Believe Things Will Take Place According to God’s Will and Time Schedule (Psalm 103:19-22)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Believe Things Will Take Place According to God’s Will and Time Schedule (Psalm 103:19-22)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Psalm 103 is a psalm written by David. It is a psalm written by David who was a great king from even a young age who held the power and the background of the throne of heaven.  In Psalm 103, David knew “the LORD who has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.” In Proverbs, it says that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  If you just acknowledge the fact that the Triune God Who is upon the throne of heaven is ruling over all, if you just acknowledge this fact, then your life will change.  

Ruling over all means that He is ruling over all of God’s creation. God rules over and controls your studies, businesses, all of its entirety. Acknowledging this is the basis of knowledge.  Without this knowledge, it’s difficult to try to live in this world.  In 1 Corinthians, it says, how could you compare God to the kings and rulers of this world?  America is in a state of confusion and difficulty because they do not know the Triune God as fact.  

The world only tries to advance their own knowledge and that’s why they come into such difficulties.  You might need knowledge, and it’s possible to live without this knowledge. The reason why we live in this world is to do world evangelization through the knowledge of this world, but the knowledge is not really necessary.  The work I do is being moved along according to God’s Word, but what happens if God’s Word is not a part of this?  

You must know this first.  Especially the remnants must acknowledge this first, it doesn’t really matter what school you go to, it’s not that important, you must have the knowledge of God, but because you’re focused on the knowledge of the world, that’s why you can’t focus on God.  What’s important is to acknowledge the fact that God rules over everything.  Everything is under God’s control, from the work that you do even to the smallest meeting you have.  If you do not acknowledge this, then no matter how smart you are, you cannot compare to God.  

Psalm 103:20 says, “Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.”  The angels who obey His Word and do His bidding. God doesn’t do it Himself, but He makes the angels carry out that, and this time of worship is the time when the power of the throne of heaven is established upon us through His angels who do His bidding, and that’s how the forces of darkness and Satan are destroyed.

In the healing evangelism school, I told you to worship together. What happens when you give worship? That’s when the forces of Satan are broken down and the Kingdom of God is established.  I go to Downey to meet with a person who is in great suffering. I meet with them every Tuesday morning, and the husband is very tired because he lives with a woman who is under a lot of suffering.  Because this couple is full of suffering, their children have left their home.  Because the mom kept nagging at them, the oldest child has completely cut off contact, and the second child has low contact with them, and it’s a family full of suffering. 

The first day I went to them, I told them the problem and the answer inside of the Bible as it is written in the Bible, and they accepted. I told them, “Because you are trapped in something, that’s why you keep repeating the same words.”  The husband continues to be there even though the children have left, so the second time I went, we gave praise and worship, and they worshiped together without a sound.  After worship, that’s when they started speaking their own words.

So, that was the third or fourth time I visited them, and the husband came out to help me with parking.  He said, “Pastor, it seems my wife has changed a little bit,” and they went to some church and it seemed like they received a little bit of grace.  If they received the accurate gospel, it wouldn’t have gotten this bad, but it was the inaccurate gospel so it got worse.  They had to have that assurance of faith inside of God. 

I asked the deaconess that led me to this couple, so we can just continue this meeting.  It’s very important for her to facilitate this meeting between us because it will end without her, because the second time I went, the wife actually told me to stop coming, but you must not be deceived.  The wife ended up saying, “When did I say that?” Many people get fooled by that, but fortunately the husband was there to stop and appease her, and it’s God’s plan to set someone stable inside that relationship.

You might think it’s a special know-how, because that’s the method of the world, but that isn’t how works arise. You think, “It’s something that has to do with me,” so Satan already blocks the gospel. This is something only God can do.  So, when you go into training, you can’t just think, “This is something I do”. It’s humanism, so you have to  acknowledge that it’s not something you can do, it’s only something God can do, so what can I do? I can only give worship.  

When I saw the couple giving worship, I saw they were so silent, because it’s something only God can do.  During the week of rest, we just prayed, because it’s not something by my own method, but the method is God’s working, and that’s worship and prayer; that’s what I’m saying.  Angels who do God’s bidding.  If the accurate word is relayed, God is the one who does the work of healing, there’s nothing that I do. 

Satan knows whom to deceive and tempt so they can no longer do the work of healing, so he fools them.  People cannot continue this ministry, and something arises at their home so they cannot continue.  Others can be fooled by the environment and feel bad, so they don’t go. They are so limited because they think it’s something they can do.  It’s not something I can do; it’s only possible through prayer. 

That’s how I spent my week, it’s just continuation. When we give worship, God’s angels are placed there, and when the filling of the holy spirit comes upon them, the things that are trapped will be let go.  This couple has visited the church around two times, they went to a Catholic Church for about 2-3 years, and I don’t think they went to other religions. But because of the pandemic, they just followed a person who had moved to our church. 

