Academic Restoration- Talent- The Gospel Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Academic Restoration- Talent- The Gospel Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Teacher’s Preparing the Future

No matter what anyone says, you are teachers preparing the future. Our teachers as well as our ministers throughout the nation and the world must begin a special prayer today.  A pastor is someone who relays the message to the church members, but teachers are the ones relaying the message to the students.  The importance is almost the same, and that is why all of our teachers must make a resolution first before we proceed.

You’re probably thinking it’s hard to be a teacher, but change that thinking.  What’s going to happen if the pastor is thinking, “Running the pastoral ministry is so hard”? But there are many pastors like that, and personally, I think that’s wrong.  No matter how strange or how bad a church  member may be, if the pastor is thinking, “I can’t do this anymore,” then that really isn’t it.  No matter how many problems the children cause, teachers should never think that way. In one way, you are almost like a priesthood. In one sense, you’re more important than pastors because you must raise the next generation, do you understand what I’m saying?

To do online classes is hard during the pandemic, but that’s not it.  There are so many things we can learn and prepare for. Because of the pandemic, we’ve been able to go back and manage all the things we’ve left behind for the last 30 years. I’m thankful because it’s to the point where if we didn’t have this opportunity, we would be in trouble.

You should have the phone number for all your students and if it were me, I would communicate with them every day. There is nothing more important than that.  You don’t have much time, and I don’t have much time tiehr, but I communicate with hundreds of people throughout the nation and the world. What you must realize about me is that I don’t carry around my cell phone with me, so usually I look at it at night and I organize all the texts I’ve received and reply to them.  It may look like there’s not much effort I’ve put into it because I have to read through all of them, so it’s not that I’m looking down on you as I preply, but I don’t have much time, bubt as I do that, I learn so much.

[ Accept ]

What all our teachers must understand is that you have to be able to accept everything.  Even pastors must learn to accept everything in order to become a pastor. People who have mental problems may say strange things because they’re crazy, and they send such things often.  By looking at that, I don’t want to think that that person is crazy, but I realize there are many people like that in the world and rather, I realize that perhaps there may be a problem with my message. We need to heal those people.  Because of that, I was able to strongly realize about the 237 nations, summit, and healing, but if we’re thinking, “It’s so hard, it’s a problem,” it becomes progressively harder.  

But when a hardship comes, it’s your chance, then you can gain help health and become better in all aspects. If you think it’s hard to live in a house, then problems will come to the house. I really want to make this request to the people listening to this message.  “I can’t live because of my husband,” but thats’ why that man was entrusted to you. God entrusted him to you. “I can’t live with this woman,” but that’s why God attached that woman to you, and that’s what you need to love.  “They are of no help to me,” but no, they’re not sales people.  “My wife is of no benefit to me,” are you trying to run some sort of business? Don’t think that way.   But if you go throughout the nation and the world, almost everyone thinks that way. If that is so, we need to delete all the journeys of the seven remnants.  “But it is hard!” yes it is, but if you don’t think that it’s hard, it’s not hard.

There are times I have to lift heavy things. But I feel good doing that, “Because I don’t exercise enough, God is making me exercise,” There are times I’m so busy and I have to run, “God is making me exercise so He’s making me run.” I have to catch a flight but there’s traffic? God is blocking that because He doesn’t want us to go quickly.  There are people who are trying to speed along because they want to get someplace faster, and they really go to heaven faster.  “Why is it so cold in the winter?” It must be, that’s what it means to be the winter. “Why is it so hot in the summer?” That’s the summer, so think about it, if the winters were hot, it would cause problems on this earth.  Teachers must gain strength first, how?

1, 3, 8, (14), (24)

Christ, God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy spirit.  Have a time of concentrating on this, verse 14. They devoted themselves constantly to prayer.  Those in Mark’s Upper Room gathered together with this command, and there’s one more thing we need to do.  As you do this, absolutely, 24 hours will come, then everything becomes an answer. Even though it’s a problem, wait, but don’t just wait, look for the chance.  It’s at this time that Christians can become the greatest teachers in our schools. If it were me, I’d make a masterpiece and communicate with the kids every single day. Make a masterpiece and give it to the education office, send it to other teachers, gather together the kids’ testimonies, “But it’s so hard!” It’s not that difficult.  

