Be within the Stream of God’s Word and God Will Fulfill Everything According to His Sovereignty (Gen. 1:27, 2:7; Heb. 4:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Be within the Stream of God’s Word and God Will Fulfill Everything According to His Sovereignty (Gen. 1:27, 2:7; Heb. 4:12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park Interpreter Tiffany Han

These three bible verses are brought up as we talk about the blessing of the throne of heaven and they are the three life movements. As you listen to the headquarters messages, it may be possible that the words of the Bible are hard to understand. It doesn’t mean we’re doing things randomly; we have a reason.  If you do everything without reason, haphazardly, it’s’ the same as the messenger doing that before God.  Because he is taking the answers God has given to him and relaying them, you must receive God’s answers as well, and that’s why we use the word, “The stream of God’s Word,” because it’s possible we understand what the terms mean, but we don’t understand what it means.

If there’s a stream of God’s Word, there’s also a stream of prayer, and evangelism also has a stream. We know these words, but what exactly does that mean?  It means there’s a time schedule to God’s Word.  In Matthew 16:16, it was the time schedule of confessing Jesus Christ.  But that wasn’t enough because even after they confessed Jesus is the Christ, in Matthew 17, they do not serve Him as their Lord. Even though they have confessed that He is their Christ, that’s just the flow of the Word.

At that time, Jesus told them not to evangelize because they weren’t set in God’s Word, so they couldn’t evangelize. Then they faced the incident of the cross.  Because they faced this, everybody ran away.  Without a doubt, they confessed Jesus is the Christ, but as you saw in Matthew 17, He was still not their Master, so when Jesus Christ died, they all ran away. 100% of the men ran away and there were a few select women remaining, so if you look at the churches, usually the females are stronger because they were like that even for Jesus Christ.

All of them left to catch fish.  At least Peter stayed until the very end to see if he would really die because of his pride, but when he saw Jesus dying, he ran away too.  What was the stream of God’s Word to His disciples? They had just come into this point within the stream of God’s word.  They confessed that Christ is their Lord, but that was the extent to their faith. 

Then Jesus resurrected.  They’re on a time schedule where they’re not very certain of what’s going to happen next.  There’s some people who confirm for themselves, “Yes, truly He is the Christ, and the only one who can die and resurrect is God Himself.” This stream of the Word is different from the Word confessed in Matthew 16 and 17. Though they said the same words, that Jesus is the Christ, it’s different, but there were still disciples who were relentlessly skeptical.

That’s why the Lord calls them to the Mount of Olives, then the stream of God’s Word moves towards going toward the mission of God’s Kingdom.  At that time, He spoke for 40 days regarding the things of the kingdom of God and gave each individual their mission, and that’s the stream of the word at that time. Then after that, the stream of the Word moved them to Marks’ Upper Room.  This was the stream of the Word that exists.

What is prayer? We pray following God’s word, and that’s why there’s a flow of prayer and a stream to the answers to prayer. Without ad doubt, we received all answers when we believed in Jesus Christ, but in Matthew 17, Jesus was not their answer. For people who pray in this state, it doesn’t matter, that’s why they have to remain within the stream of the Word and prayer.  

Then there’s the stream of evangelism. In Matthew 10, Jesus pairs up the disciples and sends them into the field to confirm the field.  This week, I met with Stephanie and Deaconess Shin at church from 11am to 2:30pm, giving them the message. It happened like that because they have a heart for evangelism.  Biblically speaking, there’s an evangelism that Jesus Christ made his disciples do to confirm the field in Matthew 10.  At that time, they confirmed the field where they saw Satan falling from the sky and they confirmed their own names being written in the book of life.  This is talking about the stream of evangelism, that itself is not all of evangelism.  You shouldn’t say that it is.  There’s the stream of evangelism that goes into the field to confirm. 

