Bartizan of the One from Above (Jn. 8:21-30)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Bartizan of the One from Above (Jn. 8:21-30)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the blessing of God’s Kingdom be upon all the people of God who are worshiping in the church, in their homes, online in Yakima, Seattle, and Arizona, and especially in Africa.  The title of today’s message is, “Bartizan of the One from Above.”  We are people who do not belong from above; we are from the earth, and so, our level is of the earth.  The only way for us to have the level that is from above is through Jesus Christ.  What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ?  It means you live on this earth with the blessings of heaven.  However, if you live on earth with the level of earth and the things of earth, then you’re bound to be seized by the ruler of the things of earth, which is, Satan.  I hope you will believe that only those who are called by God can belong to God. 

1. Jews – Belong to the world

  1) Old Testament

    (1) God’s Law

I hope that you will find God’s blessing through today’s main scripture which is the dialogue between Jesus and the Pharisees who are the Jews.  Last week, Jesus said He is the light of the world and we are the darkness.  Jesus said the Jews are lost in darkness because they were the ones who were entrusted with the Word of God through the law, but they misinterpreted God’s law.  The role of the law is so that, through the law, we may realize the state of our sin in our external and internal state, and go to the grace of the gospel, but they misunderstood the law.  

    (2) Actions – Righteousness

    (3) Darkness

The Jewish people were under the misconception that they were righteous just because they kept the law in their external form, in their actions. This is the characteristic of the people who are lost in darkness.  We must go to the grace of the gospel through the law in order for us to receive the true light.  But there are people who live their walk of faith for a very long time, but why is their life so heavy and burdensome?  It’s because they are not going into the gospel.  Yes, they do know about Jesus Christ, but we must go into the grace of the gospel through the law.  

  2) Your sin (Jn. 8:21,24)

    (1) Original sin, consequential sin – Death (Jn. 8:21,24)

The Jewish people always thought they were righteous because they kept all of the external actions of the law, so they did not even imagine needing the grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ dying on the cross.  In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ tells them that they will die in their sin. The beginning of all problems is sin.  There is the sin we commit with our actions, but also our internal sin.  In the very beginning, Adam and Eve sinned against God, and that was the burden of every human being from the beginning.  Because every human being is a sinner, they commit acts of sin.  Even if a human is able to change their external appearance to be very morally and ethically upright and respectable, they cannot change their inner state.  Adam was a sinner, so that every human born after Adam is a sinner, that is called ”Original Sin,” and as a result of that sin, we will die, and we are racing towards death now.  However, the ones who have been liberated from death are racing towards eternal life.  

    (2) Sin, Death – Law (Rom. 8:2)

Satan tries to use the law to trap us under the law of sin and death.  However, the gospel brings us into the Law of the Spirit that gives life.  

    (3) Religion – Law, Prosperity, Mysticism, Humanism, Secularism

And that is why, anybody who is not able to receive the answer of life through religion for their walk of faith is without a doubt, falling into a life of religion.  They are centered on the law that God gave and centered on themselves, “Whether I keep the law of God or not.”  Or, they are lost in prosperity-based faith where they only live for the blessings of the earth without knowing the blessings of God given from heaven.  Or they fall into unhealthy mysticism where they are trying to experience the spiritual things with their eyes, specifically.  

God is invisible; we must experience Him through faith, and we must experience the faith that comes without seeing anything.  If you fall into mysticism where you try to experience physically or in a bodily way the spiritual, invisible God, then your faith will fall.  There are also people who center their walk of faith on people, that’s humanism. They live a walk of faith very centered on the standards of the world and they bring it into the church.  These are the ones who will die in their sin. They are not able to escape from Satan.  Even though they are saved children of God by faith in Jesus Christ, their thoughts and emotions, their hearts are still lost in their sin.  The characteristic of these people is that they have no freedom.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I should have freedom. 

Why do I lack freedom?  It’s because they are lost within the five walks of faith or religious lifestyles I mentioned earlier.  Though we are hard-pressed on all sides, those who enjoy the gospel will say, “We are never crushed,” otherwise, you are lost in these other types of faith.  While we are in this world, we are without a doubt supposed to enjoy the answers of God being in us and working through us, but if you don’t have that, you are lost somewhere else.  

