All Things within the Covenant (Phil 4:13) – Message to the Graduates

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

All Things within the Covenant (Phil 4:13) – Message to the Graduates

There are people who graduated from high school and think it’s the end, but it’s the beginning. It feels weird because you’ve finished but you’re beginning, and I think that’s just what life is like. You have to think about those both very well. “I’m not done?” That doesn’t mean that’s true. Until you’re dead, there is also a beginning and an end.  There is always the end and beginning, together. 

I believe that, especially through the graduation, all the remnants who graduated need to begin a new beginning that God desires.  Yes, it’s great to get flowers or a diploma, but you must get what God gives to you importantly.  I believe you need to receive what God has given you most importantly.

(Phil 4:13)

Death is not the end. In reality, there is no end for us.  We live forever, why? Because we have eternal life.  We have life within Jesus Christ, and we live together forever with Jesus Christ.  Then, how should we live?  We grow up, we graduate high school and college, we live our lives in society, but where must we be?

1. Where

Within the One Who Gives Me Strength

What does this mean?  See this correctly, I do not make my own strength, but someone gives me strength. The very first condition is, we must remain within Him, and then I can do all things.  If you are not within Him, then your end will be an end, then your beginning will be a beginning, and it will not be a blessing .

1) Within Jesus Christ

(1) Sin – Curse

(2) Satan

(3) Hell, World – Suffering

You guys didn’t get depression because you wanted depression, you guys face a disaster you cannot resolve, not because you wanted it, and the reason why I’m facing this is because I don’t have the strength to resolve it.

Not Within Me

Jesus Christ set me free from these three problems. You need to know this first, I am within this.

2) With – Word

Now I live within Him, how?  With the Word. As evidence that God is with you, He gives you His Word.  Inside of the promise of His Word, God fulfills that, so you need to know God’s Word well.  Jesus Christ has finished all problems, as evidence of that, He is with me through His Word.  Even if I face something that looks like a problem, God shows me the way through His Word.  The Holy Spirit within me allows me to understand God’s Word.  God allows you to understand the Bible through the Holy Spirit.  If you don’t have the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t matter how much you read the Bible, it doesn’t matter how much you research it because this is not a book you can understand with the knowledge you have of the world.  However, if someone is with God, even if they are young, they can understand.

Look at Joseph, he was 17 years old, what did he know?  Raise your hand if you’re 17 years old.  Nobody? 15 years old? 14?  19? Joseph was between the age of Jacob and Carlos and the college students, dragged off to a nation he didn’t even know.  You can’t even call your mom or dad; you have to live all by yourself, how?  There was no cell phone or plane back then, and at that age, he went all by himself, but the reason he was okay was because the Lord was with Him and He gave him His Word.

So it’s okay even if you don’t have parents or teachers because God’s Word guides you, that is the blessing you’ve received.  God is His Word, and as evidence that God is alive, He is giving His Word even right now.  That is a promise. 


It is a relationship with God.  People say whatever they want and receive God’s Word however they want, they just speak what they want, they don’t keep their words.  So, those words are really useless.  But a proper person will keep their words.  Imagine, the president can’t just say whatever they want, they have to keep their word.  If they cannot keep their word, they apologize and say, “I’m sorry,” so the more important someone is, the more important their words are.

Whatever words God says, He keeps them.  That is why we stand before the Word and receive the Word, that is God’s promise.  God is the One Who fulfills His promise, but through whom does He fulfill it?  God fulfills His Word through the person who believes that this is His covenant and promise.  Whether it’s through worship, no matter the situation, God gives you His Word.  You have to experience this.  Then, you have to be able to take the Word God gives you during worship and apply it in your daily life.

If something happens this week, God already gave you the Word, forgive the one who hurt me.  Then, if you already hold onto the Word God has given to you, you act based on that.  God gives you His Word in advance knowing what will happen in the future. God moves, following His Word, and what must I do in that situation? Just follow that Word.  He is with me, and what is He doing?


Even right now, God is with us, doing the ministry of the Christ Who saves the people who are dead.


If these three problems are not solved, I remain here, but if you get to know Christ, you realize, “I am with God.” How is God with me?  God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are with me as the Triune God.  They have their own independent personality but they work as one God.  They work in oneness like this.  So, knowing God through Jesus Christ means you know this God well.  If you don’t know this, then you don’t know God.  God is with me right now and is doing this work, you need to know this and believe it.

2. I Can Do All Things

Make this confession in the One Who gives you strength. God promised world evangelization, then you can do it, why? Because He promised it.  Your academics go towards world evangelization, you can’t do that.  If your studies go in a direction that is not world evangelization, then you might work really hard, but you face a lot of things you cannot do.  But you must go.

1) Gen. 1:27 Image

You live as if you are God, but you are only created in God’s image. This isn’t a problem but you think this is a problem because you think you are God, but what God considers to be problems are not what you consider as a problem.

Gen. 2:7 Breath of Life

You have to know this to know people well.  If you don’t know this but you study psychology, you may help them but you cannot fix the fundamental things.