After Jesus Christ resurrects, they go to Marks’ Upper Room and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and evangelism then takes place naturally.  Isn’t that right? There’s a very big difference between pairing up disciples to send to the fields and now.  Simply input, there’s an evangelism that naturally takes place because God is bound to work on it.  When these people go out into the field, it says in Acts 3 that Simon Peter and John saw this crippled beggar.  This is different from the evangelism in Matthew 10.  Once they are in a spiritual state that knows the answer of Jesus Christ, knows the answer they received, and the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit, they go out into the field and see the field differently than everybody else. 

I’m sure there are people close to the crippled beggar that would move him every day, so without a doubt, there were people who were volunteering their services physically.  Because he was sitting in front of the temple gates, I’m sure every Sabbath people would pass by and give him money and support him monetarily.  These are necessary things in the field, but you must be able to see something other than this. This person was a crippled beggar from birth, and he was able to see the thing that even the High Priest in the Temple couldn’t do.  John and Simon Peter were able to look straight at this crippled beggar and see something that not even King Herod could do.  

They were able to see that this person was caught in their spiritual problems and their fundamental problems, so even if their physical problems get better, they have no choice.  You must be able to see this, that’s how evangelism takes place naturally. Evangelism taking place naturally doesn’t mean you sit still and the Lord goes back and forth; you must be able to see the field, you must be able to see the things that nobody else can see.  That’s why nobody else can do things you do, they will volunteer physically and monetarily, but even if they have authority, they cannot do this. But Simon Peter and John looked directly at the cripled beggar.

What did they see?  They saw this crippled beggar was not only crippled but spiritually seized by Satan because of his original sin.  It doesn’t matter how much money you give to this person, it will not resolve their fundamental problem.  Then from that point on, it becomes easy.  “Silver and gold, I do not have, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Their eyes to see this field and the gospel opened. Even if you want to be a salesperson, you must have the eyes to sell. If your eyes are not opened to sales and business, you will be in darkness.  

Even if someone sees something, they don’t recognize it, but someone who is good at making money will see the stream of making money.  For those people, it’s easy.  There was one YouTube video I watched where a very strange person became president.  They were giving their own testimony that their father was actually an incredibly, tremendously wealthy person.  So, all of these extremely heads of conglomerates came from this one region.  What he was saying is that, strangely enough, “From my neighborhood, there’s a tremendous number of owners of huge conglomerates,” don’t you think that’s so fascinating?  

It’s even such a strange phenomenon. If one person isn’t the Rowan becomes the head of a very large conglomerate but there were multiple heads that allg graduated from the same high school. This person has such a business mindset, “We give taxes to the government and I’m sure I gave the most.” These people see money coming in, but if you don’t see the stream of money, you’re going to work tirelessly for the rest of your life and you won’t be able to make any money.  You’re going to sell a piece of gum for a dollar and make a profit of a dollar.

If someone is a professional athlete, they are able to look at someone and already tell who will be the professional athlete. I also have a Darakbang meeting with the owner of Genwa.  They said, “Not anybody can open up a restaurant,” and of course, yes, but they are saying, “Not anybody can open up a restaurant” because they have the eyes to see it. You need to have the eyes of evangelism, too, you need to have the eyes to see money, it’s not something you can work really hard for. 

Earlier, we did the Way of Salvation, and if someone’s spiritual eyes aren’t open, they’ll say, “There are six things and seven things,” but if someone’s spiritual eyes are opened they’ll solve all things with this message. Then, there’s all the coordinators of the Darakbang meetings. You don’t have to force the gospel message of the pulpit; if you have this, then it’ll come out naturally. Because it’s not truly yours yet you are forcing together the pulpit message and the basic message, and there’s a time schedule for that, too.

I haven’t done the Way of Salvation with the gospel  message.  The six states of non believer cannot be solved with religion or legalism, nothing can work.  You have to go outside the camp to Christ.  All the blessings are inside of that. That’s not very hard, is it?  I was doing that with the pulpit message. For someone who has this as “theirs,” it comes naturally. Until that point, take some time.  In the same way, when your eyes to see the field open, then evangelism takes place because you give them the answer to their problem, but if your eyes aren’t open to see this, you have to wander around to evangelize, and there’s a time schedule for that.

