Category: [ EM Service ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – One Heart (Acts 2:1)

“Only” means I don’t need anything else.  Only Christ.  Do we not need anything else? Only Christ means you don’t need anything else, and in this, all your needs will be filled.  That’s what it means to know Christ.  Knowing this means you know Christ; if you don’t know this, even though you know Him,…
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The Least and the Greatest (Mt. 18:1-10)

Word – Creation God created this world through His Word Creation – Word (Heb. 1:3) You are God’s creation and God created you, and even your studies are part of God’s creation.  God created the world through His Word. This whole world is being moved by God’s Word.  Who is the Greatest? God moves according…
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Restoring the Image of God (Gen. 1:27-28)

Our status and authority change in our walk of faith with God, and when we are apart from this gospel, that’s when problems and hardships come.  We were created in God’s image, meaning we were created for God.  God exists by Himself, Genesis 1:27 Image of God, 1:28 blessing Things I think are blessings actually…
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Upper Room (Acts 2:46-47)

If you know Christ and you do not know the church, which is the Body, then you do not know Christ.  You conquer the world through the church, so instead of conquering the world, a person would be enslaved to the world.  Why is it like this? Gen. 1:27 God’s Image Mankind was created in…
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Nine Streams

Satan’s Stream We first went over the 10 platforms, 10 mysteries, and the 5 assurances.  I hope you will listen to this carefully because if you’re not able to change the stream of the field, you’re not able to do evangelism.  We have to be the ones to go inside of God’s stream. We’ll look…
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The Five Assurances

The five assurances: Assurance of Salvation (1 John 5:11-13) Assurance of Forgiveness (1 John 1:9) Assurance of Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6) Assurance of Answers to Prayer (Jeremiah 33:1-3) Assurance of Victory (Romans 8:31-39)

Ten Foundations of Faith

You continue to hold onto your own self as you come before God? That’s not worship; you must entrust your entire life before Him, only God moves my life, and that is why we must ask for grace and understanding. Word The Word is how you can overcome the world.  You cannot overcome the world…
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The Remnant’s Ten Mysteries to Overcome the World (Matt. 28:18-20)

Who is the strongest person in this world? Superman? Is Superman strong? Who do you believe to be the strongest?  It’s a very simple question, so there will be a simple answer to a simple question.  Everyone knows God is strong, but I’m asking, who is the strongest person?  Is the oldest also the strongest?  …
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