Be Sufficient with Only Christ (Matt. 13:44-50)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Be Sufficient with Only Christ (Matt. 13:44-50)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today we will share the Word of God with the three parables regarding the Kingdom of God.  Heaven is also referred to as the Kingdom of God, but Matthew calls it heaven.  What kind of place is the Kingdom of heaven?  In order to understand the Kingdom of heaven, we are living in the kingdom of the earth, and as soon as we’re born on earth, we live with the values and education of the world.  

When we concentrate on something, it’s because we see the value in it.  We pour all our time and money and everything we have into this because we see the value. Even right now, depending on what I value, it will change how I spend my time and concentration. It’s the same thing in the world, but what kind of place is heaven?

With these three parables, He is saying to go all in.  We can only go all in when we discover this.  If you do not discover this, then someone is bound to live with the same values they have lived with.  Before we go into that, in Matthew 4 and 5, Jesus Christ explained what blessings are.  Then, before we talk about heaven, what are blessings, as shown in Matthew 4 and 5?

We grow up in the world and culture of what the world considers to be a blessing, so the Kingdom of the World looks very good to us.  But you can only discover the true and important value of the Kingdom of God when you see what a true blessing is.  When you look at the ways He describes a blessing, He says, “poor in heart,” what does that mean?  It means that the kingdom of God is for those who are poor in spirit. If they’re following Jesus Christ, they do so because they want to live with Jesus in heaven. 

The people in the world say the ones who are stronger or live the longest are the ones who are blessed, but what does the Bible say that the blessing of heaven is?  Being poor in spirit is a blessing, why is that a blessing? If you receive the value of Christ through your poor spirit, then that’s a blessing, because Christ it’s the source of blessings. If you’ve all crumbled, then looking towards Jesus Christ it’s a blessing.  Do you have a disease? That’s not a curse, but if you look at Christ through that, then it’s a blessing.  Are you poor? Then if you have no choice but to look to Christ, that’s a blessing.  God gives us blessings but we look at it through the values of the world, so we don’t recognize it as a blessing.

Christ is ablesing, everything is within Christ. What a blessing it is to ralie sit through my problems, difficulties, and situations.  God is blessing us. What God gives us are not curses it is blessings, but the problem is that we look with the standards of the world so we don’t see what God is doing.  Separating with people is a blessing because that’s how you look to Christ.  Are you facing a circumstance  right now? That’s a blessing, because through this circumstance “only Christ.”   God is giving us blessings. I believe that you and I meeting together is a blessing, why is that? Because you talk about Christ and we do the Christ movement. Our meeting is not random or coincidental; it is for Christ and that’s why it’s a blessing.  Even this week, did you have a blessing of meeting? Though Christ, everyone you meet is a blessing.  But if it’s not for Christ, then you’re kicking away your blessings.  If you’re meeting each other for the values of the world, then you are kicking away your blessings.

Do you have a problem in your family? Are there long-standing spiritual problem? But if that becomes an opportunity for us to look to Christ, then it’s a channel for blessings. If you’re living a good life without Christ then that’s a curse. Why is that a curse? Because ultimately you cannot overcome Satan, and you cannot block the  curses and disasters.  That’s why knowing, enjoying, and relaying Christ is a blessing.

Joseph in the Bible, losing your mother is not a blessing. If your mother pases away when you’re young, then how is that a blessing? But its was a blessing for Joseph because he discovered God’s vision for it.  His older brothers were very evil, so why was that situation as a blessing? Because it’s through that that he went to do Egypt evangelization. How will we interpret our circumstances?  I hope you will interpret your circumstance correctly. Do you think it was a coincidence that you came to church? I hope you will consider this to be a blessing, why? Because we talk about only Christ, and not only do we talk about only Christ, but we talk about transmitting Christ and how everything is found in only Christ.

The person who likes Christ is blessed.  Do you liek money or do you like Christ?  I hope you will answer this question. Do you like Christ or success?  I know you. What is a Christian? They like Christ, and the devil cannot harm them.  The curses and disasters are blessings, then what is the problem? Jesus Christ told them to follow Him and showed them this verse. 

