Believe God Will Fulfill His Word at the Time Schedule He Has Prepared (Gen 1:3, Psalms 103:20-22; 1 Peter 2:9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Believe God Will Fulfill His Word at the Time Schedule He Has Prepared (Gen 1:3, Psalms 103:20-22; 1 Peter 2:9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We have read three bible verses and we will share the word of God regarding The three transcends that transcend time and space. While we continue following the messages we find a lot of complicated terms. But for the people that’s following the nature or the essence, it’s not a problem, however, if you lose hold of the essence, then this becomes a problem because the terms are confusing. Throughout the week, we received the word of God, To enjoy and save the field with the blessing of the throne of heaven. The way for us to actually enjoy the blessing an d the power of the throne of God, it is to enjoy it through prayer. Then what is the field God gave to me? 

I’ve been praying through the week holding onto the 70 regions, 70 disciples, and 70 people groups because it is the main topic of the missionaries conference. And i have the expectation and the excitement that everybody I meet will be used by God to save this region, and because of that there was another door of evangelism to save the region this week. People inside of the church, the person we never thought about, God raises them up in his schedule to fulfill his word. When we pray holding onto the word God gives us, God answers us. And we are excited for more regions. And I am somebody who believes everything is contained within this. I believe in God, that as we follow God’s will, everything will follow us, including money, glory and health.

 If we throw away the many things we don’t need and we only follow the things of God, ten God fulfills everything. That is one area that God has been guiding me throughout this week. Then I also received the answer that the members of the church must make the word of God into their nature. And I figured, in order to make a the nature of the members of the church, they have to take the most basic fundamental message and make this into their own, because more than they are aware this isn’t taking place. And that’s my responsibility. I think more so then other churches this root of the uniqueness of the gospel is strong. But this is invisible to the eyes. And even though it is invisible, it is deep in the members of the church.

However, when I express things and lay things down, it’s a little bit confusing. There’s so much good content inside and I have to be able to lay it out so that the form is also good. These are the ways I found God’s plan within the different meetings and incidents I had throughout this week. 

And I think it was like this because I received training in the field when I was on my own, and I evangelized on my own. I took the way of salvation by myself, and I went into the field and evangelized by myself. And because I experienced it this way, I thought everyone in the church did as well. And because of that, I did put attention into systemization, but I didn’t give enough attention. And I felt this was a time schedule where I had to start doing these things. And to is isn’t talking about some kind of level, but I figured if I start this then someone else will follow along and this is how God will lead us. 

Lately we have been talking about the blessings of the throne of heaven, numbers 3,9,3 and among them are the three transcendences. That is what we will be talking about today. Simply put God Himself is transcendence, the reason these messages seem confusing to us is because we look at ourselves and it is impossible to transcend. God Himself is the throne of Heaven and enjoying this through faith is enjoying the blessings of the throne of heaven. God is working right now transcending time and space, I go into that prayer. God Himself has come into me through Jesus Christ and through these three life movements is enjoying that. 

Why do we keep on talking about messages like this? This is the field right now. People that practice transcendental meditation are plowing in with the message that all this unlimited potential is inside of me. The world gives the message that the entire universe’s energy is inside of you and you are a godlike being. The nature has the same message that flows in the field. This message is appropriate to the world message. These people are actually doing the Chi and powers movement through transcending time and space in prayer. 

This is the reason we use the word transcending. In reality of the field right now there are people who live here and are moving people in Korea through this Chi movement. There is a separate transcended that God is giving to us, that is why these messages are coming out right now the essence seems the same but it’s the message for the age. 

People who are practicing transcendental meditation tell you that there is no reason to go to church because the incredible power of the universe is inside of you but what we say is that the power and grace of the Triune God is inside of us with the blessing of the throne, enjoy this. If you don’t know the girl then you don’t know the reason why God is giving this message in a different repetitive way. This is someone who doesn’t know the true essence but that is someone who doesn’t know the true essence and just follows looking at the outer form. This is the message that will save your field.

