Bartizan-Watchtower of Light

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Bartizan-Watchtower of Light


Last week we finished with “Nature,”

1. Church – Region

1) Plan

When we first moved in, the night club next to us moved out within six months.  Back then, we would see Caucasians come with leather boots, and when we had New Year’s Eve service, they would also blast their music, and one day, they received a warning notice.  The nightclub hadn’t been paying their rent, so one day, they just disappeared, and so, the rumor is they opened another in Hollywood.  Nothing can overcome the light here.  I’m sure the previous church shined their light, but we shine in a concentrated way, and Satan couldn’t endure.  They must have this continuous finances, but they left.

Our church used to be on Coronado but now there are so many homeless people surrounding that area. It’s not only homeless people but it became dirty and it’s now just not a good area.  But there’s a street behind that building and it was a drag queen bar.  When there’s a church, there’s a light that shines but you can’t see this.  Then, all the evil spirits flee, and then you see physical things you can see, and that’s evangelism.  It has already been finished on the cross, we just shine the light and the evil spirits and darkness flee.

If the church is raised, the light shines.

2) Isaiah 60:1-2

3) Jonah – Physical

North Israel, Judah

The king of Israel was afraid the people would worship in the south so he designated his own temples with his own people whom he liked. They were physically well off and conquered a large portion of the land, just like David, but spiritually, they lived in darkness. Within this state, God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and proclaim the gospel.  Jonah had to go to tell the king of Nineveh, but in this state, would he go do missions? Jonah’s first reaction was that he did not want to, so he runs away instead.  He pretends as if he didn’t hear anything, then he runs away. But this isn’t something you can just run away from.

He ran away on a boat but God caused a storm to arise and evil spirits followed all the way.  People think if they flee from South Korea to here, the spiritual problems won’t follow, but evil spirits do follow.  During the storm, people prayed to their gods, and even though they prayed, nothing worked, but they all thought, “There’s one person on this boat causing this; let’s cast lots,” and Jonah was caught.  So Jonah said, “Throw me into the water,” Jonah already knows, because he already received the word from God to go to Nineveh to proclaim the gospel. But Jonah said, “I can’t do that; I’d rather die,” so he goes in this state, “I’ll just go to God,” but that’s not it. 

You cannot proclaim the gospel without experiencing the gospel.  For three days, Jonah was in the belly of a fish, he was in the state of death in Sheol.  This sign of Jonah has the greatest power and wisdom, but even then, his nature remained.  He proclaimed the gospel to Nineveh, and all the people and even the animals started to repent. Evangelism was taking place so well.  They haphazardly did the Way of Salvation, talking about the priest, prophet, and king, but they felt bad about it. He said, “I already knew they would react this way.” Israelites hated the Assyrians because the Assyrians invaded Israel and killed the people, so Jonah said, “Not them.”  So they received the gospel but didn’t feel bad about it.  He was upset and had this face.  He didn’t want to do camp.  He just forced himself to do camp.  “Pastor is just forcing me to do it again,” you’re following along, so Jonah thought, “I knew this would happen; they’re accepting.” Then he was thirsty and got a drink and liked it so much because someone bought it for him. He gets thirsty again later, and he starts complaining. That was Jonah’s state.

It was a scorching hot day, so he sat under a tree, and in the shade he was so happy but God caused the tree to be infected by a bug, and the tree withered, so while he’s doing camp, he didn’t put on sunscreen and the tree was gone, so he lived based on how he felt.  What did God say?  God said, “You’re happy or content or upset or angry about a tree, but what about the people of Nineveh?” This is what Jonah recorded. Why? He recorded it so we don’t live the same way.  There are so many people like Jonah, so he kept the Word to pass to the next generation that they may not live like that. 

He proclaimed the gospel once to Nineveh, and they accepted, but he left.  These people have their imprint, root, and nature in Gen. 3.  There was another king who ended up reigning, “Let us invade Israel,” so they invaded Israel again, and in 768 BC, Assyria was conquered. The men were taken in as slaves and their bloodlines mixed so that region was created as Samaria. 

There’s a Good Samaritan hospital, and that’s what this refers to, people whose bloodline deviated from Abraham, and this was a desolate place.  The prophet thought of this too lightly.  Camp. It is to shine the light.  Or, It will happen to us.  The future generation will crumble.  That’s what we’re trying to say. Do I need to do camp? God prepares it and God guides it.  You need to understand that.  Do you just go? No, God goes with you. Just by going, the forces of darkness are broken.  That’s what we must begin. 

Many people have large stomachs because they don’t exercise, so you can just walk around. Many are lacking Vitamin D as they don’t go out into the sun, so you can enjoy the sunshine. The important thing is, God has destined people to receive the gospel.  Especially on Vermont and Wilshire, there’s an apartment building with many young people living there. The first floor is stores, the rest are apartment buildings.  Many people walk back and forth because there’s a subway station.

As you pray, you relay the Word, and you come back, praying.  You just walk back and forth like that, but God does His work.  There’s also the law school. When you determine, “We need to proclaim the gospel to the law school,” God will answer. God will even change the schedules. These are two places, you can go out and pray, and come back. Prepare evangelism materials as you go out, and for us, the bulletin is kind of small, you can’t really read it, but I hope we can make it bigger and colorful so they can just read it.  If you can talk to them, then talk to them; if not, just give them the paper.  What does God desire? God desires for us to shine the bartizan of light.  

