Be in the Flow of God’s Word of the Covenant to be Healed to Conquer the Field (Deut. 5:22-33)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Be in the Flow of God’s Word of the Covenant to be Healed to Conquer the Field (Deut. 5:22-33)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

I would like for us to have a time to receive God’s grace as we go from Deuteronomy 5:22 to the end of the chapter.  The content is saying, “Moses, when you go to the land of Canaan, this is what you will tell to the next generations.” God had already given His Word to the first generation, but they had already gone to heaven.  This means that when God gives His Word, He gives it to a specific audience in mind.  

When you and I give worship, God gives us His Word, and He gives His Word to us.  If you don’t know why God gives you His Word, you will lose hold of yourself, that means it will end as just a Bible study. God is giving His same Word to the second generation.  It’s a Word that is absolutely necessary, then you will realize that the Word has a stream.  

God did not give them the Ten Commandments from the start, He did not give the Ten Commandments while they were in Egypt.  While they were in Egypt, God gave them the blood covenant.  Because these people were stuck in the three spiritual problems, the Word they needed was the blood covenant, because they didn’t realize why they were enslaved.  

They were enslaved by physical things.  This was the covenant where God diagnosed them spiritually and gave them the solution spiritually. All the Israelites who understood those words were spiritually changed.  In other words, why were they enslaved in Egypt? Physically speaking, they ate and lived well, but why did they keep on suffering? If we live a good life, we shouldn’t suffer.  A lot of people in this world think, “If I live a good life and I have enough strength, I shouldn’t suffer,” and yet, suffering continues to find us.  They think, “If the nation of Egypt is strong enough, then there shouldn’t be any suffering,” but just like in America, their suffering gets worse, and nobody can give the answer.

God called Moses to give the answer, and that’s to apply the blood of the lamb on the doorpost. That is the answer, and if they didn’t understand those words, they kept going into slavery.  If we don’t understand why it must be the blood, why it must be the death and resurrection on the cross, then we will be enslaved to America. We study so hard, work so hard, and save up all our life savings, but one day, we suffer.  Going to the hospital doesn’t help, there’s no answer to get better other than the blood covenant.

It’s not enough to just go to church, it’s not something you can do with religion, it’s not something you can try your best to do. Those are changes in your actions, but we’re talking about spiritual things. They should be able to teach this in schools but they cannot.  Only the church that has the gospel of God and has the servants of God can give you this true answer.  That was Moses, and if you don’t know this, then even after Exodus, you suffer.

It’s possible to be saved in a moment by grace, but if you don’t know the reason, then even after the Exodus, you continue to suffer.  We receive momentary grace but we don’t know the reason why we were stuck. Even as we go to church, we suffer.  Even as we go to church, we think that we need to try hard physically and then we suffer again.  The churches keep shoving prosperity-based faith and diligence-based faith into us, things like legalism.  

They say, “Try your best, be positive, and be very enthusiastic!”  These words are aligned with the world, and if the churches say words like that, the world would gather because those are the words of the world, but that doesn’t solve suffering.  If anything, that won’t even solve the pastor’s suffering.  The more we do that, the more we live in suffering.  Then, we keep on exploding with complaints, resentments, and anger.  

We don’t know what our real problem is, so we place the blame on other people, saying, “It’s all Moses’ fault, why did Moses do this?” And they always talk about what they eat because they think they are lacking food. Simply speaking, they received salvation by God’s grace, but they don’t understand the covenant at all. 

This was the same for the Early Church, the church in Galatia. They couldn’t understand the gospel. By God’s grace, they believed for free, but they couldn’t know the reason, and that’s why they kept attaching other things like acts of legalism, and they kept on attaching things like what you eat and money and success. What does that mean?  They hadn’t found the reason why the gospel must be the gospel.  They didn’t understand the reason why they had to apply only the blood of the lamb to  the exodus from Egypt.  