 3) Belong to the world (Jn. 8:23)

Jesus Christ tells the Jewish people that, “You are from below,” of the world.  Because they are of the world, everything they say is at the level of the world.  In other words, their standard is not God or God’s Word; it is the physical things, the material things, and they keep saying words that do not have the answer, “Whether Ido have money or I don’t, or my business is working well, or it’s struggling, my kid is doing well or my kid is causing trouble, I have nightmares or I don’t have nightmares, my body hurts or it doesn’t hurt,” because they are in this world, they are bound to live by the standard or the level of the world.  These are the people who actually take the Bible and go to church but they fall into mysticism or legalism.  

    (1) Belong to the devil (Jn. 8:44)

For the people who belong to the world, Jesus Christ says in John 8:44 that they belong to their father, the devil,  who is the ruler of the world.  Because they are seized by the devil, they worship the devil, and the way to worship the devil is through religion and idols.  

    (2) Idolatry (Ex. 20:3-5)

In Exodus 20:3, God told the Israelites to not have any gods before Him, but because they had idols inside of their heart, they were actually worshiping the devil.  Then, what happens? God said He would bring disasters to three or four generations.  

    (3) Mental suffering (Mt. 11:28)

That can be through mental problems and suffering.  What is the beginning of all the mental problems and illnesses we have in America?  It’s not that these people did anything wrong; it’s because of where they belong.  It’s because even if they do not belong to Jesus Christ, they are not beginning everything with Jesus Christ; they begin with themselves, so they cannot escape from their problems.  Jesus Christ says, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-burdened and I will give you rest.”  But why is it that legalistic people bring their own burdens of these legalistic frames?  

Jesus says, “My burden is easy and light,” then, our lives should be light and easy.  Is your life light and easy?  If your life is light and easy, it is evidence that you are going well with faith in the gospel.  However, the more you live your walk of faith, the more it is a heavy burden? Then it means you are going outside of the gospel.  Jesus Christ says, “Come to Me,” but instead of going to Jesus Christ, you live, centered on yourself, then even if you don’t want depression, you’re bound to get depression, and that’s the reason for all the mental problems in America today.  

    (4) Physical suffering (Ac. 8:4-8)

Then when we get this visible stress, it turns into cancer.  Because you are living with your own strength, you have no choice but to get so stressed.  Even if something doesn’t actually happen, you worry because you wonder if you can actually handle what comes next, and as you live today, you get stressed while looking at other people, and all of that leads to cancer.  These are the things that are happening today.  

    (5) Afterlife – Eternal suffering (Lk. 16:22-26)

Then, when we die, do all of our problems end? No, because then everybody would just commit suicide because our spirit is eternal, it will not end with death.  We will go into eternal death in hell.  

    (6) Future generation – Suffering (Mt. 27:25)

It doesn’t just end with us, but this spiritual DNA is given to the next generations. Why is America the way that it is right now?  Because the spiritual state of our ancestors is being passed down.  However, if you remain within the accurate gospel, then your future generations will be within joy, conquering, and liberation.  

2. Jesus Christ

  1) What I have been telling you from the beginning (Jn. 8:25)

Jesus Christ came in the form of a human being and He says, “I have been telling you from the beginning Who I am.”  “From the beginning” means He has been giving us His Word from the beginning; Jesus is His Word and the Word of God is eternal.  Why are you not able to escape from the scars of your past? Because you have not shined the Light of God’s Word on it.  The Word does not have a past; the Word is always eternal.  When that Word of Life is shined upon your past, you will be set free from your past.  When the Word of Light goes into you, then the Word is true in the past, present, and future, so you will see your future as well.  

Joshua knew the future and went into the land of Canaan to conquer it.  Joseph knew the future and went into the land of Egypt.  David knew the future when he was a shepherd.  Today, you and I are living our walk of faith, and we must know the future.  If you have a normal walk of faith, then you will be set free from your past, present, and future.  

    (1) One who speaks what God has taught him (Jn. 8:26, 28)

Jesus Christ does not say whatever He desires to say, but He says whatever the Father has told Him to say.  He does not speak on His own, but He speaks exactly what the Father has taught Him.  We must also not say our own personal words; we must relay the words the Father God has given to us exactly.  