But when you’re at your job, your eyes open.  Then as you slowly begin to pray the prayer transcending time and space, God’s Holy Spirit and heavenly angels will work and you will see God’s time schedule open.  Without a doubt, the field has a problem; there’s not a single field without a problem.  I told this to a new believer, there’s not a single person without a problem. Look at President Biden.  You think the president wouldn’t have any problems, they have even bigger problems, ‘What am I going to do about China and Russia?’”  

It doesn’t matter how low of a position they have, either. Every person has problems. What is evangelism?  It is giving the answer to that. You cannot solve their problem with material possessions. If someone is a crippled beggar, you cannot just help them by giving them a piggyback ride. You have to see their fundamental problem and give them the answer. That’s what this means in the Way of Salvation.

You’ve seen the 12 problems, but you have to see the fundamental problem.  You know it, but when you go out into the field, your eyes aren’t opened. There will come a time when your eyes are opened, then evangelism will naturally take place.  After that, there’s an evangelism stream, too. There’s another evangelism where you raise up disciples and evangelize through the disciples, because I’m not doing this on my own; otherwise it would end when I die. While I’m alive, I raise up disciples and evangelize through them. There’s an evangelism stream like this, that’s how God has been guiding us forward in the Bible. 

Today, with these three Bible verses, regarding the life movement. We have been created as a spiritual being in the image of God. We were created as creatures who are with God. Then He blew His breath of life into us. We must have that.  If the power of the Holy Spirit doesn’t come into me as the living breath, then I cannot live.  I need to have that in order to have the answer of ruling over and subduing the Garden of Eden. In other words, God has to heal me and change me with His Word. Do not try to receive answers; coming into the Word is the answer.

We keep thinking that receiving physical answers we see are the answers, but that’s not it. My answer is being fundamentally changed.  If my state is seized by something, then somebody giving me something won’t help me; until my fundamental problem is solved, it will still be a problem. We talk about the economy of light, but if you don’t know what the economy of light is, then realizing what it is, that’s God’s grace, but because we don’t understand what the economy of light is, then you say, “Why am I not receiving answers?” Of course you won’t, you don’t understand the message of the economy of light.  It’s God’s grace to realize this, the true answer is your inner standards changing. 

Your spiritual state must be changed first, then the answers follow. If your spiritual state doesn’t change, then you’re holding onto the Word of God incorrectly then you’ll always go toward the wrong direction. The economy of light is the money that saves people.  The money you make from your job is not money that is used to save people.  But if you just determine by yourself that, “This is the economy of light I wonder why I’m not getting it,” that’s a headache, then you just keep altering the message in a way that’s convenient for you.

That’s why Heb. 4:12, this must change first.  That’s Gen. 2:1-18 and Heb. 4:12 being together.  When I’m changed, conquering takes place naturally.  But because I’m broken inside, no matter how much God gives me His message, I don’t realize the answer is the answer.  Then you’ll realize, “Oh, the economy of light means whatever money I have, I’m giving it as an offering to the church to save people’s lives.”  In the past, you used to just take all the money for yourself, and ask for God to give you the economy of light, but you’ll never receive it because that’s your state.  

It is saving lives.  Just because you’re making a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re saving anyone’s lives. You use all of that for the economy of darkness of maintaining your basic life. Only offering is the economy of life.  We just changed it into the economy of light because people were tested when they give offering, because people reject offering from the Word, so we changed up the term slightly, but you don’t recognize what it means, so you say, “Why am I not receiving the economy of light?”

All economy comes from God; nothing comes from Satan, and even for unbelievers, their economy comes from God. Then what about for unbelievers?  The offering that is used to save people’s lives is the economy of light.  That’s the economy of light.  Whatever you have is used as the economy to save people’s lives.  Then there are a lot of people who find this regrettable, “I would give more if I had more,” it’s because their thinking isn’t healed.  God has provided everything for world evangelization, but because your thoughts aren’t healed, you keep having to grab more.