We don’t understand the reason why we need only Jesus Christ today, and the more time passes, we don’t understand, so we suffer more and more. People who have no money say, “I’m suffering because of poverty,” so they emigrate to America and are living even now.  There are some people who think, “It’s because we’re not as well educated as Americans,” so they drag their children here, but they still suffer.  

Even though they read the Bible and hear God’s word, they’re not able to know why people suffer.  The first generation’s spiritual state fluctuated up and down and could not go towards world evangelization in Canaan.  Not everybody in the first generation was like that.  People like Moses, Joshua, and Caleb were not.  It means that those who knew the reason why the blood covenant was everything were not like that.  

For the people who knew the reason why it must be the remnant, in Isaiah 6:13, they saved Babylon even as they were taken as captives.  But the people who didn’t know the reason and meaning for Immanuel in Isaiah 7:14, were in suffering and captivity, no matter where they went. But the people who had this covenant, no matter where they went, were okay. If they were taken as captives to Babylon, then the works of God would take place there as well.  Whether they’re in America or Korea, it doesn’t matter; there’s no here or there. Wherever God is with you, there His plan is also.

Now, a few minorities were left over, and then the next generation is there, and they’re giving the Word again before conquering Canaan.  Once you go into the land of Canaan, keep the words of the Ten Commandments.  If you just understand this at the level of, “Oh, should I keep these words or not?” then you’re bound to struggle again.  “I am the LORD your God Who brought you out of teh land of slavery of Egypt.”  

How did He bring them out?  He called them out according to the promise God gave in Genesis 3:15, the covenant of the blood.  What is the only way to change our spiritual state of sin, Satan, and hell? It is only Jesus Christ, the blood covenant.  All the people who are focused on the actions, “Should I do this or not do this” with their diligence, hard work, and effort, are all bound to fall.  Those are things that should naturally take place in us, but if you’re trying to do those actions, you’ve lost the core.

These are words that are actually fulfilled once your spiritual state is restored, and the only way to return your spiritual state to normality is the covenant of God.  People who are legalistic take out the covenant of God and only focus on people, whether we should do this law or not.  That’s why they struggle. This stream is dragged all the way into the New Testament to the early Churches, and that means that stream also exists in today’s churches, too. 

Our life can only change with the covenant of Christ, but there are many streams that keep changing, adding other things.  The church is the thing that changes that stream.  But if the church doesn’t have the covenant, they will be overtaken by the stream of the world and the church will fall. 

Why do American churches keep closing down and the members of the church are enslaved to the world?  Why does this suffering continue to find us?  We study the Bible and go to seminary so much, but it doesn’t work.  We have small groupgroup meetings and do Bible studies everywhere but it doesn’t work.  God doesn’t want Bible study; He wants the covenant, the life inside.

They’re just taking this Bible, and selling their knowledge with it. They keep saying unnecessary information, “I’ve read the Bible this many times, I listened to the sermon this many times,” and they keep attaching the efforts and accomplishments of humans. They’ve held onto the wrong points. Life, through Christ, spiritual life.  Your spiritual state with Christ. That’s what the Bible is telling us.

It’s the same thing today. There’s a lot of people who go to church.  A lot of people brag about their position in the church, what they’ve done, what church they go to but it’s all useless.  Instead of only Christ coming out, you say, “This is what I’ve done and this is the church I go to.”  Who cares? 

There was one time where some kid was doing drugs and they were reprimanded very firmly. The parents were pastors, and I actually got a phone call from their parents in Korea, and they wouldn’t let me off the phone, though it was time to start up the message.  What they were saying is, “This child’s mom is a very famous pastor in Korea,” but I was thinking, “Who cares? Why are you telling me?” If she’s such a great pastor, she should have helped her kid not do drugs,” but the assistant pastor was challenging me, “Did you really go to seminary?” At this point, I didn’t know they were doing this ministry so legalistically. 

It turns out, even if they were not at church, their background is legalistic and they asked me to give evidence.  They told me to investigate them, “I graduated from law school and all my parents are very successful in Korea,” and I was saying, “Who cares? That’s enough,” but they kept giving this one-sided conversation.  Because they were calling from Korea, I stayed on the phone with them until two minutes before the message.