Gen. 2:1-18 Family, Business, Studies

God reigns over your family, business, and studies. If you don’t do this and you keep trying with your own strength, it’s hard.  This is completely restored within Christ. 

2) Within Me, Transcending time and space, 237

Within my heart, thoughts, and emotions, this power of the Throne of Heaven has power over me.  Right now, the Triune God is with you with the power of the Throne of Heaven and the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Right now, God’s heavenly angels must work upon me and everyone related to me.  You determine one nation you will serve for the rest of your life and send God’s works there. That’s connected to your studies right now.  What a huge blessing this is.

3) Answer – Me, Family,

You live diligently but the power of God must be upon you.  Don’t rely on your weak parents; pray for God’s power to work upon their weakness. That was Joseph. Jacob shook back and forth, he had four wives, but if you nitpick and argue about things like that, you’ll be stressed. Joseph prayed, even though he was far away, he was praying and that’s why God worked upon his family that was far away. He worked upon Egypt and the whole world.  He worked with just that prayer.  It’s not about what you do; that comes afterwards.  Working diligently is the word that nonbelievers without God love the most.

If you’re in Egypt, there’s nothing you can do for your family, no matter how hard you try.  You’re just one point in Egypt; how could you control all of Egypt?  If you’re in Potiphar’s house, there’s nothing you can do in Egypt. You can barely take care of Potiphar’s house.  God works transcending time and space, and Joseph enjoyed that blessing when he was 17 years old.  So, it’s possible for anybody, right? These are the blessings we get.

4) Alive

Only God’s Word is true, saves, and is fulfilled.  Hero’s words are not fulfilled.  George Washington was a military general, right?  The UK didn’t like George Washington because America was an English colony that rebelled and fought for their independence.  America likes George Washington but England does not. What does this mean?  The words people say are not the truth.  Don’t just say something is right or wrong; the Word of God is true wherever you go. No matter where you go, you need to have God’s Word which is always true. 

Copernicus.  You know him, right?  Why are you laughing? I’m talking about common knowledge right now.  Did Copernicus say the correct words or not?  Back in those days, people said the sun revolves around earth, but Copernicus said no, “Earth orbits the sun.”  People actually exiled Copernicus as a heretic, and then what happened?  People agreed, “Actually, the earth orbits the sun,” so the knowledge of the world changes. Just keep it in mind, it’s just something we have in reference for what we need, moment by moment, but it’s not the absolute truth.

The Word of God is the same in the future, no matter where you go, because God is there and here. Hold onto the Word of God that is never confused. 


For us, we go beyond working hard. If this is right, we stake our whole life.  You have to stake your life on something to make it worth it.  People win Nobel Prizes as they stake their lives.  Athletes who get the gold medal stake their lives on it ever since they are young.  For us, we go beyond this, if this is God’s Word, we stake our lives on it, then Satan cannot budge. If you stake your life on this, no one can stop you because the Word of God will be fulfilled.  That is why your life will come to life and you’ll be used to revive others.

If you keep saying your own words, you cannot come to life. 


God has to work inside of me.

3. How

1) Alone

The kids who are able to enjoy the mystery of being alone a little bit every day,

2) Healing

3) Talent

We are not God; we are in God’s image, finding what God has given to us, and we live like that. but you keep trying to be God.  Just because you want to make money doesn’t mean it will come to you.  If you find the skill God has given to you specifically, it will turn into a specialization and it will follow you. 

Some kids don’t know what they’ll do in the future, but you must have the time of being alone before God.  God will reveal what God has already given to you. 

4) Specialization

5) Field

If the kids have alone-time with God, God will reveal it to them.  Ultimately we will go into the age of AI, and if you don’t have this talent or specialization, we’ll keep losing jobs in the future, but if you don’t know this and you work hard, you won’t fit in.  But it also doesn’t matter if you know God’s Word and keep going, God will make a way for you no matter what.  Do whatever talent God has given to you; stop chasing after money.

If you find what God has given to you, you’ll get as much money as you need.  There’s a very big difference between someone who works for $16 an hour, and someone who specializes to make $1000 an hour. If you have a business, you can make millions in one transaction, and I’m sure everyone wants that, but is there a reason for this?  It’s for Temple Construction, raising up RUTCs all over the world, and we must challenge towards that.

Through my business and job, I’m going to build a church in every region that doesn’t have a church. I can do all things through Him Who strengthens me.  This is truly the covenant God has given to me, inside of this is what God has given to me.  There’s no reason to be discouraged or think that you’re great. 

To Me – Within the Covenant

This is not just a flowery phrase, but a blessing given by God.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing and more blessings in the new field and new places you go.  You have to enjoy this.

God, we thank You.  We thank You for guiding the students with the covenant. We believe You are the One Who brings things to an end and to a new beginning.  We pray that You will use these remnant’s studies within your covenant and power.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the remnants, the teachers, and parents of the students who confess, “I can do all things through Him Who gives me strength,” be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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