If any of you think a curse blessing is a curse how will you change that. If you think a blessing is a curse , I hope you will change that. What the world calls a  blessing is a curse; we have to have a true blessing, blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. Confessing Christ is a blessing.  So I hope you will change your sense of blessing.  That’s the one who will save america, that’s the one who enjoys the kingdom of God, but if you don’t do that, then even when you go into the church, you’re oppressed , and when you go into the world, you’re enslaved, you can’t go anywhere. 

In Matthew 6 and 7, he says “first” speaking of our priority, that is the blessing. You seek that because you know that’s a blessing.  Why is it that people praise so diligently but don’t seek the kingdom of God? That is because they know that this is a blessing. It doesn’t matter how hard you work and everything you try in the world, it’s all useless. We’re citizens in the kingdom of God and we’ve received God’s inheritance, so we have to enjoy that within Christ. So, we should like Christ.  

Musicians like music, I think music is so-so but some people are moved by music.  Musicians have music close to them, and they always pour their ear towards music because they put their value there. That’s what we call a musician.  If you just like music as a hobby, then you’re not a musician.

Who is a Christian? You have to like Christ.  If Christ is so-so to you and the world looks much better, you’re simply someone who goes to church; you’re not a Christian.  It’s simply that in the American church, we call them Christians, but being a Christian isn’t talking about saying Christ like it’s some kind of chant, you genuinely like him so much he will come out whenever you talk to anyone.  Don’t you think that’s true? Musicians will talk about music no matter what they talk about, why? Because they like music.  Then even today, as they listen to the sermon, they’ll listen to the musicality of it.  During the choir song on Sunday, they will listen if the melody is correct or not, but we don’t hear things like that, we don’t know if they’re right or wrong. I don’t know if I’m in tune or not, but the musicians know so well, why? Because they always have music in their hearts.

Christ, 24 hours, the answer to all problems, the answer and direction to all the future, the solution to all problems in the past, present, and future problems.  In every meeting, Christ, because in every meeting, you shouldn’t have the concept of people; you should find the plans of Christ. When you’re alone, enjoy “with” even more. “I don’t need myself; Christ is with me as my Master,” and in every meeting, what is God’s plan? 

Every Thursday, I have an Upper Room Meeting with members of our church, and how did it go? I shouldn’t say my words, why do you think this person would give their time to listen to my words?  If they want to listen to my words, they’re much better off listening to renowned speakers on YouTube, but I simply enjoy Immanuel.

What is God’s plan in my meeting with this person today? That’s how I enjoy Immanuel, then God will give me His Word. “God wants me to deliver this Word today,” that’s how you enjoy Immanuel, but what happens if you don’t enjoy Immanuel? “How do I do this ministry? What do I have to do there? What have I learned, I have to try really hard with my effort”? That’s not Immanuel, that’s “you” coming back to life to make you suffer, but if God has given you the Word He has planned, then you speak about that, so every time you seek, they come to life.

Then you say, “I’ll see you on Sunday,” why? Because everywhere you go, the Word of God is fulfilled . It’s not the word offering I received through training, but the message God desires right now, that’s what you call Immanuel. Are you meeting with unbelievers?  Why is God allowing you to meet an unbeliever today? That’s why you enjoy Immanuel.  But we just meet people with the values of the physical world, we believe in God but there’s no God there. God’s plan is being fulfilled there but we never ask about it.  

God’s blessing is in each of these meetings, but because you lose hold of Immanuel, the darkness is eatslibhsed so you say things like, “It’s because of this person,” or, “that person ruined my life,” why? The only thing there is you, you have to enjoy Immanuel instead.  God never gives you a meeting for no reason, He is allowing the person to meet you within His absolute sovereignty and you have to find God’s plan there, that’s you finding Immanuel.  

Then, when you come to church, you should ask, “Why did God allow me to meet this pastor, this church, and these church members?”  If you cannot find this, then you’re going to be afflicted and then not going back and forth, because I”m not always going to match your level, if that’s what people want. If we keep talking about your level, people may get tested because not everyone is going to align with me, only my friends, but church people are not all your friends.  

So, why did God give me this meeting with AMC? You have to find this to discover God’s plan.  Why did God allow me to do this work?  Why did God allow me to face this situation?  You have to find this to enjoy the blessings of Immanuel that fulfill God’s plan.  But if we believe in Jesus Christ and lose hold of the blessings of with, Immanuel, and oneness, then that’s suffering, it’s me. Then even as we go to church we wonder “Do I have to keep going?” Because it doesn’t fill my heart, then it’s not God there, it’s only me, then I have to wander around, looking for something that fits me, but there is not a single person who fits with me, so again this person doesn’t fit so we wander again. 