What am I saying? Life, Gospel, those are the words that should be relayed, but if you talk about, “My church has 1000s of members and I’m a graduate of Seoul Law School,” who cares? Does that save people? Do you think a pastor of 1000s of people saves people?  And do you think just because she’s the daughter of a famous pastor, will it save anyone?  But that’s what people are like.  Then, what about my words? Can I save that person?  Yes, I do try to save people like that.  What they’re trying to do is they’re trying to level up their faith with certain things. 

What about America?  America has been like this for so long, starting from the first church.  It started with the pilgrims, the Protestant Church, and it’s a place with the most seminary, and all the pastors of the world try to study in America. I’m not saying whether that’s good or bad; I’m saying, what is the Word that God desires? There is an audience, target for the Word of God as well as a time schedule and stream.  The only way for a spiritual life to be changed is the covenant. 

Then, before He gave the 10 Commandments, He reiterated the covenant, “I am the LORD your God who saved you out of slavery in Egypt, I’m Jesus Christ.”  That God is with you for eternity.  That’s not a matter of, “Keep this,” or, “Do that,” but if the LORD your God is with you spiritually, then the words will be fulfilled in the future. The first four commandments are about worshiping and serving God properly, obeying the Sabbath.  You shall have no other gods before me, you shall not misuse the name of the Lord, you should keep the Sabbath, it’s all things like that. It means the only way to serve the Lord is through worship, so stake your life on it.  Don’t stake your life on your studies; stake your life on God.

The rest of the six commandments are about loving people, it means to save people. Those are the two things He’s saying, but what’s the core? Who is the one who is speaking?  It is God Who created us and saved us.  He doesn’t show up occasionally to be with us, but He is with us, always and forever.  People who have this spiritual state, they have no choice but to receive the fulfillment of God’s Word.  Even if you tell them not to worship, they want to go.

If we’re forcing ourselves to worship, then our spiritual state has already departed, our spiritual life is flickering on and off. This is the time for God to bless you with His Word.  The fact that He designated the Sabbath is, more so than the actual day, He is saying, “This is the way God will work upon you.” 

Why do you think God gave them these words at this time schedule? This word is being relayed to the second generation after the exodus before going into Canaan. It’s not that God accidentally recycled an old message from the past, he purposely and accurately gave them his message to a targeted audience. 

God gave His message to Moses to relay to the other Israelites. Because they would forget otherwise, it was engraved onto two stone tablets. Why are they stone tablets? Because this cannot be erased, this can never disappear with the blowing of the wind, and because the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments aren’t enough, He says He will engrave them on our hearts so that any time, forever, 24 hours, the spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit is with us, teaching us and guiding us with God’s Word.  That’s why there’s a stream to God’s Word. 

You shouldn’t do your ministry randomly, but this person is stuck in three curses, so you shouldn’t talk about anything else. You should deliver the Word of God according to who the audience is and what their time schedule is.  If you hold onto the Word of God and pray, then without a doubt, evidence will come, and if the time schedule isn’t right, then no matter how much you pray for it, it won’t come as evidence.

Why do you think God gives you the stream of His Word every Sunday? Why do you think He is giving you this Word, this time?  Do you think God made a mistake? God is raising this church to save the region. Why is God giving you this Word?  The one who can receive this Word will come to life and can save the region.  

Otherwise, you just know it as a theory. It’s not that you don’t know the word of God, you can just read it, but that’s not the reason why God gave us His Word today.  Without a doubt, God gives the necessary message through Moses but you have to hear it as the voice of God, as the Holy Spirit. You listen to the message of the pastor, but you shouldn’t hear it as the pastors’ message, then you’re not going to want to hear it. You’ll listen when you feel good, but not when you feel bad. It’s because you’re here to  listen to the pastor.  Through the pastors’ words, you have to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  That Holy Spirit is with us 24 hours, always, forever, giving us His Word.  That’s why we must worship in spirit and in truth. It’s not about keeping up the form, or some posing right, it’s about worshiping, only in spirit and in truth. 

