Align With God’s Word to Enjoy God’s Plan and Not Fall into Satan’s Trap (Acts 1:4-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Align With God’s Word to Enjoy God’s Plan and Not Fall into Satan’s Trap (Acts 1:4-14)

Acts 1 is the very beginning of world evangelization. What is going to happen to your and my future? If the God of the Bible and the God of my life are the same, then my life will happen according to the Bible. What’s going to happen if I am not aligned with God? You’ll be enslaved and colonized by Egypt. You have to be aligned with the One who is sitting on the throne of heaven now, controlling everything. If you’re not aligned with Him, you’ll be enslaved by the world and Satan. 

And how do we align with Him? The most important thing is that Christ is aligned with me. If I am not aligned with Christ, the more I try to do anything, the more I’ll be enslaved by Satan. The members of the Early Church and Mark’s Upper Room are people who seemed like they couldn’t accomplish anything from the worldly perspective. How did this Early Church do world evangelization? It was absolutely impossible. But it became absolutely possible. Why? It’s because they were aligned with God. For you and I, if the future of our lives is world evangelization, the beginning is being aligned with God. If you want to be aligned with God, then Christ has to be aligned with me. 

The Pharisees were not aligned with God in this way. They talked about the Messiah but they held onto the Messiah who was not aligned with God. Then what Messiah did they hold onto? They thought that if I kept onto the word of God, then I would have no sin. And now, the Messiah will come and rule over us and conquer the world for us. That is the incorrect Messiah they believed in. The Messiah is the Hebrew word and Christ is the Greek word; it’s the same thing. The Christ that God promised to send was not the same Messiah the Jews were holding onto. And because of that, they suffered and wandered, even now. Until when? Until they are aligned with God.

If your entire family line is suffering and wandering because of spiritual problems, then you will suffer until you are aligned with God. There is no way to do good and kind deeds before God unless it is through Christ. Because Christ alone is the one who is able to keep the word of God entirely and be good before God. There’s nothing that is good besides Christ, and no matter how good you think your thoughts are, they aren’t without God. Christ has to be right in me. If I want to be aligned with Christ, I have to see what my problem is through the Bible.

Our problem is being separated from God.  Being separated from God means we’re separated because we’ve committed sin, we’re in a state of being separated from God because we didn’t believe in God. We’re not alone in our state of separation, but we’re stuck within Satan’s control.  But because we don’t acknowledge that the devil is there, we sin in hiding, so we might seem fine in front of other people, but we sin in hiding since we don’t acknowledge Satan is there, so Christ isn’t aligned with me.

Christ and I must fit together perfectly. I have no other problem than being seperated by God because of Original Sin, and I lived a life that had no choice but to keep sinning because of that. You have to acknowledge that you are seized by Satan to be aligned with Christ.  

The Early Church was aligned in that, and God will look at things differently according to where the Truth is.  The Church of the Pharisees gathered so much in the temple of Hardin were having worship and so much offering fromHigh Priests, but from God’s perspective, they were not aligned with God because their reasons for Christ was not aligned with God. They had no choice but to face curses and disasters.  It doesn’t matter how great or renewed the people were; they were not aligned with God.

The people of the Early Church didn’t have such a great background, and I’m not saying we need to gather people with no background in fact, if that’s all we have, it won’t work at all; if anything, it’s better if we have people with money and skills, but more importantly, it was a gathering of people aligned with God it means that works took place irrespective of these people’s backgrounds and abilities.  For you and me, if we are aligned with Jesus Christ then our skills and abilities don’t matter.  That’s being aligned with God.

We’re not simply aligned with God because we think He’s good, but we realize our state of being hopeless without Christ, and every single person used in the Bible began from that point.  The Pharisees emphasized how much strength they had and their success; this in itself was incorrect because they were moving in the direction of not needing Christ.  Even now, most people who go to church are like that “How much can I get for myself?  How can I succeed?” It’s not aligned with God, and your personal self isn’t matching with Christ.

Christ was crucified on the cross, and that must fit with me; in order for that to happen, you have to know your own state.  Then for such people, their skills are irrelevant and they can see their future because they’re aligned with God.  In other words, Christ who has finished all problems on the cross, all problems means “Every problem of my life has been finished on the cross; all my curses and disasters are completely finished. I’ve been completely liberated from the authority of Satan, hell, and this world.”  That Christ is with me even now, and this must fit with me.