    (2) From above, Not of this world (Jn. 8:23)

Jesus Christ says, “I am from above.”  Even though he looks like a human being just like everybody else, He is not from this earth; He is from above; He doesn’t belong to this world. Every human being is of this world, that’s why we are not able to escape from the worries of the world.  Buddha, when he was born, wondered why there was so much pain and suffering and aging and disease in the world; it is because we are of the world, but we must live with the things from above through Jesus Christ, that is the goal with which God first created us.  Animals are born of the world and they live for the world, but human beings were created to live with God in heaven, and for God to conquer and rule over the world through us, and that’s why we are not God Himself, we are the image of God.  Human beings are created to live so that God, the Creator of the Universe, may reveal His work and His will through us.  

However, in Gen. 3, Satan crawls into the thoughts of mankind and says, “You don’t need to be with God; you can be God yourselves.”  When that Satan went into human beings, we were seized by Satan so that we only think of the things of earth and we’re never able to think of the things of heaven.  In Matthew 4, Satan goes up to Jesus and tempts Him with the things of earth, with the things to eat, and fame and glory. There are some people who only give offering because of their position in the church; that is only for their own place and their reputation. They say, “I’m in this high position in the church so I should at least be giving this much offering,” that’s not for God, that’s for their reputation, that’s what Satan does, he makes us work for our own fame and reputation, and then Satan says, “I will give you all the glory of the world,” so the devil always works with the things of earth.  But Jesus Christ overcomes with the Word that is given from heaven.  

    (3) Lifted up the Son of Man – Cross (Jn. 8:28)

  2) Jesus Christ

    (1) The one who sent me is with me (Jn. 8:29)

In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ says, “I am with the One Who has sent me.”  Jesus is never alone but the Father God is within Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is in the Father God. How can we become like that?  If we believe in Jesus Christ, then God lives within us.  God can never come into us with our own efforts; God cannot come into us just because we come to church.  Only by believing in Jesus Christ is the Triune God dwelling within us.  

    (2) Always does what pleases the father God (Jn. 8:29)

Then Jesus Christ says, “Because I do what pleases Him.” Everything that Jesus Christ does pleases the Father God.  So, how will you and I do the work that pleases God today?  In Phil. 2:13, Apostle Paul says, “God is the One Who gives you the will to do God’s work,” but for the people who belong to the earth, they do their own work, but for the ones who belong to heaven, they say, “The One who lives within me is God.” So how can we realize the work that God is doing within us?  “For it is God Who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose;” He gives us that will.  So, God gives us His good will and makes it our desire to fulfill it.  

So, God is doing His work and in order for us to be one with Him, doing His work, God gives us the will in our hearts, and makes His will known to us so we may participate with Him, then the work or job you’re doing should bring you joy.  If it does not bring you joy, it means you are not aligned with God.  This means that you are doing your work and what you desire, and that’s the life the people of this earth live.  But we are of heaven through Jesus Christ and we do the work that He desires within us.  When you pray, God gives you a desire, and if you just think about that, then it makes you happy.  I hope instead of finding happiness through entertainment, you find happiness through the will of God because our lives begin within that will of God.  Within that joy that God gives us, there is no darkness that can overcome.  There is no darkness inside of you that can ever overcome the joy that God gives you.  I hope you will stop living your walk of faith in the incorrect direction but go in the correct direction.  Our walk of faith does not take place according to our stubborn desire, but according to God’s will.

I continue to pray for the field of Hollywood and God continues to fill me with His good will and His joy.  But if I don’t pray for that, then it’s different.  As long as I pray for Hollywood, God keeps filling my heart with joy.  I pray for God’s Kingdom to be established in Hollywood where the culture of darkness is being spread through movies and music all throughout the world.  “God, give us the blessing of the temple being built in this region to continue this work,” and because I’m so overjoyed, I talk about this everywhere I go.  Even though we don’t have it yet, I just have it on my own.  Whether anybody listens to me or not, I’m just happy talking about the will God has given me, and when people of the world listen to me, then I’m not normal; I’m out of my mind.  

When Paul was testifying before King Agrippa, people of the world said, “You must be crazy,” but what he said in front of King Agrippa is, “I hope you will be crazy like me, except for my chains.”  Being crazy for Christ is good because it saves me and saves others.  But if you go crazy with the things of earth, that’s an actual mental illness.  If it’s not the will of God and you’re still obsessed with it, it’s a mental illness.  If something is not the plan of God, and you keep challenging towards it, it will turn into a mental illness later.  Then, that person will say, instead of asking for God’s plan, they will say, “Why isn’t God blessing me?” And they’ll leave the church. You need to change your will and you need to ask God for His will, and if you ask God for His will, you’re a child of God so he will tell you so quickly, but instead, you don’t let go of that bartizan within you, the stronghold of stubbornness.  

