Align Your Studies and Work Diligently with God’s Word, to Constantly Enjoy the Blessings of the Throne in All Things (Romans 8:28)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Align Your Studies and Work Diligently with God’s Word, to Constantly Enjoy the Blessings of the Throne in All Things (Romans 8:28)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Today we will receive the word from Romans 8:28, and we will be talking about “with, Immanuel, oneness.”  God created the heavens and the earth, so we call Him the Creator God.  Even now, He is ruling over all creation and He is working, then what am I supposed to do?  He has created me and is ruling and working on me, then what must I do?  

I have become a child of God through Jesus Christ, but before that, I was in the unbeliever’s state where I did not want to be under God’s rule.  Now, I’m liberated from the background of sin, Satan, and hell, and I am under God’s rule and control.  So at this point, I’m not supposed to live my life centered on my thoughts, experiences, and what I think is right, but I must be aligned with God.  

When I live my walk of faith, why is it not working out? Because I’m living according to what I’ve learned. I think what I’ve learned is right but it’s not aligned with God, so first, I must align myself with God.  To align myself, I must understand and believe in the gospel correctly.  The gospel is the gospel that has solved all our past, present, and future problems.  But this gospel that ends everything must align with me.  But if this is not where I begin, then I will not be aligned with God.

When I align with God, that’s when life becomes easier, but when I’m not aligned with God, life is difficult and I cannot live my walk of faith. This means healing isn’t taking place. Because I don’t understand the gospel, I’m caught in something else.  Christ solved all problems but I don’t believe this.  Because I don’t believe it, I must live my own life, diligently.

When I understand the gospel, that’s when the Word of God will come upon me.  So, the Word of God is always coming upon me and is always with me. That’s what it means to be with God. Now, my life is finished because I’m eternally with God.  It’s important to live a life with God, but we’re not able to live that kind of life.  We know the theory of living with God, but we’re not able to put it into practice.  So, we understand with our head that God is with us because we’ve heard it so many times, but how am I going to live a life with God? This is what’s important, right? Because this is our life.

In other words, I need to live a life that’s aligned with God. In order to align myself, I have to align myself to God’s Word.  God is giving me the Word every week on Sunday so that’s why we say it’s the living Word.  It’s not a dead word, but it’s the living Word based on my field and time schedule.  With this Word, I communicate with God and live with God.  When a problem comes, it’s no longer a problem because I’m communicating with God.  Is the past, present, or future a problem for us? It isn’t because I have the identity and authority to communicate with God.

Don’t just know the throne of heaven but believe it and enjoy it.  If you don’t know this, then the church officer’s message lecture is in vain.  No matter how much you listen to it, it will be a headache to you, but you must listen realistically.  God, who is in the throne of heaven, is with us, through salvation, through the Word, and through the Holy Spirit.  I need to live my life within this.  That is why we need to understand the gospel correctly and believe it.

Then, I must be able to communicate with God through the Word and I must enjoy prayer.  Then, I will receive the spiritual strength that comes with the Holy Spirit.  This blessing of the throne of heaven must become mine.  When we set this, it means we make this ours.  Then we send it out, within me, and then I send it out.  So it’s not just within me.  

The second point is to enjoy the blessing of Immanuel.  Enjoy the communication of Immanuel, of helping others to communicate with God.  People are bound to group together with those similar to themselves, but you must not ignore or look down upon them because people are bound to do this.  At the root of this, we must be able to communicate with others through the Word, and this is true communication. This is how we receive and relay God’s Word.

So, I have the role of helping others communicate with God, and this is enjoying the blessing of Immanuel. God is with us, but the other person isn’t able to communicate with God, so I gave them the Word and I pray for them.  So, the church member must enjoy this to receive blessings, they have to enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven.  

But if you don’t understand the church, you’re not able to raise the church.  So, we evangelize so we can help them come to the Word of God.  It didn’t end with the Exodus, they went to the Exodus but also gave worship, so we must help others give worship. So, within the church, there are some people who lack communication with God, how do we know this? We know this through forum, we know this when we talk with them.  Those who are not able to communicate with God are facing problems.  So, enjoying the throne of heaven of the church means you’re helping that person communicate with God once again.

In the church officer lecture 3, Rev. Ryu talks about the blessing of the throne of heaven in the church. When you receive the message, you must apply it, so in the Sunday message as well, we received the message that we have to help others to communicate with God. Don’t just know the message, but apply it.  Communicate with the remnants, communicate with the multiethnic people.