If this fits you, you must enjoy that.  He is with me now.  If not, you will fail in the field.  Then, how difficult is the world? Do you know why?  It’s because I’m not aligned with God.  God exists in the field but that’s not aligned with me.  What happens if a child doesn’t have their parents? It’s difficult.  WHat happens if a child has a parent?  It’s not as difficult.  If you don’t have the Lord, you’ll go into a field that isn’t right with you, then how are you going to enjoy the fact that God is with you?  Don’t you think that’s prayer?

There’s an incorrect prayer. If you misunderstand how God is with you, your prayers will be different.  If God is with me, it means I must adjust myself to God, and if I pray like that, I will receive answers, but if you’re asking God to align to you, your prayers aren’t answered.  “God, do this;, God do that, God get this person out of my life.” You try to do everything yourself, you’re playing king, so God being with you is not aligning with you, then. 

What does it mean for you to adjust yourself to God? Your prayers will be different. If you don’t understand this, then it’s difficult, and it’s difficult because I don’t have abilities. If I were omnipotent like God, nothing would be a problem for me, but people are so difficult, why? It’s because you’re not adjusting yourself to God.  “I thought God was with me,” then you have to adjust yourself to God and pray to align yourself.  

Pray instead, “God, why did you place this person in my life?” If you say, “This person is so difficult; please get rid of them, God,” that’s not aligning yourself to God “God, why are you allowing me to remain within this field and why are you with me here?” That’s the proper prayer topic, then God will answer you.

There are prayers that receive answers and those that do not. Even at this time there are those who receive answers and those who do not.  God is with me.  Why did God allow me to come to worship today?  Then the answer will come immediately, but if you misunderstand what it means for God to be with you, you’ll interpret it however you want.  This must become your imprint, root, nature, otherwise you can’t pray.

Even if you do pray, it’s going to be the same prayer as the other religions.  So, you won’t receive any answers at all, and you can’t even tell this to others. You’ll just have to go to church because you can’t leave. You can’t even leave, and in reality, you’re afflicted in the field.  Because prayer is so difficult, you ask God to get rid of hard things, and that’s such a low level prayer.  Instead of praying for God to take away things that are so difficult, pray for you to see that God is with you in the field.  Then, the field will be an answer to you.

The way that God is with you is that He gives you answers through the Word and you adjust the field to the Word of God, then you can go out into the field holding onto God’s Word. You must be aligned with God’s Word; you must not be aligned with your thoughts. Why do people get along with people who are similar?  Those with similar thoughts get along, and both of them are broken down later on, there are people who are aligned with Gods word, that is how this person will be revived.  People have scars, that person has a scar, so we’re the same. Ever since we were young, we were abandoned by our parents, and he’s the same way and they can communicate well, so both of the, will fail.  You need to be aligned with God’s Word.  I must be aligned with God’s Word, then God begins to work. 

Your future must be aligned with God’s Word.  What does it mean for you to see the future? It means you see the word of God regarding your future. And because you don’t see that you’re holding onto your own plans so you keep shaking, but the Early Church saw the future because the Word of God came upon them regarding the future, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations,” that word of the future along with the disciples and when these words align with you, you will see the future too.

A lot of kids keep asking, “What’s in the future?” keep asking, then, and one day you’ll see it.  Even if I told you, you can’t see it because your thoughts are too strong, and that’s why. As soon as God’s Word aligns with me, then I can see the future, you don’t know what’s going to happen, so when you face difficulty, you keep collapsing.

The Word of God and I must be aligned, then the walk of faith becomes very fun.  Other people say it’s hard but it’s not.  I’m not saying you don’t face hardships, Im saying even if you face hardships it’s okay. Don’t misunderstand, kids graduate from college and go into the world and try to avoid difficult things, why? That’s how they were educated, and maybe that’s how the church educated them as well.  The churches may have taught these children that, if you believe in God, then nothing bad will happen to you. It’s okay even if you fail, but they think their lives are over. 

Look at Joseph,he went into slavery isnt that failute. Don’t you think that David failed? He was running for his life from King Saul; that’s a failed life. We just don’t think that way because we see what happens later on in their lives.  But people who saw their lives at those times thought both Joseph and David had failed.  What does the Bible tell us? It’s okay if we fail; that’s not the standard. It matters if whether God’s word and Joseph are aligned.