The first time we met, I told them why their children had no choice but to end up like this after they immigrated here. I told them exactly, “Your daughter is going to go through these problems and will be like this,” and I told them, “The daughter will be very prideful and she will be scarred a lot. These scars cannot be healed, no matter what.  Even when she marries, she will be in a lot of difficulties because of her scars.  This scar cannot be healed by any other method except the Bible.”  

“The fact that you’re scarred means your heart is affected by spiritual things. America has a lot of mental illnesses, so there’s a lot of science behind it, but why can it not be healed?  It’s because the mental things are affected by the spiritual things.  Your daughter may physically look like you and have a similar personality to you, but you don’t know her spiritually, because you cannot see spirits, you cannot understand it, and that’s where the problem starts.  The answer lies only in the Bible, and that’s the reason why you must  come to church and study the Bible.”

Then another problem arose, and I told her again because her daughter is the issue, and she told me how she went to the Catholic Church, and there, they always told her that God has a plan whenever something arises. I asked her, “Do you know what God’s will is, exactly?” She said, “I don’t know what God’s will is,” because even when you go to Buddhism, they say Buddha has a will and a plan, but that’s all religions.  Go into the religion of ancestral worship, and they’ll say, “Oh, the ancestors must have a will,” but they don’t know what that will is. 

I asked her, “When you went to the Catholic Church, were you able to meet with God?” “When I pray to God I receive an answer the next day,” and I told her, “That happens to all religions. I’m not saying that’s not the work of God, but I’m saying, that happens to every single person who has a religion” The evidence that I’ve met with God is that I’ve received a peace that is not of this world.   

This is why we cannot meet with God: I can only go to God when I receive Jesus Christ Who has come onto this earth, is sinless and blameless, and has died because of our sin, Satan, and separation, has liberated us from curses and disasters and John 1:12 says that those who believe in Him will become God’s children.  I asked, “Do you want to believe in this Lord God?” Obviously it was, “Yes,” and she didn’t know how to accept Jesus Christ into her life, so I said, “Repeat after me,” and I spoke syllable-by-syllable and I just pronounced it clearly if she had any difficulty.  

After the acceptance prayer, I asked, “Where do you think Jesus is?” She said, “I’m not sure.” I asked her, “What do you think the content of the prayer was? It’s the prayer to accept Jesus Christ into your heart,” then she said, “Jesus Christ is in my heart.”  I told her, “It’s through Jesus Christ Who died on the cords and resurrected liberate us from sin, curses, disasters and Satan and that’s Jesus Christ is with me right now, children of God come to God to give worship.” 

I asked, “Why do you think we have to meet every week?  Because you’re a child of God, you have to experience blessings.  Like, if you buy a car, but you don’t know any of the workings of the car, children of God must come before God to receive blessings.” I told her, “Whatever you may do, God who comes into you will never leave you.”  I told her, “God is with you wherever you are, and whenever you pray, God will give you an answer.”  

The mom said, “I have to give this to my daughter,” but I told her, “You must first accept in order for you to give this to your daughter.”  So the mom coming to the church is all part of God’s plan, but there’s a problem with her daughter.  You don’t just give a narration of the six states of the unbeliever, but rather, express the daughter’s problems as sin, curses, and disasters, and that’s how you relay the gospel. You can’t just keep relaying it to her when she doesn’t really know it.  

The daughter has a problem with bullying where she’s being bullied at school, so we just have to give the answer to that problem. I have to give her the answer of why that problem came and what the answer is.  That’s the truth for all the people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ.

A lot of the reasons why people immigrate to America is for their children’s education, so it becomes a big problem when children have a problem inside of education.  No matter how great your faith may be, if your child has a problem, that problem becomes yours, isn’t that right? That’s the heart of a parent.  As a parent, you have to give your child the answer, and when we talk about children, we end up talking about ourselves.  

There are so many people who have not actually heard the accurate gospel. Meaning, giving the gospel means giving the accurate problem and the accurate answer of why this happened and what is to come.  There was a remnant we prayed for, and their surgery ended well.  The remnant has a lot of knowledge and actually studied a lot of Hinduism and did a lot of research. It wasn’t just research, but it was a spiritual hunger. They attended a lot of  churches but there was no answer there.  

In college, there are so many different religions, so the student was spiritually influenced by that. The student was brought up in the church but what happened once he went to college?  From a young age, this student was unable to receive the spiritual message.  If you educate your students about drugs from a young age, once they get into college they won’t get into drugs so easily because they were educated from a young age.  