But the characteristic of people who are not able to communicate with God is that they’re caught within problems.  How do we help them/  Helping them with their problems isn’t actually helping them, but helping them to communicate with God is helping them to solve the fundamental problem.  The method can be done in many ways whether through phone calls or forum, but the method is the same.  

Some people have fellowship within the church but others are stubborn about their own thoughts and ideas.  But if you say, “You’re wrong” to the person’s face, that will touch their pride and that’s a very ignorant way.  When you see that you must be able to give the Word or testimony to them. If they’re not able to listen to the word at all, pray for them so that they change their hearts through the Holy Spirit, but this is the person God desires. God desires other people too, but He doesn’t need them that much.  Because those people are no use in raising the throne of heaven.  

The Tabernacle, the church, how important are these?  The church members are the church, and where is Christ?  Christ is the head of the church members, and so the body needs to be healthy with God’s Word.  So I’m not my own in the state I was in from Genesis 3, but we are together, “We, me.”  But if this ideology doesn’t change, I won’t know anyone but myself, that’s how I was imprinted ever since I was born, so that’s what it means to enjoy Immanuel.

God Who is with us. Because that person isn’t able to communicate with God, you have to communicate with Gid, and that is enjoying Immanuel.  Legalistic people judge the other person first, they reveal their own righteousness and that’s the channel for Satan to use.  Do you know why they judge and point out others’ flaws?  They reveal their righteousness, “I don’t do that, but you do that?” But when they reveal their righteousness, that’s when evil spirits work.

Why do they have to reveal themselves? They have to reveal Christ. THey need to relay CHrist Who has solved everything on the cross.  So in the church when you say, “This person is doing good or bad,” this is a childish level. This is the church, but that’s the system of the world.  The system of the world is, you need to reveal and praise yourself. Because others don’t see my great characteristics, I have to reveal it to others.  

So, the one who comes out on TV or videos, those people are very popular because they advertise themselves a lot.  A lot of the politicians who come out on TV many times are the ones who receive the most votes. THere’s no choice about this; that’s just human and they don’t see other people, and this is the way of the world.

But the righteousness of Christ is revealed in the church. If you see something lacking, what does it mean to reveal the righteousness of Christ?  Christ has died on the cross for your weakness, so hold to the covenant, and this isn’t revealing my righteousness, but it’s revealing Christ, and this is the blessing of Immanuel.  Because of that person, the Holy Spirit will work again. 

Sometimes I have my weak moments, so that person will help raise me up.  I am that person and that person is me, so we are one person.  That’s why, for the Early Church, money was everyone’s. It wasn’t just one person’s money, but it was money they all used together. 

Do you go around revealing your child’s weak points?  You don’t go around your neighborhood or to other people, bragging about your child’s weakness, but you will go bragging about your child’s strengths.  Do we go around bragging about another person’s weakness? No, we try to hide it, but once you open that mouth, another person will open their mouth towards you. They think, “It was no fault of my own,” but Satan knows all of this.

We think they’re not listening, but Satan makes it so they’re actually listening, and God knows as well, so you can’t look down or gossip about a weak person, you can’t look down on God because Satan is listening, and Satan will make it so that another person will hear this. If a person has a weakness, it’s not about pointing it out, but pray for them.  That’s the New Year’s message.

You don’t remember the New Year’s message, right? I’m saying this because you don’t remember. It doesn’t matter because someone else will arise to share this, and that’s why God is so accurate.  Even the family is a church, so if you bite and look down on others, you’re actually stabbing yourself.  Praying for the other person and raising them up is actually for myself. Even in my family, we are one body; even in the church, we are one body.  If the church member just knows this, whatever they say will be a blessing. 

Remnants give Sunday worship downstairs and we’re continuously praying for this.  RIght now, we’re playing a pre-recorded message and afterward, the remnants and church officers go together to do their ministries.  I’m praying, what must we do for our middle schoolers?  Right now, the children are doing okay, but the older elementary students and middle school students need something. Why do we need this? So we can relay the correct Word to them and raise them.

I’m just saying this because I wonder if the correct Word is being relayed to them. When they give worship with the adults, how much of this do they understand?  They listen later on during EM worship, but it’s even better for them to receive the Word in a detailed manner.  For church officers who are interested, just listen to the first message and go downstairs to see what’s going on. You have to see the field to have the correct prayer topics for that.  For some people, they may need to receive grace from both messages, and it’s okay for those people, but if you’re able to receive grace for one of the messages, then go downstairs and see what’s going on, because God will surely give you His Word.