Is David aligned with God’s Word?  Then nothing is a problem.  If you don’t raise your kids this way, they’ll run away from difficulties. It’s the same for members of the church. We’ve raised them so weakly.  The Word of God is the Word that overcomes the world, but because you fail to deliver you stop them from adjusting to the word too, you’ve twisted God into such a weird thing, and so if they face a bit of difficulty, they’re so embarrassed and can’t even say anything about it.

If your life is destroyed then it’s destroyed, if you fail then stand back up, but they’re so embarrassed they don’t even talk about it.  What’s there to be embarrassed about?  Either way you’re born empty handed and you’ll leave empty handed. Imagine how much Job failed.  Job failed so much that his friends mocked him and his wife fled and all his precious children died; his great inheritance blew away, and later on, he was so diseased and couldn’t fix it.  Job wasn’t embarrassed but he said, “I believe in the great Jehovah God, I was born empty handed and I will leave the same way” What he is saying he was something to be Bold about, and the devil comes and runs away.

What are you embarrassed about?  For whom are you embarrassed?  If you have the gospel but you’re not able to relay the gospel, that’s the reason to be embarrassed. Being embarrassed about the gospel, that is the real reason to be embarrassed. If I have the gospel but I’m unable to relay the gospel, that’s something to be ashamed of.  But if you get embarrassed about a mistake you made that you cannot show your face to anyone, that’s not aligned with the Word.  That person has to keep living their walk of faith, looking at other people.

I’m not saying you should be completely shameless and not care about what people think; I’m saying if you have the Word of God, it might be this or that.  If you have the Word of God, you can see the future and you know it’s going to work out, so you keep going forward.  This is how the people of the Early Church and the Jerusalem church had a difference on the level of heaven and earth.

They gathered together only for the filling of the holy spirit.  Why did they need the filling of the holy spirit?  Because they can’t do it with their abilities.  The Holy Spirit is with us but why does he have to work with His filling?  Isn’t it enough that the Holy Spirit is within me, teaching and revealing the truth. Why does the Holy Spirit need fill me and work?  Because only when the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you that you’ll be witnesses until the ends of the earth, and that’s how you’ll be changed into someone who’s absolutely impossible into someone who’s absolutely possible.  

World evangelization is absolutely impossible but because of the filling of the holy spirit, it is absolutely possible.  It is absolutely impossible for my job to save the 237 nations, but because the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon it, it changes into the economy of light to save the world.  It changes the economy of light to do temple construction. You yourselves can never do this, the most you try, you can maybe eat, survive, pay your rent, and go to heaven, but He promised the filling of the Holy Spirit. Then your business changes into one that saves the 237 nations, and your studies will change to save the 237 nations because it’s only possible by God’s power.

“I’ll just be diligent in my walk of faith and do it a little bit,” then your life will be hard.  You’re not going to see the future. You’re just going to be walking your faith with a little diligence, you’re just living your walk of faith with the same principles as unbelievers, with effort and diligence. And sorry, but you cannot save the world.  The members of the Early Church had no power or skill but the way they changed the world was Acts 1:8.  How can you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? You ask for it and He gives it to you. Because it was promised to you. “But why do I have to ask for it?” You’ll receive that power to become the witness to the ends of the earth.

If you’re trying to succeed, you don’t need that power because they built the tower of Babel fine. They gathered the power of mankind and built the tower. So if you’re trying to succeed, you don’t need that power because it’s possible to do that with human strength. Why do you ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit?  To be a witness of Christ to the ends of the earth. That’s why it’s impossible for us to pray like this. Because I don’t care about saving the 237 nations. And that’s why I don’t have the desire to pray this prayer, and that’s why we spend our entire lives praying for unnecessary things.  But because we have received the word, we take it legalistically and we say whether you keep the word or not, and that’s how we live our lives. 

But what is the church that God desires our church to be?  He desires our church to be aligned with God’s word. God desires for every member of our church to be aligned with the Word of God; He wants Christ to be aligned in you.  Christ who has finished every problem and is with me right now, that Christ. He constantly gives me His Word he constantly gives me his word I the field, and the working of the holy spirit that makes me a witness to the ends of the earth.