When was this formed? That bartizan was not formed when you were born; it was actually formed through multiple generations of your ancestors, and that’s what takes your entire family line into mental problems. But if you remain in darkness, you’re not aware of where this is coming from because the true light has not gone in yet.  But we live for God’s good purpose.  

    (3) Has not left him alone (Jn. 8:29)

  3) Word of light

    (1) Many believed in him (Jn. 8:30)

When Christ’s Word of Life came in, many people came to believe.  When the light of Christ’s Word comes into somebody, their darkness is revealed, so they repent and they go back to Jesus.  Yes, this can apply to nonbelievers who accept Jesus Christ and go towards Him, but this also applies to believers who realize the stronghold and the bartizan of darkness inside, and repent and go back to Jesus.  For those who do not believe in this, they will die because of the curses of their sin.  We cannot be from above because we are born of the earth.  

    (2) Darkness disappears – Have the light of life (Jn. 8:12)

    (3) One who does not believe – Die in your sins (Jn. 8:24)

3. One from above – Bartizan

  1) Cross – Death, Resurrection (Jn. 19:30)

    (1) Raised with Christ (Col. 3:1)

Then, how can our identity change so that we can be from heaven just like Jesus Christ?  We need to believe in the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me and then resurrected.  You must believe in the fact that, through faith in Jesus Christ, you have been set free from the problems of your past, present, and future, the curses and disasters of your sin, Satan, and hell.  Only after you believe that you have died on the cross with Jesus Christ and you have resurrected with Him as your Lord, that’s when you will change to be in heaven. In John 19:30, Jesus Christ said, “It is finished,” he has finished everything on the cross, including your future, including the problems of your past and the problems of your present. That’s why we live within Christ.  Living within Christ means, I no longer live for myself, I am living by Christ.  

The beginning of everything must be Christ, because Christ is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, you must begin with Christ, go back to Christ; that’s how you enjoy the blessings that are from heaven above.  24 hour prayer means 24 hours a day, you begin everything with Christ, and you enjoy the blessings of Christ.  But if you learn prayer incorrectly, you’ll think, “how am I going to wake up in the early morning and how am I going to pray all day?” That’s because you‘re religious.  Religion means you’re trying to swim across the ocean with your own strength.  

What is the gospel? Not by my strength; I simply get onto the boat.  But if you are stuck in legalism, then you’ll think, “I have to cross this ocean by swimming with my strength and my ability,” then you’re not able to even cross over a river.  But to us, we are such sinners that we have this river that’s so wide, no one can cross it. Even if you get a gold medal in swimming, you cannot swim across the river, you can only get past the river of our sin if we get onto the boat of Jesus Christ, and getting onto that boat is salvation.  Then, as soon as you wake up in the morning, get back to that boat.  But as soon as you wake up, if you’re thinking, “How can I swim across the river today? How can I do my business? How can I study today?” Then that is a religious person, and even though you believe in Jesus Christ, you keep going back to your religious life, then even if you do believe in Jesus, you’re bound to get a mental illness.  King Saul had a mental illness, King Saul lost his mind because he was possessed by demons. That was King Saul, Israel’s first king.  

    (2) Set your minds on things above – Inside Christ (Col. 3:1)

But for us, every day, every moment, may we go into the boat of Jesus Christ. We do that by faith, not by action.  Then, throughout the day, you will work towards His direction with His strength and His time schedule.  Then, even if you face a wave or a storm, it doesn’t matter because God is taking you forward.  Even if there are storm clouds above, it doesn’t matter because the boat of Jesus Christ is safe.  It doesn’t matter if there is darkness outside because the Lord is navigating you.  Inside of that boat is everything you need, but if you’re of the earth, then you will always be living like a beggar, “How can I get food to eat, and how can I make a living?” Escape from that life.  

Every single day, go back into the cross of Jesus Christ that has finished all of our problems. “I’ve died on the cross with Christ and Christ lives within me, now I no longer seek the things of earth, but I seek the things of God.” Instead of seeking what to eat and what to drink, seek the things above.  Instead of seeking the ways to success, seek the things above.  When the things from above come upon you, the things of earth are bound to follow.  If the spiritual science is not set inside of you as your system, you will still go back wanting the things of the earth. There’s a way to make the things of the earth follow you. If you seek the things of above, then the things on earth will follow you.  Even if you use all of the methods of the world to quit your addiction to drugs, you cannot stop. You must instead seek the things of heaven, then the things of earth will be restored.  

