Be Interested in Only Christ and Relay Only Christ (Deut. 7:1-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Be Interested in Only Christ and Relay Only Christ (Deut. 7:1-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today we will receive the Word of God today from Deuteronomy 7. Deuteronomy is the second repetition of the word God gave to the first generation of the Israelites to the second generation that must now go in to conquer Canaan. The failure of the first generation is that they did not hold onto the words of God’s covenant. So, they only lived based on their own good thoughts, their plans in life, what they have experienced, and what they learned, and they just worked very hard. That may not be a bad thing, but they lived a life that was completely irrelevant to God. In other words, they lived a life that did not have God, just their own hard work, and they faced the end result of a life without God.

The devil wants us to live however we think is best. The devil wants us to live holding onto what we think is most valuable. However, people were born with Original Sin, so there’s nothing we can do that will please God. But from our personal perspective, we think this is okay. That’s exactly Satan’s method to deceive and control every person behind the scenes.  

Then, God is telling them again and asks the next generation to conquer the land of Canaan according to His Word. For the people who just grew up listening and learning, “How can I work hard, save a lot of money, and succeed in life?” These words won’t align with them.  “Don’t we just have to live a good life? Don’t we just have to become a better person?  They just talk about morals and ethics,” but they don’t know this is Satan’s message, and this has gone deeply into American churches, positive thinking.

They say God’s Word is positive thinking.  They say negative things aren’t God’s Word, but that’s foolish. If you’re not supposed to steal, then don’t steal, simply put.  Jesus Christ turned over tables when they made a marketplace in the Temple. Was Jesus Christ negative in that situation? He was.  When God tells them to go into the land of Canaan, he tells them to kill everyone there, oh that’s absolute murderous? Yes.  But the way Jesus Christ has been altered and corrupted in the churches is that they say, “Let’s just treat each other nicely. Anything of God’s will is always positive.” That is Satan’s message.  

So he makes it so that the church can no longer do anything. In other words, when the church says to not practice homosexuality, the world says, “Oh, God doesn’t speak so negatively.”  All of that is the voice of the devil and this has gone very deeply into the American churches, and they begin to emphasize this through the messages.  Because of that, everyone is completely seized by the devil, that’s how much they make people ignorant.  Everyone says America is the greatest nation in the world, they think American ideology is the best, and that has gone into the churches, that’s why we need to look at God’s Word.

It’s not about our thoughts or whatever ideologies we’re comfortable with; what does the word of God say? If God’s word tells us not to do something, whether it’s negative or positive, we shouldn’t do it, and if God tells us to do something, it doesn’t matter if we like it or feel good about it, we have to do it.  But they have changed the Word of God to be completely centered on human standards of what is good or bad, but those are good words for people to hear. The Word of God doesn’t make people happy; it makes God happy.

Shall we confirm this in today’s word? Deuteronomy 7:1, “When the Lord your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess and drive out before you many nations, seven nations larger and stronger than you.” But how did they change this? “Oh that’s not what God is like, we need to go in and be nice, comfortable and peaceful with each other.” That’s just their own gospel, that is a god they made themselves. Absolutely God told them in the word about going into the land of Canaan. 

But the American ideology is “I don’t think I want to go into the land of Canaan. I don’t really agree with that, I see this differently.” As a result, the absoluteness of God’s Word is disappearing. Because this is a nation that really respects people’s opinions and thoughts, this has gone into the churches.  There are some who make sermons like this, too, and there are people who go around making messages like that as well.

“This fits with me,” it’s not about what fits with me, but I have to adjust myself to God’s word.  But why do we keep looking for things that align with me?  Because the ideology of America is “me,” only individualism, only human-centeredness.  Because this ideology has come into the churches, when they go to church, people look for sermons that they like.  

As a result, the devil has taken away the strength and power of the Word of God in the churches.  Here it says definitely that those other nations are larger and stronger than you, but you say, “I don’t agree with that, I don’t really think they’re stronger than me, I don’t think they’re larger than I am.”  So they completely change the Word of God with their own thoughts. That’s America. 

Because they acknowledge physical diversity a lot, we have many advancements, and because we acknowledge and emphasize diversity, we gather a lot of people. If you say anything absolute in that situation, everybody flees.  When the churches talk about something absolute, people don’t like to hear it and leave. They talk in a similar way so that people will like to hear things like that.  