They gathered in Acts 1:14 in one heart to pray for these.  They held onto the covenant of world evangelization and constantly gathered in one heart to pray.  As soon as every single one of you gather together with one heart with the goal of your lives as world evangelization, God pours his Holy Spirit upon you.  Even as you leave the church, when you go into the family, it turns into 24 hour prayers, then you overcome your own weaknesses.  The Early Church was weak and poor but they overcame their own power because God gave them the blessings of economy to do world evangelization.

What do you have to do to receive the economy? Is money going to fall from the sky just staying still? Never, that’s not Gods principle, there’s a principle God moves the world with. God gives me the blessing of uniqueness, something only I can do, so you have no choice but for economy to follow to save the 237 nations. 

For students he works upon your studies.  It’s okay if you do well or poorly, there’s no reason to do poorly on purpose, but you do world evangelization with this, then in whatever specialty or field I’m in, I will be the best. If I’m a janitor, I’ll be the greatest janitor and glorify God through this. If I’m a chauffeur, then I’ll be the greatest chauffeur for world evangelism, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. “I’m someone doing world evangelization,” then the Holy Spirit follows you around and works.

There are things that you must hold onto. God will follow you around to work upon you.  If a child does whatever the parent desires, then the parent has to follow the child around doing whatever they need, because the child does whatever the parent wants to do, so they have to follow the child around and support the but there are some things the parent doesn’t give to the child, even if they ask for it.  The parent may say, “here’s money, food, and clothes” simply put, the parent gives enough so the kid doesn’t die.

And the kid says “I have to go on vacation,” and the parent says, “You must be kidding me. You’re doing the opposite of what I want; why would I give you the money to go on vacation? You just eat three meals a day and live.” That’s what even parents do, because the child keeps doing the opposite of what the parent wants.  “It’s a four day weekend, I want to go somewhere with my friends.” 

“Then make your own money and go. Why do I have to give you money? You’re not doing what I want. You’re doing the opposite of everything I say. Because you’re my kid, I am forced to give you whatever you need to survive because I can’t kill you.” Is this how our walk of faith should be? If you are within the work God desires, God will follow you with both eyes. 

You hold onto His covenant and pray, it’s not just prayer, but it’s praying holding onto what God desires, then God has no choice but to work. Because God works, that work is fulfilled, and that’s why you see what happens in the future and you’ll go.  It’s 237, world evangelization, it’s to save, region by region. It’s saving the remnants.  It is the continuation of worship through Temple Construction. This is the work of God; it is completely impossible by our strength. It must be God’s work. 

When we go into the work God desires, that changes into my dream, and no one can take that dream from you. Even if you’re poor, you cannot lose your dream because God’s dream is fulfilled and because it’s the dream God gave you. The vision and dream are different.  The vision is to go make disciples of all nations, but I can’t save 237 nations. There is a specific dream God is trying to do through me, and nobody can take that dream from me. It can’t be stolen away even by COVID.  Even if I’m weak, I cannot lose this dream, so I enjoy what’s going to happen.  

People who have a dream have different facial expressions.  People without a dream, even if they’re alive it seems like they’re dead, because they don’t have a future, their future is just living and surviving, so it’s similar to a dog, because inside, they’re completely empty.  For dogs and animals, they just eat and poop and that’s it, but look at people carefully.  Their thoughts are exactly the same as animals, how am I gonna eat and survive until I die.  But people who have a God-given vision and dream, their eyes and face, everything is different. 

You see and enjoy in advance.  Even the way they talk is different.  For people who don’t have a future or dream, they talk in a very low tone, thinking that’s modest but for those who have this, they relay to people who need, and unbelievers see that they have somethingWe go to the same company, but this person is a little different” when I say they look different you think ethics and morals, enduring things, you think about enduring when people treat you poorly.  Other religions do that better then us because they have ethic and morals injected into them, so you’re afflicting yourself.  You look at someone and they have something inside them, and it’s a dream.

The expression is different already; the way they talk is different, they way they speak, they have a future, that’s what Joseph did.  He went in as a slave but he was different, because Joseph has this he was enjoying this saw what was going to happen in the future, so his expression and tone was different.  His words change people.  You don’t change people with your words, but they see it and think there is something “This person has something I don’t have.”  Potiphar had a lot of money, power, and authority, but this person had nothing but he has something.  Simply speaking, that’s spiritual power being relayed.

