Category: [ Friday Night ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Seek the Things Above to Correctly Understand God as an Evangelist (Colossians 3:1-6)

It is very important where I am. Before it is about what I do, it is about where I am. There are some people who are constantly seeking for other people’s help. It’s because that is where that person is, there are other people who are constantly helping others, it is because they are in…
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The Spiritual Training to Overcome All Things to Save the World (Philippians 4:13)

But Paul says, “I have learned the ability to overcome all these things in power.” What do you think that is? It is within the Word of Christ

God Will Allow Me to do Evangelism and Missions Through My Talents (Romans 16)

Romans 16 is the last part of Paul’s letter to the church of Rome and he wrote down the names of all the church officers, and God was planning to do world evangelization through the nation of Rome.  All the people’s names recorded in this chapter are the people who found the plan and mission…
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God’s Covenant that Continues to Show us the Blessing of Our Mission (Acts 9:15)

Acts 9:15 was the plan God gave to Paul for the rest of his life as soon as Paul met Jesus Christ. I think it’s different for every person. Whenever God calls any person, He calls them with a plan. And when God raises a church, He raises it with a plan. When God raised…
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Peace in the One Who Has Been Commissioned (John 20:19-23)

Good evening everyone. It’s good to see everyone tonight.  So, the title of today’s message is, “Peace in the One Who Has Been Commissioned.”  We have all been commissioned by God, then we are people of God. If we have been commissioned, then as people of God, we have a different purpose in life.  As…
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How David Prayed Because He Knew God (Psalm 5:1-12)

This is a psalm of David.  Ever since David was little, he wrote psalms and achieved great feats like defeating Goliath.  Even later on, he became the greatest king of Israel, even though did commit his sins and make mistakes.  When you look in the Bible, you know David became a king and then he…
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Doing World Evangelization with One Heart, Moving According to God’s Covenant (Acts 1:14)

Today, we read about the Early Church that began doing world evangelization.  The full-fledged world evangelization movement took place through the Antioch Church but this Early Church founded the Antioch Mission Church.  There is a characteristic of the Early Church. It said in today’s verse that they joined together constantly in prayer, and it’s important…
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Antioch Church: Overcoming Everything by the Gospel to do World Evangelization (Acts 11:19-21)

When you look at Acts 11, it’s talking about the background of how the Antioch Church was built. This isn’t something that just arises; this was an incident that took place according to God’s time schedule.  In the Old Testament, God has been constantly talking about Jesus Christ who is to come, die and resurrect,…
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