2. Paul

1) Acts 13:1-4 Team

Nothing to organize.  When I’m here, we can start at 3p, whoever remains is part of this team, and people who leave early are those whom God has not raised yet.

Work, Region

We go out.  During the week as you continue to do scheduled prayer, we go out on Sunday and have these precious meetings.

2) Meeting

You can make the kids to interpret so they hear the gospel as well, we form this team. Go to the law school, go to Wilshire and Vermont, have the children confirm what Gen. 3 means. They’ve only heard about the six states of the nonbelievers, but confirm in the field.  They need to see how people in the field accept Christ.  You need to see people accepting Christ and becoming part of the church, that is the life of the evangelist.  We can say this is all camp.  This isn’t everything camp encompasses, but this is something we can do on Sundays.  You can think of it similarly to Pastor Ryu’s praise camp that he did in front of Busan Train Station.  Not that many people started attending church, but to the young adults and youth, this is training for them so they’re able to confirm the field as they pray and see the forces of darkness.  Later on, they’ll do it themselves.  You can say this is all camp, but it’s not all camp, it’s just a taste of it so they can do camp in their workplace. Because they don’t know this, they don’t know what to do in their workplace.  This is camp. 

3. Region

1) Answer, People

When you determine this, God moves all things with this as the center.  This is why camp encompasses all the blessings. 

2) Acceptance, Upper Room

If they just accept and you leave them be, the demons won’t be ignored.  If you don’t have Christ as the Master of their lives, the evil spirits will work even more, so whether you do Upper Room ministry in person or you use church meetings, these people can change the idols they have from Gen. 3.  That is healing.  Later on, you make it so they change to having the nature of the gospel.

237 Healing Summit

Just relay the word and do healing, raise them as the summit to proclaim the gospel. The Karin people come here to receive healing and rise up as the summit.   The church officers must take charge of one of the 237 nations.  For this, you do your business. 

Temple Construction

Is the church aligned with God? If you do it according to the Bible, you’ll get biblical answers. These are the things that need to be moved. Your studies are just a tool to do this. Even your business is a method to do regional camp. It’s a method to do 237 healing and summit. From a young age, the children need to experience this so that once they grow, they go out into the region as missionaries of their field. The church didn’t do this, we need to raise the future generations so we’re able to go out and proclaim the gospel.  We need to receive the answer to become a church aligned with God.  So, that is the role of this camp on Sundays. 

Know this as you move.  Realize you need to go within the stream of God.  It doesn’t matter if nothing happens when you go out, then the works will arise in the workplace instead. Place your heart in this, and you may receive answers in the field you’re in, but the answer may also come from a different field.  That is the second mystery of the ten mysteries.  You just go into the region and shine the light.  The answers can be here or they come from somewhere else.  The bartizan of light. Know the meaning of this and start.  Prayer is knowing the meaning.  Once you know this meaning, you will pray. You need to know the meaning of going to church in order to pray, and that is the meaning. 

Before we used to do camp a lot, but ever since COVID, things died down, but now it has been restored to a normal state so God is going to work in that manner.  Before, the elder would take the kids to the park in order to evangelize every week.  They would just go out and  pass out papers, but then during puberty years, they skipped it because of COVID. So, they’ll do it very well.  They’re able to see how God works.  They confirm what God has prepared.  They’ve already planted the flag of victory, it is going to confirm it.

Same with your workplace, you have this hope.  If you don’t go to do camp, you’re going to your death. When you go, it’s not fun, you’re not going on vacation; you’re enduring death to gain money. Change your life to camp, “I’m going into my field to confirm the answers God has prepared,” then what happens?  Instead, you’re filled with hope.  Then this person will no longer have an expression of death, but their face will be full of light. 

1 Thess. Says you need hope, love, and joy, and that church became the greatest church. There was a disciple in Thessalonica, and because of this one disciple, he had this faith in Christ, that Christ has already finished everything, “and with that, I’m doing world evangelization.” You have to have hope in this, hope in world evangelization. This hope.  You can’t place your hope in something useless; place it in God and with Christ’s love.  This camp is a form of Christ’s love. 

In 1 Thess. 1:5 it says we do not do this alone, but with the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. And that’s how the church in Thessalonica grew.  The people who proclaim the word are blessed because they are proclaiming God’s Word. Those are the healthy churches.  It’s good to follow after this.  That is why you must always be joyful, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances, this was the content of the Thessalonian church.  Through camp, I hope you’re able to restore this.  This is how you can become healthy and how the church can become healthy.  Once you make this platform, people have no choice but to come. 

You meet people but you have no sense of hope, and you have no faith; instead, you have unbelief that Christ may have finished everything. Christ has already finished world evangelization but you don’t have hope in this, you have no love, and you only know yourself.  That is why suffering follows.  With camp, you restore all things.  We’ll start next week, I hope you can receive answers. 


God, we thank You.  Through this camp being prepared, may we find the answers.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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