The church is a platform, the beginning step for heaven.  So if we use the words from the third lecture, the church is a shadow of the throne of heaven.  It’s not only a matter of meeting, but because the Triune God is the center of everything, that’s Who we worship.  I need to play my role centered on this.

So, in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things, God works.”  God has a plan and is working with the work I do in the field.  In other words, God has created everything and rules over and conquers everything, but that which is not under God’s rule is under the rule of sin and Satan.  Being with God is what’s normal, but if we’re not with God, it becomes a channel for Satan to use.  

God is with all of our thoughts, what we see and what we feel, and God is with us in everything. But the things that are not within God are used by Satan and sin, because that means you don’t want to be under God’s rule.  Being ruled and conquered by God is normal. It’s normal for God to be with us.  So, the parts the other person cannot do I am with God, so I’m able to fill up that hole, and that’s enjoying the blessings of God, because God uses and moves those who receive salvation. 

That person is caught within problems and unbelief, but who will raise them? It is I.  But what does Satan say?  “Oh, what are you going to gain from that? Money? Just receive your own grace and leave,” but God desires for that person to be raised up, and through whom will God raise this person? God will raise the person through the other person who sees that person.  

So don’t judge them, “Why do they always fall?” but see, “Oh, that’s what this person needs me.” In the world, there are so many types of people, it’s not just the people you meet, but many people are caught within religion or idol worship for many generations.  God wants them to receive salvation and to come to church, but those people will always fall.  

Someone who doesn’t have any experience will think, “This person falls too much; I don’t want to be around them,” because that person only has their experiences, they think the person is falling a lot, but that person is still caught up by evil spirits.  But heping that person is what God desires, but because they fall so many times, they think, “I can’t help them anymore; I give up.” So you give up thinking, “This person has listened to the word for so many years, how could they still be falling?” 

Why is that? It’s because they only know their experiences.  They don’t know the person’s background or family background, so they just judge them and give up on them. So when you think, “I need to be praying for them and help to raise them up,” that’s enjoying Immanuel. Then, you’ll have no one to hate at church. Everyone is a recipient who must be raised.

In all your work. After I believed in Jesus Christ and came to church, I realized, “Everything is the same as when I was an unbeliever, I’m still the same but I’m going back and forth from church. I still study in school like an unbeliever.” God says He is working all things for the good, but this isn’t aligned with me.  In all things, everything that arises, God said to be joyful.  He said to give thanks in all circumstances, so always be thankful.  First, it’s important to experience this. 

So you’re not finding things to be joyful for, but you know that you will always be joyful and you do your things.  So, God tells us to be thankful in all things; there’s nothing to be thankful for, but you resolve to be thankful in all things, and you find the reasons to be thankful. We’re not that developed to think, “This is something to be thankful for,” because that’s God’s level. For us as the creation, we have to have faith that “Oh I need to be thankful in all things” and look for the things I must be thankful for.

Pray continuously, how can I do that? God says He communicates with us 24 hours, the things we see and do and feel, we communicate all these things with God, and God is telling us to enjoy this blessing.  When we did the Young Adult Department Meeting, I received grace from Pastor Joo. It’s not easy for a pastor to receive grace from another pastor, but the pastor made a comment and it’s something he always says, but for me, it was a God-given Word.  

So don’t avoid meetings because there’s a Word God is giving to you. Those three things were the things I could not understand the most.  Pastor Ryu explained all this but it wasn’t coming into me.  But when another pastor who is a lot less than Rev. Ryu explained it, it matched with me.  This pastor said, “This is the grace I received in college prior to coming into the denomination,” but to me, it was such a heartfelt message.  

There was always something to be joyful about, even if I don’t know about it, there’s something God says that I should always be joyful about.  For me, I’m a very stoic person, so there’s nothing I can really be joyful about. I’m the type of person who can’t lie, so there’s nothing I can really be joyful for, but those who are good at swindling may say, “I’m thankful for this.”  

God told us to be thankful about everything, and I need to look for the things to be thankful for. This isn’t what the pastor said, but the Holy Spirit helped me to interpret it this way. In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.  So God is working in all things and I need to look for that. If God gave me the Word, then I’m looking for God’s plan in everything.  

This is a lot of fun, you should try this.  Don’t be stoic like me, “How could this be the plan of God?” But actually look for God’s plan because the Word is unchanging.  But for me, I’m looking for the Word in my life, and that’s what we call answers.  Will you live your walk of faith like that, or will you try to match everything because God says that He has a plan?  Our life is a life of looking for those answers.