We got married and we thought we would get along but don’t . And we can’t separate, we can’t do anything so we go crazy.  Legalistic people don’t want to get divorced so they have to endure and live with that, why? Because they can’t enjoy immanuel.  Why did God allow us to create a family with this meeting? You have to find this plan.  I didn’t have a baby before I got married, of course, but I want to tell you what it was like before I had a kid and after.  Now that I have a kid, I think it’s good to have a kid.  People talk about, “I prayed to God about this and got the answer,” and as the kid keeps maturing, they change.

If I raised a kid before, I would know, but I haven’t, and until they’re about 3-4, they do whatever I say and they’re cute so I like it.  Now that she’s in fifth or sixth grade, she begins to speak her own mind and I get confused. I look at this child from my age and my level, so it doesn’t fit, so a parent will assume they’re correct and will enforce their ideas on their children.  But there’s a 45 year age gap.  Do you think my level will fit hers? She’s in a state where it’s impossible for her to accept my words.  

As I raise my kid, I realize it’s God’s plan, I have to speak aligning my level to her. How could she align herself to me?  Now I’m trying to understand her emotions and language to match with her, and I’m finding God’s plan for her.  I’m not creating my own educational plan to drag her this way or that, that’s the way to kill her. I’m asking, “What is God’s plan?” That’s what we have to find, then we have to ask God. “Why did you send me to this company?” You should ask Him because God is with you there.

For us, we have been given the greatest thing in the world, CHrist, and we have to have that and enjoy it.  But a lot of people know Christ but cannot enjoy.  You have to enjoy Him through with, Immanuel, and oneness. We know these words but we can’t really enjoy it. Then you know Christ, then you should have and use Him, but you can’t.  I hope you can always enjoy the blessing of prayer in this way.

In Matthew 6, He says to first seek God’s Kingdom, and in Matthew 7, “Do not look at the speck in your brother’s eye but the plank in your own” Do not look at the fault in the other person but look at the greater fault in you. We’re not at a level where we can say this greater than about the other person, because there’s a greater flow in me.  As I do the evangelism movement, I know a lot of pastors.  As time passes, we have this and that kind of rumors coming in, so I keep hearing rumors about pastors.  There are good things to hear and some things I don’t want to repeat.  The good things, I say, “That’s good,” then for the things that aren’t so good to hear, I think, “I can be like that, too.”  They’re not like that because their personality is bad; Satan attacks us in that moment through our weakness. So what do you think would happen if we keep judging other people, “ I wouldn’t be like that” then all the words in Matthew 7 become useless.

As you look at that other person, you should look at yourself.  As you look at the flaws in other members of the church, it’s an opportunity to see your own flaws within yourself, then you can speak freely. The fact that you speak easily means you cannot see things within yourself but can only see things in others.  These are the words God is giving us regarding His kingdom.

Then in Matthew 13, He talks about the 3 parables of the Kingdom of God. This word “heaven” is used for the Jews.  In most other verses, they use “kingdom of God,” but that’s not important at all, but there are a lot of people who , “that’s not the kingdom of God,” thats not what’s important, the essence is what’s important.  

Matthew 13:44, “The Kingdom of God is like a treasure hidden in a field.”  Why do you think he says that? We already know the treasures in the world, even if we don’t teach you, everyone knows diamonds and gold are expensive.  There’s no need to write that in the Bible.  But the Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure, hidden in a field. It means it’s invisible.  The things of the world can be seen and known, but this is invisible.  When the man found it, he hid it again and was overjoyed.  He sold all that he had and bought that  field because that field has treasure.  

We’re reading the word of God, centered on having Christ, enjoying Christ, and relaying Christ which means that I’m pouring everything I have to raise the disciples to spread the joy of the gospel.  If you want to think about it in a general way, it means you’re staking your life on the value of God’s word.  Because that word of God is so important, it cannot be even compared to the treasures of the world.  If I pour my entire life into raising one person, to one disciple in the world, that is of more value.