When I go overseas and meet with church officers, so many of them say that church life is so difficult, but inside my heart I say, “Just wait,” and I don’t say this to their face of course, but inside, I think, “Just quit, then.” There are amazing blessings in front of them and they say it’s so hard, but that’s not it. Does it seem that I’m making things more difficult and a burden to you? No, but all the answers lie there.  Even inside of our Darakbang, a lot of our workers are like that.  They can’t accept if someone doesn’t match them.  Even if someone crossed the line in their work, they get very angry, and that’s when you have to realize, “I’m very narrow minded. If someone else is doing my work? It’s not that that person is bad, but I’m too narrow.” That person is incorrect, but even if that person is incorrect, I don’t view it that way. “There are people who think that way,” isn’t that so? That’s the present reality. You have to be able to accept that to see the important things.  

25, 00 (Eternity), 237

They lived in a ridiculous age but that’s when the Lord gave them 1, 3, 8.   Does it make any sense? It was so ridiculous, think about it, the Orthodox church told people to believe in Jesus but called them heretics.  But at that time, they held to the covenant and concentrated, then absolutely, 24 hours comes.  Of course, you can’t create 1, 3, 8, but you also can’t create 25 hours and eternity, but it will come. That’s the strength for today, absolutely.  You’re enjoying the blessing of 24 hours, but God grants you the blessing of 25 hours and eternity. From that point on, this door opens, God desires the most to open the door to the 237 nations.  

Healing Summit

Because you have the mystery of prayer that transcends time and space, you can heal the 237 nations and make them the Summit. That blessing is your blessing, then what comes?  

[ Restoration ]

Everything begins to be restored, undoubtedly.  Do not lose hold of this at all, but I’m not trying to force you to do something by saying this.  But in every incident that arises, there is an absolute plan, so you must be able to accept  that in order to see it. Think about it, there are some people who get angry over little things because it’s so hard, so what’s going to happen if you get falsely accused and become indignant? What would happen if you’re sold off into the slave market through no fault of your own?  What’s going to happen if you get thrown in prison? That’s what happened to Joseph, but he wasn’t able to just accept it, but he was able to find God’s absolute plan and he became the governor.  He didn’t become arrogant at all because he knew he would become governor ahead of time.  He did world evangelization.  If that is so, even now, education has changed into something else these days.  Our studies should head towards academia, but rather, it’s a battle out there.  

[ Restore Studies ] (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

But it’s at this time that God wants you to correctly restore your studies, that’s Deuteronomy 6:4-9, we must relay the proper things to the next generation, so now we see this.  What is it that you must do?  You’re all teaching your kids, but there is something you must do.  There are two things: we will discuss one this evening and one tomorrow.  Having received this tremendous blessing, there is something you must do.  Starting tomorrow, communicate with the kids, why?  Right now they are at their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  

Like the child who died from abuse recently, they were born into this world to parents who discarded them, and I don’t really know who their parents were, but they were parents who had no right to be parents.  She was adopted by parents who had no right to raise her.  The students you’ve been entrusted with are a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Being in this contactless world makes you realize many things, so communicate with them every day. 

[ Talent ]

Help them find their talent.  Communicate with them every single day, this is the greatest mission of the teacher.  The reason is because you’re the ones who spend the most time with these kids so communicate with them.  Even when I didn’t have a cell phone 30 years ago, I would communicate with the junior and senior high school students every day. The best thing would be to meet them in the schools, and it seems foolish but everything was in that.  We don’t have any assistant pastors like that today because it seems foolish, “Just gather the students and give them the message; why do you have to meet with them every single day?” It’s the  first time I’ve seen anyone like you, pastor; how is it you can meet these kids everyday because there’s no other way for me to meet them.  It’s such a simple thing but that’s where I found all my answers and evangelism strategies, that’s where I found all the communication with the kids, and all muy evangelism came from there. Later on, all the teachers even knew who I was.  The biggest bully at that school received the Gospel and repented, so the teachers were so surprised, “What did you say that completely changed him?” “Christ,” it’s simple, isn’t it? He was such a bully that even the adults were afraid of him, but because he became as meek as a lamb, news of that spread throughout the entire school and doors of evangelism opened everywhere. Am I a special person? Perhaps I had the most foolish thing, no one goes to school. How hard is that to do? Think about it, going there and staring at their face, but that’s a misconception.  To what extent should you meet with these kids? Until you realize what that kid needs to do in the future. That’s a teacher.  

[ Gospel ]

Is that possible in such a brief time? You might think that way, but let me tell you once again, for us, it’s not about talent. It’s the talent that comes from the Gospel. Helping them uncover their talent is just the hardware, but if you don’t have this communication, then you’ve cut all ties, but what we put in as the software is the Gospel, isn’t that so? Without having heart-to-heart communication, how could  you really tell them this?  Teachers, you judge for yourself whether this is a hard or blessed thing to do.  To whom will God truly send the great individuals? Now, you’ve got to ask that grand question. It’s not up to us; but there are absolutely going to be outstanding individuals in the future somewhere in this world, but to where will God send them?  I believe God will send them to these kinds of people, isn’t that so?  Undoubtedly, it may seem as if our meetings are a coincidence, but it’s like this, inevitable. 

