety of the Bible, these are words regarding Jesus Christ.  In…
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Pray to Have the Correct Start to Have the Proper Walk of Faith in Christ (Acts 1:1, 3, 8, 14)

Today we read four verses.  The verses are short, but I hope these verses become edited and imprinted into your life.  What does it mean to be edited in your life? It’s not just to know it with your head, but it’s talking about organizing the message.  Just like the Three Feasts were organized in…
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Jesus Christ is the King of Righteousness and Peace (Hebrews 7:2)

Today’s title is, Jesus Christ is the king of Righteousness and Peace. Remnants, we received the pulpit message that Jesus Christ is the King of Righteousness and the King of Peace that everybody needs.  Everybody needs.  Some of you guys, upon hearing this, may be thinking, “What? Why?” That’s what I want to talk to…
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