Right now the transcendental and Chi movement are truly conquering the world with this incredible pier but we have something that overcomes that. What do we have that transcend yourself? In Genesis 1:3, And God said,“Let there be light,” and there was light” this isn’t taking about electrical light but the light that can get right of darkness, the light that can break Satan. It’s not the light that comes from the sun. It means the problem of mankind is the problems of darkness and Satan. The three Organizations that say, “that day there is something incredible inside of them” is it we say there actually is something incredible inside of us of God, that’s the word of God and the light. When God gave us his word that is when the light shines and the darkness is gone. 

That’s the light of creation, whenever the light shines is when the works of God, recreation take place. This is the light, the word of Christ is transcendence. Why do you live your life holding onto my thoughts? Even the people in the three organizations practice transcend a meditation or letting go of their thoughts in order to be full of this other power that controls people with money and businesses. Then, why are people at the church still holding onto their thoughts? If you keep holding onto your thoughts, then you cannot overcome this slavery of Egypt and will be a slave of these three organizations.

The word of God with me, that is transcendence. You transcend everything with the word of God. Psalms 103:20-22 the angels that fulfill God’s word. When you hold onto this word of transcendence and pray, the angels of the Lord fulfill his word. We hold onto the word of God and we pray for our fields, the 70 fields, but do you think it’s only limited to that? God works and sends his angels depending on the extent of your faith. You must follow God’s word. Without a doubt, they obey his word. When we hold onto the word God gives to us and pray, without a doubt God’s angels are bound to move. That is our transcendence. 

The people that are practicing the Chi movement and transcend Al meditation are moving people all around the world through this transcendence. What about us? When we pray holding onto the word of God that transcends time and space, then God sends his angels to fulfill his word transcoding time and space. If you don’t know this, you’ll be a slave to the three organizations. In other words, a slave to America. It’d be fine if I just become the slave, but the next generation will be slaves as well. 

The characteristic of a slave is they don’t realize they are being enslaved. We are bound to follow our love of money with no choice. We get married based on tiger kind of standards and we have no choice but to be destroyed. Even if you want to love people you cannot. Why? Because I need something that allows me to transcend, I can’t do it with my abilities. When did God tell us to do it with our own strength? If we could then Jesus won’t have to die on the cross. Without a doubt there’s a condition. Within the word of Jesus Christ. Not me, transcending me. When you pray holding onto God’s word and mission, in the field you are praying for, God sends his heavenly angels and host to fulfill his word transcoding to me and space. Without knowing this blessing, you cannot do world evangelization. 

This is not something you can accomplish by diligently following people around and talking to them. The three organizations are traveling the world on planes, but we cannot evangelize by riding bikes evangelizing to our neighbors. I’m not saying we don’t need that, I’m saying you need to know the power of transcending time and space in order for the bike to be useful. Now we utilize the media. We take the media to the whole world. If you don’t know this your business have no blessings because this is what the world is going towards, if you aren’t interested, your business is irrelevant. 

In the time of Mt Luther, he put the 99 thesis in Germany for religious reformation. Through Mt Luther’s translation of the Bible, people all around the world were able to hear the word of God. Even today God is still speeding his word to all of the world and he is raising up the disciples who will do that work. Then you need to know the word of God very well and be within God’s time schedule, that is the student in the schools and the business people in their jobs, that’ll be used. Confirm that the next generation children are following God’s word. If they don’t follow God’s word it’s going to be dark. 

If you don’t know the stream of God’s word right now in this age, then your studies and business will not be aligned with God. My business, health, snd studies are used for the work of God, but if it’s not, then there’s no reason for God to give those things. There’s no need for God to give us finances because we are content with what we have, because that person doesn’t know God’s time schedule. They are putting their interest in something else without knowing what God is doing.  Anything else is just me, my plans, greed, and idolatry. And he is saying don’t do that. You have no idea how great of a blessing he gave us. 

At this time when we pray holding onto God’s covenant of world evangelism for all nations of Africa, God sends his heavenly angels and host transcend time and space. Inside of that is everything that I need, including my business, health and studies. This is the message God is pouring upon the nations for world evangelization but if this is irrelevant to you, then you are a slave simply put. 

In 1 Peter 2:9 it says “we are a chosen people, the royal priesthood, to declare the praises of him” which means the word of God has to be relayed through us. It means we have the word of God firmly. It means we already transcended ourselves. If you do not have the word of God, you have to remain within your own standards. However if you hold onto God’s word and pray, you’re already within the transcendence of time and space. And without a doubt God will raise up the meetings and works in the field that shines Jesus’ light.