Even if you speak with them for five minutes. I was a teacher for about a year, and back then we didn’t have cell phones, so it was really hard, but I didn’t think of it as being hard, why? I should be the ones finding the kids one by one, but they all gathered here.  Perhaps because it was the neighborhood, most of the lives of the kids had crumbled around them, so I didn’t even tell them a lot, just five minutes because they had to study, and if we went at length, we would go 10 minutes, but it was mostly just five minutes.  At first I would ask what the kids were interested in, and then I would share my thoughts and the kids would share their interests.  The next time, for five minutes I just made them laugh, so later on, when I went in there, they would start laughing, then that’s it. Then one by one, I began to counsel with them.  It was night school so it was hard for me because I was going to school in the daytime and I had to teach at night.

But one kid was like this, when I was teaching, he wasn’t even looking at me, he was looking elsewhere. What would you do? I didn’t say anything but he was always like that.  It’s not like he doesn’t show up; he comes every single day, so as I was lecturing the class, I went around looking at the different students to see what they were doing, and he was writing all these strange things, so I thought there might be something off about that child, but that wasn’t it.  He wasn’t your average kid.  “Why don’t you go for some kind of essay or poetry contest?” He really did, and he won first place nationwide. I was kind of surprised as well.  He really had a talent for writing. If I had criticized that child at that time, he probably would have been scarred for life and wouldn’t have forgotten about that.  But I told him, “Go for an essay contest” as I saw he was writing poems.  What did I see?  Talent.

There were some kids who wanted to counsel with  me and it was difficult for night school because afterward they wanted to go home but as soon as the door opened the present Gospel, quickly made them accept Jesus Christ, but I don’t do that if they don’t, take their time.  Within it, when guests come and ring your doorbell, you have to confirm who it is before you answer the door. Because we don’t have much time, let’s move on.


1. Jewish

From the beginning, the jewish people had this, and that’s why they were able to conquer the world . The jewish people already had their family, school, and society all connected, so that’s why it was easy feven for the teachers.

1) Family

2) Schools

3) Society

That’s what the wish people did, and you know that very well.  Already, by reading the Talmud at home, they were able to find their tremendous talent.  By the time they go to school, they have this coming of age ceremony where they’re able to find their sense of specialty. They haven’t even graduated from school yet but they attach professionals to them so they can counsel and talk with them. Not only that, they give them seed money to use for the future, and once they go out into society, they get connected in society through the synagogues, and that’s why the small nation of Israel was able to conquer the world.

Right now we’re not able to find our talents and even though we graduate from college, we’re still wandering. That is the mistake that our education system is making, so the only ones who can do that are you.  You might think, “We’re not the education office or the schools; how could we help the kids find their talent?” How can the education office do that? They can’t, only the teachers who know that child can do that, so it’s a golden opportunity.  You know the Jewish people, they’ve seized everything.  

Right now there’s an airport in Busan and there’s fighting over making another airport. Politics shouldn’t meddle with education.  Politics is trying to meddle in everything and it’s causing a ruckus.  Do you know how hard things are at the Gwangju airport?  As I was going back and forth from the airport, there were no banks at the airport even though it was supposed to be an international airport, and because things were hard, they got rid of the Asiana lounge, so we had to wait outside. A short while later, the Korean Air lounge disappeared, so whenever we go to the Gwangju airport, we all have to stand outside. Why am I saying this? They want to build another airport right next door in Wuhan, without any countermeasure. If you want to do something, you have to have a countermeasure.  Where you place the next airport in Busan is more important. If you want to have another airport, what are the characteristics of our nation and the international airport? You have to research that and prepare. Without doing that at all, they’re just talking about it to get votes. “It’s going to be great if we have an airport here, so that’s why you need to vote for us.”  They’re really fools. You are the ones closest to these kids, so if you can’t do that, then that’s it for that child.  Think about this. They’ve completely seized america. Let’s take a look at the freemasons among the three organizations.

2. 3 Organizations

These people have the opposite of this. The Jewish people start by uncovering your talent, but these people backtrack, how?  They plow in and find the gifted and talented

1) Gifted individuals 

That’s how they plow into them.  They sponsor them saying, “This is what you should do with your talent.

2) Sponsor

Then that’s it. They’re scouting gifted and talented kids, and they’re supporting them, then who’s going to stop them? That’s what the freemasons are doing. They scout out the kids and say, “I’ll pay for your tuition, and once you graduate, come to our company.” Who would dislike that? 