“First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness,” you must do what is “first” well.  You must always be firmly imprinted in this.  But our nature goes back to seeking the things of earth first, that’s why our walk of faith is difficult.  As soon as you face a problem, you wonder, “How can I solve this with the methods of this earth?” That’s why your walk of faith is so hard, but first, you need to seek the things of heaven, what is the will of God, then you will receive the answers of the earth.  If you live your walk of faith for a long time but it is not working out, it’s because your priority is not correct, in other words, you’ve only been living a life of religiousness for a long time.  Religion is of the earth, it’s because you’re trying to accomplish everything with things of man.  

    (3) Put on the new self (Col. 3:10)

    (4) Triune God – With

  2) Power of throne (Ac. 1:8)

    (1) Tie up the strong man (Mt. 12:28-29)

    (2) Strongholds (2Cor. 10:4-5)

    (3) Me, Church, Field – Save

Only the gospel is from heaven, and that is why inside of Jesus Christ, you must enjoy the blessings of heaven every day. Nothing matters at all; because if I’m in this tremendous ship of Jesus Christ, then it doesn’t matter  if my life faces a storm, if we have another pandemic or economic crises. I received word last week that there’s a pastor’s wife who has lost her memory and is in a state of amnesia because she was swept up by waves.  So, she almost drowned in the ocean and they resuscitated her, and her body is alive but she has lost her memory.  

  3) Concentrate on things above – 24

    (1) 237, Healing, Future generations – 3 Courtyards Temple

    (2) 3 Settings – Power that saves, Word that saves, Prayer that saves

I’m sure there are people who got gold medals in swimming; you cannot overcome the waves.  The way that gold medalist got the medal in swimming is because they were swimming in a pool that has no waves, but in the field of the world, there are tremendous waves that overtake us, and if you’re sucked into that, and you’re spun multiple times, you’ll lose your consciousness. There’s only one way for you to survive, what do you think that is?  If you’re just holding onto a boogie board, then you will live because if you just stay attached to a boogie board, you will ride on top of the waves.  That small boogie board seems like nothing, right? But if you don’t have it, you’ll get sucked into the power of the wave and you will die.  The boogie board is so small, but has the value of lifting you above the waves. It’s just styrofoam inside, but that board is an instrument to bring you above the waves.  

The gospel that people think is so valueless becomes the boogie board that helps you overcome the waves. But we try to overcome the waves of life with our own special strength and training, that’s your bartizan, that’s your stronghold, and if you live with the mentality that “We’ll keep trying and we’ll keep fighting until the end,” then you will die.  There are some people who say, “You can overcome any wave that comes to you if you just keep a positive mindset,” and they will all be cut out.  But if you just have one thing, no matter what wave comes your way, you will ride on top of the waves.  Always within the gospel, Christ is within me, He is my beginning and end, I live on this earth, but I belong to Christ in heaven, then you will always receive evidence, you hit a wave and you’ll get evidence.  Christ is not a boogie board; He is almighty and all-knowing, and Christ doesn’t just bring you above the waves, He gives you life, He is the Creator God Who created everything from nothing. And inside of Christ, there is the power so that even the elderly people can live with the youthfulness of a young person.  

Through Christ, I can enjoy the things of heaven like this and I’m influenced by it constantly.  People get botox to try and make their faces look younger, and use, we can do that, too, but on top of that, we are continuously putting this youthful energy inside of us. I see a lot of people who are living like I used to live in the past; we should no longer live with our mental strength, but our spiritual strength.  You think just with your mental focus you can do everything, but that’s not true. “I really need to make sure I pay attention and do things okay,” but it’s really not. Any child of God in Christ can receive the power of heaven.  Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you–it’s invisible, how can it come upon me? When the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ who lives within me completely overtakes my spirit, mind, and body, then I naturally change.  When God’s power comes into my thoughts, then areas that seem like such a dark dead-end are brightened and enlightened.  Because God is guiding us, we can see the path.  Though we were so overtaken by our mental illness, our depression and addiction, when the power of Christ comes within us, we can solve the light.  There is nothing else that can solve it; it might seem like it’s being resolved but it’s not; it is only solved with the things of heaven.  That’s how precious we are, so if we don’t receive this blessing, we have no choice but to drown inside the waves. That’s what humans are like. All you have to do is pray in faith. 