Paul was almost stoned to death outside of Lystra, and he’s so stupid, if he was stoned almost to death, he should realized it hurt and should leave, but God raise him back up and siad, “Go back into the city becuase there are stil people to receive the gospel there,” and that’s it.  The kingdom of God, heaven, it’s putting my all into the thing of the greatest value. In order to do this, you must discover the value of the treasure hidden in the field. 

If you do not discover the greatest value of saving a soul, you cannot stake your life on that.  If you want to discover that value, you have to realize that Christ is the greatest value.  During the healing evangelism school, I said that if you discover and know Jesus Christ properly then evangelism takes place easily. Don’t you think it’s rightful that a musician will think that making music is the most important and valuable thing?  If  a christian is always enjoying Christ and overcoming their problems through Christ, then relaying Christ is easy.  But if that’s difficult, then it means you are either misunderstanding or you do not believe in Christ, then you need to quickly change your prayer topic.  

That person’s prayer topic should be, “From now on, allow me to properly know, understand, and and enjoy enjoyJesus Christ. “ In order to do that, God may take away your money or give you a disease, and in that situation, it doesn’t matter if you pray for it to go away. God is allowing this circumstance so that through it, you can discover the greatest value of Christ. 

Once you know this Christ, He says, “I will build My church upon this rock.” The rock doesn’t shake. What problem isn’t a problem? What crisis into a crisis,  it’s not enough for you to brace your  mind saying, “It’s not a crisis.”  Because of Jesus Christ, the One Who is the Lord will give you the answer through your problems and blessings through crises.  We need to have Christ, but instead, if we hold onto legalism, then we are going to argue “You did this wrong, and that wrong,” or what did I do SO wrong, John the Baptist always get criticized and whenever there’s any kind of problem in the church, they’ll draw out their knife because John the baptist within them; there’s no Christ there.  God and Christ are still the Master there, so you need to find the answer, but instead of finding the answer, we immediately go towards judging others like John the Baptist, then these people will naturally fall into conflicts, division, and judgment.  

There’s also Jeremiah and Elijah, always speaking very mystically.  Even before we go to Matthew 16, we need to examine ourselves,  you need to examine yourself exactly what was wrote in the words of God.  “I’ve been a believer for multiple generations,” that’s just our train of thought, that doesn’t have to do anything with the words of God, “I have this kind of position in the church,” or, “i’m this kind of person in the world,” none of this matters. I need to lay my life down before the word of God, then you can see yourself within God’s word.  What do you see? You can see what you’re in. 

You have to know the time schedule to receive answers.  If you’re already confused about blessings you have to go back to Matthew 5.  If you think the blessings of the world are truly blessings and you have that in your heart, then your time schedule is Matthew 5.  If you’re praying and you cannot pray for God’s Kingdom first, then you have to stay within Matthew 6.  Then how should you pray? Pray appropriately.  “God, allow me to know that Chris is the blessing.”  Then your prayers will naturally seek God’s Kingdom first.  If I’m criticizing someone else constantly, then my time schedule is to allow me to see myself first.  

Then, we go into Matthew 13, as we live in the kingdom of God, we have to discover the true value, in 1 Corinthians says evangelism is foolishness.  Only the one who has discovered the graduates in the field can go all into that. If you haven’t discovered that, but people keep telling you to stake your life on that, of course it is stressful and you hate it more than death.  That person’s value is in the world, so that’s how they will naturally be enslaved. Turns out, that’s how they’re enslaved by the devil, enslaved by Egypt.  But when we discover the true value of Christ, then our eyes must open as we discover a treasure in a field. Once you discover it, you pour your entire life into it.

My 30s were the most difficult times but also the times filled with the most grace. As you know, the 30s are your age where you should be getting married, and it’s the time when you should be working really hard in your company.  But at that time, for 10 years by God’s grace, He just poured me into the stream of the word and evangelism, completely separate from the world, then from the view of the world, they thought, “When is he going to get married?”  I’m sure a lot of people looked down on me because I said I’d go here, but I left, and when I looked at my friends, I saw most of them got very successful.  30 years in is when they become a vice president or something.

At that time, I wasn’t doing anything physical in the world, I was just receiving training, worshiping, and going into the evangelism field.  During that time, imagine how much was inside of me.  Now that I’ve realized in the past that this was God’s program to put me in to change the things inside of me for the evangelism movement.  Once I was no longer jealous of my successful friends, my value system was organized. Before that point, whenever it was raining, I was really afflicted, “I don’t want to go out to evangelize, what am I doing with my life?”