This seems like something people are doing, but it’s actually what Satan is doing. The evidence of this is in Genesis 3, Satan says, “If you eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, you will be like God.” The point he talks about the fruit is right. He doesn’t take something out of nothing.  God said, “Do not eat fruit from this tree,” but the devil goes in, using that fruit.  So, Satan attacks us by using the Word of God, so that when we look at the fruit it looks pleasing to our eye, it looks good for food and it seems correct in our thoughts. 

This is how we’ve been educated since we were young in America.  Then, it seems like we’re listening, but at the critical moment, “I don’t think so.  That’s just Rev. Ryu’s opinion; I think differently.”  Yes, we cannot say a pastor’s words are absolute; however, we need to stand before God with God’s Word.  This is what happens when people emphasize individuality and diversity so much, there was a time we talked about obeying in the church, and they reacted as if they were being dragged around on a leash. 

When I look at American churches, they don’t have the concept of “obedience.” In American education, they say, “You and I are the same; I don’t have to obey anyone but the law,” so they go.  So it’s impossible to have any discipleship training because it doesn’t matter if it’s your thought or my thought, but if it’s God’s Word then we have to absolutely obey but at the critical moment, they will say, “I don’t think so,” so the devil leaves you to be very similar, he leaves you to be very similar in everything. But at the critical moment, he makes us follow our own thoughts, and this was rooted into us at a very young age.

Then who is a disciple of God?  There is no “no,” but whenever He says something, we say, “Yes,” but we don’t like that.  Satan makes us feel like we’re dogs on a leash, being dragged around with no willpower, no thoughts of our own. Your thoughts should not go in, because the world is a lot larger and stronger than you, and God is the one chasing this out. “Oh, I don’t think so.”  So it seems like they’re listening to the Word of God fine, but in the critical moment, they go back to their thoughts. And it seems like we are receiving God’s grace in everything, but at the critical moment Satan is just holding onto us with “me,” and we have to have the answer to overcome that.

There is no “personal” thinking; we follow God’s will. we go for the benefit of the gospel. It is not about my benefit or my circumstances. If you want to talk about your circumstances, forget about conquering Canaan because it’s conquered by your enemies.  “Oh, it’s just lately that my circumstances have been like this,” but what are you talking about? You follow God’s word, but how much is our nature so rooted in things that are not God’s Word?

Deut. 7:2 says, “When the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them,” “Oh, but I don’t like things like that, I want to live peacefully with them, I don’t like fighting,” so you’re creating your own kingdom according to your own thoughts. You’re living according to your own thoughts.  Then, does that mean God is a murderous God?  He told us not to kill.  Then, what is God’s Word in this?

I’ve had interactions with two Jehovah’s witnesses, one in Korea and one in America, and both of them commonly said, “We do not go to war,” and they criticized Christians because of this, and they say, “Killing people is not God’s will,” so they don’t go into the military. It’s so exasperating, it doesn’t even make sense. They believe in something different, so their spirit is different.  So I asked them, “What about the wars fought in David’s time?” They can’t say anything about that.  

Then forget about David’s time, what about the wars going on right now?  Let’s say someone is waging war against your nation and goes into your neighborhood killing people. Do we just say “We should be nice, we should be peaceful; we shouldn’t carry guns.”  If you follow God’s Word this way, then your’e actually an accomplice to murder, so they take things from the Bible and they don’t even make sense, but they interpret it based on their thoughts.

Then when they go into Korea, it’s going to be very difficult because they’re told not to carry  guns.  “You cannot live in Korea, then,” I said, “Because everyone around you is fighting carrying guns, but you’ll be sitting there without one? Then you’ll have to leave Korea, because if you are not carrying a gun and everyone else has to block you, then you have to leave.  You have to go somewhere far away.”  

Just like there are religions that take the Word of God and completely misinterpret them according to their thoughts, the same thing happens to the church.  God is the Word, but instead of taking the basics of God from His Word, we say, “I think God will be like this.”  Without a doubt, God says, “When you go into Canaan, destroy them completely.”  God Himself said He would deliver them through you.

But there are a lot of people who say, “Actually, that doesn’t fit with my personality. I’m very cowardly and timid, I don’t like public speaking, so I’ll just sit quietly in the wilderness.”  That’s actually the message of the devil, and I believe the God Who has saved us will guide us according to His Word.

He continues in Deut. 7:2, “Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy,” so do not go outside of God’s Word with your unnecessary emotions. That’s the word of God.  Why did God tell us not to make a treaty with unbelievers?  Because they’re unbelievers.  This is a person who is chasing after Satan and demons, and if you make a covenant with them, you’ll be pulled in that direction, too.  But the people of God follow the word God gave them.