So, this week I was able to enjoy communicating with God, 24 hours.  God opened a way for us to communicate with Him 24 hours, eternally, but because of my own standards, I’m blocking this. It’s not something I should worry about, but it’s something I should go to God about. It’s not something I should solve, but it’s something I should communicate with God about.  

Because this word went into my family, it’s been quiet in my family.  My wife was sharing forum, “The greatest education I can give to my child is helping them to communicate with God instead of disciplining them this way or that way.”  So, instead of disciplining my child about her experiences or thoughts, she tries to help my child understand God’s Word and to communicate with God.

Then, my wife doesn’t need to be angry or frustrated at my child even though the situation may warrant this, because those who try to make their own masterpieces by themselves will face a limitation. But if you allow the Holy Spirit to work and help them communicate with God, that’s so much faster, so you don’t leave the incorrect things alone, but you tell them.  But for us, we yell at our kids, “You can’t do this and you can’t do that,” based on our own experiences and teachings, but instead of that, we must tell them the Word of God.

Some people leave their children alone, “They don’t need these kinds of standards,” then they lose those standards. They cannot have no standards, otherwise, they cannot differentiate between good or bad.  Teach them about the standard but don’t enforce it with your style,but you allow God to work.  You don’t have to force or control the other person.

It’s the same for your workplace.  If you don’t do this, then if you meet a bad boss, then that person just becomes the devil.  If you meet a bad boss, you’re hindered and shaken every time you go to work.  So, there are some people who nitpick and try to control everything you’re doing, micromanaging, and if you’re in that kind of work environment, you just want to leave. Especially if they’re perfectionists, the subordinate will die. 

But those who know this answer won’t even need to do that. They might give a certain idea, but in the background, they will pray for that boss.  Just because you do this or that doesn’t mean the older person will listen to you. No law says, “That person will try to follow you so try to control them.”  Just show them the right way, pray for them, and respect them. That’s so much faster.  

I hope you’re able to discover God’s plan in everything that you do, then that will be used as a tool to help the world communicate with God.  What does it mean for your business to align with God?  First of all, your studies and business must be aligned with God’s Word. If you work diligently without God’s Word, you’re just being an unbeliever.  

First of all, you need to believe in and align with the Word of God and be aligned with evangelism and missions.  If you’re not aligned with this, then how will the blessing of the throne of heaven come to you?  The Holy Spirit is with believers,but the Holy Spirit has no reason to work with someone who isn’t aligned with God. How will God work with someone who isn’t aligned with God?  God used David because David was aligned with God, so God will use the businesses aligned with God. That’s why it’s important to give worship and to listen to God’s Word.

Diligence without this?  Well, that person may eat three meals a day, but the work they’re doing will never be aligned with God.  It’s the same for your ministries, if it’s not aligned with God, then God will not work.  They might bring in a lot of people with their leadership, skills, and power, because even unbelievers do that. They raise a system using their leadership, skills, and even developing programs.  The churches can do this as well but it might not be aligned with God.

If you raise up your ambitions misaligned with God, then they will not align with God, and that’s why the church has no choice but to fall later on. So, being within the rule and control of God means everything is aligned with God. I need to be aligned with God. My meetings need to be meetings that God has allowed. All the work I’m doing needs to align with God.  This is the way to be within the blessing of the throne of heaven.  This is the kingdom of God and we pray for this, this is the prayer that’s aligned with God.

In theory, the walk of faith is when you’re aligned with everything of God,  so in everything you do in your life, this must be aligned with God.  Your thoughts need to be aligned with God because God is working, and the way to align with God is through the Word and prayer. When you’re aligned with God, you receive answers and that is what we call healing, and that’s when you become the summit. You are in the position of the summit where you can raise and help other people, then everything you do is aligned with God.  

Your work will be aligned with church construction.  But those who are not aligned with God can just live their own lives.  They’re going to live according to their own righteousness and diligence and eventually will fall, but they need to be aligned with God. What happens when you’re aligned with God? Then God will work, and God is the one who continues to fulfill his Word. He fulfills His Word and sends His armies of angels that transcend time and space  

Church members need to rise up and basically do the work of the pastor. This is biblical.  If you have no thoughts of this, I hope you’re able to align your thoughts with God.  “Would I be able to do anything?” That’s just my own thoughts.  Those are Satan’s snares. God wants you to be a church officer who goes into the field and raises and saves people. I need to align myself with the Word because God is the One Who leads me.