For us, we’re different from Catholic people because they have all these idols and magnificent choirs and it really steals everyone’s spirits away.  First, even the clothes they wear look holy, right?  They all have these nuns in the front and they’re kneeling and they’re not getting married, they look so holy, and you think they’re great.  It steals your spirit away, even the music is different from that of the world.  It sounds very reverent and pious, even their clothes look very holy, it’s very long and white and they ring these bells and chimes and we focus all on that.  They listen to Middle Age music, not like today’s music, and they give flat pieces of bread to everyone, “If you eat this, something will happen.”

This is how they use the form to take away the inner things.  We, on the other hand, have no form whatsoever. We have missing, splotchy paint, it’s impossible for us to be holier. But let’s say if the pastor is dressed very holy and the stripes say how classy they are, or they read a book that’s very inspirational and they move the audience with it, then they focus on the pastor. Or they use very charismatic language, then people say his personality is better and they concentrate on the pastor.  Or if the pastor has such a high education level and no one can compete with them, then they are impressed and follow him. 

It looks like they’re listening, but it’s just words.  The Word of God has to go into them. You can gather people using forms ,but that’s not the Word of God; the spiritual Word must go into them. Why must it be Jesus Christ? Why must it be the Offspring of the Woman in Genesis 3:15? You need to go back knowing that reason.  

Today, for those who know that know that reason, why did God give us the Ten Commandments? It means Satan is going to attack us with those words.  These are ten channels of Satan and God is giving us the way to overcome. He’s not telling you to overcome with your strength and effort, He says, “Only trust in Me, I will be with you. All you need to do is receive grace and the Sabbath.”  Save people with the gospel, don’t kill people with the law.

The harder someone tries, the more someone who doesn’t have that diligence will die.  We can’t do anything with our diligence except the spiritual things. The spiritual things cannot change unless it’s by the covenant.  The ones who have that answer can conquer Canaan.  The Early Church had this covenant so Rome evangelization was possible.  

Back in the biblical times and today, the two streams were flowing the exact same way through the churches. Is it only the gospel covenant, or do you have to attach more?  Is it only evangelism, or do you have to attach something more? In your business, is it only evangelism or do you have to attach something else, too? If we say “only gospel,” you understand, but if we say, “only evangelism,” you don’t understand. That means you don’t understand the gospel, or you understand the gospel but you don’t understand the reason.  “Only gospel” and “only evangelism” mean the same thing, but you don’t understand. And that’s the reason why you struggle, because you understand in the church but you don’t understand in the world.

Even in the field you have to be only gospel, only evangelism. That’s how I come to life and save others. That’s the Ten Commandments. Through the Sabbath, save yourself spiritually and save others.  It’s the same thing in the field.  Whether you work your hardest there or do things very diligently there, those are words of nonbelievers.  Live spiritually there and save people spiritually.  That’s what God is talking about, but we only ask, “How is He going to bless us”?  That’s not for you to know. Why do you keep on attaching other things to gospel and  evangelism? “When are You going to help us?” That’s not for you to know. “If I have the gospel, how rich will I get?” That’s not for you to know. That question itself means you’re outside of the gospel. ”If I’m in this gospel church, how much will my children succeed?” Why do you keep looking forward to and attaching other things to the gospel? And if you’re not satisfied with your expectation, you get tested. It means you live your walk of faith with the idol attached to the gospel. 

It’s the same thing.  The Early Church, the New Testament, the Old Testament, it’s all the same as today, and when we go out into the world, the land of Canaan is no ordinary thing.  We’re going into the world where we have no choice but to be tempted because of the fundamental things we have in our nature. 