That’s why the New Testament tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. What happens if we’re yoked with them?  We’ll be dragged with them, that’s why He tells us not to do it.  “But actually, I’m closer to the nonbelievers outside the church rather than the ones inside the church.  I’m actually not very close to anyone inside of the church and I’m much more friendly with those outside.”  That’s just your friendliness, but your God says, “Don’t,” and ultimately it’s because of this that you will be destroyed and ruined.

I think it’s the same with marriage.  I think there’s no reason for us to be divided from an unbeliever, however, if someone is being led by God, I believe God has a plan of salvation for them and their family.  But the problem is, if you’re living like an unbeliever and then you get married, then this is something irrelevant to God, and you’re being yoked to an unbeliever.  

But let’s say you’re in the process of being led by the Word of God and you meet someone, “This is someone who can do the work of God and who believes in Jesus Christ,” then what’s wrong with that?  Then, what if you’re neither this or that, and you’ve already done it?  Then you just have to begin anew, believing this was allowed in God’s absolute sovereignty.  Then, I believe it is God’s will that you will simply trust in the God who knew He would save you and allow it to happen, and make your family full of the gospel.

But the real point is, it doesn’t matter if you get along better with this person or like this person more.  Because people nowadays are following those things, and the result is to say things like, “I’ve been betrayed,” and, “I didn’t know they could do this to me.” It’s because people will make their decisions in life based on their spiritual state and that’s what God is telling us not to do.

Deut. 7:3, “Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters and sons among them.”  Why?  Deut. 7:4 says, “they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.” Ultimately, I make a decision because it’s what I like, then the result will be spiritual destruction.  In the land of Canaan, they’re already being conquered by 7 great nations controlled by evil idols and spirits.  This is the land you’re going into.  Do you think you’d say, “Yes, okay?”  They wouldn’t say that.

If you follow what they want to do, maybe they would allow it but they would not say, “Okay,” to you.  Let’s say if you follow my gods and my ways, it will be better, because we’ll become more numerous, but you must never do that. When God guides His people into the land, He wants to guide them according to His Way, and God’s will is to break down Satan’s Kingdom there and establish God’s Kingdom.  

Let’s say you go in without doing that.  We absolutely need to go in, having conquered the spiritual battle, but let’s say you are not even aware of this spiritual battle and you are going to live?  Most Christians in the world live like that.  We believe but this world is seized by the authority of the devil.  All cultures of the world are established in the way the devil is guiding them.  However, if you do not have the covenant of establishing God’s Kingdom there and deserting the kingdom of Satan there, then you’ve already lost.  You’ve already been conquered and enslaved by Satan, this culture, and the people, and the result of that will be suffering. 

It would be great if it were good, but it cannot be good.  The people of God need to live with the happiness and strength that God gives them, but if they’re living with anything else, then they’ve already been conquered.  Yes, physically speaking, it is possible they might succeed more or become better people than others, but spiritually speaking, that’s not the case.  If their spiritual state isn’t right, it means it’s being dragged around by the temptations of the devil, and it means a problem is already in progress. And even if it’s not visible to the eye right now, ultimately the invisible problems are bound to arise.  

Let’s say a person has physical cancer; you should not think of that very simply. Whether this cancer is healed or not is not God’s will.  If you think, “Don’t you think God’s will is for me to live a healthy and good life?” That’s foolish. When God allowed the cancer, it means God has a will and a plan there.  Simply put, this is a problem that has come because of a long progression of the spiritual state was collapsed and the mental stress and oppression.  

There’s some people who have some kind of illness that isn’t capable of being diagnosed.  100% of these people are seized by an evil spirit so their physical body is suffering.  The reason I’m sharing this Word with you is, even if you’re not like this, there are people like this around you.  When you receive this Word, yes, you should think of yourself as well but you are someone that is destined to save this region so you need to think about giving this Word to them. That’s what it means to conquer Canaan.  

But if you say, “I’m okay, my family is okay,” then that’s a mistake.  The reason you exist here is to conquer the land of Canaan and to evangelize, but if that’s irrelevant to you, how can that be? Nowadays, conquering the land of Canaan means to save people from the kingdom of Satan; it means to change their spiritual state.  This person is facing a problem; He is telling you to give you the accurate word to change their spiritual state but even if you see someone like that, you don’t know what to do, and it’s irrelevant to you. Then there’s no reason for you to go into Canaan.  The reason God is allowing you to be here, whether you immigrated here or were born here, is to establish God’s Kingdom to save people.  That’s the Word of God we believe.  God says He will do this personally, but He will do it through us. 