3) Accomplish

In this way they use their strategies and seize hold of everything, and that’s how they accomplish that.  

3. Religions Organizations- Mormons

We see religious organizations arising, and look at the mormons in America.  They’re stealing away all the gifted and talented.  They’ve got such a sure strategy, but what are the characteristics to what they’re doing?  The characteristic is that they find and unearth that child’s talent and raise them that way. Studying? What are you going to teach them? You know that better than anyone else.  The textbooks you have are more than enough to teach them this knowledge, but what’s more important is this, finding their talent. I’ll speak about a very important thing tomorrow but please keep this in mind. Now, what must we do? It’s possible through three things.


1. Assignments – Life consulting

Give them assignments.  This may not seem like much but later on it will turn into life counseling. That’s what happens when the teacher does it.  I have very good images of my teachers because I, too, went to school. My teachers were so great and especially the female teachers. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade were all female teachers, and that’s usually how it was.  Starting in 4th grade, I had male teachers, but for the first three years, I had female teacher’s and I remember how well my teacher’s treated me. I was kind of the teacher’s  favorite, but that really stuck with me.  Even one time I remember this one teacher who called me and sent me on an errand, and I was so glad because that teacher chose me.  She told me to come to her, and she opened up her drawer and took out a nail clipper, and she cut my fingernails, which were very long, and she cut them for me. If I knew she was going to do that, I would have washed my hands.  I remember her name, Do Oak Sun, she was my second grade teacher.  

Then that’s how important it is.  Then when I went to fourth grade, I had a male teacher who taught us vocabulary words and really explained them and it really helped me; that’s what that teacher did. I remember what I heard from them back then. There’s a poem about friends following after the moon, and in fact, there’s a poem about that, so he’s asking me what each word means.  We think about what those expressions mean and the teacher kept asking questions that would make us think, but later on, he would answer, “It’s about how you put them around your neck.”  When you place a child on your neck and go around with them. Later on, of course we’ll know what that word means, but the way our teacher did that was to help us really nitpick at those words.  He didn’t make it difficult, but he made it comfortable, almost like a conversation.  There was another teacher who every day would walk into class and show us a little book he had in his pocket, and that really helped.  That’s how important you are.  I’ll write very briefly because we don’t have much time and you already know this content.

2. Errands – Actual Consulting

Send them on errands, this is something you can do.  This becomes actual consulting, you must keep that in mind.  If you think it’s hard, then don’t do it, because then everything will be hard.  What’s the third?

3. Forum – Future Consulting

Forum.  This is something that only you can do.  This forum is future consulting.  Even adults need this.  But especially for our kids, think about it, there’s only 30 kids in your class, so look at the roster and make this. Even though you give them all the same assignments, you must think, at least once in your lifetime, what’s right for that kid. It’s all right even when you become an adult.  Think about it, I’m an adult who graduated from graduate school to become a pastor, but one professor gave this assignment, “Go and visit all the churches throughout Seoul and the nation and bring back their bulletins,” so the students were thinking, “What kind of assignment is that?” It’s hard to get a bulletin from each church, and what’s the best method? As you research that, you find a way. There are some places that print the bulletins, and so, if you go to those printing shops, they print for about 20-30 churches.  My friend in Daegu told me that, so I gathered all those together and turned it in.  But as I collected that, I thought, “There are these kinds of churches,” and some churches had several pages in their bulletin of the people who gave offering. All their names were written down. There were various kinds of church bulletins, but that really helped me.

1) The 3 books [Talmud, Torah, Shema]

But if you look at the Israelites, they absolutely gave assignments so they would read these three books, so absolutely that determined their lives.  What else?

2) 3 Feasts

They would keep the three feasts and keep everything together so they would assign parts to the kids.  I’m not saying we have to do it exactly this way, but we have to catch onto what they were doing.

3) Tabernacle (Tent of meetings) Tents

Because they gathered there, it was the tent of meeting, and all the booths, the tents they lived in, faced the temple. They’re really something.  Jesse sent David on an errand, and that was education.  Teachers, when you give an assignment or send a student on an errand, that teaches them something amazing.

2. Errands – Actual Consulting

1) Talent- Coming of Age Ceremony

When you send them on an errand, the standard of measurements should be one that uncovers their talent, then three things.

2)Specialty- Missioning Ceremony

Send them on an errand so they can find their sense of speciality

3)Field- Commissioning Ceremony

Send them on errands so they can really realize the field.