In the field right now, the people who do trans dental meditation and the three organizations are taking the things that are lies to control the future generations and our fields, destroying churches. But for us, these trans dental things must become ours so we enjoy them. Then what happens? We will be a witness that God works according to his word. That’s what’s important. My hard work has nothing to do with the word of God, then that’s like living like a non believer. That person is useless. Your hard work is irrelevant to God’s word? Then you are bound to be a slave. 

Do not love money, these are words that don’t make sense. The world tells you to make a lot of money and succeed but the Bible tells you not to love money, so I’m sure a lot of people were discouraged with these words. All of your unnecessary motives must be thrown away because everyone is holding onto their own motives and when people listen to the word of God it isn’t complete to them.

 If you hold onto your other motive it doesn’t matter if Jesus Christ himself comes and talks to you, it will not go into you. Little by little God changes you and heals you and that’s why the word of God goes into you slowly. That means no matter who you are, God will work out according to His time schedule. 

If you don’t know this then you’ll elevate people instead of God, then you will say unnecessary things like “oh I didn’t receive grace from such Pastor Ryu but I receive grace from another person” you don’t know all the times God has worked upon you until that point. You don’t know the process God has proceeded with you until this moment that you have received his grace. It is possible that we are like this, so I hope you elevate God. 

Why do you keep on relying on people trying to exalt people? I lived a long time as a believer so it is strong in me because I have lived in Society and organization,  I know what my boss likes. I know what kind of words my manager likes even after receiving salvation. This doesn’t change so always please your boss because I live so long as a non-believer we all have things like this inside. We all have things like this inside and always want to exalt people because then I get acknowledged but that it is an incorrect motive before God. May you be thankful, thankful for those who have helped you. 

They didn’t even do anything and they can’t even do anything right, that is the time schedule that God needed. Is God dead? If the person has too much power and it’s too great then everyone will look at them and run away from them and their ministry. The one that really stuck by me and gave me the word of God is the one I needed in this time schedule. 

According to God’s time schedule, our blessings of meeting will always be different but you, an exalt God do not exalt people. That is the way to die, that is the work that Satan did in Genesis 3, it is not because of somebody before God whether we live or die hold onto his word. We don’t do it because somebody told us to do it before God following the Grace God has given to me, it doesn’t matter whether anyone does it or not; that is the Bible that it’s a disciple of the church, if somebody does it because of the condition that’s not a disciple. The word that God has been given to me and  I hold on as the covenant and go in faith. As I enjoy the light that shines transcends time and space, it’s bound to come.

But you need to constantly enjoy this in order for you to see the result of God’s guidance. While I was continuously praying for the 70 regions, God have me a door to evangelize in my region this week. Then do you think your business won’t take place? If a new region is opened up you, then that means your business opened up to your region as well. But instead of going into that plan of God, you stay within your palms, thoughts, and word and ask God to align with you, that’s a religious life. Quickly throw away your motives of religious life and go into the gospel. If you keep on persisting in your way, then one day you will receive the grace to change. But I hope you don’t misunderstand. Just because you are acting stubborn doesn’t mean God  will listen to you. Quickly change yourself. If you cannot change yourself, ask for God’s grace to be able to change, that’s our prayer topic. What is prayer? It is asking for God to adjust  yourself to match with God’s word. It’s not asking to get what you want. 

This week I started a darakbang meeting with a new believer. And when I said “why is only Jesus Christ the answer?” They reacted because they lived religiously. Without a doubt that person is facing a problem in their life. If you keep on giving his perosn the word without addressing the problem in the field of their life, this word won’t match with them. The problem of their life is talking about the problem that is resulting in them or having the gospel, give them the answer to that. 

That’s the problem of their daughter. Then you have to give them the answer to their daughter. Their daughter doesn’t want to meet people, she doesn’t want to go to school, and we have to be able to explain to them the way of salvation, spiritually. Because they are a new believer, they wouldn’t understand if I go at them with the words of the Bible so I used the language they can understand. 