What Heb. 4:12 means is that the Word of God penetrates into your soul, spirit, joints, marrow, and thoughts. It means that the first he changes your spiritual state and then the things you see will come later on. For example, He gave them the Garden of Eden to rule and conquer when their spiritual state was broken. It’s such a burdensome manual labor to take care of the vast land, and they’re exhausted, naming all the animals, too. Your inner things must be healed by the Word of God for conquering to take place.

That’s why first, this life movement must come into you.  In a state where you don’t have this yet, you’ll look at everything incorrectly. That’s why worship is so important.  During worship, God gives you His blessing.  God didn’t call you here to curse you; He came here to bless you. That’s why the believer must go before the Lord during worship like a citizen going before the king with joy, because he fills His Word, His grace, and His Holy Spirit upon you.  

Something you can hold with your hands may be a present, but it’s not; it is your thought and spirit changing. Everything is truly within Jesus Christ and I let go of everything else. That is what I have to do first. But if that inner state doesn’t change first, whatever you get is just a heavy burden for you.  Everything is finished within Christ, once this comes into you as the Word of God, all your heavy burdens are laid down.  Now, God has already prepared all the answers and blessings to do world evangelization and to relay the gospel. That’s everything.

Now I must pray for the holy spirit’s power in myself, why? Because I’m weak, and the power of God must be upon me so that God’s power is upon me.  So that the work and power of God is revealed in all my fields, my meetings, and my work. Then you can do world evangelization while sitting down; it takes place naturally.  If you don’t know this, then you have to wander around like a dog. It’s not a bad thing, but that’s just the first level of evangelism.  

If you don’t know the entire thing and you only emphasize one aspect, it’s possible to misunderstand.  Rev. Ryu did it himself when he opened up 30 Darakbang meetings.  Before that point when he was an assistant pastor, he went into the shaman fields and went into the elementary and middle school fields, so there is a time when you confirm in the field.  Then, when he started his church, that is the evangelism that naturally takes place of Mark’s Upper Room, and now he is doing the evangelism that evangelizes through disciples.

Right now, he is doing evangelism not only within his church, but all over the world, the disciples, the pastors, and ministers. There is a stream of evangelism like this.  That’s in the Bible.  That’s why we must go into these three streams. That’s not the end, God is endless; He will continue the life movement.  God knows that when you’re older, you’re limited so He changes evangelism to be done through your disciples.  

If you don’t make any disciples, that’s not evangelism.  You are just running so diligently on your own. But if you are within the stream of evangelism, then naturally, disciples arise, so the true answer is God revealing these answers to me by grace. If we don’t know this, then we don’t know he works God is doing and we’ll become blind.  Even right now, God is working according to His Word through the power of prayer towards evangelism, and if you don’t know this, you’ll be blind to the work God is doing.

Everybody knows God exists in heaven, even unbelievers acknowledge God may exist, but  what is God doing right now? Most people don’t know. God is working right now with these three streams.  The “me” being inside of these three streams even right now is “me” being within God’s Word. Then it’s not about me, but God is fulfilling everything through me by His sovereignty, then things naturally take place and become easier.  But instead of doing this, you keep forcing something yourself, and that’s why people don’t like it. Because the evangelism God gives us is not forceful. It’s an evangelism that takes place naturally.

The fact that it takes place naturally doesn’t mean you’re just sitting in your room, challenging things to take place, but it means your eyes are opened. That’s why God formed an evangelism team through Paul.  There is a field God has prepared for the work of God.  I told Stephanie, “As long as you’re living in Long Beach, God has a plan to save Long Beach for you. You just pray, ‘What is that location?’ Then without a doubt, God will give you a team like He did with the two of you, and when you pray for the location God will give it to you. 

You don’t go wherever you want; that’s what you do when you confirm the field, but there is a location God has prepared.  As you pray for that, God will reveal it to you, and that’s Acts 13.  That’s why the first location Paul went was the island of Patmos.  Paul wasn’t going anywhere randomly by his diligence, God guided him with his power. God knew the number of team members he would need for the evangelism movement, and attached them to him. When he went, the works were bound to arise. 