So, God says He will destroy Satan’s Kingdom and He’ll do it through us.  All our life must go into here, our business, our studies, all of it is contained in this.  But you can live physically well regardless of this.  But one day, you will absolutely face the result of separating from God.  Then, you will get to a spiritual state where you cannot do anything.  That might be cancer, where you’re hospitalized, or this might come through your kids.  Either way, the result will come, so do not think lightly of God’s Word.

It says what will happen to those who think lightly of God’s Word a few times in the Bible, those who think lightly of God’s word but nowadays who would think God’s word as a joke?  They just say that God’s word is on a similar level as people’s words, and that’s why they react by saying “I think differently,” then all of this person’s spiritual state is conquered. It’s only a matter of time before something is difficult.  This is the problem the members of the church are experiencing.  Whenever they face a problem, they beg to God to get rid of that problem.  They need to solve the fundamental problem but they have no interest in that, and they only say “I want the problem to go away” and go into religion.

I want you to confirm whether I’m saying something wrong.  Ask them what their prayer topics are.  Everyone’ about solving their problems, they are praying exactly opposite of God’s will?  They’re choosing a god they want in the way they want. If they have a problem, they should ask God.  They never do. They just say, “God, fix this.” Then, who is God?  They themselves are god, but they say this is the standard of Christainity, and this is completely rooted in the churches, and this is being relayed directly to the future generations, and that’s why they follow this, then what happens?  Because this isn’t the gospel, I cannot save the field.  The field is continuously being overtaken by disasters but the church cannot take it, because first and foremost, the problem right in front of their eyes isn’t being resolved even though they go to church.  So, in a state where they don’t even know the answer of the gospel, then how can they save the field?  

The reason I’m speaking like this is because there was a synod meeting on Sunday, and there was a special lecture given about the three organizations and the Freemasons, and there was a pastor who researched that and gave a lecture. “The way the Freemasons started,” and then there was the Illuminati got mixed in with the freemasons and this is the work. The enlightenment ideologies that the Freemasons have, actually a lot of Christians have.  It’s very positive thinking,very “can do” attitude.  These are the church pastors who are leading the way and shaking the churches, and the representative of that is the Crystal Cathedral.  It’s a complete “can do” attitude. Where did it really come from, though? It’s coming from the New World.

Why do they call this the New World order? In the Middle Ages, they were ruled by the king’s authority and at that point, the civilians had no right. Then there were also the feudal lords who had little authority over kings but would rule over the people. And in the midst of that there was the church organization who was fighting with the king to determine who has more power. So in the Middle Ages the rule of the charges was so strong there was sometimes where the religious leader had higher power than the king.  

Then, in the 1500s, there was the religious reformation.  From that point on, there were very elite young adults who thought, “It’s not about the religious or political order, there’s a New World Order,” and this went into france and drank up a new world.  Then, it also went into the Bolsheviks and the Communism ideology, but most of these are common spread. They were saying,  “We don’t like what the king is doing, we don’t like what religious leaders are doing, so let us create a new world order,” and that this time, they’re being persecuted, so they were doing this in hiding. They were all around the world.  

Then they have these signs and symbols, “Don’t put your hand in here,” but why do these spiritual movements happen every right?  There’s these Jesuits that were raised in the church when the Protestants were breaking down the churches.  So all around the world there are these Jesuit schools where they raise up the elites, and they say to conquer the world in the name of Catholicism.  There’s a really good elementary school nearby that’s also like that,  saying they’ll use Catholicism to have a great upbringing.

What they did was very mystical, like unhealthy mysticism and that changed into the Illuminati movement and the Illuminati combined with freemasons, and the mysticism of the illuminati has gone into the Freemasons then. So these are the spiral ritual acts they are doing today. But these people were very smart, very skillful. They’re distinguished even today.  Even right now, it’s not about politics or religion, but about the new world order today, and especially in America, it’s very strong.  

Then, they go in with the transcendental meditation movement, and they try to completely seize the elites of the younger generation. And God is wanting us to give an answer to them, to declare only the gospel that can change their spiritual state.  “Oh, but I’m actually too busy just eating and surviving, so not me, just send somebody else, please.  The Freemasons are distant from me so you should send someone closer to them.” 