The Holy Spirit is already inside of you, may that Holy Spirit completely overtake my spirit, my brain, and my body.  That’s what it means to be seized by the Holy Spirit.  You can tell when somebody’s seized by evil spirits, right? And you can tell when somebody is seized by drugs, right? But when somebody is completely seized by alcohol, instead, we are seized by the Holy Spirit.  Then, the work light will continue to take place. It doesn’t matter how much you are graduating from Harvard, if you see the world with the things of heaven, then you can … With you sitting here, you cannot see all of LA, nowadays, the military forefront is drones because from above, they can see everything. There are tiny drones that can fly and take our tanks, missiles, and ships because they can see everything. If I go into the spiritual power of God in heaven, then I can see the things of earth.  

The Holy Spirit reveals our future to us as well; then you’ll be able to see why I was living in America, why I was born here. There’s a reason why you came to America, isn’t there? Or, from the people who are born in America, there’s a reason you think you were born here, isn’t there? For most people, it’s the things of earth, “Let’s eat and make a good living,” and that’s a good thing but that’s how when you live for the things of earth then you will be overtaken by the devil of America.  Even though that might’ve been your first thought, when your thinking changes to believe, “I am the one to conquer and save the world with the things of heaven, then your life will change.  

Pray in faith for the power of heaven to come upon you and reign over you; don’t pray to receive the things of earth.  Then, you will save yourself, you will save the church, and the field, and it’s not you saving, but God is working through you to save.  I hope you will stop being so obsessed with the things of earth and instead, concentrate on the things of heaven.  You know Chinese checkers, right? There are white stones and black stones, and the characteristic of amateurs is they will only take out the opponent’s pieces right in front of them.  But the experts will sacrifice the pieces in front so they can eat all the opponent’s pieces in the far back.  

How can you tell whether this person’s faith is deep or shallow?  You can tell if their prayer topics are of earth or if they are of above.  If you want to receive the things of earth, you must pray and receive the things from above.  But for the amateurs in their walk of faith, they live their walk of faith to gain the things of earth, then they will be swallowed up by the devil of the earth, and the characteristic of their life is that they will be weary and heavy-burdened. If that continues to repeat, they’ll have cancer because they keep receiving stress, that’s what causes cancer, that’s what causes diseases. However, if you continue to receive the blessings of heaven, then first seek His kingdom and His righteousness, then everything else will follow.  But if you live your walk of faith incorrectly, then you will pray to fill your greed with the things of earth, and that’s not right.  That’s what you call, “Idol worship,” God told us not to create an idol for ourselves, “For ourselves.”  But as you pray for the Kingdom of God, the things of earth will follow naturally as blessings.  If this is how you change, then life becomes easy.  But the reason we keep going back to the ways of the things of the earth, our nature is not yet set, then if you want to keep going for the things of heaven, you have to change the system inside so it becomes automatic.  

When you concentrate on the things of God, God will save the era. If you are struggling with your addictions, then you cannot escape because you already have a condition that leaves you no choice but to be addicted. You need to change that condition, but instead of trying to change their fundamental conditions and you just try to treat their external symptoms, it’s not going to work. The methods humans create is only to mask the internal systems, but the things God gives us, the things from above, change our fundamental state.  So, when you’re talking to your children, yes it’s important to correct their external shape as well, but you need to continuously give the Word that changes their fundamental state.  