The missionary we’re partnering with in El Salvador right now is because Assistant Pastor Lim went to Hollywood and met with a middle school student and she felt so sorry for them.  She has a heart of feeling bad for those people, and that’s why God opened that door for her.  I’m talking about a team. He opened a door, right?  And something happened where one of them got COVID, and the child has ADHD, so they started doing this meeting through the phone, and as they continued the meeting the child changed, and that’s why the child’s mother joined and even the father joined.  Because the mother is now joining, she has to be spoken to in Spanish, so Senior Deaconess Song has joined on the phone. 

One day, an incident arose in El Salvador.  This lady, Raquel, used to have a friend who used to evangelize to her, and she didn’t accept, but one day she did, and this friend who wanted to evangelize to Raquel has a team of 10 people and the pastor delivered the word to them.  An incident took place where the pastor took a small child to their home and raised them as their own, but when the parents asked for the child back, the pastor refused to give up the child, so then the pastor disappeared.  

Then, this group of people were receiving the Word from their pastor, and now how? As soon as Raquel told me that, I told them immediately to send the Spanish Way of Salvation to them.  We cannot speak Spanish and we cannot go to El Salvador, either. ThenI told her to send them the first gospel message, and I told her to see their reaction, and they reacted very well.  In the midst of that, I realized there’s absolutely a disciple there.  So yes we do need a lot of people, but there’s a hidden disciple there.  It turns out it was because of this one person that all these others had gathered. 

I told them, “Open up a zoom to give the message directly to this individual,” and that was this week. What did they say? “We want to receive the Word of God every day,” that’s how many places to which they want to relay the Word of God.  So I said, “Don’t do anything else with this person, but give them the way of salvation so it becomes theirs and so they can relay the Way of Salvation themselves.”  

In the midst of that, there is a relative of Raquel who was practicing some kind of black magic thing and they put a curse or hex on their friend. This disciple starts seeing some humanoid figure in front of them, and it would come and go, so they were afraid. Only at that time did the relative confess, “I hated you so I sent you this demon.”  This is the field of South Central America.

I don’t know how you talk about the status and authority we talked about.  I don’t know if you think of it as something you need to repeat and memorize, or if it’s realistic in your field.  When I listened to today’s business and industry message, if the businesspeople in America don’t know this, they can never do this because the transcendental meditation movement is Satan’s play toy, but we’re not able to see that field.

We cannot spiritually see the work of the freemasons, and because we cannot see it we have no choice but to give money to crippled beggar, we have no choice but to do something else, so it’s not that we cannot evangelize, but we’re in a  state that cannot evangelize. It means you don’t see this person’s fundamental things.  When the demons are seizing this person, there’s nothing you can do.That’s why there’s a prayer transcending time and space.  

If you don’t see the field, you’ll just think, “Oh, these are the words he’s using today,” but if somebody does know the field then the word will go straight into their ears. We are praying here but the angels are mobilized in El Salvador.  Even this evil spiritual doctor is able to send a demon, but why can’t we? Do you not understand these words?  The Three Organizations are doing the Qi movement all over the world, and we’re still handing out evangelism tracts. It means we’re riding on bikes and they’re flying on airplanes.

I’m not saying that handing out evangelism tracts is bad, but I’m saying the tempo doesn’t match.  Are you going to go and give your evangelism track to El Salvador? You have to mess them up first spiritually with your prayers.  That’s the spiritual authority we have, but instead, you keep praying for things like rent, “send me to this kind of school to that kind of place,” “that’s not something you should be praying for ust go wherever fits.  What’s important is what are you going to do when you go in? If people living in america aren’t able to see this,  they’ll remain as slaves. 

Do you know why the Israelites were enslaved to Egypt? It’s because they weren’t able to see what was going on spiritually at all.  America is rich in money but all the kids are being seized. They say this and that about bible study while they’re being spiritually seized, but you don’t see it. You see the crippled beggar but you don’t see the real things, so that’s why you can’t evangelize.