There are people who receive the Word of God according to their convenience. If you cannot go raise the remnants, “I’m not interested in remnants, either, I’m just so busy living and surviving and making a living Ill just live like this and go to heaven.” That’s fine but your spiritual state is relayed directly to your future generations, on the other hand you can get thousands of generations of blessings.  

If you cannot do this, then you should at least help your children do them, because when your children grow up, they will be completely overcome by darkness.  “I don’t really know the future, I’m just comfortable and satisfied right now.  That’s a stiff necked person. They try not to listen to any word, they just want to go the way they go. That’s the characteristic of the first generation. And God is entrusting this into the next generation to send them in but they aren’t better. They don’t go all the way to the end following God’s word; they tie it up. 

The land of Canaan is only conquered by the age of David, that’s how much time had to pass.  This is something that could’ve taken only a few years, but they did not do things according to God’s word. It would be fine if you were not able to do this, but the next generations will suffer. Because this is related to the next generation, so the next generation follows.  Only when this individual David was raised up was he able to unite the entire kingdom. What is it talking about? What is true success? What is good in God’s Eyes? 

Following God’s Word. Why did you come here? You may have come here for this or that reason, but don’t you think God sent you here to establish God’s kingdom? Do you have cancer? Do you have some kind of mental illness? This is a sign for you to look at God.  Look at God spiritually because you won’t look at God if it isn’t for this cancer so take this time. God gives you this suffering through this very deep mental problem because that is how deeply upon how you must look onto God.  

It can never be solved with medication. Only when you have only Jesus Christ, only the kingdom of God, and only the filling of the Holy Spirit will you be liberated. This is the reason God has allowed you to go through this, to give you His blessing.  But instead of relaying the Word, I changed it into religion.   “Oh, I’ll pray for you,” even people who believe in Buddha say things like that. 

You need to deliver God’s word to this person. If you don’t relay that to that person, you just say “I’ll pray for you” but you’re not even confident in that. Shamans actually pray more than you, they wake up early in the morning, take cold baths and they pray for hours. Try going to a temple, they raise something and circle around it to pray. 

“Let’s pray about it,” what kind of prayer are you talking about? Let us find God’s will through this. Last week, this was the word God gave to me, so maybe you should try thinking about this. You have to give them the answer immediately saying, “I know this looks like a physical problem, but actually it’s a spiritual problem. I think this is the chance God is giving you to look deeply into His word and find the answer.” But if you don’t give them the answer and just give them religion, you’re just making them worse. “God will bless you.” You can go to a Buddhist and they’ll say the same thing.  

Just a generic religion that believes in a god is not the answer. This is why the Word message is important, because the principle of only the Gospel has not become the answer to all people.  Whether they have cancer or a problem, it will affect them if they do not have the Word.  It’s not just about the Word, but the answer to the invisible problem is Christ, then you need to be able to relay the answer of only Christ to this person.  

If this person has cancer and you’re not talking to them about the spiritual problems at all, but you’re just talking about God, then that’s religion. You can go to a shaman or fortune teller, and they will actually heal the disease. Let’s say we’re able to do that, and they go to a Christian church, and they’re healed. What do you think is the problem? You can solve one problem, but another problem will repeat.  God wants to give them the fundamental blessing through this.  

Did your business fail?  That’s a blessing. Because you’ve lived your life uninterested in the gospel. However, this is the greatest opportunity God has allowed for you to know the true blessing of the gospel, of Christ, and what to live for. Then, we need to help them, what it means to concentrate on the gospel and the Word of God.  

Giving them the answer isn’t equivalent to going up to them and saying, “Christ,” you need to relay through the word of God why it must be only Christ. You must not say your thoughts, you have to relay God’s word. That’s what it means to conquer Canaan, that’s why God will be with you. Look at this it says, “I’ll drive them out through you” that’s why when Jesus Christ resurrected he said, “I’ll be with you with all authority over heaven and earth.” God says he will work mightily through you. 

Do you think that’s better or do you think working hard without God is better? What will you choose? Are you going to have a business where God is working upon it or God is not working upon it? What will you choose? That’s what I’m saying. You need to run a business that is able to spiritually save people. Therefore, my business is a spiritual ambassador that gives the answer, that’s my main job, your side job is your business. But you think your job is the main thing and that’s why you’re being completely conquered. 

