Category: [ Friday Night ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Hold Onto the Covenant of Only Christ and Pray, and God will Work Transcending Time and Space (Acts 12:1-15)

Acts 12 tells about what happened after Peter was arrested.  King Herod was capturing and killing the members of the early church so that he could gain political popularity, and among them, James was martyred.  Martyrdom is honestly the greatest blessing, because God was completely holding onto James as he was murdered.  When our physical…
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God Uses Those Who Possess the Reason and Answer of Only Christ (Exodus 19:1-6)

Let’s share God’s grace with the word from Exodus 19.  It’s easy for me to talk about the Old Testament because it was written so specifically.  In Exodus 19:1, God is speaking these messages to the descendants of Israel. There were things that became rooted down in Egypt for 400 years of slavery, and because…
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Victory Over Satan and Saving the World With Only Christ in God’s Word (Daniel 10:10-20)

Today we read about the content of Daniel’s prayer.  I think that Daniel was someone who served as a governor the longest.  I think he did it so well that he was able to maintain his position of wisdom even as the nation was changing and over four kings.  It’s difficult to be the prime…
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Put God Above Me to See Why it Must be Only Christ (Galatians 2:20)

Galatians 2:20 is the most accurate verse in the New Testament pertaining to the gospel, because it contains the relationship between “me” and Christ.  I’m crucified with Christ; I no longer live, and that’s how to really live.  We live as we did before, but the life of myself where I lived without Christ has…
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Do World Evangelism With the Covenant God Gave to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

We will share the Word of God regarding Abram.  Prior to Abraham being called, the Bible records many things.  In Genesis 3, it talks about how God created Adam and Eve and how their son Cain was cursed because he failed in worship.  Cain killed his brother Abel and God gave Seth as Abel’s replacement.…
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Align With God’s Word to Enjoy God’s Plan and Not Fall into Satan’s Trap (Acts 1:4-14)

Acts 1 is the very beginning of world evangelization. What is going to happen to your and my future? If the God of the Bible and the God of my life are the same, then my life will happen according to the Bible. What’s going to happen if I am not aligned with God? You’ll…
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Tiff’s Life

Speaker: Tiffany Han Hello, I’m not really giving a message; I’m going to give my life testimony.  Tiff’s life, oh exciting.  This is my life until now.  I think I’m like, right here, right?  Now.  I was born in 1994 and I moved to Washington State in 2000.  Before that, I was attending a Darakbang…
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