As soon as we’re born, we’re spiritually separated from God, filled with sin and fears and spiritually seized by Satan, dragged further away. If you don’t know this, you’re going to be perfectly aligned with the world. This world the devil runs and my spiritual state when I’m born are exactly aligned. That’s why He says, “Your father, the devil,” you chase your greed. He is a liar and a murderer, he kills us.  We’re chasing after success and money, not realizing this is death, and we’re dying.  As time passes, we forget again, that was the stream of Israel.  Even if we go to church they don’t know the value of it, and they keep on drawing another image.  

Only gospel, only evangelism, only world evangelization, that’s it.  Is there anything else? I hope you’ll be healed of your scars, and may you let go of all your useless idols, that’s the channel for Satan. God promised you the power and blessings to do world evangelization so the stream of the Word is different again.  Have you come to the conclusion of only Jesus Christ? Then God will give you the power of the blessing of the throne and of the Holy Spirit to save the world. 

Whatever you want, that’s not it. That’s a very elementary level.  You can let go of that.  God promised to give you the power of the throne of heaven to do world evangelization.  There will come a day where one day I understand these words.  When is that time schedule? After Jesus Christ resurrected, He gave them this Word on the Mount of Olives. 

There’s a stream of the Word. What stream of the Word am I in now?  When you see a new believer, from the beginning until the end, you have to see the stream of the word and guide them appropriately because there’s a stream through which God’s Word guides us from beginning to end. You have to know this in order to guide this person correctly. 

Missions, evangelism, world evangelization, you must guide them with the Word of God.  We shouldn’t only talk about Exodus, and finish it with that. Does that mean they should die in the wilderness? That’s why you have to give them the word of the covenant in Canaan.  Should you just never talk about the covenant of Canaan and end it with, Exodus, Exodus? That’s not it. That’s why you have to help them to ride the flow of the word and worship, and that’s how they will be healed and restored so they can conquer the field.

The people who know exactly what Jesus Christ did will have people attached to them. You have to know this to conquer Canaan.  There’s a stream of the Word like this, in other words, a time schedule, and the Early Church knew that.  So, they couldn’t compare based on what they had, because the One Who has authority in heaven and on earth is with them forever.  Otherwise, we have no choice but to compare and judge other people, looking at the way they’re dressed, looking at how educated they are, what they’re like. That’s something of the world that has crawled into you, then the devil is going to stay still and then attack this person.  

If you look at this person, you should think, “These collapsed people are precious, oh how did this person succeed, receive the gospel, and come all the way to church? It’s amazing. ” Seeing those things should be normal, it means your spiritual eyes are opened, in other words, you have the answer of the gospel, those are the ones who lead the world, because the world doesn’t know the spiritual. The world doesn’t know what sin, Satan, and hell are, and  they’re being dragged into their fate and destiny from the beginning until the very end.

In other words, if you have the gospel and look at the church, it’s so precious. You can easily see that, and if we don’t see that, we’re bound to attach other things.  We talk about equality, or aid, or the kids were born here say unnecessary things, and the people born in Korea keep talking about unnecessary etiquette. Should you talk so much about etiquette even though you know this is the way to fall into idolatry and teach that to the kids?  

We must become one as the body of Christ, with Christ as our head and only the gospel.  But because the gospel isn’t going into them, the second generation is saying unnecessary things about English, this to that. Or they keep saying unnecessary things, “I’m a citizen of this nation.” Those are things that God did, but if you have the  gospel, you will see the remnants as precious.  “Oh, they have the gospel in the land of America to save.”

It’s normal for you to look at the first generation and say, “Oh, how amazing is it that you were commissioned from Korea to America to relay the gospel of Christ to us.”  That’s not something you can educate in anyone, but if they see the value of the spiritual gospel, they’ll do this naturally.  If we understand the true value, then we will naturally follow the Ten Commandments even if no one told us to.

For you and me, why did God call us out of Egypt? Why did God call us out of the three curses with the grace of the covenant of Christ? To conquer Canaan. There is a role, He didn’t do this so we can live a great and mighty life physically, but there’s a spiritual problem so give the spiritual answer, that’s the reason God will be with you in power.  Conquering Canaan is God’s war and world evangelization is done by being with God, then what a great blessing we have received?