Technically there are no blessings without the Word.  It’s the same for the remnants, I hope you’re able to become 70 remnants, 70 workers.  There’s no term “70 workers,” Joseph wasn’t just a “70 worker,” he did more than that. Even David did more than that, and they were not even of age.  When a remnant holds onto the covenant, God will lead them.  No reason to be within the mindset of, “My parents baptized me,” or “I’m poor because my parents are poor,” but I’m a new creation who will go into the works and the ruling of God.  

Even if my parents aren’t bright, there’s no reason for me to not be right. I’m a person made anew in the covenant. I continuously am oppressed according to my thoughts and my experiences but I need to overcome this.  When the Word comes within you, hold onto it and challenge.  Don’t focus on your circumstances or situation.  Look at Saul, even though he was very well known and well educated, there wasn’t anything he could do. When the Word of God falls, then you hold onto it and go into it.

I hope you individually will be able to enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven.  The throne of heaven is the place the Triune God resides.  Even if the unbelievers don’t believe, there is a Triune God in heaven. Even if you don’t believe, God is still there.  Even if you go to church or not, God is still there.  What does it mean to enjoy this blessing?  This blessing is when you enjoy it and enjoy salvation, the Word, and prayer and the Holy Spirit.

This is within me and I enjoy it, and I transmit this to other people. I transmit it through prayer transcending time and space.  In my life, the light of the 237 will be shown and so your business needs to be aligned with God for God to work upon your business.  I need to enjoy Immanuel and allow everyone within the church to enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven by being within the Word of God and communicating with God.  

When it becomes the New Year, I hope you will have this time dedicated to concentrate on God’s Word.  You’re not going to begin the year with your own thoughts and methods, but start the year within the word of God and being within God’s guidance.  So, Sunday message is the word for you to hold onto throughout the week, so concentrate on that Word.  Whenever you go home, have this time of concentration.

Now, it’s not just Christmas in December, it’s not just every single day, but it’s always Christmas.  Satan is trying to break down Christmas, so those who experience gospelization will think it amazing, but legalistic people will ask, “How can we do this?” because that person tries to be strong and do everything on their own. It’s easy to just go into what God is doing. If I try to do something for 24 hours, it becomes a burden, labor. 

I hold onto the Word and go into it. This doesn’t take a lot of time or money, it doesn’t matter if you’re smart or not; it’s something anyone can do, and you can do it even now. It doesn’t matter if you have a good IQ or not, just do it right now, 24 hours.  For the throne of heaven to come upon me, so it doesn’t come upon you just because you’re sitting there, but enjoy it. Even in your business, align yourself to the Word of God so that the Throne of heaven can come upon your business.  Align yourself to world evangelization so that the blessing of the throne of heaven can come upon the church.

I hope you will remember and relay this Word to other people, to the unbelievers who aren’t able to remember. Hold onto this. 

Let’s pray for the missions and evangelism fields for the church and for the region around us so we can do the work of saving lives and the region, to help people communicate with God.  Let us pray for the evangelism and mission fields, schools, the remnants, and region.

Let us pray for Temple Construction and evangelism to take place, as well as missions to do the work of the evangelism. We pray for the Sunday message to be guided by and to hold onto the Word.

Personal Prayer

Fanny:  Dear God, thank you for allowing me to come and worship you today. Allow me to align my studies to God’s word, and give me the filling of the Holy Spirit so that I may work diligently with God’s word, and enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven by being with God’s and communicating with God. In Jesus Christ name I pray, amen. 

Tim:  Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  May You work upon me and all the remnants and upon my family and this church so that we are all aligned with Your Word to proclaim the mystery of the gospel that is, Jesus is the Christ. May all the forces of darkness be broken and all the unbelief melt away by Your grace so that Satan no longer has any foothold.  May we see Your plan being fulfilled as You are working in all things to restore the gospel everywhere we go.  May we see the fact that You are making all things new and working powerfully in everything.  May You fill Tracy with a double portion of Your HOly SPirit so she may carry out Rise Kohyang Christian Club.  May You restore worship among the remnants so that they may enjoy the tremendous blessing of Immanuel and enter into true 24 hour prayer.  May You bles Fanny so that she may stand as a witness of Your gospel.  May You raise the remnants to know You fully and to restore true communication with you.  May all the deceptions of Satan be broken as they enjoy the fact that You are working in a realistic way upon their studies and even as they play..  May You raise the teachers who can properly raise the remnants in only the Word and only the gospel.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.q

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