The world cannot have spiritual power; only children of God can have spiritual power, and nobody cannot budge against that spiritual authority.  Because of this one person, all of Potiphar’s household was blessed, and that’s how God works. God is the source of blessings, and if you hold onto God’s desires God has no choice but to work 

If I’m a child of God, why do I keep going into failure?  It’s possible to make mistakes but why does it always happen? You have to think about this. It means you’re not aligned with God, so quickly change yourself to be aligned with God, and that’s where you must begin.  “Why is my family always poor?”  There’s a reason; you’re not aligned with God. It’s possible for you to be poor once, but if you’re consistently poor, you’re not aligned with the Word of God.  You have to think about this.  

These are the blessings God gives us every time we worship with the Word.  I pray that the Early Church we read about today will be in your family and the church you are serving.  Christ, the solution to all problems. The words you say, that He has finished all problems, have to be  aligned with what your heart is saying, and if the Word that “Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems” is not aligned with the word in your heart, then you’re not aligned with God. You have to adjust yourself to align with God, and that’s the blessing.

If you’re not aligned with God, that becomes your prayer topic, “God, I don’t believe in Christ. I can believe I have salvation, but I can’t really believe that all problems in my life are finished,” then that becomes your prayer topic.  In order for the blessings of the Bible to become your own, you must agree with them. What happens when you don’t agree with them? You become a Pharisee; you fill yourself with something else, with your diligence, law, you keep trying to fill yourself with other things. You have to be aligned with Christ, in other words, aligned with God, because Christ is God and that Christ must be aligned with me.

Christ has finished all problems, then what problem am I facing now? It’s not a problem, but God is with you and giving you His answer through the Word, isn’t that right? Because God the Father is with you through His word and I have to be aligned with God through the Word, and through the Holy Spirit.  The missions and evangelism must be the plan of my life; that is how the working of the filling of the Holy Spirit is aligned with me, and that’s how when I receive spiritual gifts, they are an instrument.

If you say the filling of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues, that’s wrong; you might get it, or you might not, and if you say the filling of the Holy Spirit is being a witness until the ends of the earth, that’s correct because it’s what God promised in Acts 1:8.  Even if you don’t have anything, even if you don’t have tongues, you’ll be a witness to the ends of the earth.  If you need the gift of tongues to be a witness until the ends of the earth, he will give it to you.  

Everybody has gifts, there are some people who have the gift of mediation and making amends within relationships. That’s the gift God gave you, it’s not something you created; it’s a gift.  We say “gift” so all you think about is prophecy and things like that.  Some people have the gift of being a leader, of doing things first, and that’s a gift.  

There are other people who always lag behind, there are some people who stand in the front. So they’re playing the role of being able to lead the church forward, and even if they leave later on, they do that role, therefore everybody has a gift, but the essence of the filling of the holy spirit is to be a witness until the ends of the earth.

In order to save the 237 nation through missions and evangelism, my business and studies must be aligned with this for me to be aligned with God.  That’s what the early Church had.  When you look at them from an external point of view, they had nothing, but because they were aligned with God who is controlling the universe, they have everything.  That’s why they were a church that did world evangelization.  

In today’s age, the churches are getting further from God’s Word, and they’re doing a lot of Bible study to study with their knowledge, so there is a lot of Scripture in their brains, but they are far from the Word, and because of that, they can’t find the answer. They live their walk of faith but it’s not an answer.  I hope you will know there are so many people like that and we have to save all of them. That’s God’s plan: saving people is God’s plan. 

When you align yourself to God, it’s not just about giving up on yourself but it’s saying that everything I have is nothing; everything of mine is in God; my life is in Christ, within the Word of God, and the power of God is within missions and evangelism.  Only when my things are aligned with the Triune God will you receive the answers.

If you listen to the message and you feel, “I’m too far from the Word of God, what should I do?” As soon as God works it’s not a problem at all, if God works with a strong hand now, nothing is a problem.  All you have to do is keep going into worship within the grace of God, it is not what I do but God gives me the grace to open my spiritual eyes.  That’s the principle of the church.  