That’s why the gospel, missions, and evangelism are everything, because I am with God. God is not with anything else.  Why would God be with your studies? Unbelievers study, why would God be there? Why would God be with your business? You could just do it on your own. That’s not how you should know the gospel.  Missions and evangelism, He promised to be with me with all authority over heaven and earth  forever.  Therefore, I’m going to my job or going to my school as a remnant missionary for missions and evangelism. That’s the Word God gave us, and if that flips around, you’re a slave again.  Just like they looked at the fruit of good and evil through the devil, they changed the master.  Same thing today, he changes what you see, He changes it so that you don’t see the spiritual things and you only see the physical things. 

What does not having money have anything to do with the gospel?  You just made your own doctrine by yourself, “if you have the gospel, you have to have money.” The Early Church had no money, they were living in caves and catacombs and never saw the light of day, so when you look at the skeletons of the Early Church, they’re all small. 

What about today?  Don’t you think people would ask, “If I have the gospel, why would I have to live like this, God?”  All these successful people had to one day give up everything they had and to crawl into the catacombs, does that make sense in today’s world? What exactly is the gospel? You should ask, don’t you think so?

God is with you, that’s it, and as evidence He is with you, you’ve escaped from the three curses. That finishes it. Everything else is us following God’s time schedule of conquering.  Everything with God’s gospel.  Even if you have nothing you’re happy because God is with you, because God is allowing you to not have it, and you don’t need it.

In my 30s for 10 years, God gave me nothing. Why do you think God gave me nothing? It was God’s time schedule for me to focus spiritually.  It was a time schedule for God to change all the things that were imprinted, rooted, and natured within me from the world for 30 years. Do you think God doesn’t give me money because he doesn’t have money? God controls all businesses, He could have just attached important people to me, look at the time schedule.

You’re imprinted, rooted, and have the nature in physical things, but this is the time schedule to change that. Until when? That’s not for you to know; just go until God takes you, entrust your life to God. Stop calculating and mainplating, but entrust your life to God. If you entrust it to God, it’s so simple.  Whether you live or die, that’s in God’s hands.  Only Christ, only the Kingdom of God, only the Holy Spirit, when I’mI’m with the Triune God, it’s a life of living, and then I go to God.  

Assistant Pastor Bae, you got hurt while doing ministry. Do you feel like it’s unfair? It’s possible she may think it’s unfair, don’t you think so?  And no one can be perfect before God as an assistant pastor, and she folded at the surgery.  Our body is in pain or uncomfortable now. Why do you think God allowed this? My body getting better or worse? God allowed it. Where is my focus, then? You need to go into the spiritual things.

Some people may get diseases, “Why did I get this disease”?  There’s a rightfulness that had no choice but for this to happen. God has the power to heal this. Don’t you think that through this, God is sending you a sign to concentrate only on the gospel, only on the spiritual things? God didn’t allow this to happen to us for no reason. We are only interested in the disease getting better, so we aren’t aligned with God. God gave you this so that you can enjoy the liberation of only the gospel, then you’ll be thankful for the disease. That’s why God gave it to us. So that you can stake your life on only evangelism. Is our median age 70? 60? That’s the statistics from the American average lifespan, but our lifespan is in God’s hands. So should we align ourselves with the American statistic or God’s word? 

For the physical things you should align it with American statistics. But the spiritual things shouldn’t be aligned with the world; they should be aligned with the words of God.  In other words, the spiritual blessings continue to take place, and one day, as we enjoy the spiritual blessings, miracles happen, that’s all in God’s hands. My only interest is only the gospel, only my remaining mission. For this purpose, God promised the power of the throne of heaven. God is allowing our present siaton so that we can truly enjoy this.