I called my friends, and at that time, my friends were all having kids and families, so I wondered, “What am I doing with my life?” Because there wasn’t anything I could see, but that was the time God was blessing me the most and I could discover the value of Christ the most.  Because I had God’s grace, I was able to go through that time, but I didn’t realize how great of a value it was back then.  Now that I look retrospectively, I see that my friends have to retire in a few years and I ask what they’re going to do, but they don’t know. They have to live unemployed for about 40 years. They said they’ve never experienced this kind of wealth, so they didn’t set a plan and I think a lot of them will fly over here on planes.  Now they have a lot of money, but don’t have a job, so they have a lot of time and they will come one by one now.  

You should try working and then stop working, there’s nothing else to do and there’s nothing harder than that, so that’s their end.  That’s their disaster, but I’m still doing the Lord’s work, even physically speaking, because there’s no end to the evangelist work, we go until our life ends by God.  You must know this value.

Matthew 13:45.  “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.”  So he’s a lowly merchant or salesperson, but he’s not really that.  It seems like he’s just a lowly merchant, but actually he is a merchant of fine pearls because pearls have value. How valuable is a life?  It seems like we’re running our business, but we’re actually businessmen of saving lives.  For those whose eyes are opened to see this, it’s easy because their value is in saving lives. THose who can’t see this will find it hard because the values of God are not the things of the world, and it’s hard because you value the things of the world. THose valuable things should follow us; we shouldn’t pursue them.

“Saving a life, how great of a value this is!”  If one person receives that life, then that gospel will be relayed for multiple generations.  Let’s say this small business that would otherwise not have much value will be used to save lives. If this business goes away , that life-saving aspect goes away, too. But that life will remain forever.  It seems like we’re merchants but it’s actually the life movement that truly valuable pearl.

The members of the Early Church was a gathering of people who had these eyes open.  The reason why American churches keep closing downs and it’s not that great even when you go, it’s because people like this haven’t gathered.  Even if you don’t understand that value, if the church keeps telling you about that value, then there’s some petoneital for you. But if the church keeps on talking about the values of the world, you see no value. and because there’s more people who value the world, the churches are disappearing.

Matthew 13:46, “When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”  It’s the same thing, when you discover how precious the remnants are, then you take everything you’ve learned and everything you have, and you invest it fully in the remnants because who knows what they’ll be like in the future like Joseph?  Who would have thought that Joseph would be the governor of Egypt?  Who would have thought that David, who did the lowest job of shepherding the sheep, would become a king?  That’s what the remnants are like, no one knows what they will be like in the future.

We need to pour everything we’ve experienced in our lives, all our failures and things into the remnants. The people who know this will attach themselves to the remnants, and the people who know this will pour their time into the remnants, and for people who know this, they pour their material possessions ito don’t spend your money willy nilly, you spend according to your values, and when you see how this person spend their money on you know what they value. 

When you meet someone, there are some people who spend money well.  This person spends their money to exalt their own name, they value something different. Some people pour all their money into their girlfriend because they just want to get married, that’s what they value. You need to know the true value.  Heaven is like discovering the pearl of greatest value and pouring everything you have to purchase it.

After the second World War, someone received the most answers to prayer.  After this war, they had to gather all the orphans and feed them.  This person received so many answers.  They said they received a thousandfold answers.  God didn’t give them this blessing to feed the kids. All the kids who grew up in the orphanage became pastors and missionaries and incredible people.  It may seem like these people were randomly getting together, but God has attached people who will become future pastors, missionaries, and world evangelists, just as they did in the city of Dothan, gathering all the missionaries there. You have to know the value.

Matthew 13:47.  “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down in the lake and caught all kinds of fish and when the net was full they threw out the bad fish and kept the good fish. This mean fishermen don’t keep all fishes they caught, there’s some fish that are valuable, we don’t invest in everything, we invest in the valuable fish, the valuable places. For is that’s the hidden disciples of God, the hidden remnants. That’s where I pour my life.  And the entire nation of America will change depending on how many people arise seeing this. It doesn’t matter how many churches there are America will never change and the fact that they can’t change America means they are slaves to Satan. Then the disasters will come to them, to the next generations. 