Do you know the principle of the church?  There are some times that the church provides other things, for example, toilet paper.  Jesus Christ didn’t die on the cross because we lack toilet paper and we are so dirty, it doesn’t matter if we have it or not. We need what is real.  Why is it Christ?  That must be aligned with God.  If you want it, God gives you His Word; if you don’t want it, God doesn’t give you His Word.  When this is a gathering of people who desire God’s Word, then God will give you his word accurately.

That’s why listening online is important as well, but this location, this time, and this working of the holy spirit is important.  Church officers are those who do this, the church officers are the ones who hold the banners who stand in front and lead them forward, and that’s how you will receive the answer of the church officer.  

For new believers, it might not matter because God hasn’t given them that role, but God will work on the church officers appropriately, “because I’m present at worship, the church will be revived.”  Right now I’m not talking about how many people come to worship, but when I’m gathered here for the work that God desires, God works, when even the new believers will come to life because the word that saves will be relayed.

If you say, “I can listen to this word, but I don’t have to,” then optional and legalistic words will be mixed in.  Instead of Christ, God will give you the words of legalism because it’s optional to you, and even your prayer topics will be that because it’s optional to you. It must be the word you need, then God will give you the Word; God will absolutely give you the Word that will be fulfilled in the future.

God will give you those words that’s the church officers, the remnant church officers are sitting here, the remnant church officers are the ones that lead other remnants it seems like she’s just here to play the piano but that’s not true; it seems like they’re just sitting here but that’s not true. God brought you into the circumstance to give you these blessings.  

As you keep following these blessings, one day, you’ll realize you’ve changed.  I’m a witness of that.  I don’t have a very good personality; if anything, I’m very lazy. The only thing I did was struggle a bit to align myself to God, and I’m a little on the lazy side, and honestly after receiving the gospel, I was more lazy. At least before the gospel, I tried to live diligently to survive, but after I received the gospel I became lazy, and even after receiving the gospel, I became very careless with the words I spoke to others.  In the past, I was very careful with my words because I didn’t want to ruin my reputation.  But in reality, when you opened me up, I had nothing inside.

All I had was one thing of wanting to align myself with God and God did the rest; God did everything.  Even today, I was hiking around the park, listening to God’s word. That’s the time for me to concentrate on God’s Word.  As I kept doing that, God worked with the Holy Spirit one day. If it’s hard for you to pray, then I hope you’ll listen to the word of God.  When you exercise or do anything like walking around, I hope you will do it, listening to God’s word.  Even if you center a little bit, God will work.  That’s a time of concentration. 

THis time of worship is also a time of concentration. If I were a little too handsome, you wouldn’t be able to concentrate on God’s word, but if I’m too ugly, that would disturb the word as well, so God made me not this or that so you can concentrate on God’s word.  If I were a little too smart, then people would think, “The pastor has a lot of skill,” so you don’t concentrate on God’s word, but I’m too low class? Then people would look down on me, so God makes it so I’m neither this nor that so you can concentrate on God’s words.

If my personality was too great, people wouldn’t follow God’s word but my personality.  Only follow God’s word and I believe God has made you guys the same.  God has created us so accurately and precisely.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing for the rest of the week. 


Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.  What do I have that is not aligned with God?  Let us pray to God. 

What are the environments that are causing you danger. What is it that you fear?  I hope you will give the master and lordship of your life to the Lord.  For people who are seized by fear for a long time, they will know but they cannot escape.  Because they’ve been seized for such a long time, they cannot escape easily, even so, if you challenge because you know you are with the Lord, then the seas will become quiet.

It is possible that your job is difficult, but if you say it’s difficult, there’s no answer there.  But in this storm, God is your captain and master. Why did God allow this situation?  Then, God’s answers will come to you.  It seems like a storm but it becomes still. Even if you do face a storm, it doesn’t matter.  

If there’s an aspect of your life with which you must have a conclusion, let us pray for that, it might be your children, job, etc let us have a prayer of faith where you give it to the Lord, and instead of being afraid in the field, may we go forward boldly with God, then without a doubt, you will be victorious. Let us pray.

Let us pray together for the Sunday Message. We are praying for the Word that God wants to give to you, because you’re going to participate in worship “God, give me the Word You desire for me,” that’s how it becomes an answer to prayer and the Word of God is fulfilled throughout the week.  “God, I desire for my life to be within missions and evangelism of 237 nations and Temple Construction,” so pray for these two things.  Keep praying for these two things, and we’ll have intercessory prayer topics up on the projector.

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