You have your fields now, what is this time of worship now? It is a time to receive God’s Word and pray. You pray for your business field and the people to receive the gospel in your field, then what will happen? Without a doubt, rightnow, God’s works take place in that field.  I was talking to Assistant Pastor Kim Su Ryeo, and I told her I was praying for God’s word to take place immediately when we pray, but we don’t believe that. But when we pray, at this time, God who is working in that field, you have to know that. You have to know the stream of prayer for you to know the stream of evangelism.

Then through incidences and meetings, the light of the 237 nations will shine upon your business field, life field, and every field. You’ll shine the light to give the answer to your business field, you give the answer to the problem in the people that you live with in your apartment field.  That’s why the prayer transcending time and space must take place for me. When the time schedule comes, it’s bound to take place.

If you look from that perspective, God has really organized the message perfectly so we can evangelize. It’s possible that your eyes aren’t open to this time schedule.  But as you hold onto the message and enjoy it in prayer and in the field, one day, your eyes are opened.  Once your eyes are opened,  things will take place naturally, like someone who sees the flow of money can make money naturally.  May you and I be the ones who go into these three streams.


At this time, let’s hold onto the Word we’ve received and pray for our fields.  Let’s pray at this time so the angels and the Holy Spirit of the Lord will work inside the light in our fields.  

Our second prayer topic, it’s not because you guys pray, but when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, so you shouldn’t be stuck on you praying, but God works upon Jesus Christ because you are a child of God but the devil will prevent you from praying because he says, “what’s going to happen if you pray to God?” Satan continues to deceive you with the six states of the unbeliever, but the evidence that we’ve escaped is that we’ve become children of God through Jesus Christ.  I hope you will hold onto that firmly and enjoy your status and authority.

Let us pray at this time for the Sunday message.  Where do you think the devil will work the most?  Satan will disturb you such that the Word is not properly relayed, then Satan is going to disturb you so that you cannot receive the Word properly.  So let us pray for the Sunday message as well as the evangelism schools we’ll have tomorrow.

At this time, let us pray for the remnants and young adults who are out of state.  When you pray for them, God is working in the fields where these remnants are, at this time. Let us pray right now, looking at the projector.

Let us now pray for the other nations.  There are four nations in Africa in addition to Kenya and the three listed in this board. There’s also Mongolia and Karen. Please continue to pray for Karen for the forces of darkness to be broken down.  So there’s the disciple Elvia in El Salvador. We had a video call and she looked very smart and they were very biblical. Let us pray for the disciples. 

We’re seeing that God is opening the doors of evangelism to El Salvador through our church, and we are planning on going to Mexico mission trip, but right now, I’m considering changing our plans to go to El Salvador.  So there’s the possibility to do that. If we go there, then we are going for an evangelism camp, if we go where Missionary Lee Ingi is, we would go to see the field.  I think it is the mission God has given to our church for disciples to rise up in these fields, and to save the church, and to spread this gospel movement to the 5,000 unreached people groups. 

I’m not sure whether we’ll end up going to Mexico or El Salvador, but I’m leaning towards El Salvador in the direction of evangelism. So please continue to pray for that.  In the beginning of May, there’s the Missionary Conference, and starting from this June, there will be a live, in-person Remnant Day at ICSC. It seems that most things are going back to in-person now, so let us pray for the remnants that they may be properly raised up.

Let us sing a praise, so our personal and church prayers and go home.

In the message, I explained the history of what’s going on in El Salvador to explain there is a team.  In order to save the field, you cannot do it alone, so God has prepared a team.  That’s how you will always play your own role to save this field. I wanted to explain to you how God has prepared the team for El Salvador and is guiding us in this way.  

In order to save your field and your region, God has prepared an appropriate team.  If we can do this alone, then Paul would have just wandered around alone, but we cannot.  God has prepared another team to save the field.  That’s why even the location is determined within the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Doing that is the pre-camp, even before going out to evangelize, you must prepare this well. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the believers and the remnants who desire to hold onto the message today and change their fields, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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