We call the first the “Coming of Age Ceremony.” The Jewish people really do this well, the answers are truly all in the Bible. The second is the Missioning ceremony, and the third is the Commissioning ceremony. It’s really something, isn’t it?

It may not seem like much, you give them assignments and send them on errands, but depending on how you utilize it, you can really change their kids. You’ve got a handful of kids, so what errand will you send the kids on?  That’s up to the teacher, but that becomes tremendous for that child but this is what teachers don’t do. Take a look at these people.

1) Synagogue 

As soon as they head out, there’s the synagogue and that’s how they get connected, it’s really something. Go out further, there’s lodges, and in that way, they do future forum very well.  These are all places they do forum, and in their business places, this is how they all get connected. Think about it, you can do forum on this because these kids aren’t immediately going to go out and get a job.

2) Presentations, Lodge, Business Places

Also, having these presentations, helping them to know about the future that way. Think about it, it might be difficult to make a choir inside your classroom but it’s possible.  I don’t know how difficult it actually is, but if we haven’t done that even once, there’s something wrong with the education system. If it were me, I‘d somehow make this possible.  

3) Hobby/Specialty

Whether it happens to be sports or music, help them to go out with one kind of hobby or specialty.  Tell them, “in the future, conquer the world with a five minute prayer.”

Conclusion – 5-Minute Prayer 

Through your  five minute prayer, conquer the world, and tell them this. Think about it, you can’t talk about only Christ in the schools, but if it were up to me, I would do this.  “Are you a Buddhist? Then for five minutes, focus on Buddhist teachings.  You have your various religions, so for five minutes focus on that, but I’m a Christian so I’m going to pray. That’s not going to be a problem at all.  If you’re interested and you want to learn how to pray, I can teach you.”

1. Objectively find something else (0.1%)

In this way, you have to find something else but with objectivity.  You have to head towards the 0.1%, this is the talent that brings success. Focus on this, do something different, but it has to be objective.  You’ve found something different but nobody needs it? What’s the use of that? Then what else?

2. Summit Time, Summit Posture, Summit Vessel

Starting now, just five minutes a day, summit time. Tell them this, whyy? Because your summit attitude and vessel must be prepared. That’s how you can resolve it with them.  Gain the gold medal in your area, be the top in your area.

3.  Masterpiece

We call that “masterpiece.”  It’s important. Perhaps you don’t have this leisure, but if it were up to me, I would do this. I served as an assistant pastor, starting with the Sunday School, and when you go to church, there’s a lot of words flying around and it’s complicated and you can’t do anything? That’s not it, but I did it and It’s even better because all I have to do is accept those kinds of people. Even though they are wrong and say incorrect words, I accept them all. After you accept, what do you do? Transcend.  I’ll speak about the second lecture tomorrow.

The teacher Ann Sullivan nurtured Hellen Keller.  Many people say she was tenacious and persistent, and yes she did have that, and even the parents were against her teaching. They were saying, “I know my child better than you, who do you think you are?” but still she held onto that child until the end, and Helen Keller even received a PhD.  That’s how many people understand that, and perhaps those words are right, but the real thing isn’t that.  Anne Sullivan applied what she’d experienced to Hellen Keller.  She was afflicted with her own diseases, but when she got healed from that, she used that as a basis for helping others, and she taught with what she had. That’s why it was almost as if she’d changed a mental patient. That’s the power of education because there’s no way to do that unless it’s by education.  

Some of you may know this as well, but when I was young, our nation was really in a difficult situation, but right now, our nation is one of the leading nations in the world. This is education.  I’m really thankful that our nation focused on education, but now we have to reach higher.  Tomorrow I’ll talk about more important things you must do, but don’t think of it as difficult, but realize that it’s something that only teachers can do. Of course, other people can do this, but think about it, you are the most influential people in their lives, you give them an assignment, how great is that? You look at them and give them send them on an errand, and what else? Do forum with them.  These three things are the key to changing their life. 

But if you’re just teaching information to these kids, you can entrust them to anyone, isn’t that so?  What do they need to know to get into college? You can entrust them to anyone, but you go way beyond that, and when much fruit is born from you, even the school will be surprised  I can only do this for a year, because I didn’t have much time, so I did it for a year, and the principal begged me to be able to stay, and even the kids were crying because I understood them.  But i was just in a situation where I didn’t have any time at all.  You are holding onto a very important time schedule, may you be strengthened.  Think that you are the happiest, then no matter what the problem, they’re all blessings. Let us pray.


We give thanks to God.  We give thanks to God who gave us the Gospel.  Thank You for giving us the Covenant that nobody else knows that can really change the future of our kids.  Let this be the world teacher’s conference where we all strengthen. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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