Once you come to realize, you’ll be thankful.  But if you don’t realize this, then you’ll die in resentment just like the Israelites did after 40 years.  But if you do come to realize this, you’ll realize that God is working so perfectly. Do you think God will make little mistakes?  Never.  God is controlling the entire universe with His Word even now.  What do you think will happen in the future? God will move everything according to the time schedule of His Word.  I hope you will acknowledge God, “But I do,” that’s just with your brain.  If you really acknowledge God, you’ll be thankful. Right?  “Once I discover God’s will, I can have peace.” 

And I hope you and I will become members of the church like that. Me being happy, I’m happy because I’m aligned with God, then I’m at peace, and my 24 hours.  The church 24 is helping other people to be happy like me with the Word.  The work I’m doing is being used to give the happiness of the gospel to others. And Field 24.  To all the people in the field, you are giving them the answer of the blessing of oneness and Immanuel. The beginning of that, is in the stream of the Word of God of the gospel, and according to that Word, follows answers to prayers.  Once you receive the evidence, you stand as a witness.  May you restore and confirm this life and blessing, and confirm this blessing for the rest of the week.


Let’s hold onto this Word we received and ask, “Where am I within God’s time schedule? Am I far from God’s Word?  May you lay yourself down before the Word of God.”  No one will listen to the words of a pastor, but these are the voices of God.  Why did God tell me this? And may you let go of yourself before this word.  Let us think and pray about the Word we have received today.

One more prayer, let us pray for the church and the regions where we live.  Because you’ve been called as the source of blessings of God, you are called to bless. It’s also because you are the ambassadors of Christ and also the spiritual antenna, in other words, the mediator.  You are the middleman between God and the field, so let us pray for Godto fully bless the field.  

Let us pray for our missions fields.  In particular, let’s pray for El Salvador where God has opened the door for us recently.  As we continue to do this, people are wanting to give worship.  We gather people together and gather on Mondays at 7pm. Because of that, I have to give worship.  That’s a region completely covered by Catholicism.  It looks like this is almost a Chirsitan enclave in a Muslim community.  Just like the Muslims here, they have to pray very loudly to make it obvious they are praying. It’s the same over there, the Catholic people are blasting their prayers with their mics so they have to all pray in that situation. 

Even there, there are disciples whom God has hidden, disciples who will not bow down to idols, and through this one person, the entire church has come together. Another pastor came and a lot of them went there, and now that they’ve restored grace, they want to restore worship.  Please pray and keep them in mind.  Let us pray for Africa, South and Central America, El Salvador, Mongolia, Karen, and Navajo.

The new believer training done on Sunday, and the training done by Elder Park are very important but they’re not important if you just want to receive grace at church. In other words, those are people who just say, “Exodus, Exodus,” and then die. But it’s very important for those who want to go into conquering Canaan, and those who know that will be led.

What I want to tell you is, as many people in the church are prepared, God will open the doors in the field.  Right now, because there are five people who are prepared in the church, God is opening the doors in El Salvador. It’s exactly like the Church.  When the people in the Early Church were prepared, God opened the door to the Island of Patmos and continued to open doors.  Expressed in a physical way, in order to start a business to sell products, you have to have a CEO, a banker, and other roles to make this happen, same thing spiritually, a system must be there.  

Once the people are prepared to save that region, God opens the door to that region, and in that meeting, the trainings at the church are important.  But for people who only want to receive grace and go home, it doesn’t matter if it’s there or not; however, if you say you want to save the field, God works very importantly.  Depending on how many people internally are prepared, God will open the doors of evangelism in the field, and your business will go along.

That’s why we must pray.   God raised these people up based on their talent and mission, so that’s not something you can argue about. All you have to do is take your heavenly mission and heavenly talent God gave you, and serve the church.  You just have to do what you’re called to do, but the only exception is you have to go towards the goal of saving the world and field.  Otherwise, you’re going to waste your time doing unnecessary things in the wilderness and then die.  We don’t know how God is going to open up the field, so let’s pray for the trainings in the church and the field.  

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to change the field in the flows of the Word, prayer, and evangelism, be upon the people of all nations and the future generations, upon their businesses, studies, and everything that they do, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.


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