It’s so unfortunate the disasters go to the next generations. They don’t want it but they have to be dragged as captives, and they have to endure wars they don’t want. Who ? The next generations. The first generation doesn’t matter because they are going to die and to heaven. 

If you don’t prepare the next generation for the things to come they will be swept up in waves. Your eyes that see the future have to be the same as God but if you eyes are only based on what I eat. Then it is not aligned with God. How will I survive once I retire? I don’t even know if they are children of God but they are definitely not aligned with God. Everything that you lived in the past is bound to be poured out and is bound to pour out your life’s breath. 

When we go gambling we go all into the one that has Probability. Where are we going all into? Are you still looking for a place to go all into? Where are you going all into gambling or are you drawing this abstract fantasy that if I missed this if I meet the right  person then my life will be finished. That is what it means to be dragged by the devil. There is no such thing like that as children of God there is no coincidence so as a children of God don’t even imagine a coincidental meeting. Forgot it, it is the meaning of Immanuel, the meeting to fulfill God‘s plan, a meeting to raise remnants and to do world evangelization. 

In Matthew verse 49 says, “This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous” Those that will go into heaven and those who will not. And there’s these three parables, the life that lives on the earth discovering the true value. No one knows when they will be called by God, today, tomorrow, on ten years, in twenty years l. If God calls is we have to go. Nobody knows that, but what will I live for? Through todays word, you have to really let yourself go in front of the word, then you’ll se yourself. Then with my personality and freedom of choice, what choice am I going to make? That must be your prayer topic. Then you’ll receive answers, and once you receive those answers, you will go into the life of word fulfillment. We are living a life thats already victorious, that’s already prepared as the children of God. Anything thats not the word of God, you should just let go of. Because all of those things are unnecessary things you are imprinted rooted and natured in. But if I one person stand correctly in this covenant, the church stands. But if I one person stands in front of the values of the world, that’s not a church i am the one who will fall. That’s only a house built on sand. And it doesn’t matter how well the house is built, because eventually it will fall. Jesus said he will raise the church in this rock. That’s God’s promise, we are holding onto that promise and living. 

On Saturday we have the children evangelism school from 1-3 where will you go all into in life? Where will I go all into in church? May you and i have this answer. 


Let’s pray together with the word God gave us. Instead of praying unnecessarily, may you let go of yourself in front of the word of God. Aligning yourself to God’s word is your prayer topic.

When we gather together I should have a meaningful prayer that has answers. It’s not a prayer where yoyr just struggling by yourself, but it’s a prayer that receives answers and breaks down Satan and establishes God’s kingdom. That’s a prayer topic from God’s word. God’s will is to save this world and region. So we must pray for regional evangelism. There’s a disciple and life God has hidden in the field even now. And for this purpose God raises up teams, I don’t do this alone. God prepares the people and teams within the church to do this. You cannot do this alone. The gospel never goes alone. Let us pray for evangelism and our region. 

There are a few trainings in the church that allow us to discover the value of evangelism. There is a class for new believers as well as those who wanna save the new believers and we also have the nurturing class and the 62 point live points of evangelism that I teach in the field through the regional churches and each worship is training too. Depending on how much these things are prepared, God raises up and attaches people to us. 

God also sent us a team for the multiethnic people got us allowing this because there are multiethnic people in the world who have to be saved. When the message of the church is centered on the value of evangelism and Christ than the forces of darkness breakdown, and for this purpose God has prepared the economy of light because the economy of light is the economy that saves lives. There is the economy that you work with you hard for and there is the economy that God has prepared to save lives. 

For your hard work, you just work hard but as you work hard it can end up like this or like that. There is a separate economy of light that nobody can touch that God has appeared to save lives with. 

Let us pray that God will resolve the training systems inside of the church and outside of the church to save lives in the world. On Saturdays we have programs all throughout children’s evangelism school, youth evangelism school, young adult evangelism school and prayer summit school. Depending on where you go you receive the answer. Let us pray. 

Finally let’s pray for the Sunday message, and let us pray for the remnants we have overseas. And let us pray for the remnants and missionaries that are out of state. 

I hope that you end the week with the word that we have been given from the gospel of Christ that is sufficient, enjoy overcoming problems and relaying it. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the multiethnic people, the future generations that desire to have, enjoy, and testify of the gospel of Christ that is sufficient, be with us now and forevermore always, Amen.


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