You need to go all into the main thing.  Everything else is an answer God has given you, following the mahin thing.  If this Word dosen’t go into the remnants, they will always be a slave to America. Did you succeed? I’m sorry but you’re a slave.  Did you fail? There’s true failure elsewhere. If you succeed but you’re suffering because you’re so spiritually seized , that’s not true success. Because if you’re not able to save people like that and you yourself are going through that means you don’t have the answer.  So, I can’t go through everything, but simply put, it’s conquering Canaan which is changing the spiritual state.  God says He will be with you, you don’t have to worry about your problems; why are you worried about them? Why are you focusing on that?  

The only thing you need to focus on is Christ. Think about this, if a child has no interest in their parents and only is interested in how much money they are going to get from their parents, that’s not a right kid. If you just look at your parents, everything else will be taken care of for you. But if you don’t know your parents but you’re focused on the money they give you, then later on if the devil gives you more money, you’ll follow the devil. There are many believers like this.  

They have no interest in faith in Jesus Christ, they have more interest in things Jesus gives them, so we must not raise up believers who have no choice but to be spiritually seized.  But people think this is the main way to live your walk of faith, and they even give messages like that. So even if they go to church, they don’t have true freedom, joy, or peace. I believe what we have given is the opposite of that.  

All the problems have been finished, past, present, and future, on the cross. If you do not understand these words, you don’t understand the gospel. If you don’t understand what those words mean and you just say he spilled his blood on the cross that means you don’t understand. It means you don’t understand the meaning of the blood on the cross. The most fundamental problem of mankind has been finished. Everything else isn’t even a problem. 

Once you’re a child of God, he takes full responsibility, whether he gives the Holy Spirit or not. You must be interested in only Christ and only relaying Christ and once you have an interest for the spiritual things, God takes care of it.  Set a time where you yourself can first enjoy these  blessings and grace, then over time, it works out. Do not ever be focused on your problems, through that change it into the blessing of focusing on God. One day, your problems will one day automatically disappear, and if it remains, God will use it as an incredible blessing.


I hope you will enjoy and testify of these blessings.  Let us pray holding on to the Word we have been given. Prayer is not simply about asking for what you want but it is communicating with the Word God gave you, and once God answers you, you’ll stand as a witness.  

Our second  prayer topic, in May, there will be the Missionary’s Conference in Korea.  If we’re being given the word of the 70 people groups and the 70 nations, I pray this may be the day you put this into practice. For this purpose, I hope all the church officers and remnants of all local churches will hold onto the covenant of 70 disciples and 70 regions.  If you do not have that covenant then you are currently being seized by something else as a slave so I hope you’ll quickly change that, try writing out the 70 regions, even if you pray upon that God will work. Let us pray for the Missionary’s Conference, the 70 disciples, and the 70 nations.

Third, let us pray for Temple Construction.  If we want a temple that’s big or really good, that’s just our own thoughts, but what God desires is a temple that can save the 237 nations, heal diseases, and raise the future generation as the summit that’s the temple construction God desires and if that’s the Word of God, then there’s the blessing of Jehovah Jireh where God has supplied it.  Let us pray for temple construction, and let us also pray for the remnants and young adults who are out of state.  

Let us pray next for our missions fields.  Whenever you hold onto the correct Word of God and the covenant, God is bound to work upon that prayer with answers.  Let us pray for the special missions fields we are serving, especially El Salvador and I said this in the Early Morning prayer, but this is a place where they practice dark magic and sending evil spirits and there’s also many people that are very sick. There are so many cases of murder, especially among women, because there are organized crime organizations who murder people.  This is a place that has been completely seized by the forces of evil spirits. 

Can this be broken down? Yes, they can, but if someone doesn’t have the spiritual idea of this, you should just stay still.  However, if somebody does know the spiritual mystery, then even as they are seated here transcending time and space, they can break down the darkness there.  Therefore, right now, this prayer is missions. If you don’t know the spiritual mystery, then most people won’t think much of this as they pass the time, but this is spiritual battle and missions right now, and if you want to think about this on a smaller scale, when you pray for the regions, it’s the same.  

Father God, we thank You. Thank You for making us into your children by the gospel, thank You for allowing us to communicate with God with the Word of God and prayer, and thank You for raising us as the witness to relay the evidence in our fields.  We pray that You will bless us as those who will conquer and save as we hold onto the covenant and follow the guidance and the working of the Holy Spirit in our fields.  We pray that You will raise up the future generations and the spiritual summit to be the main figure to save the 237 nations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray that You will bind and cast out the darkness and unbelief that is blinding the future generations. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the holy spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God who desire to save the region, the nation, and the world, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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