Talking about Wendy from Long Beach, there’s a lot of meditation movements going on in her surroundings, but she was able to say no to the meditation movement. It’s not just average people who do this, but it’s the elites who participate in this meditation movement. If she didn’t know about this gospel message, then she would’ve disagreed with this meditation.  

What I’m saying is, the reason why students must be able to listen to the spiritual message of the gospel from a young age is so that they may be able to grow up and be able to discern.  I’m not saying this about all American churches, but I don’t think they really relay the accurate gospel, and I see that many participants of American churches actually participate in witchcraft in the church. Because they haven’t had the actual spiritual message of the gospel, they just go along with the culture.

I know a church officer who had a son who was participating in witchcraft, lighting candles, and the church officer just thought it was just pop culture. They had never heard of it. These people haven’t heard about what these acts are and what they represent.  So, they’re lighting up candles at night and praying, and they don’t know what that means.

The child eventually fell into drug addictions and was sent back to Korea.  The student who went to theological school wasn’t able to drink so much, so he was always drinking cans of beer, and because he wasn’t able to do drugs, he instead filled himself with alcohol.  One time, a big event arose where he just broke all the glass windows and was eventually sent to the outskirts of America.  

One time, I was riding in the same car as him, and the church officer was telling me about his son.  He told me he was an elder in an American church , but he didn’t really know what his son was really up to. He didn’t know what this work was, and he just didn’t know how to discern it, and it’s because he didn’t know or didn’t hear of what it was that he was not able to discern. 

If you don’t know exactly what meditation is, you’ll just follow along with the culture of the elites.  Then what happens? People are going to keep telling you to pray, and children nowadays smoke marijuana.  What can the parents do? The children have already been sent off to college.  I told the deacon, “It’s a really serious issue, where even though they attend church, it’s a big issue” 

I went to a graduate school at Biola university and that school is a Christian school. There was a program where they just invited international students, and they kind of held a competition and the roster of students change monthly.  They’re all Christian students and all are kids so I had a conversation with them.  But when I had a spiritual talk with them, they completely refused.  It’s a place where people with Christian backgrounds gathered.  

There were many kids who got accepted to Ivy League schools, but because it was a Christian school they were sent to Biola instead, and it’s noted as a prestigious Christian school with great kids.  So, I have this spiritual talk with the kids through this program that enables them to interact with International students, and when I gave a spiritual talk, they became so lost.

It’s not only California where I went evangelizing to colleges, I also went out of state. I met a white college student, and if I asked, “Is Christ the only way to meet God?” They would respond, “No.” The Christian student said, “I believe it is so, but other religions disagree with that, so I’m not sure.”  That’s the culture of America, to respect other people.  That’s the reality.

As meditation entered into the culture of America, churches slowly started to disappear.  When I talk about this, you can’t really understand it, however, the future generation is living within this environment.  We have to send them off with the strength to overcome this environment, but we cannot, so they can’t overcome it. 

It’s not a matter of being able to speak eloquently, but they  must have that something to change that environment.  It’s not an environment that can be changed through your hard work and efforts.  The angels who obey and do God’s bidding.  When I receive God’s word and hold onto it, God will carry out His work through me. When you pray, it’s not something you do with great effort, but you’re going inside God’s covenant. 

Psalm 103:21 says, “Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.”  The “heavenly hosts” refers to the angels that carry out, heavenly hosts wage war against Satan’s servants.  “You are his servants who do His will.” When we focus on God’s will at that moment God will send it to his enable host to battle against Satan’s forces.  Daniel made a resolution regarding God’s will.  No matter how smart Daniel was, how could he win against Babylon?  How can the remnants, when it’s so difficult to even live and survive, change the culture of America? The person who just makes a resolution within God’s will. What is God’s will?  In John, it says that God’s will is for salvation through the Son He sent. 

If you tell Satan to flee, he will flee, but what happens when you don’t tell him to go?  Then, do you just have to repeat, “Satan, go away!” 24 hours?  If you’re within God’s will, the heavenly hosts will move.  So even if I don’t explicitly say it, you have to be in a position where the heavenly hosts will move.

Are the remnants within God’s will?  No matter how great you are, if you’re outside of God’s will, you’ll be overcome by the forces of darkness. David received this grace at a young  age and was able to enjoy this grace while he was shepherding.  While enjoying this grace, he met Goliath.  It’s like David threw it, but he didn’t trust in his own skills; he believed in and trusted in God because it was God’s will for the stone to hit Goliath, and it was his skill that was used. As soon as he stepped out into the field, David had that resolution and assurance.

Remnants, while living in the field of america, must have this resolution and assurance.  Goliath had a great spiritual influence, the Three Organizations are a great force to be reckoned with and they have a great spiritual hold over everything, and it’s impossible to win against them. Do you think Joseph would be able to win against them?  Only when God works upon Joseph, that’s when Joseph can win. 