Earlier, I explained the way of salvation in detail. But you cannot speak like that to these people. Human beings have a body, mind and spirit. There’s a physical problem you can see in your daughter, and sometime they go into metal problems too, where do these problems come from? If you just use the Bible verse to explain it to them in a doctrine way, they will not understand it. So say that these problems came from her spirit. 

This person used to go to a Catholic Church, so they think “why does he only talk about Jesus Christ?” Because they have never heard the reason why. This invisible problem is a problem from being  separated from God. We don’t know God, he is spirit. And I asked, “you know demons?” And they laugh. I said “you know the demons you see on TV are invisible right? There’s a spiritual world like that. So different than animals, human beings are spiritual. Then that spiritual problem is being separated from God, seized by Satan, and nothing can solve that problem, only Christ can solve this problem. Why is it only Christ? Christ is a role, God sent Christ as a position to solve the fundamental problems of mankind, thrifty these three roles he died not the cross and resurrected. That Christ was Jesus.” I told this to the new believer because they were catholic fro three years and they don’t know this. And I said “you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior last week” and I gave them a prayer topic. 

If God is with you and you pray, as evidence he is alive, he will give you an answer. I explained this point to explain to the new believer about answering prayers. This person is praying for their physical problems, but they know what the spiritual problem is, so I told them to pray so they can know what the spiritual problem is. Then without a doubt because you have salvation and God is alive, he will give you the answer to your prayer topic as evidence. I hope you understand what a prayer topic is as well. It’s not asking God “please give me a baby” bit really knowing the fundamental reason why this person needs the gospel. 

Then do you think he will give you an answer or not? Even when I think about it,  I think they received answers. The new believers  don’t know the spiritual things, how could they. If they don’t do spiritual things, they can’t do anything else. Then of course if they pray for it God will answer. 

Then even if somebody tells them not to tell anyone about it then they are bound to say “this is why we need Jesus Christ” the physical problem that they see with their eyes in their daughter is simply put one of the six states of a nonbeliever. That has come from their family and the fundamental reason that this has come is spiritual. This means people don’t know that we have blessings of a believer, as well in order to help this new believers understand about the spiritual world then you should tell them to pray to understand. 

Whenever you meet a person without a doubt they have a problem. You shouldn’t tell them impatiently, if they have a life that means they have a problem. What is the root source of this problem? It is caused by spiritual things, it doesn’t matter if you get the way of salvation without knowing the problem, but it becomes just a theory. This is why you must know the principle of the way of salvation, but if you have to go in order it will be hard. Maybe it will be like that in the beginning but the person is facing a problem in the actual field with their daughter not going to school. We have to ask them “what problem do you have?” The person might not open up about their problem but to you then you give them the way of salvation, so they receive God’s grace.

 That seems like a waste of time, so you have to find their problem and give them their answer through the word of God. You do this in the field and within yourself as well and even though I was speaking to the new believer about this, the person that is a member of the church was receiving grace because God‘s grace was upon both people, so either way, no matter what you say you keep on giving them hope. That there’s an answer because you’re giving them the answer regardless of what you say, the person thought there was no hope and answer, but you give him hope and strength. There is something that opens up within them. Then do you think they will keep a meeting with you or not? Every time we meet up with you they have hope. What do you think would happen if you met this person with legalism? “The reason your daughter is like this week is because you don’t go to church even right now, you should go to church”, the person doesn’t even know what that means. The person just wants me to go to their church, that’s what happens with the legalism inside of us.

 What is the Gospel? I give them a fundamental solution because the problem is spiritual. Just seeing the gospel is not the gospel. We have a problem and we have to give them the fundamental answer to that problem. That is the basic gospel message even if you don’t give the way of salvation.

This person has already been liberated from the 12 problems of mankind, but they keep on getting deceived so you have to help them enjoy  the 7 blessings of a believer. But what do you think a legalistic person will say? “Do this, do that” they start emphasizing peoples actions. Then even among non believers there are some people who have a nature of diligence, and they will follow because they can work hard. If that person is diligently following and they come to church and receive God’s grace themselves, then it doesn’t matter, but if they keep following the person that’s legalistic then, they are done. 