My daughter is a pastor’s daughter, so imagine how much she’s prayed.  Yesterday we were riding in the car together and she said, “Stop talking about devil this, devil that, God this, God that, because if I get bad grades does that means it’s God, and if I get good grades, does that mean it’s the devil?” “You’re only 15 and it’s really hard for me to talk to someone at your level, that’s not what I meant to say, that’s just how you received it at your level.”  My daughter is very impatient so if my wife ever says anything to her, in 0.5  seconds my daughter immediately says, “No.” I said, “Maybe this is your character, but if you treat other people this way, you will have nothing in life. You Must be able to have patience with others,” and she says, “I can have patience with the friends I like,” and I said, “Yes, maybe you can have patience with the people you like but that’s for at most a year. If you try to hold it in for 10 years, 15 years, cancer doesn’t come out of nowhere; it means you are mentally burdened beyond your limit.  So, I told you, know your limitations, and take it to prayer.  For you, you have no choice but to say no immediately and to shut things down, but take a step back, and learn how to communicate in prayer.”  So, we talked about it on the car ride and then we talked about something else when we came back home at night?  She said, “Do you think I didn’t hear you? If I didn’t say anything that doesn’t mean, ‘yes,’” and even though she’s just a  child and she’s not able to understand everything I’m trying to tell her, if you tell her correctly, the eternal things will go in because to pray means you’re asking to receive the power from above.  But you’re born of the earth so your nature has no choice but to say, “No, no,” so through prayer, enjoy the blessings and the power from heaven.  Enjoy this while you study as well because if you only study with your own mental strength, you will face a limitation.  

    (3) 3 Answers – Problem, Conflict, Crisis

So, do you understand as well? When you’re raising your children, stop trying to change their internal behavior, but give them the words that change their internal, spiritual state.  Then this will be relayed to all peoples and all nations. When you have that internal strength, God will send people to you.  Your business is hard right now, isn’t it? The economy is horrible and everyone is struggling but there are people whom God sends to you.  If I have the spiritual strength prepared, then God sees that spiritual strength and sends people to me.  God will send to me people who are covered in darkness and have no hope so that I can give them the words of light to truly change them.  Then you teach them how to pray, enjoying the things above just like I did, and you change them to become someone like you.  If your business is not working, then do not be discouraged; but instead, change the fundamental state you have inside so that God has no choice but to send people to you. If things are not working out for everybody else and they’re not working out for you as well, that’s just the world, but there’s something God is working on in this world. If you have the work of God inside of you, then nothing else matters; during the Biblical times, there was a great famine, but Antioch Church was overflowing with resources because the Antioch Church was doing the work God desired for missions and evangelism, so God made their work overflow.  On the other hand, there was the temple of Jerusalem that had no interest in missions or evangelism or the work of God.

But for the people who do have this spiritual strength, it’s very fascinating; they go into the problem and find the answer there.  They go into the problem of the age, into the economic problem, they find God’s answers there and change everything.  You cannot avoid it because the answer is within Christ and the answer is from Christ.  Do not avoid the crisis but instead, challenge towards the crisis to receive the answer to change it.  For the people who had victory during the pandemic, they actually had success because of the pandemic.  Everybody else was destroyed, but they made it because they saw the opportunity.  If you remain within Jesus Christ, then you’ll always have that.  You will always have the opportunity for world evangelization. When you’re facing a conflict, you must realize, “Oh, I’m at a similar level as them,” and quickly change yourself to be at the level of God.


1. First his kingdom (Mt. 6:33)

2. Satan’s kingdom×, Establish God’s kingdom (Mt. 12:28-29)

3. Answer of everything following

In summary, you need to do what is first correctly, in your walk of faith, you need to have that.  If you are lost in darkness, it doesn’t matter how many good things you’re doing because you’ll always be in confusion.  If there are two armies battling in darkness, both are in darkness, so you need to quickly turn on the spotlight or see, you need to quickly first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.  Then, the kingdom of darkness will be broken down and the answers of the Kingdom of God will come to you, little by little.  If you continue to pray spiritually for the field of Hollywood, then the physical things are bound to follow.  May you enjoy and testify of these blessings throughout the week.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We believe that when we live for the things of God, seeking the things above as the ones from above, You will bless us with the things of earth.  Allow us to be the church that preaches the gospel to all nations, the people of all nations, and raise children to the summit, and we believe You will give us the blessing of the Temple Movement or Construction for this purpose.  We pray that you will work with the economy of light upon the church, and may it be the economy of light that proclaims the gospel to the ends of the earth. We believe You will give the blessing of the economy of light to the future generations to proclaim this gospel, may You cast out all the darkness and curses of poverty within us, and allow us to have these hands that are blessed with the abundance of God.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Mexico Tecate Camp, 10/19 (Saturday)

3. Florida Camp/Hollywood Camp – Temple

4. RCA Registration begin, 10/6(Last day).

5. Teacher’s meeting, 3:30PM.

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, fellowship, and filling of the Holy Spirit, be upon the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to save the things of earth with the blessings of heaven from Christ, upon their business, their academics, and their ministries, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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