The remnant who holds onto God’s will. Everyone studies and has their businesses, but it’s not a matter of doing well or not, but it’s the one who holds onto God’s will, that’s the blessing.  There’s a misconception of what a blessing is, so they lose hold of the blessing.  I was doing bible study with a deacon, and they told me they were so moved by grace that they re-read a Bible passage 6-7 times, and they received so much grace, I asked, “Did the cancer cells run away?  

The person I was talking to was a professor in the past, but here, he had no position.  The professor just kept expressing his gratitude, and he was receiving grace about the message about Job.  He said, “I can’t express this with words.” That’s how the Word is. 

And I was thinking “should I go over this during worship, when the worship 8mall about disciples?” And other churches say other things, the church members all are oppressed by the law and they aren’t able to move. If you’re oppressed by the law you’re not able to move, and then church drags people on that sense. Similar to how North Korea is oppressed by Kim Jung Eun, and they don’t know God because they are oppressed by that. I’ve already experienced that, in the past I was so angry because the church members are oppressed but they don’t know that, and they only say they were oppressed once they come out of the situation. People have no choice but to follow according to what they heard, that’s why this word is so important. When people receive the word, they receive freedom. God’s peace that comes from liberation. Some people doze off when receiving the word, that’s their spiritual state. If your spiral state is like that, no matter what you do it doesn’t get better because everything follows what spiritual state you are in. 

However, when you’re far apart from God, that’s just your spiritual state. Whatever you do is difficult. Satan touches every aspect of your life and that’s why worship is so very important. During worship, the power of throne of heaven comes upon you. 

Psalm 103:22. Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the Lord, my soul. We are receiving so many words.  We don’t  receive words because our knowledge is lacking. However, when we receive God’s word, even though it seems like it’s going out the other ear it is being imprinted, rooted, and natured and when we pray holding onto God’s will, and the work he is giving is God will work ahead of us.

At the very least, church members who pray asking for something should be conscious that it’s the work of the devil. That’s the snare of the devil because the future generation are dying in the field. The church members pray for other things but the future generation are dying so they should receive the prayers. Everything has been prepared for world evangelization but the church members are praying for something else.

God has already planned out the talents for the future generation so why do you keep asking home for something so at this time we have to pray together. At the very least, as church members, pray for the future generations. At this time, when praying together for the future generations, I believe God will do the work that transcends time and space.

At this time let’s pray for the remnants.


Let’s pray for our fellow remnants who are out of state and scattered everywhere. At the very least, we come together on Friday and pray for them. In Iowa, there’s Eunice Lee who is a junior in college and can’t attend church and Eren Shin and Brice are listening to the message online, but recently Natalie moved to Boston. In Mississippi, there’s Nathan, Natalie’s brother, and he cannot listen to the message, and David Park who is coming back to LA. Lots of prayers for Joseph Shin in North California, in Dallas Jang Hae In and Jang Hen Sung, and I explained them shortly so that you can know who you are praying for.  Let us pray together.

In Africa let’s pray for John Burundi, Charles in Nigeria, and Yonas in Ethiopia, the top two people. Charles will be giving the message next week on Friday. I’m able to communicate with them on Thursdays, but Yonas is in a communist country where the Internet is not allowed. If the chance arises, let us pray so that he can really be able to share the message. These are all single adults,  so let us pray.

Tomorrow, at 10am, there’s a children’s evangelism school and at 11am, there’s a prayer school I’m hosting. There’s also a young adult evangelism school and at 5pm there’s a businessperson’s message. And let’s take this time to pray for Saturday and Sunday messages. 

Let us pray as we go into training, especially the 237 training and new disciples training. 

We are praying for the remnant praise team and God will provide because it’s what’s necessary. Let us pray for that.  

There are two pregnant women in our church. There’s Nomin and Christine Lee, and Christine Lee is about to give birth. Nomin is about 3 months pregnant and I think she will have five kids. Last year and the year before that, there were several remnants who gave birth, and God keeps gracing us with new remnants. And this upcoming year there’s remnants who is going to get married. They’re going to be together for a long time. Young adults must rise up and that’s the only way they can raise their children up in a righteous way.

All the young remnants are multiethnic except for two or three Korean members. Everyone else is multiethnic and that’s how God works. As we prayed for multiethnic and future generation,  God has exactly sent us the multiethnics and future generations. And the remnant who is about to marry is the actual multiethnic future generation, and the family is relaying this grace to the future generations and that’s the blessing of the family. Let’s pray for our remnants, those who are pregnant, and getting married.

We will sing 285, then have the benediction, church prayers, personal prayers, and then go home.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, holding onto God’s covenant and upon the heads of the multiethnic and the remnants that have the power to transcend time and space, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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