You have to keep on giving them the answer that within the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter whether to do this or that. You enjoy your status and power, otherwise, you’ll make it harder for that person with your legalism, and worship too, this is a place where we come to receive blessings and grace. If you just tell them to come to worship, it becomes a heavy burden we don’t understand. 

If we ourselves do not know the spiritual content the w r say things legalistically, like “you have to come to church to solve the problem of your daughter” then they will be scared of God and run away. That’s how scary the legalism inside of us is. I understand the old testament as if I don’t keep the Ten Commandments he is going to curse me. But that’s not the point, if I live God and believe in him I don’t have to do those other simple things. But if you only look at it by emphasizing legalism, that’ll be a threat to other people and kill them. 

The gospel is very easy and light. Jesus said “come to me who are heavy and burdened and I will give you rest” because we cannot enjoy this true blessing writhing Jesus Christ, we give out heavy burdens to other believers too. Lazy people will never listen to you nor will they  follow you, because they can’t even do the physics things, forget about the spiritual things. 

Someone who is naturally diligent will say, “let us go rally and people follow” then they rally. Through today’s words we explained why this age and this time schedule needs the evangelist to give us the word regarding transcendence. Simply put we give the answer to the new believer and the evangelist is giving us the answer to the problem of the age. If you don’t know the problem of age, the things you say, these words are just the same because you don’t know the field. If you don’t know the fields, you’re a slave to the field. Within the time schedule of following God‘s covenant and the words of evangelization. May you receive the grace following God‘s word of the transcendence of time in space. 


Let us hold onto the word that God has given us today and pray. What is the reason I am meant to save? I hope that you hold onto that word when you pray. I believe God works transcending time and space and wants to go there. These incidents and meetings that shine the light will happen.

 Let us pray at this time for the region we must save.  Everything else that has to follow within that, including your business.

Second, let us pray for the remnants and the young adults. I was happy this week. Our Eunice Lee finally decided this  week, “maybe I should try going to church again” and all this time she hasn’t been going. We have been concentrating and praying for her as a church and this week her mom came to me and told me she wanted to go to a church in her region. When we pray holding onto God’s covenant to save the word through the future generations then God will work even upon remnants that are out of the state and when their heart changes they are found to want to go to worship. Personally, I pray for these remnants in a concentrated manner because they don’t have the benefits of a prayer background, so I pray for them in a very focused way. 

Let us pray for the people that are outside of the country now including in Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia Mongolia, Kenya and south Central America. We will be doing missions for them on July 11.

We have the Salvador missions that have been going on through the Hispanic family, that we’ve been doing Darakbang in Hollywood. There is a very central disciple that has been prepared through him there will be many churches that will be raised up and we are connecting through zoom starting this week with deaconess Song and pastor’s wife. so please pray for them. The family that is in Hollywood is also connected to a manager of Scientology, so the gospel is being relayed. And now all of the fields they are related to are now opening up. The 70 regions that are connected to you, you cannot do it by yourself, but all of the people that’s related to your life, they open up doors to more regions. If you simply hold onto that and pray about it God will show you. Before that point even if you see it you wouldn’t see it. Because you are not interested in your region you are only interested in this person, God wouldn’t show it to you. So if you really start praying holding onto the 70 regions, you will realize people close to you will open doors. So let us pray for El Salvador. And let us pray for the training inside the church for the new believers and multi ethnic people.  

This is an announcement.  Starting from May 5 there will be a missionary conference in Korea and they have made it so that people who are traveling from far away don’t have to go into quarantine. Starting from June we are going to have an in person remnant day at ICSC like we used to before. 

Now that we know and acknowledge Covid, we are going back to in person meetings. We’re going to have in person remnants days at ICSC like we used to. Now that we know and acknowledge Covid we are going back to in person meetings. Even now, we even have the announcement from the CDC, that we don’t have to wear masks but for those who want to wear masks. I hope that it helps with colds but I get it even when I wear the mask. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, and guidance of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all of the people of God who desires to enjoy the blessings that transcends time and space through prayer and evangelism, and all of the businesses, and studies they pray for upon the heads of the committed workers that are praying now for the 70 regions, 70 disciples, and the 70 people groups, be with us now and forever always,  amen. 

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